1200 cal is NOT enough



  • ZaCkOX
    ZaCkOX Posts: 115
    Well I just started last week with this account but I can say I been dieting with 1200-1300 sometimes less calories a day and excessive amount of exercise (over 1,000 minutes of exercise a week). While it might land someone in the hospital, make other binge, cause some health problems... all of which I haven't suffered from yet and have had great loss in weight. All I have to say is not everyone is the same and I will follow this way because it works for me.

    Now you mean say, well the "yet" will come. It should of already came for me. I've done some insane exercise abuse that should of put me out cold. The first few weeks sure I was dizzy but my body eventually got used to it.
  • veg56kg
    veg56kg Posts: 93 Member
    This is one of those moments that I wish time travel were possible... so that the OP's 40- or 50-something year old, post-menopausal self who has a sedentary 9-5 job can come back and whack her upside the head and say "WTH were you thinking?"

    I thought I knew everything at 19 years old, too.


    A 45-year old, post-menopausal woman with a 9-5 desk job -- who managed to lose HEALTHFULLY at 1200 calories/day and has been successfully maintaining for 2.5 years at 1400 calories/day.

    I already addressed this, I corrected myself and said it was healthy for someone in your circumstances.
  • Icandoityayme
    Icandoityayme Posts: 312 Member
    Sooooo......if you want to eat more than 1200 calories then do it. Nobody is stopping you from eating what you feel you need to eat. Ranting and throwing a hissy fit on how some of us do things isn't changing anything. I will do what I want and how I want and if there are repercussions because of it, it will be me who has to deal with it. Bees to honey darling. Raging about this doesn't get anyone anywhere.
  • veg56kg
    veg56kg Posts: 93 Member
    Well I just started last week with this account but I can say I been dieting with 1200-1300 sometimes less calories a day and excessive amount of exercise (over 1,000 minutes of exercise a week). While it might land someone in the hospital, make other binge, cause some health problems... all of which I haven't suffered from yet and have had great loss in weight. All I have to say is not everyone is the same and I will follow this way because it works for me.

    Now you mean say, well the "yet" will come. It should of already came for me. I've done some insane exercise abuse that should of put me out cold. The first few weeks sure I was dizzy but my body eventually got used to it.

    This is unhealthy. You will get sick.
  • veg56kg
    veg56kg Posts: 93 Member
    Sooooo......if you want to eat more than 1200 calories then do it. Nobody is stopping you from eating what you feel you need to eat. Ranting and throwing a hissy fit on how some of us do things isn't changing anything. I will do what I want and how I want and if there are repercussions because of it, it will be me who has to deal with it. Bees to honey darling. Raging about this doesn't get anyone anywhere.

    You clearly did not read all the post. I do eat more than 1200 (2200-2500), you missed my point that 1200 isnt healthy for everyone. I was replying to someone trying to say that it is.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    My BMR is only 1420. If I still wanted to lose weight I would not be eating a measly 1200-1400 calories a day. Its ridiculous.
    If you were eating 1420 cal per day, you would maintain your weight at about 95 lb.
    To maintain at 130 lb, 1950 cal.
    But if someone were trying to lose weight to get to 130 lb, eating 1300 is reasonable. One you get close, start nudging the calories up by 50-100 every couple weeks until you get to 1900.
    I never said all. Don't misquote me. I said for MOST people.
    "1200 calories isnt like a universal number that is meant for everyone (or anyone really)
    Oh? So you didn't really say what you said?
    Some of you saying "im fine on 1200 calories" You are damaging your body. Like the OP said, figure out your bmr and tdee. If you cant lose on more than 1200 calories then you are eating more than you think.
    There have already been multiple explanations of why someone might be perfectly fine at 1200, and no, they're not damaging their body, and no, they aren't being dishonest about logging what they eat.
    A 19 year old going to school to be a Nutritionist knows something about nutrition, wow imagine that!
    A "nutritionist"? Don't you mean a dietician? Or do you really mean that you're going to some "college" of alternative "medicine" and getting a quack certificate?

    Apparently you haven't actually gotten into any nutrition science classes yet, because I'm sure they'll teach you that everyone is different, and there are some people who will need fewer calories than others.
    In fact, if you're relatively average you're maybe starting your sophomore year next month, so you're still working on your general ed classes.

    Oh, wait:
    When school starts I will let ya know...
    I took a short course last year, but the actual classes and stuff doesn't start for another month
    Hmmm... so far I've had 4 college courses specifically focussing on nutrition, and many more which mentioned it in discussing other things (pathophysiology, for one).
    And you don't even understand the difference between "minimum" and "maximum".
    Maybe that's why you ended up in the hospital from some fad diet?
  • ZaCkOX
    ZaCkOX Posts: 115
    Well I just started last week with this account but I can say I been dieting with 1200-1300 sometimes less calories a day and excessive amount of exercise (over 1,000 minutes of exercise a week). While it might land someone in the hospital, make other binge, cause some health problems... all of which I haven't suffered from yet and have had great loss in weight. All I have to say is not everyone is the same and I will follow this way because it works for me.

