

  • snoringcat
    snoringcat Posts: 131 Member
    I snack a lot on cheese - I'm on a low carb, higher protein/fat diet and eating cheese means that I feel full for longer.
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    oh, and let me squuez in between arguments and say. light cheese: no. yuck. just eat less of the good stuff. portion it in advance if it helps. i love me some advance portioning. grab and go.

    This is what I do. I buy a good quality block of sharp cheddar almost bi-weekly and cut it up into 1oz (+/-) chunks.
  • erica1649
    erica1649 Posts: 16
    I think in general, everything in moderation is good....sometimes I'm not so great at that with cheese for example...if I was allowed to be on a cheese only diet, I would so do it...all kinds of cheese...I'm on a goat cheese kick right now. I think I read somewhere once though that the hard cheeses are better for you (Parmesan, Romano, Etc)

    Man, I could go for some cheese now lol.

    I think the string cheeses are great because they are only 80 calories so very low in that factor!!
  • cheesevixen_staci
    cheesevixen_staci Posts: 153 Member
    Cheese is wonderful. I wouldn't cut it out completely. I eat about an ounce a day I think. That satisfies me, and I LOVE cheese. Every now and then (as long as it fits into your calories) I say have a cheesy day. I agree with "everything in moderation".
  • wu3ju3j
    wu3ju3j Posts: 12 Member
    In my country, France, we eat TONS of cheese. Still obesity is far less important than here in US. Whatever what they say, cheese is not bad for you (unless you have some intolerance of course)

    I eat FULL FAT cheese from all parts of the world. I love cheese from goat's milk, sheep's milk and cow's milk as well as cheese that is fresh or aged 12-36 months and anywhere from mild to extra sharp. I weigh it, eat and savor it and enjoy it for the protein it gives me. I usually eat 1-3 ounces (30-100 grams) a day as long as I have the excess calories remaining. It is a great and healthy snack.
  • rileyleigh
    rileyleigh Posts: 106 Member
    calories in, calories out.

    If you like cheese, eat cheese. Just remember that cheese is high in calorie for low volume so you should definitely weigh it out, if you aren't already.

    String cheese is great because it has no carbs and no sugar. The notion that fat makes you fat is archaic. For example, avocados, which have lots of fat, are universally praised by most in the know.

    So cheese (or an avocado) is much better than having a sugary yogurt, wheat thins, bagels, or a candy bars for a snack.

    In ten years, "calories in, calories out" will be completely dismissed, just like we dismiss leaches, which were used by doctors through the early 19th century.

    OP was asking if cheese will make her gain weight because it has a lot of fat. I told her that as long as she eats her goal calories (calories in, calories out) she will lose weight.

    So you think we will eventually realize that eating less calories than your body requires DOESN'T result in weight loss? Is that what you're saying?


    EDIT: Oh, I see. You are a troll account. Kewl.

    One of thousands of article on line stating not to count calories. Has nothing to do with being a troll. Who in their right mind wants to count calories for the rest of their life?

    But you won't even consider the possibility that you are incorrect because CICO is your religion.

    I read the article. The claims are that because nutrition labels aren't exact, fruits may vary in content depending on the season, your body may not absorb every nutrient it gets, and because math is hard, calorie counting doesn't work? Also it says that because SOME people chose to always pick the lower calorie option even if it is unhealthy or gross, that calorie counting doesn't work?

    Then the suggestions it gives are basically what the majority of people here are doing. Listen to your body, eat when you are hungry, eat what you want, enjoy your food, try to find healthy good tasting food.... How is calorie counting not any of those things? That philosophy certainly is paying attention to the number of calories, just without actually counting the exact amount.

    There was not one suggestion of what to do that cannot be/isnt' done with calorie counting.
  • jnewberry81
    In ten years, "calories in, calories out" will be completely dismissed, just like we dismiss leaches, which were used by doctors through the early 19th century.

    notice that you have 0 pounds lost. lol
  • sympha01
    sympha01 Posts: 942 Member
    OP, based on the fact that you said you usually eat 1 string cheese a day, I'm going to read between the lines and say it sounds like someone gave you advice that you might be interpreting along the lines of "are there magic/demon foods that are BAD FOODS and I should never eat if I want to lose weight?"

    The answer to that question is NO. You can eat ANYTHING in moderation and it will 1) not change the effect that eating at a calorie deficit will have on your weightloss and 2) not result in nutritional imbalances or (shudder) "toxins." ANYTHING. The best advice is

    1) Get a calorie deficit any way that makes you happy to lose weight
    2) Watch your OVERALL nutrition (macros, a few other things like fiber) for general health and nutrition, not for weightloss per se, but because when you're eating fewer calories it's just a good idea to make those calories COUNT as much as possible to get enough nutrients in.

