Does anyone else dislike exercise?



  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    Don't know how to ride a bike, and I'm afraid of heights (which makes riding a bike difficult too, because yeah, it's THAT bad).

    this is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!
  • cosmiqrust
    cosmiqrust Posts: 214 Member
    -Horseback Riding
    -Riding a bike
    -Canoeing or kayaking
    -Playing frisbee
    -Playing a sport, like baseball
    -Visit the zoo
    -Zip lining
    -Martial Arts
    -Roller Skating

    I'm allergic to horses... Don't know how to ride a bike, and I'm afraid of heights (which makes riding a bike difficult too, because yeah, it's THAT bad). I should try martial arts one day though. I've tried most of the other stuff...
    going to the gym and getting in the pool is the highlight of my day. i feel really sorry for anyone who hates themself enough to just plod through a workout they hate every day without exploring other options that might actually be satisfying and enjoyable.

    I'm 36, I've tried a lot of things, believe me... still haven't found anything enjoyable except walking. I'm not sure how it means I'm hating myself for forcing myself to exercise though... on the contrary, it's because I don't want to hate myself that I do.

    Then just give up.

    Dead serious. No one has to exercise, and it you hate it so much and you're going to shoot down dozens of suggestions, maybe it's just not for you.

    If you're going to do it because you understand the benefits, then just woman up and do it without whining about how much you hate it. I don't let my kids whine so I don't understand it coming from adults.

    Just go work out.


    Don't work out. Either way.
    basically. in hindsight my post sounds a lot more condescending than i intended. if you enjoy walking and that's it, then by all means, walk your heart out! but there's no reason to keep half-*kitten* doing something you hate.
  • bidimus
    bidimus Posts: 95 Member
    I keep seeing people who love working out, doing dvd programs etc... 1.5 year later I still don't. I force myself to do it, typically really doing half of it because I can't keep up. I've tried lots of different things. . None of that 'exercise high'. At this point I realize I just don't want it hard enough.

    Is it just me?

    I don't exercise. I run. I don't run to get fit. I get fit to run.

    From the perspective of getting healthy, find something that you love to do that's active and embrace that. Then tune your body to do that thing better because you love it. It's not exercise, it's living.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    -Horseback Riding
    -Riding a bike
    -Canoeing or kayaking
    -Playing frisbee
    -Playing a sport, like baseball
    -Visit the zoo
    -Zip lining
    -Martial Arts
    -Roller Skating

    I'm allergic to horses... Don't know how to ride a bike, and I'm afraid of heights (which makes riding a bike difficult too, because yeah, it's THAT bad). I should try martial arts one day though. I've tried most of the other stuff...
    going to the gym and getting in the pool is the highlight of my day. i feel really sorry for anyone who hates themself enough to just plod through a workout they hate every day without exploring other options that might actually be satisfying and enjoyable.

    I'm 36, I've tried a lot of things, believe me... still haven't found anything enjoyable except walking. I'm not sure how it means I'm hating myself for forcing myself to exercise though... on the contrary, it's because I don't want to hate myself that I do.

    Then walk!! Go out every day and walk. Brisk walking is enough to keep your heart and lungs healthy, and yes, walking is exercise. It's not the kind of exercise that's going to make you win sporting events but it is enough to keep your body reasonably healthy. Aim to walk at least six days a week, and some of those days, try to make it a long walk that's going to get your heart and lungs going. And over time, try to increase the distance that you walk. Don't walk in boring places, walk in places that are fun. And it doesn't just have to be walking for fun, you can walk places instead of taking the car or bus. And ignore anyone who says walking isn't proper exercise - it is. Like I said, depending on your goal, walking may not be enough but if you just want to stay reasonably healthy, then brisk walking absolutely is enough.
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    Nobody loves exercise. We do it for the benefits. It's part of being an adult, doing things we'd rather not.

    That said, I am never sorry after a work out. But I am almost never pumped to go beforehand. It's always the reward afterward that makes me glad I did it.

    Nobody loves exercise?
    Speak for yourself. Exercise can be fun. Go-go dancing, aerial arts, parkour, moshing, and kayaking are all exercise and I love doing all of those things.