    Now you mean say, well the "yet" will come. It should of already came for me. I've done some insane exercise abuse that should of put me out cold. The first few weeks sure I was dizzy but my body eventually got used to it.

    This is unhealthy. You will get sick.

    Honestly, I did this before to get from 210 to 171 lbs while power lifting... again not everyone is the same. I should of passed out back then too.

    You just want me to get sick so you can believe it isn't possible for anyone. :)
  • veg56kg
    veg56kg Posts: 93 Member
    I said "1200 calories isnt like a universal number that is meant for everyone"
    And since not everyone is aiming that low, there's no reason to be castigating everyone for not eating enough.
    The whole reason I even made this post is because I noticed most people on my friends list were under eating
    So you posted in the fora, where it's unlikely many of your friends would see it, as opposed to on your own timeline (where they would definitely see it), or even in PMs to the offenders (ditto).
    Makes perfect sense.
    If you have a friendslist full of people with eating disorders, I sympathize
    I dont think they have eating disorders
    Didn't you start out by saying that they were under-eating and expecting fast results?

    Under eating is not the same as having an eating disorder. Plenty of people under eat but don't have an eating disorder. You can also over eat and have one, or over eat and not have one.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    What exactly about 1200 landed you in the hospital? How long were you eating at 1200? What was your weight and age then? Was undereating a doctor's diagnosis or your own? What was your activity level like? Are you sure you weren't eating a lot less than 1200? Was it 1200 in Starbucks and Taco Bell? Could it have been dehydration instead? Was there concerns over eating disorders then?
  • julia1414a
    Wow.. this is really petty.

    She gave her opinion in a maybe not-so-nice way. She got a few replies and probably realized that her post was socially and scientifically not ok.

    She applied the standards she uses for herself to the rest of MFP, not ok.. but she realized her fault and apologized. And all of you "mature" older people continue to ostracize her for it.

    Could you all back off and stop being so petty? Maybe read the replies before you post another angry one, AGAIN?
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    This is one of those moments that I wish time travel were possible... so that the OP's 40- or 50-something year old, post-menopausal self who has a sedentary 9-5 job can come back and whack her upside the head and say "WTH were you thinking?"

    I thought I knew everything at 19 years old, too.


    A 45-year old, post-menopausal woman with a 9-5 desk job -- who managed to lose HEALTHFULLY at 1200 calories/day and has been successfully maintaining for 2.5 years at 1400 calories/day.
    :laugh: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
    Thanks for the laugh!
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,081 Member
    I see a lot of people on here do not know how much to eat. 1200 is practically the amount for a small child.
    ... 1200 calories isnt like a universal number that is meant for everyone (or anyone really)
    1200 is the minimum someone should be eating unless they're under the supervision of a doctor (or are very short).
    1200 is the minimum someone? Isn't this what I JUST got yelled at for because a statement like that ignores a persons height, weight, gender, age. 1200 IS NOT a universal number.
    That's the medically-established minimum, yes.
    Will you believe Harvard Medical School? (I'm pretty sure they know what they're talking about.)

    calorie intake should not fall below 1,200 a day in women or 1,500 a day in men, except under the supervision of a health professional

    Maybe you'll learn about this once you start classes.

    I did already. it is a load of crap. it landed me in the HOSPITAL. What the heck. Doctors suggest these BS diets all the time doesn't mean they are right.

    Nobody is saying 1200 is right for You.

    Doesn't make it BS for all other people.

    Yes I know you keep saying you know this - but then you seem to post things contradicting it. :indifferent:

    Did you read the entire post? They literally said "1200 is the minimum someone should be eating-"

    Do you understand the difference between "minimum" and "maximum"? 1200 minimum means eating AT LEAST 1200; or DON'T GO BELOW 1200, not 1200 calories is the cap of what you should eat.

    I understand completely, 1200 is not a minimum. It is way too little for someone my size, even if i was sedentary.

    That doesn't sound like under standing to me.
    Nobody is saying you should eat 1200 - yes it is way too little for your size and your age. Nobody has disputed that.

    What it means is that 1200 is the minimum amount that anyone should eat. Some people should eat at the minimum and some should eat well over the minimum - but nobody should eat less than the minimum.
    That's what a minimum is.
  • Lesleycali
    Lesleycali Posts: 236 Member
    You can't have a one size fits all mentality.

    I'm 5'3, which is short, but not that short...thing is though I am little. I wear a children's size 2 shoe, a size 3 ring, size 30 bra band, and need kid's size glasses. I just have a very small frame. If I didn't exercise 1200 is what I would need to slowly lose weight.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,081 Member
    Wow.. this is really petty.

    She gave her opinion in a maybe not-so-nice way. She got a few replies and probably realized that her post was socially and scientifically not ok.

    She applied the standards she uses for herself to the rest of MFP, not ok.. but she realized her fault and apologized. And all of you "mature" older people continue to ostracize her for it.

    Could you all back off and stop being so petty? Maybe read the replies before you post another angry one, AGAIN?