    If your overall diet includes a variety of nutrient dense foods, and you're getting a good balance of macros for your body, no single food is going to be particularly unhealthful. If you wanted to include some cheese, a little piece of chocolate, or some booze, or pizza, or cheetos or whatever in your diet, as long as you practice moderation and get most of your calories from a diverse array of nutrient-dense foods, you'll be fine.

    Best of luck to you!!!
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    In ten years, "calories in, calories out" will be completely dismissed, just like we dismiss leaches, which were used by doctors through the early 19th century.

    FYI... we actually *don't* dismiss leeches in modern medicine.

    One article (for example):
  • jnewberry81
    Whatever you eat, be it Cheese, Chicken or Twinkies, log it and keep under your calorie count goal.

    Some foods require more calories to process than others, but this is minimal.

    The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system is constant; energy can be transformed from one form to another, but cannot be created or destroyed. The first law is often formulated by stating that the change in the internal energy of a closed system is equal to the amount of heat supplied to the system, minus the amount of work done by the system on its surroundings.
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    calories in, calories out.

    If you like cheese, eat cheese. Just remember that cheese is high in calorie for low volume so you should definitely weigh it out, if you aren't already.

    String cheese is great because it has no carbs and no sugar. The notion that fat makes you fat is archaic. For example, avocados, which have lots of fat, are universally praised by most in the know.

    So cheese (or an avocado) is much better than having a sugary yogurt, wheat thins, bagels, or a candy bars for a snack.

    In ten years, "calories in, calories out" will be completely dismissed, just like we dismiss leaches, which were used by doctors through the early 19th century.

    The notion that carbs and sugar make you fat is archaic
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    calories in, calories out.

    If you like cheese, eat cheese. Just remember that cheese is high in calorie for low volume so you should definitely weigh it out, if you aren't already.

    String cheese is great because it has no carbs and no sugar. The notion that fat makes you fat is archaic. For example, avocados, which have lots of fat, are universally praised by most in the know.

    So cheese (or an avocado) is much better than having a sugary yogurt, wheat thins, bagels, or a candy bars for a snack.

    In ten years, "calories in, calories out" will be completely dismissed, just like we dismiss leaches, which were used by doctors through the early 19th century.

    OP was asking if cheese will make her gain weight because it has a lot of fat. I told her that as long as she eats her goal calories (calories in, calories out) she will lose weight.

    So you think we will eventually realize that eating less calories than your body requires DOESN'T result in weight loss? Is that what you're saying?


    EDIT: Oh, I see. You are a troll account. Kewl.

    One of thousands of article on line stating not to count calories. Has nothing to do with being a troll. Who in their right mind wants to count calories for the rest of their life?

    But you won't even consider the possibility that you are incorrect because CICO is your religion.

    Articles aren't science, they are opinion pieces. Link scientific, peer reviewed studies or GTFO. It's religions that survive on opinion, not science.

    just for fun....since the word science came up....
  • whovian67
    whovian67 Posts: 608 Member
    Each light cheese stick has 200 mg sodium.... 50 cals.
    So if you are inclined to eat 5 sticks, only 250 calories but it's half of sodium for the day :(
  • in4nomz
    in4nomz Posts: 230
    Mmmm cheese.

    I think even if I had a lactose intolerance, I would still eat cheese.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    Mmmm cheese.

    I think even if I had a lactose intolerance, I would still eat cheese.

    i am. i mean... no. anyway when i drink milk i feel sick. but when i eat cheese i feel great. weird.

  • lastfarewell
    lastfarewell Posts: 45 Member
    Today for lunch I am having half of a baked potato topped with some broccoli and 1/3 cup (a serving as listed on the bag) of shredded cheddar cheese along with a salad. I also could eat an entire block in one sitting, but it is just all about portion control and enjoying your food.
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    Fat is good. You are not eating tons of greasy fat. Some cheese, a tablespoon of olive oil, some fatty fish like a salmon are very good in a normal, healthy lifestyle, and will never make you fat if you eat in small portions. Healthy fats are good for your overall health, hair and skin.

    When on a diet, I find it simple to use strong taste cheeses, like parmigiano, to flavour meals. Sometimes even 5 grams are enough. Always grated. Grated cheese always seems to be more for less. :D For cream cheese I go light versions. But my cheddar, gorgonzola or gruyere are always full fat. I only use less.
  • kandyice1
    kandyice1 Posts: 48 Member
    Like others have said, everything in moderation. I eat string cheese as a part of my snacks on a pretty much daily basis. And it's a source of protein too. I've lost almost 100 lbs. and still losing while continuing to eat it. As long as you don't overdo it with cheese, you'll be fine I think.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member

    And do you really want to spend the rest of your life counting calories?

    :laugh: I don't count calories. I lasted 2-3 weeks doing that.