    I think the key is to find activity you actually enjoy. Some people aren't gym rats or cardio bunnies and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. If you don't like the gym, don't go. No one is obligated to just because it's a common method.

    ^^ This ^^

    I like jumping rope, swimming, wall climbing, skiing (cross country and downhill), and Zumba is fun too, or just a plain ol' night on the town counts towards your movement goals! I also like Crossfit stuff and get quite bored with just running (although I also grin and bear it most of the times). The important thing is to move. There is plenty of activity to enjoy out there, the key now is to find out which ones you like to do.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    If you like exercise you are either crazy or delusional.

    You don't LIKE exercise, you like the way you feel afterward, or you like how you look after spending several weeks on a program.

    No one LIKES exercise itself.

    Want to lose weight?

    Learn to control hunger.

    Skip breakfast and make your mornings useful without stuffing your stomach.

    :laugh: This is perhaps the most absurd thing I've read on MFP all week. (Previous Poster: If you don't share my views, you're insane or delusional.) That's a really dysfunctional worldview. :huh:

    I stand by the post.

    People aren't made to exercise. Exercise is a means to an end.

    People aren't made to eat food.

    It is a means to an end.

    The point of all humans are to reproduce.

    Everything else serves that purpose.

    Even if it takes delusions or insanity to serve that purpose.

    Of course, all people who say they love exercise aren't crazy- not even half of them. :)

    By far most are in a delusional state conditioned by culture, or have a secondary objective, i.e. get people to enroll in their work-out class.

    People who are rational know that exercise is not fun. But they need to to look good and be healthy.

    We are talking repetitive exercise here and not a competitive sport like tennis or golf.
    Aside from being factually wrong about people liking exercise, your teleological and oversimplified argument based on outdated ideas fails to account for the many species that have members who do not reproduce.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I have absolutely no desire to reproduce.

    Does that make my life pointless :huh:

    Biologically, yes, but then again mine is too. :wink:

    Fair enough - we'll go sit in the corner and be pointless together :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    This is why I love teaching biology to 9th graders, I get to have conversations about why, from a biological standpoint, their only goal is to produce as many babies as possible, and how cheating is a highly effective biological adaptation (if you don't get caught). :laugh: Corrupting youth is so much fun. :devil:

    *CYA statement: while I *do* have those conversations with my students it's as part of a larger conversation about biological drives vs. cultural expectations and immediate vs. long term reward. I'm trying to get them to use logic, something most 9th graders need as much practice with as they can get. *
    It's actually to get as many copies of your own genes into future generations, which does not necessitate having your own offspring. DYE Selfish Gene?:wink:
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    -Horseback Riding
    -Riding a bike
    -Canoeing or kayaking
    -Playing frisbee
    -Playing a sport, like baseball
    -Visit the zoo
    -Zip lining
    -Martial Arts
    -Roller Skating

    I'm allergic to horses... Don't know how to ride a bike, and I'm afraid of heights (which makes riding a bike difficult too, because yeah, it's THAT bad). I should try martial arts one day though. I've tried most of the other stuff...
    going to the gym and getting in the pool is the highlight of my day. i feel really sorry for anyone who hates themself enough to just plod through a workout they hate every day without exploring other options that might actually be satisfying and enjoyable.

    I'm 36, I've tried a lot of things, believe me... still haven't found anything enjoyable except walking. I'm not sure how it means I'm hating myself for forcing myself to exercise though... on the contrary, it's because I don't want to hate myself that I do.

    Then walk!! Go out every day and walk. Brisk walking is enough to keep your heart and lungs healthy, and yes, walking is exercise. It's not the kind of exercise that's going to make you win sporting events but it is enough to keep your body reasonably healthy. Aim to walk at least six days a week, and some of those days, try to make it a long walk that's going to get your heart and lungs going. And over time, try to increase the distance that you walk. Don't walk in boring places, walk in places that are fun. And it doesn't just have to be walking for fun, you can walk places instead of taking the car or bus. And ignore anyone who says walking isn't proper exercise - it is. Like I said, depending on your goal, walking may not be enough but if you just want to stay reasonably healthy, then brisk walking absolutely is enough.