    Who is posting angry replies?? :indifferent:

    OP keeps posting posts and people keep replying to them - that's how Forum threads work.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    That's the medically-established minimum, yes.
    Will you believe Harvard Medical School? (I'm pretty sure they know what they're talking about.)
    calorie intake should not fall below 1,200 a day in women or 1,500 a day in men, except under the supervision of a health professional
    it is a load of crap. it landed me in the HOSPITAL. What the heck. Doctors suggest these BS diets all the time doesn't mean they are right.
    Nobody is saying 1200 is right for You. Doesn't make it BS for all other people.
    Did you read the entire post? They literally said "1200 is the minimum someone should be eating"
    Do you understand the difference between "minimum" and "maximum"? 1200 minimum means eating AT LEAST 1200; or DON'T GO BELOW 1200, not 1200 calories is the cap of what you should eat.
    I understand completely, 1200 is not a minimum. It is way too little for someone my size, even if i was sedentary.
    So she says she understands, then shows that she doesn't. :ohwell:
    Yes, 1200 is the minimum unless someone is under a doctor's supervision.
    Re-read the part in bold up there, the statement from Harvard Medical School. (You know, doctors? Scientists? People with lots of education who have studied how the body works?)
    1200 is the MINIMUM a woman should eat unless she's under a doctor's supervision. (Or very short.)
    She may need to eat more, and apparently you did, but didn't, so you made yourself sick.

    But whose fault is that?
    You didn't bother to learn anything before you started eating too little.
    Or were you in a locked ward and they controlled your food, so even when you were hungry you couldn't have anything more?

  • veg56kg
    veg56kg Posts: 93 Member
    Oh my god. Before you reply you should probably read all the things I have already addressed. I'm leaving this forum, it genuinely cracks me up that people want to defend an unhealthy fad diet. Yes is works for some but NOT all.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    It's true you're supposed to eat exercise calories back if you're set at 1200 calories and you're even supposed to eat back calories from your job if you are remotely mobile on it or even trips to the store.

    Taller people, younger people, people with a lot to lose, people with a good amount of muscle mass, and of course active people need more calories.

    But me? No. I need around 1200, with a little back from the little bit of exercise I get. Otherwise, I simply wouldn't lose weight. My maintenance is only around 1400 now on any day I don't get my butt out of my chair and at least go for a walk.
    Have you ever considered you may have done that to your metabolism by eating too little for too long? Have you ever tried reverse dieting to fix it? Is that really how you want to have to live the rest of your life?
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    What exactly about 1200 landed you in the hospital? How long were you eating at 1200? What was your weight and age then? Was undereating a doctor's diagnosis or your own? What was your activity level like? Are you sure you weren't eating a lot less than 1200? Was it 1200 in Starbucks and Taco Bell? Could it have been dehydration instead? Was there concerns over eating disorders then?

    I'm thinking it was a suspected or full blown eating disorder. Being hospitalized for eating 1,200 calories a day just is not the norm. The problem with counting calories is it can trigger eating disorders and if the OP were eating 1,200 calories then exercising heavily without eating back any of the calories burnt, well there's a recipe for problems. In all honesty, the OP came across as "I can't do it so you can't either" almost like a recovering alcoholic bashing out at anyone who still drinks.
  • spongebobsgirl40
    I went to my Doctor for help on weight loss. he put me on a diet of 1200 calories a day. I am extremely active at work and have a very physical job of moving, organizing boxes of weights from 100 pounds to 50 pounds. I am 5'8. I did it for 9 months. I worked out every day for an hour. I only lost 12 pounds in that amount of time. I was beyond miserable. I could not stay up past 7 or 8 most nights from the exhaustion. not to mention the emotional pummeling that my ego took from the diet. today, I am tentatively trying the plexus. please no hate. I eat a heavy balanced diet loaded with lots of fresh fruit, veggies and lots of water. I have lost 3 1/2 pounds in 14 days and an overall 11 inches so far. I walk 5 miles 5 days a week. so we shall see if it works. my boyfriend doesn't believe it is the plexus that is helping and wishes I would not do it. if anyone has any info on the plexus who is not an ambassador, I want and need info. I want to know if I am just throwing my money away. the people who sell it are just money hungry people who could care less about me. I don't like the attitude and would love to know who out there has honestly tried it and made a honest go of it. I don't want any hate mail please.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I [have] been dieting with 1200-1300 sometimes less calories a day and excessive amount of exercise (over 1,000 minutes of exercise a week).
    This is unhealthy. You will get sick.
    Again with the absolutes? Haven't learned anything, have you?

    That's 2.5 hours per day, 7 days a week, which does seem excessive (and she admits it is), but then we don't know if she's just walking in the park or is she running 8mph on the elliptical?

    Walking at 2 mph would be 660 cal in 2.5 hours (for me at my weight).
    The elliptical would be nearly 2400.

    If her goal weight is 130, then eating 1300 cal to lose weight is reasonable. (This is the method my doctor uses, based on a healthy goal weight determined by BMI.) He also says to ignore exercise calories, though I think for something that excessive eating back 1/3 to 1/2 of the calories would be a better idea.
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