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Anything I can do about this woman?
7) Bring a carton of eggs on your run tomorrow morning and pelt them at her car as she passes.
[img][/img]0 -
what about calling the police to see what they advise? Maybe they would be willing to set up radar if you let them know speeding cars are a concern. This may deter some of the speeders. I live on a fairly narrow road without much of a shoulder- most people are able to slow down and move over enough, but I have had some close calls and generally jump off into the grass/woods. I have flipped off one guy, but it didn't seem to do much lol. Good luck
I was also going to say this. I think the police would want to know about reckless and speeding drivers. they are always setting up speed traps somewhere so why not your street next? I also like the idea of you leaving early and getting done early but just relax after that. no following crazies who might have guns home and no praying for them either unless its to the karma gods who will send her a taste of her own medicine. just inform the police AND start leaving earlier0 -
This may seem a little OT but what are you wearing while you're running? I don't want to defend some ignorant aggressive driver but.....how visible are you? (I'm a little paranoid about being seen, if I'm running along the roadside in poor visibility / low light I have an LED headlamp on flash mode and reflective gear)
I'd also second the other suggestion of reporting this person to the police.Run against traffic. It's safer, you can see the cars coming towards you and it will solve your *kitten* problem.
It sounds like the OP is already doing this (my inner Sherlock Holmes figured his out based on the "dog to the left of me".....)
That and the "I look at the face of every driver....."
And the "I run *INTO* traffic."0 -
Like others said I would get a plate number and call the police.
I live in a residental neighborhood (25 mph zone) and have had a problem from time to time. Last week it was the same car 3 days in a row almost hit me, on the 3rd day I punched the back of her car and yelled some things that would make a drunken sailor proud. She stopped and told me she never saw me...I noticed her phone in her hand while we "talked". She came off a dead end street so it would be no problem finding her. I told her to put her f'ing phone down and pay attention, now she waves and moves all the way to the other side of the street. Monday it was a mustang coming down my street at like 40, we have 15 houses on our dead end street where the hell was he going. He got out of the car in a neighbors driveway and I yelled yeah there is no need to drive that fast on this street there are lots of kids who run here in the morning, as a matter of fact my daughter was with me. He mumbled something and I said "what I didn't hear you". He then said "yes ma'am I understand". When he went in the house my daughter said he had a gun, I was like what? I didn't have my glasses on LOL. Sure enough he came back out and I noticed the police emblem on his shirt LOL so he definitely should have known better. The last couple days, he's come down the street at like 10 mph. Sometimes people are in their own little world and have no clue that they are doing, and sometimes they are just freaking idiots.
You are my hero.0 -
Seriously though....I agree with others and take down her plate number....hell take a pic of her car. I like what others said about taking a picture of her car as she comes and goes so she sees you doing so....might put some fear into her.
I wouldn't put up with that...don't risk getting nailed by this dumb cow.
Edited to add more.0 -
First of all.... you are hilarious! You should have a blog.
I liked option number 6 but I would probably opt for playing chicken if it was me.
You could always run on the other side of the road for a bit .... might be safer than risking her. Maybe switch to the other side every time you see her car coming and see if she gets the hint?
Good luck!0 -
I walk, cycle, run, drive, and use public transport.
IME I see far too many car drivers with tunnel vision, or treating their cars as an extension of their front room, rather than as the heavy and lethal machine that it is.
Get High Viz, get a torch, this as far as I am concerned is victim blaming, there is a case for being seen, but running against traffic in a visible position should be appropriate enough between sunrise and sunset.
If the driver cannot see you then they need to hand in their license or get their eyes tested, they are a danger not only to you but to other road users.
If they have an attitude problem with you running on the road, then they need their attitude adjusted for them, or their license removed.
It creates uneeded frustration for other road users, and I really wonder sometimes why people put up with the antics of private car drivers, put your f*n phone/newspaper/breakfast/make-up down and concentrate on the road...
TL;DR - This driver clearly doesn't want to share the road and is trying to make a point that they don't think you should be there (edging closer to the white line is their passive aggresive way to show this).
Report them to the police (provide video evidence of the crap driving if you can, as this will make things easier).
.0 -
Run 1/2 hour earlier. Wait for her and then follow her to her destination. Shove dog turds in the tailpipe of her car.
I freakin love this!!!! I always think of the most evil things and this would be me the stalker behind you waving at the stop light, yes keep looking in your mirror I'm still here. Of course then I'd have to pull up right next to her drivers side door so close she couldn't get her crotchety butt out of her drivers side door. Yes it would cause a door ding but the personal satisfaction of listening to her as she gets highly annoyed with you would make me giggle. Of course then I'd ask oh would you like me to MOVE OVER? Yes I'd like that from you too.
Seriously though, you should report her to the local police/sherriff so that they are aware of the problem.0 -
Next time you see her coming, start jumping up and down wildly waving your arms like you need help. If she stops, ask her WTF her problem is (nicely). If that doesn't help, at least you've now had a chance to see her to identify her and makes it easier to get the plate.