    She can't walk. She has grouchy, whiny kids. You know, unlike my completely supportive pre-schoolers.
  • 4daluvof_candice
    4daluvof_candice Posts: 483 Member
    -Horseback Riding
    -Riding a bike
    -Canoeing or kayaking
    -Playing frisbee
    -Playing a sport, like baseball
    -Visit the zoo
    -Zip lining
    -Martial Arts
    -Roller Skating

    I'm allergic to horses... Don't know how to ride a bike, and I'm afraid of heights (which makes riding a bike difficult too, because yeah, it's THAT bad). I should try martial arts one day though. I've tried most of the other stuff...
    going to the gym and getting in the pool is the highlight of my day. i feel really sorry for anyone who hates themself enough to just plod through a workout they hate every day without exploring other options that might actually be satisfying and enjoyable.

    I'm 36, I've tried a lot of things, believe me... still haven't found anything enjoyable except walking. I'm not sure how it means I'm hating myself for forcing myself to exercise though... on the contrary, it's because I don't want to hate myself that I do.

    Then walk!! Go out every day and walk. Brisk walking is enough to keep your heart and lungs healthy, and yes, walking is exercise. It's not the kind of exercise that's going to make you win sporting events but it is enough to keep your body reasonably healthy. Aim to walk at least six days a week, and some of those days, try to make it a long walk that's going to get your heart and lungs going. And over time, try to increase the distance that you walk. Don't walk in boring places, walk in places that are fun. And it doesn't just have to be walking for fun, you can walk places instead of taking the car or bus. And ignore anyone who says walking isn't proper exercise - it is. Like I said, depending on your goal, walking may not be enough but if you just want to stay reasonably healthy, then brisk walking absolutely is enough.

    Exactly...Thats what I do when I get bored with other things I adventure into. Walking is my "staple" exercise:bigsmile:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    -Horseback Riding
    -Riding a bike
    -Canoeing or kayaking
    -Playing frisbee
    -Playing a sport, like baseball
    -Visit the zoo
    -Zip lining
    -Martial Arts
    -Roller Skating

    I'm allergic to horses... Don't know how to ride a bike, and I'm afraid of heights (which makes riding a bike difficult too, because yeah, it's THAT bad). I should try martial arts one day though. I've tried most of the other stuff...
    going to the gym and getting in the pool is the highlight of my day. i feel really sorry for anyone who hates themself enough to just plod through a workout they hate every day without exploring other options that might actually be satisfying and enjoyable.

    I'm 36, I've tried a lot of things, believe me... still haven't found anything enjoyable except walking. I'm not sure how it means I'm hating myself for forcing myself to exercise though... on the contrary, it's because I don't want to hate myself that I do.

    Then just give up.

    Dead serious. No one has to exercise, and if you hate it so much and you're going to shoot down dozens of suggestions, maybe it's just not for you.

    If you're going to do it because you understand the benefits, then just woman up and do it without whining about how much you hate it. I don't let my kids whine so I don't understand it coming from adults.

    Just go work out.


    Don't work out. Either way.

    Dude, no need to be rude. Because whining about people complaining about something is really helpful too. Besides, I was just wondering if I was alone in this, because as I said in my first post... I've tried a lot of stuff.

    And yes, I walk. Even if I have to go to the gym and drop the kids at the babysitting area to do it. Not very exciting but at least it's something I can stick to.

    I do appreciate the constructive replies though - I just wish I DID enjoy most of the stuff everyone is talking about - and yes, walking at an incline is a really nice burn too. I haven't tried heavy lifting with barbels, but I hate it at home with dumbbells so I'm not sure it would be really different (plus I don't think my gym has a safe setup for that).
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    -Horseback Riding
    -Riding a bike
    -Canoeing or kayaking
    -Playing frisbee
    -Playing a sport, like baseball
    -Visit the zoo
    -Zip lining
    -Martial Arts
    -Roller Skating

    I'm allergic to horses... Don't know how to ride a bike, and I'm afraid of heights (which makes riding a bike difficult too, because yeah, it's THAT bad). I should try martial arts one day though. I've tried most of the other stuff...
    going to the gym and getting in the pool is the highlight of my day. i feel really sorry for anyone who hates themself enough to just plod through a workout they hate every day without exploring other options that might actually be satisfying and enjoyable.

