Do large Breasts affect Self-Esteem?



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I think for women with larger breast (me included) we can love them, leave them, or don't care (me). Women with smaller breast that cannot fill out a regular size cup tend to have societies view of "big boobs" pushed on them even if they are happy with themselves. Hence the increase in implants to feel more comfortable and fit into clothes "better". Some women with small breast don't care either and love themselves. It all comes down to confidence and being happy with what you have no matter the cup size. We usually loose breast size because the body rids fat and we cant tell it where unfortunately.
    The only real complaint I have about them is that they have never been perky so I can never go braless and that limits the clothing I can wear, even with a good strapless.

    And I like a lot of clothes that I can never, ever wear. :-(
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    Meh I'm happy.
    My fiance is a fan of women with blonde hair and blue eyes.
    He's never looked above my chest so that's what he thinks he's marrying. Win/win.

    Wait, I thought you were a red-head with green eyes?
    No, that's me. Quit looking at my breasts.

    Wait...that's me. But since I don't have a head in this pic, I'll forgive ya this time.

    I'm so confused. I have no idea who's boobs I'm looking at. :laugh:
    Does it matter?

    At this point....nah. ;)
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    Define "large."

    Larger than a handfull, obviously.

    But that's subjective, because some men have bigger hands than others!!
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    I'm just here for the boobs honestly.
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    Define "large."

    Larger than a handfull, obviously.

    But that's subjective, because some men have bigger hands than others!!

    Very true. If I can motorboat em, I'm happy.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I have never given my boobs this much thought or consideration. Sorry, girls.
  • Asherah29
    Asherah29 Posts: 354 Member
    I don't like the fact that I am objectified by men and vilified by women. Because I have large breasts I must

    A: Like the attention or be asking for it.
    Despite what some people might think, your first comment to me should not start with "Hey Baby," "Mmmmm - anything" a whistle or whatever else fits in between. If you like the way I look great, but please pay me a compliment in an appropriate way.

    B: I dress like a Sl*t
    Ok, for one, since when did showing off assets become a crime? Do you dress in a way that compliments your body? Yes perhaps? I have every right to dress in such a manner as befits mine and even if I was walking down the road in a bikini and fish nets, as long as I am abiding by local laws, its really not a bit of your concern. Second I challenge you to give me your shirt, your ladies might not be very visible, but mine like to bust out of a shirt like a lifer escaping prison.

    C: I'm after your significant other
    No, I'm either simply being polite or I genuinely like the person I am speaking to. However, finding said companion to be pleasing company does not mean I want in their pants, it means that they have something to say in which I find interesting. Shooting evil eyes at me and making catty/sarcastic comments will get you one of two things, or perhaps both; me completely ignoring you or your SO realizing your nutty. Either is generally acceptable.

    D: Touching
    No, just no.

    Now do I have low self esteem because of them? No. I do however wish they were smaller. I'd like to put on the cute little tank tops and outfits that I see other girls wearing without the boobs making me look preggo or pornstar. And have you ever tried to shoot a gun with these bazangas? Or run? Don't get me started on running...

    *edited* because I remembered the one seriously annoying thing I hate about them. I can't see my toes... seriously. Look down, it's just boobs... and gawd help me if I get anything on the lower part of my shirt. I never know until someone points it out, then comes the contortions and squishing just to get a look at the spot.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I will say just because it's here in and I can.
    The one and only bad thing about a large chest, is no matter how small you are.. you never feel like you look it because there these things right in front of your face ALL THE TIME.
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,512 Member
    Busty Girl Problems, Summer Edition...
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    I have large breasts but wear appropriate attire. If a woman with large breasts is wearing a skimpy top and a bra that is 2 sizes too small, of course people are going to stare at her breasts- male or female.

    I wore a bra that was much more than two sizes too small for years because I didn't know any better, and I know plenty of young girls and women who dress the way they do because it's the only thing they are familiar with.

    I followed the directions on this site and found out I am a 34G. Was doubtful, but bought a bikini online and it actually fits. I didn't get breasts until I was pregnant with my son at 24. It was shocking to say the least. Also, they have not gone down with weight loss. The tech who performed my mammogram said they are more tissue than fat, that is why.
    Anyway, here's the site...

