Quantity vs. quality of calories consumed



  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Why must it be one against the other? The two work great when you put them together...

    ^^^ they also have a bit of a tendency to go hand in hand as you can often eat MORE high quality food for the same amount of calories of crap
    This x 10000.

    A Big Mac meal with a strawberry shake has 1575 calories. For that amount of calories I can have:

    Protein shake for breakfast with US protein added almond milk and 2T flax seed meal
    6 oz watermelon
    Chicken sandwich loaded with veggies on whole wheat bread
    Half cup pistachios
    Another protein shake post workout same mix no flax seed
    Homemade chicken scallopine with asparagus and mushrooms over whole wheat pasta.

    That's what I've logged so far today by the way, though I haven't eaten dinner yet. Its right at 1600 calories.

    I'll have another serving of fruit and probably some more pistachios too, but that's besides the point.

    But...then I still need another 1000 calories. And I'm full because of your low calorie/low energy but high volume food. I couldn't live that way and maintain my weight. Are you suggesting I think eat another 1000 calories like that? Because I'm fairly sure I'd be sick.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    That did sound, ah, 'impressive' to me, especially given no y chronosome.

    But not beyond the realms of reasons if we were talking 365 days.
  • dlr165
    dlr165 Posts: 118 Member
    You do you and I will do me. I personally don't care what you eat. Why do people think what someone eats is up for discussion? If someone eats, 100 calorie snack packs and loses weight . . . good for them. I shouldn't feel the need to comment on their diet of processed food because it's none of my business.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    I think the focus on calories puts the measure of success on the wrong thing: the scale. I think it should be more about overall health and body composition. I've lost 8% bodyfat this year, gained 13 pounds of muscle and have stayed the same weight eating quality foods at maintenance and lifting heavy. So I now have a higher metabolism and eat more quality nutrients because I have a bigger plate to eat off of, metaphorically. Plus, I'm stronger and more fit. I rarely get sick and feel so much better than when I was eating all the processed crap and working at a deficit. My workouts are fueled and my performance in competitive runs, lifts and Crossfit workouts is so much better. My vitals are better. My pants fit better. My scale is the same.

    Well I'm glad to know that what works for you must work for everyone else, and that since your life has been improved so much it means your way is absolute.