    I'm 36, I've tried a lot of things, believe me... still haven't found anything enjoyable except walking. I'm not sure how it means I'm hating myself for forcing myself to exercise though... on the contrary, it's because I don't want to hate myself that I do.

    Then just give up.

    Dead serious. No one has to exercise, and if you hate it so much and you're going to shoot down dozens of suggestions, maybe it's just not for you.

    If you're going to do it because you understand the benefits, then just woman up and do it without whining about how much you hate it. I don't let my kids whine so I don't understand it coming from adults.

    Just go work out.


    Don't work out. Either way.

    Dude, no need to be rude. Because whining about people complaining about something is really helpful too. Besides, I was just wondering if I was alone in this, because as I said in my first post... I've tried a lot of stuff.

    And yes, I walk. Even if I have to go to the gym and drop the kids at the babysitting area to do it. Not very exciting but at least it's something I can stick to.

    I do appreciate the constructive replies though - I just wish I DID enjoy most of the stuff everyone is talking about - and yes, walking at an incline is a really nice burn too. I haven't tried heavy lifting with barbels, but I hate it at home with dumbbells so I'm not sure it would be really different (plus I don't think my gym has a safe setup for that).

    Rude or just truthful?

    Did his answer hit a little too close to home?

    Also he's not whining. Not one bit.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    -Horseback Riding
    -Riding a bike
    -Canoeing or kayaking
    -Playing frisbee
    -Playing a sport, like baseball
    -Visit the zoo
    -Zip lining
    -Martial Arts
    -Roller Skating

    I'm allergic to horses... Don't know how to ride a bike, and I'm afraid of heights (which makes riding a bike difficult too, because yeah, it's THAT bad). I should try martial arts one day though. I've tried most of the other stuff...
    going to the gym and getting in the pool is the highlight of my day. i feel really sorry for anyone who hates themself enough to just plod through a workout they hate every day without exploring other options that might actually be satisfying and enjoyable.

    I'm 36, I've tried a lot of things, believe me... still haven't found anything enjoyable except walking. I'm not sure how it means I'm hating myself for forcing myself to exercise though... on the contrary, it's because I don't want to hate myself that I do.

    Then just give up.

    Dead serious. No one has to exercise, and if you hate it so much and you're going to shoot down dozens of suggestions, maybe it's just not for you.

    If you're going to do it because you understand the benefits, then just woman up and do it without whining about how much you hate it. I don't let my kids whine so I don't understand it coming from adults.

    Just go work out.


    Don't work out. Either way.

    Dude, no need to be rude. Because whining about people complaining about something is really helpful too. Besides, I was just wondering if I was alone in this, because as I said in my first post... I've tried a lot of stuff.

    And yes, I walk. Even if I have to go to the gym and drop the kids at the babysitting area to do it. Not very exciting but at least it's something I can stick to.

    I do appreciate the constructive replies though - I just wish I DID enjoy most of the stuff everyone is talking about - and yes, walking at an incline is a really nice burn too. I haven't tried heavy lifting with barbels, but I hate it at home with dumbbells so I'm not sure it would be really different (plus I don't think my gym has a safe setup for that).

    Rude it just truthful?

    Did his answer hit a little too close to home?

    Also he's not whining. Not one bit.

    Eh it really didn't hit close to home at all. After hearing for months and months about how people end up loving exercise, and I still don't, I was wondering if it was just me, that's all. If you call that whining, well... you haven't met my kids LOL.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    -Horseback Riding
    -Riding a bike
    -Canoeing or kayaking
    -Playing frisbee
    -Playing a sport, like baseball
    -Visit the zoo
    -Zip lining
    -Martial Arts
    -Roller Skating

    I'm allergic to horses... Don't know how to ride a bike, and I'm afraid of heights (which makes riding a bike difficult too, because yeah, it's THAT bad). I should try martial arts one day though. I've tried most of the other stuff...
    going to the gym and getting in the pool is the highlight of my day. i feel really sorry for anyone who hates themself enough to just plod through a workout they hate every day without exploring other options that might actually be satisfying and enjoyable.

