Anything I can do about this woman?



  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    well, there is what i would actually like to do (stinger in the road, kick car as it passes, shoot out tyres?) and then there is what I would actually do, which is take down the number plate and report her to the police for unsafe driving!

    Stand in the grass and photograph her car coming and going. Depending on the laws in your area, the police may or may not be able to do anything. However, being photographed might put some fear in her.

    Then start running a half hour earlier.

    Ohhh that's a good one. She will see you doing it. YEAH!!!
  • in4nomz
    in4nomz Posts: 230
    Spike strip.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Air horn.

    It will scare the bejeezus out of her.

  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    well, there is what i would actually like to do (stinger in the road, kick car as it passes, shoot out tyres?) and then there is what I would actually do, which is take down the number plate and report her to the police for unsafe driving!

    Stand in the grass and photograph her car coming and going. Depending on the laws in your area, the police may or may not be able to do anything. However, being photographed might put some fear in her.

    Then start running a half hour earlier.

    This is the best. When you hear her car coming, stop, step off to the side, and whip out a camera. Make it obvious what you're doing. I would report it to the police though, that's just ridiculous.
  • hj1119
    hj1119 Posts: 173 Member
    If I read correctly, you say your husband jogs the same route on opposite days. Has he had problems with this woman too?

    Yes! I neglected to mention it in my original post, but that's WHY I included that detail. We were talking about it recently - and we both have the same complaint about the same lady in the same car at roughly the same spot each morning.
  • Archon2
    Archon2 Posts: 462 Member
    Some drivers don't realize they should move over. Obliviousness. I get that often enough when cycling. Maybe one out of every 500 cars. However, unlike cycling, I think it is legal to run against traffic. So that is your non-aggressive solution. Bonus: you can see all cars coming and how much room they give.

    She will have to cross the road in order to buzz by you. That won't happen unless she is actively trying to target you.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    If I read correctly, you say your husband jogs the same route on opposite days. Has he had problems with this woman too?

    Yes! I neglected to mention it in my original post, but that's WHY I included that detail. We were talking about it recently - and we both have the same complaint about the same lady in the same car at roughly the same spot each morning.

    oh ok, cuz if it was JUST you and not him, I would say she likes him and is trying to bump you off so she can have him...

    and you should totally leave earlier to determine which driveway her car is parked in, so you can sneak over there at 2AM and carve obscenities into the hood.
  • bugaboo_sue
    bugaboo_sue Posts: 552 Member
    Run against traffic. It's safer, you can see the cars coming towards you and it will solve your *kitten* problem.

    Um, she does run against traffic. She said she runs with her dog who is on her left (where he is supposed to be) in the grass. She also said that she looks each driver in the eye as they drive by.

    ETA: FYI: You're supposed to walk/run against traffic and ride bicycles with traffic. I thought that was common knowledge? It drives me nuts when I see people walking/running on the wrong side of the road. Don't you want to see who's coming at you?:huh:
  • sweetbippy
    sweetbippy Posts: 189 Member
    My husband had the same situation with a man in a pick up truck. One morning my husband flipped him off. This guy threw his truck in reverse and then tried to run my husband over, several times, going back and forth with his truck. Don't confront. You don't know what kind of crazy you're dealing with. Take down the make, model, and license plate. A photo and video is also good. Ask the police for suggestions. They may be willing to sit in wait and pull her over for speeding. It's legit. Now it's her problem, and you are covered. Good luck. If this doesn't work, run at another time of day. She's got 2 tons of steel at her disposal...
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Up in my area, we get a good deal of runners/walkers/cyclists (I included cyclists here because they're quite prevalent, and I didn't want you to think I was talking about zombies). Because it's a town that was rural (think 1200-1500 sq foot houses with 2-3 acre avg. yards, with a state forest running through it) and has become more suburbia (those houses have been knocked down to make 3000 sq foot McMansions with 1 acre yards), there is a lack of sidewalks in most of the town, other than downtown/school areas, and the newer streets that they've been adding in.

    As a driver, I notice that there are people who are aggressive in this manner, though not quite to the level that you're experiencing. It almost seems as though this woman has a vendetta against you, or more likely, what you're doing. Maybe seeing your dedication and progress makes her feel bad about her own health choices, and she's acting out. Then again, she could just be a miserable human who think that you're "ON HER ROAD!" :)

    Disclaimer: I am annoyed by the cyclists in my town because they hit the hill and move to the middle of the road, backing up traffic while we all get to see bicycle butts going at about 4MPH. Our choices are swerve into the other lane and blow by them, or follow the butts. Even then, I notice people give them a wide berth, the same with runners/walkers. Some cyclists do hit the shoulder strip, which honestly isn't more than 6-12" of pavement between the white line and someone's lawn.

    So my suggestions, take them with a grain of salt (but track the sodium)...

    1. The towns near me have done road work and actually added in a bike/running lane, which is a good idea, so long as everyone stays in their lane. It doesn't work quite so well in cities, but people are getting there. See if your town can work something like that into their improvement agenda! Take this negative puss-face on wheels, and turn it into a positive. Find other exercising types in your area, and band together to see if you can get it done. Then she'd be breaking the law if she encroached on you, and you'd have a safer place to run.

    2. Find other exercise people in the area. Everyone get together at the starting point one morning. Everyone run your route at the time she shows up.