If she doesn't stop, throw a rock. I'd probably have to repeat this one a few times because I have terrible aim. Eventually you are bound to get it.0 -
I get up every other morning between 5:30 and 5:45 to go for a jog. My husband does the same on alternate mornings. There's only one route option - turn left and run a few miles up the road, turn around and come back. If I turn right from my doorstep, I hit a main thruway within less than a mile. There are no turn offs from my street. The road is rural so there's not much of a shoulder.. really just enough room for me to run in the foot and a half of concrete between the white line and the grass (and corn fields.) I take the dog, who runs on my left in the grass, and we run into what little traffic there is in the wee hours of the morning. The speed limit is 45 mph, but most people drive 65+... the road is long and flat, and most people slow down or move over part if not all of the way into the other lane as they pass me. I give them a little wave to thank them for not mowing me down - some wave back, some don't.
The exception to this ideal situation is this one sour-puss faced *kitten* in a black Chevy Cobalt who travels the road every morning when I'm about 3/4 of the way through my run. She doesn't slow down. She doesn't scoot over. I could deal with those two facts except she seems to be inching closer and closer to the white line each morning. This morning she passed me at an exceptionally narrow place on my run, and I not only felt the breeze as she passed me (I'm used to that with close passers) but actually felt the heat of her car. She was inches from grazing me with her side mirror. I had to jump in the grass a little and actually kick the dog a bit to get her to scoot over (she's short and hates going in the tall grass).
So I spent the rest of my jog pondering if I had any options and if so, which one I should do. Here's what I came up with.
1. Do nothing.
2. Leave a half an hour earlier. Finish my run before she has a chance to try and run me over. Spend the extra half an hour between end-of-run and work studying the Bible and praying for her soul.
3. Run with a sign that says "Scoot over" or "Slow down" or "Please don't freaking run me over" and hold it up when she passes.
4. Run just barely over the white line, a little into her lane and play chicken with her. It's her conscious that has to deal with the consequences, right? Although based on this mornings happenings, I should prepare for the worst.
5. Flip her off and hope she doesn't aim for me tomorrow.
6. Leave a half an hour earlier. Finish my run before she has a chance to try and run me over. Spend the extra half an hour between end-of-run and work to wait at the end of my driveway in my car, and when she passes follow her to her destination - which I assume will either be home or a place of employment. If she does go home, search public records to find out her name and send her a nasty letter about etiquette when passing pedestrians, and as an extra good measure, include the link to what Resting Face" is and how she should work on hers.
Which of these would you do? Or does anyone have any suggestions for me?
Another option...reach out and hit her car with your hand next time...then fall on the ground and pretend you were grazed by the mirror...maybe that will teach her.0 -
Start running with a big pointy stick so if so if she gets too close she will get a big old scratch down the side of the car - kind of like they used to do on Roman chariots
have you guys NEVER ridden anything or been running and try to put your hand out??? riding a horse and put your hand out-bike or motorcycle?
physics people.
if she's HOLDING a stick- and it gets hit against an object moving 65 miles an hour- dollars do doughnuts says she's tear or sprain a wrist at best- or break one or both at worst.
Don't wear neon- wear HIGH VIZ- there is a difference. something phosphorescence or fluorescence- or a blinking light.
1.) ask hubby if he has same problem
2.) get her plates- record incidents
3.) call police if you can
4.) carry 2-3 eggs and if you're really willing to go out on a limb- ball bearings- but I wouldn't recommend it. *kitten*'s dangerous.
playing chicken with a potentially NOT paying attention driver is about the dumbest idea ever though. Law of gross tonnage- even if technically you had the shoulder- guess what- you'd still be dead.
And THIS Is why I like Jo. She's a Spock, like me, all logic. :flowerforyou:indeed- the smart likes to be strong with this one.
But honestly- for those of you saying- well mostly a joke- the problem is- I've DONE stuff like that- thinking OH this is a GREAT idea- and I have gotten hurt enough times- and like someone said "oh well you just let go".. and I'm sure someone else is going- oh yeah let me try it.
You have fair warning... no- you don't just let go- it RIPS stuff out of your hands- I have two busted *kitten* wrists- two busted *kitten* elbows and a bad shoulder- sticking your arm- or anything else out to a moving object is a BAD idea.
I know this because I've done it.. .more times than I care to admit. You wind up not "just letting go"
so yes- logic.
anyway- I needed to share- because I'm sure at some point some one reading this would say gee that sounds like a good idea.
Personally I like the "disable vehicle- run out- kill her- run away" plan.
that sounds great.Another option...reach out and hit her car with your hand next time...then fall on the ground and pretend you were grazed by the mirror...maybe that will teach her.0 -
gather anythign you can find around the house. Glass bottles, nails, thumb tacks, razor blades. throw them in the street0
I would try to avoid conflict and be more passive by
Running earlier or later
Drive somewhere safer to run
The lack of shoulder and space to me appears to be a not so safe place to run. It might not be this woman but someone else in the future that looks away or swerves. To me it isn't worth the risk to run in an unsafe place.0 -
1) Next day you are running do not run with the dog instead run with your camera phone.
2) As her car is about to approach take picture of her car.