    I'm 36, I've tried a lot of things, believe me... still haven't found anything enjoyable except walking. I'm not sure how it means I'm hating myself for forcing myself to exercise though... on the contrary, it's because I don't want to hate myself that I do.

    Then just give up.

    Dead serious. No one has to exercise, and if you hate it so much and you're going to shoot down dozens of suggestions, maybe it's just not for you.

    If you're going to do it because you understand the benefits, then just woman up and do it without whining about how much you hate it. I don't let my kids whine so I don't understand it coming from adults.

    Just go work out.


    Don't work out. Either way.

    Dude, no need to be rude. Because whining about people complaining about something is really helpful too. Besides, I was just wondering if I was alone in this, because as I said in my first post... I've tried a lot of stuff.

    And yes, I walk. Even if I have to go to the gym and drop the kids at the babysitting area to do it. Not very exciting but at least it's something I can stick to.

    I do appreciate the constructive replies though - I just wish I DID enjoy most of the stuff everyone is talking about - and yes, walking at an incline is a really nice burn too. I haven't tried heavy lifting with barbels, but I hate it at home with dumbbells so I'm not sure it would be really different (plus I don't think my gym has a safe setup for that).

    Rude it just truthful?

    Did his answer hit a little too close to home?

    Also he's not whining. Not one bit.

    Eh it really didn't hit close to home at all. After hearing for months and months about how people end up loving exercise, and I still don't, I was wondering if it was just me, that's all. If you call that whining, well... you haven't met my kids LOL.


    Maybe you should take a look at the book. It's about all the excuses people use.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    -Horseback Riding
    -Riding a bike
    -Canoeing or kayaking
    -Playing frisbee
    -Playing a sport, like baseball
    -Visit the zoo
    -Zip lining
    -Martial Arts
    -Roller Skating

    I'm allergic to horses... Don't know how to ride a bike, and I'm afraid of heights (which makes riding a bike difficult too, because yeah, it's THAT bad). I should try martial arts one day though. I've tried most of the other stuff...
    going to the gym and getting in the pool is the highlight of my day. i feel really sorry for anyone who hates themself enough to just plod through a workout they hate every day without exploring other options that might actually be satisfying and enjoyable.

    I'm 36, I've tried a lot of things, believe me... still haven't found anything enjoyable except walking. I'm not sure how it means I'm hating myself for forcing myself to exercise though... on the contrary, it's because I don't want to hate myself that I do.

    Then just give up.

    Dead serious. No one has to exercise, and if you hate it so much and you're going to shoot down dozens of suggestions, maybe it's just not for you.

    If you're going to do it because you understand the benefits, then just woman up and do it without whining about how much you hate it. I don't let my kids whine so I don't understand it coming from adults.

    Just go work out.


    Don't work out. Either way.

    Dude, no need to be rude. Because whining about people complaining about something is really helpful too. Besides, I was just wondering if I was alone in this, because as I said in my first post... I've tried a lot of stuff.

    And yes, I walk. Even if I have to go to the gym and drop the kids at the babysitting area to do it. Not very exciting but at least it's something I can stick to.

    I do appreciate the constructive replies though - I just wish I DID enjoy most of the stuff everyone is talking about - and yes, walking at an incline is a really nice burn too. I haven't tried heavy lifting with barbels, but I hate it at home with dumbbells so I'm not sure it would be really different (plus I don't think my gym has a safe setup for that).

    Rude it just truthful?

    Did his answer hit a little too close to home?

    Also he's not whining. Not one bit.

    Eh it really didn't hit close to home at all. After hearing for months and months about how people end up loving exercise, and I still don't, I was wondering if it was just me, that's all. If you call that whining, well... you haven't met my kids LOL.


    Maybe you should take a look at the book. It's about all the excuses people use.