    3. Definitely bring up the safety of the area, and the speed of the cars. Too often, nobody acts until the tragedy happens. It might also spur along point #1

    4. Get her plate and make/model of the car. Get her description (reasonably done). Make sure your husband has it in case she ever clips you (hoping that never comes to pass, but if she's persistent in her actions, it's a risk).

    5. When she passes you, chances are she looks in the rear-view mirror to see if her passive-aggressive move had an effect. SMILE AND WAVE at her like "Good morning, neighbor!" Then, she'll realize that her anger has not been transferred onto you, and you'll be in her crawlspace instead. :)

    Run safe!

    This is a good one too. I don't think eggs, poop, nails, scratching a car will help you. You will be the one to get in trouble, not her. The "good morning neighbor" is good too. I know you want to punch her lights out but it may turn it around.
  • Birder155
    Birder155 Posts: 223 Member
    *kitten* is such a perfect word. Thank you for using it this morning. :flowerforyou:
  • hj1119
    hj1119 Posts: 173 Member
    Can you try running with the traffic? Not ideal, but at this point the same people are probably driving by you every day. People know that there are runners on the side of the road. I know all of the people who normally jog on the sidewalks on my commute; I actually know I'm running late if the grandma who doesn't wear a bra has reached a traffic circle before me.

    Just to clarify, I am running against traffic. I actually started out running with traffic and it scared the crap out of me. One, I like music so I don't hear the cars coming and I hate being "startled".. as well as that, I don't trust drivers to see me first. I prefer to zone out but still be aware with my eyes.. which is why I switched to the other side of the road.

    These suggestions are fabulous. You guys have me cracking up.

    I do like the stick idea but whoever mentioned physics made a great point about me breaking a wrist. What if I had the stick kind of behind my back, so if it did hit her car in some way, I can let it go and it will fling behind me? ;)

    I didn't think about high viz gear. I'm running in "bright" clothes - I'm usually in a orange, or bright pink. I don't have reflectors but now that I'm running regularly it sounds like an essential purchase I need to make ASAP.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member


    have you guys NEVER ridden anything or been running and try to put your hand out??? riding a horse and put your hand out-bike or motorcycle?

    physics people.

    if she's HOLDING a stick- and it gets hit against an object moving 65 miles an hour- dollars do doughnuts says she's tear or sprain a wrist at best- or break one or both at worst.

    my thoughts exactly... i did wonder why so many people thought it was a great idea... :noway:
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Because I know you love the sexypants link, I suggest you read that first. :wink:

    I do not agree with any type of damage to the vehicle or potential damage to yourself or others. It may be a pain in the rear to go earlier, but it also may be the safest option. It seems taking information (license plate etc.) and letting the authorities handle it would be most appropriate as a first step.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Start running with a big pointy stick so if so if she gets too close she will get a big old scratch down the side of the car - kind of like they used to do on Roman chariots
    Pretty much what I was going to say. Have something large and sharp that sticks over just to the white line (so you're not breaking any laws) and if she gets that close again, her car will feel it. It might scare the crap out of her enough to make sure that she pays attention at least for a while.

    And the momentum may pull her down and drag her and the dog down the road. Hello!!!
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    In for the getting her plate and reporting her to the police. At least get her plate so if she does hit you the police know who to charge.
  • killimanjar0
    Go out for your jog like usual, then when she passes really close, dramatically fall onto the grass and pretend like she hit you. If she doesn't stop, then maybe you should just avoid her altogether, since she wouldn't seem to care if she hurt you at that point.

    But, if she stops (which she hopefully would), and goes over to you: play dead as long as possible, until she gets out her phone and starts to call 9-1-1, then spring to life, shout something at her like, "YOU JUST GOT PUNK'D!!!" and then run away.

    PLEASE DO THIS. Hahaha...
  • hj1119
    hj1119 Posts: 173 Member
    oh ok, cuz if it was JUST you and not him, I would say she likes him and is trying to bump you off so she can have him...

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :drinker:
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Start running with a big pointy stick so if so if she gets too close she will get a big old scratch down the side of the car - kind of like they used to do on Roman chariots
    Pretty much what I was going to say. Have something large and sharp that sticks over just to the white line (so you're not breaking any laws) and if she gets that close again, her car will feel it. It might scare the crap out of her enough to make sure that she pays attention at least for a while.


    have you guys NEVER ridden anything or been running and try to put your hand out??? riding a horse and put your hand out-bike or motorcycle?

    physics people.

    if she's HOLDING a stick- and it gets hit against an object moving 65 miles an hour- dollars do doughnuts says she's tear or sprain a wrist at best- or break one or both at worst.

    Don't wear neon- wear HIGH VIZ- there is a difference. something phosphorescence or fluorescence- or a blinking light.

    1.) ask hubby if he has same problem
    2.) get her plates- record incidents
    3.) call police if you can
    4.) carry 2-3 eggs and if you're really willing to go out on a limb- ball bearings- but I wouldn't recommend it. *kitten*'s dangerous.

    playing chicken with a potentially NOT paying attention driver is about the dumbest idea ever though. Law of gross tonnage- even if technically you had the shoulder- guess what- you'd still be dead.

    And THIS Is why I like Jo. She's a Spock, like me, all logic. :flowerforyou:
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    carry an egg. throw it at her window and give her the bird.

    i'm being serious.