    Oh I know what size I am now, due to a very similar situation. However even with losing weight, I've gone from a 36G to a 32G, I had been squeezing them in to D's for years.....:noway:

    I actually even did the whole ordering one on line being 100% positive it would never fit thing. My husband and I both laughed hysterically when it arrived because surely there was no way in hell it would ever fit! Once again....:noway:
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    I have large breasts but wear appropriate attire. If a woman with large breasts is wearing a skimpy top and a bra that is 2 sizes too small, of course people are going to stare at her breasts- male or female.

    I wore a bra that was much more than two sizes too small for years because I didn't know any better, and I know plenty of young girls and women who dress the way they do because it's the only thing they are familiar with.

    I followed the directions on this site and found out I am a 34G. Was doubtful, but bought a bikini online and it actually fits. I didn't get breasts until I was pregnant with my son at 24. It was shocking to say the least. Also, they have not gone down with weight loss. The tech who performed my mammogram said they are more tissue than fat, that is why.
    Anyway, here's the site...

    34G?? Okay, I know the basics of sizes for buying the wrong sizes for my wife over the years (I now know she's a 36C). The 34 is the inches measured around the torso just under the breasts, and the letter is the cup size, right? G? I know of DD's, heard rumors of E's, but we're past F to G? As a red blooded guy, I want to sit here and just let me jaw drop to the floor, but there's a question nagging me and keeping me from doing that. Do you have back problems?
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Define "large."

    Larger than a handfull, obviously.

    But that's subjective, because some men have bigger hands than others!!

    yes, yes. my hands are enormous!!!!
  • runningagainstmyself
    runningagainstmyself Posts: 616 Member
    I'm happier when my breasts are smaller, but that is more because when they are larger it is a clear indicator that I have gained weight. Problem is, my breasts are one of the last things to go when I'm losing, so I basically just have to gut it out at this point. Lol.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Honestly I really do feel for large breasted women. The stereotypes they have to face are ridiculous.

    Average sized girl wears a tank top, cool. Large breasted woman wears a tank top, she'll get called a slut to her face. For something completely beyond her control. Other people sexualize breasts and then put that on someone else.

    They are a collection of fatty tissue. They say nothing about a person. And what a dumb thing to judge someone for.
    I actually got fired from a job once because of my breast size. It was waitressing at this tiny local diner that a mother and daughter owned. I worked with the daughter my first night and she called the next night to tell me they didn't need me. Then she told my friend who worked there that all I did all night was walk around sticking my boobs out.

    Um, I was a ballerina, so good posture; and I have large breasts so they're there and there isn't much I can do about it ... And I was NOT wearing anything tight or low-cut, either.

    But, whatever, it wasn't the right place for me clearly.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Challenge: Find me a feature that women share that doesn't effect at least one woman's self esteem.

    I'll wait.
  • Lovdiamnd
    Lovdiamnd Posts: 624 Member
    Yes!!! I was a 42H until I lost weight and had a reduction in Feb. I am now a 38DD and feel amazing. I can actually work out now. All my friends and even my husbands friends say that my self esteem has improved.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Now that gravity has mine in a race to the bottom, the smaller they get, the more self-esteem I'll have!
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,512 Member
    I have large breasts but wear appropriate attire. If a woman with large breasts is wearing a skimpy top and a bra that is 2 sizes too small, of course people are going to stare at her breasts- male or female.

    I wore a bra that was much more than two sizes too small for years because I didn't know any better, and I know plenty of young girls and women who dress the way they do because it's the only thing they are familiar with.

    I followed the directions on this site and found out I am a 34G. Was doubtful, but bought a bikini online and it actually fits. I didn't get breasts until I was pregnant with my son at 24. It was shocking to say the least. Also, they have not gone down with weight loss. The tech who performed my mammogram said they are more tissue than fat, that is why.
    Anyway, here's the site...

    34G?? Okay, I know the basics of sizes for buying the wrong sizes for my wife over the years (I now know she's a 36C). The 34 is the inches measured around the torso just under the breasts, and the letter is the cup size, right? G? I know of DD's, heard rumors of E's, but we're past F to G? As a red blooded guy, I want to sit here and just let me jaw drop to the floor, but there's a question nagging me and keeping me from doing that. Do you have back problems?

    Yeah, actually I do. And I have grooves in my shoulders from bra straps digging in. I am also more on the petite size, 5'3" and I look disproportionate.
  • RunnerStephe
    RunnerStephe Posts: 2,195
    Do back boobs count too? See a lot of that at walmart.