    Well, she has lost 80 pounds, so that's not her problem.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    -Horseback Riding
    -Riding a bike
    -Canoeing or kayaking
    -Playing frisbee
    -Playing a sport, like baseball
    -Visit the zoo
    -Zip lining
    -Martial Arts
    -Roller Skating

    I'm allergic to horses... Don't know how to ride a bike, and I'm afraid of heights (which makes riding a bike difficult too, because yeah, it's THAT bad). I should try martial arts one day though. I've tried most of the other stuff...
    going to the gym and getting in the pool is the highlight of my day. i feel really sorry for anyone who hates themself enough to just plod through a workout they hate every day without exploring other options that might actually be satisfying and enjoyable.

    I'm 36, I've tried a lot of things, believe me... still haven't found anything enjoyable except walking. I'm not sure how it means I'm hating myself for forcing myself to exercise though... on the contrary, it's because I don't want to hate myself that I do.

    Then just give up.

    Dead serious. No one has to exercise, and if you hate it so much and you're going to shoot down dozens of suggestions, maybe it's just not for you.

    If you're going to do it because you understand the benefits, then just woman up and do it without whining about how much you hate it. I don't let my kids whine so I don't understand it coming from adults.

    Just go work out.


    Don't work out. Either way.

    Dude, no need to be rude. Because whining about people complaining about something is really helpful too. Besides, I was just wondering if I was alone in this, because as I said in my first post... I've tried a lot of stuff.

    And yes, I walk. Even if I have to go to the gym and drop the kids at the babysitting area to do it. Not very exciting but at least it's something I can stick to.

    I do appreciate the constructive replies though - I just wish I DID enjoy most of the stuff everyone is talking about - and yes, walking at an incline is a really nice burn too. I haven't tried heavy lifting with barbels, but I hate it at home with dumbbells so I'm not sure it would be really different (plus I don't think my gym has a safe setup for that).

    Rude it just truthful?

    Did his answer hit a little too close to home?

    Also he's not whining. Not one bit.

    Eh it really didn't hit close to home at all. After hearing for months and months about how people end up loving exercise, and I still don't, I was wondering if it was just me, that's all. If you call that whining, well... you haven't met my kids LOL.


    Maybe you should take a look at the book. It's about all the excuses people use.

    Well, she has lost 80 pounds, so that's not her problem.

    It's about excuses (as I put above). It might do her some good to read. Just saying.
  • nikkiworld2
    nikkiworld2 Posts: 75 Member
    ...with a passion! I can't stress it enough; I hate, hate, hate, HATE IT!
  • GinNJuice75
    GinNJuice75 Posts: 186 Member
    YES! Especially since i have had arthritis in my back, it seems more of a chore then pleasure. I really wish i could like/love it but meh. I have to do it to get any weight off me though of course. I could eat like a rabbit and never lose anything! I try to at least walk 5 times a week for an hour but sometimes other things come up. Oops!
  • markja
    markja Posts: 270 Member
    I have not been nor,will I ever be a gym rat. However, there are lots of other things one ca do to keep active. I've come to love swimming with my grandson and gardening. I know that you can't play in the gym pool with your grandson or get into the rotation for trimming the roses but, it works for me. I also love to read and walk. The key thing for me is to make the exercise incidental to the thing I want to do.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    -Horseback Riding
    -Riding a bike
    -Canoeing or kayaking
    -Playing frisbee
    -Playing a sport, like baseball
    -Visit the zoo
    -Zip lining
    -Martial Arts
    -Roller Skating

    I'm allergic to horses... Don't know how to ride a bike, and I'm afraid of heights (which makes riding a bike difficult too, because yeah, it's THAT bad). I should try martial arts one day though. I've tried most of the other stuff...
    going to the gym and getting in the pool is the highlight of my day. i feel really sorry for anyone who hates themself enough to just plod through a workout they hate every day without exploring other options that might actually be satisfying and enjoyable.

    I'm 36, I've tried a lot of things, believe me... still haven't found anything enjoyable except walking. I'm not sure how it means I'm hating myself for forcing myself to exercise though... on the contrary, it's because I don't want to hate myself that I do.

    Then just give up.