3) As she passes you take picture of her license plate. (She will see you are taking the pictures and you want that)
4) Report this to the police. Yes even if the incident has not happened let them know you want to complain against a driver who speeds everyday and explain exactly as you explained here.
5) Ask for the complaint # from them. They will know you mean business.
In any case do not approach this individual. Let cops handle this situation.
Good Luck and please stay safe.0 -
I would try to avoid conflict and be more passive by
Running earlier or later
Drive somewhere safer to run
The lack of shoulder and space to me appears to be a not so safe place to run. It might not be this woman but someone else in the future that looks away or swerves. To me it isn't worth the risk to run in an unsafe place.
I used to live on a street with no shoulder that was hilly and curvy. I ran a ton so I would wake up a bit earlier and drive somewhere safer to run. Pissing off someone who has the ability to kill you just does not seem wise.0 -
I think distracted drivers are hazard runners have to be conscious and prepared for. It sucks, but it's the way it is. Urban, rural...it doesn't really matter.
If you can get out earlier and avoid her, great. Try that. Wear reflective clothing, don't wear headphones, run towards traffic (as it seems you already do).
But, it seems that you guys are in some way neighbors. If you can figure out a non-confrontational way to interact with her, and let her know it's early in the morning and you know that she may be distracted, but sometimes her closeness to the side of the road makes you very nervous. It's quite possible that she isn't aware of how close she gets to you, but it's even more likely that she's a passive aggressive $itch and that calling her out will stop the behavior.
I would try that before going to the extreme of playing possum or trying to whack her car.
If you have an opportunity to talk to her about it first, great. If not, I would try contacting your local police department and asking for their advice and reporting the speeders.
Good luck, be safe0 -
Put a pillow under your shirt so it looks like you are pregnant.0
I think distracted drivers are hazard runners have to be conscious and prepared for.
that is one of the exact reasons I do not run with headphones- I like to be able to hear cars- too much stuff going on and too much shady *kitten* happening these days- not going to be my butt that gets swept up into a panel van because I didn't hear them coming!!!0 -
have a chat with the Sheriff, give someone her license plate number, and description. They're kinda paid to deal with issues like that. Tell them you'd like to file a complaint.0
Just break up
or see if IFYM
Is this where I put the link to sexypants?
But is the link gluten-free, clean, and does it even lift, bro?0 -
walk your cat next time0
I am sorry, but I laughed out loud. When you see her coming YOU move over or stop until she passes. You're the one in the way. I hate having joggers on rural roads there isn't much room to begin with and now I have to watch out for inconsiderate joggers and bloody bikers! UGH We are fortunate enough to have trails, I have no idea why they can't use them.0
Just break up
or see if IFYM
Is this where I put the link to sexypants?
But is the link gluten-free, clean, and does it even lift, bro?
I was late anyway0 -
I am sorry, but I laughed out loud. When you see her coming YOU move over or stop until she passes. You're the one in the way. I hate having joggers on rural roads there isn't much room to begin with and now I have to watch out for inconsiderate joggers and bloody bikers! UGH We are fortunate enough to have trails, I have no idea why they can't use them.
In a lot of places, pedestrians and cyclists are as entitled to the roads as vehicle. Local laws here side with pedestrians on a roadway when no sidewalk is available.0 -
I am sorry, but I laughed out loud. When you see her coming YOU move over or stop until she passes. You're the one in the way. I hate having joggers on rural roads there isn't much room to begin with and now I have to watch out for inconsiderate joggers and bloody bikers! UGH We are fortunate enough to have trails, I have no idea why they can't use them.
I know. And the police told me I have to respect stop signs too. So much to pay attention to! Don't they know I have the RIGHT to drive to my destination without worrying about the people around me???0 -
This woman's schedule seems pretty predictable, I'd have your camera ready to record and get a good description of what she looks like. She might not realize she's doing this but ignorance is no excuse, she could seriously hurt or kill someone if she continues to drive like that.
Also, I can be a bit of a lead foot on the roads, but I always slow down to at least the speed limit when passing runners or bicyclists.0 -
I wouldn't use nails, glass, or anything that would cause flat tires because chances are some innocent person will run over them as well. AND I defiantly would not confront her in person (AS CRAZY AS PEOPLE ARE THESE DAYS) just don't think that is a good idea or safe for you!
Good Luck!!!0 -
I am sorry, but I laughed out loud. When you see her coming YOU move over or stop until she passes. You're the one in the way. I hate having joggers on rural roads there isn't much room to begin with and now I have to watch out for inconsiderate joggers and bloody bikers! UGH We are fortunate enough to have trails, I have no idea why they can't use them.
I know. And the police told me I have to respect stop signs too. So much to pay attention to! Don't they know I have the RIGHT to drive to my destination without worrying about the people around me???
If they really wanted you to stop at a stop sign, they'd put up a wall.0 -
Air horn.
It will scare the bejeezus out of her.
I've done this.
Plus pepper spray when I'm on the main road or using public transportation.
After a couple nasty encounters, I got one and had to use it in an extremely dangerous occasion.0 -
Double post0
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