    Dead serious. No one has to exercise, and if you hate it so much and you're going to shoot down dozens of suggestions, maybe it's just not for you.

    If you're going to do it because you understand the benefits, then just woman up and do it without whining about how much you hate it. I don't let my kids whine so I don't understand it coming from adults.

    Just go work out.


    Don't work out. Either way.

    Dude, no need to be rude. Because whining about people complaining about something is really helpful too. Besides, I was just wondering if I was alone in this, because as I said in my first post... I've tried a lot of stuff.

    And yes, I walk. Even if I have to go to the gym and drop the kids at the babysitting area to do it. Not very exciting but at least it's something I can stick to.

    I do appreciate the constructive replies though - I just wish I DID enjoy most of the stuff everyone is talking about - and yes, walking at an incline is a really nice burn too. I haven't tried heavy lifting with barbels, but I hate it at home with dumbbells so I'm not sure it would be really different (plus I don't think my gym has a safe setup for that).

    Rude it just truthful?

    Did his answer hit a little too close to home?

    Also he's not whining. Not one bit.

    Eh it really didn't hit close to home at all. After hearing for months and months about how people end up loving exercise, and I still don't, I was wondering if it was just me, that's all. If you call that whining, well... you haven't met my kids LOL.


    Maybe you should take a look at the book. It's about all the excuses people use.

    Well, she has lost 80 pounds, so that's not her problem.

    It's about excuses (as I put above). It might do her some good to read. Just saying.

    Why? You use excuses not to do something. I still do it even though I don't like it. I don't think that book would be very helpful to me.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    -Horseback Riding
    -Riding a bike
    -Canoeing or kayaking
    -Playing frisbee
    -Playing a sport, like baseball
    -Visit the zoo
    -Zip lining
    -Martial Arts
    -Roller Skating

    I'm allergic to horses... Don't know how to ride a bike, and I'm afraid of heights (which makes riding a bike difficult too, because yeah, it's THAT bad). I should try martial arts one day though. I've tried most of the other stuff...
    going to the gym and getting in the pool is the highlight of my day. i feel really sorry for anyone who hates themself enough to just plod through a workout they hate every day without exploring other options that might actually be satisfying and enjoyable.

    I'm 36, I've tried a lot of things, believe me... still haven't found anything enjoyable except walking. I'm not sure how it means I'm hating myself for forcing myself to exercise though... on the contrary, it's because I don't want to hate myself that I do.

    Then just give up.

    Dead serious. No one has to exercise, and if you hate it so much and you're going to shoot down dozens of suggestions, maybe it's just not for you.

    If you're going to do it because you understand the benefits, then just woman up and do it without whining about how much you hate it. I don't let my kids whine so I don't understand it coming from adults.

    Just go work out.


    Don't work out. Either way.

    Dude, no need to be rude. Because whining about people complaining about something is really helpful too. Besides, I was just wondering if I was alone in this, because as I said in my first post... I've tried a lot of stuff.

    And yes, I walk. Even if I have to go to the gym and drop the kids at the babysitting area to do it. Not very exciting but at least it's something I can stick to.

    I do appreciate the constructive replies though - I just wish I DID enjoy most of the stuff everyone is talking about - and yes, walking at an incline is a really nice burn too. I haven't tried heavy lifting with barbels, but I hate it at home with dumbbells so I'm not sure it would be really different (plus I don't think my gym has a safe setup for that).

    Rude it just truthful?

    Did his answer hit a little too close to home?

    Also he's not whining. Not one bit.

    Eh it really didn't hit close to home at all. After hearing for months and months about how people end up loving exercise, and I still don't, I was wondering if it was just me, that's all. If you call that whining, well... you haven't met my kids LOL.


    Maybe you should take a look at the book. It's about all the excuses people use.

    Well, she has lost 80 pounds, so that's not her problem.

    It's about excuses (as I put above). It might do her some good to read. Just saying.

    Why? You use excuses not to do something. I still do it even though I don't like it. I don't think that book would be very helpful to me.

    Excuses can also be used to keep telling yourself you can't do this, you won't do this because etc. This whole thread has been one shoot down after another.