

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I'm back from doing my Ironman and my Thanksgiving vacation. Here's my write up on my Ironman:


    I did well while I was gone, but came back to a house empty of good snacks and now my weight is up because its harder to make good choices. I hope to get to the grocery store tomorrow and get back on track!

    As for my Nov goals, I did complete my Ironman and I did well with the water. I did "okay" on the protein, but could have done better and this paste week has been bad.

    I'm back to tracking my food and exercise. I've decided I need to do that if I want to improve my performance and get in my protein. I was not wanting to do that because I felt like I'd moved beyond that when it came to weight loss and also I wanted to work on eating in a more intuitive manner. But it's keeping me from maximizing my fitness goals so I think I just have to look at things differently.

    I have found the most success on this journey when I change my mindset and think this is just another example of that.
  • ValleyDiva
    I am interested in joining this group. Just starting.
    :heart: Diva
  • vikkij12
    bump the spot, will look tonight when at home
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome, Diva! This is the best thread to get encouragement in any part of your life, new foods to try and all the encouragement you can take.

    Jump right in!

    MacMadame - WOW an Ironman:noway: I'm so impressed...so how did you do? We know you will get those healthy snacks back in the house and continue on with your success:flowerforyou:

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    I've had a busy and snowy day today and I am ready for an early night and a good book. Very pleased to be down another pound today. One more pound and I will be a normal BMI - my Christmas wish would be to be down to 140 pounds by the end of this month.

    I will be helping out at the nursing home Christmas fair tomorrow - I've made a coconut cake and some almond tarts. That should please my mum in law!

    Hope you are all doing well. Will post more tomorrow if I get a chance. Love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • edmontonukeplayer
    edmontonukeplayer Posts: 45 Member
    Hello to all,

    I am so impressed with the commitment and support I see on this thread. As I read through the stories of challenge, accomplishment and just 'getting through the day" stories, I feel witness to grace. Thank you.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I though I had posted here but evidently not!

    Copied from last thread:
    "I've added drink water to my goals--I have not been drinking as much as I should since I stopped working at the end of October and it shows! I am now concentrating on that for this month--that and keeping within my calories--another area where I have been slacking off!

    Welcome to all our newbies! You'll love this thread.

    I am mostly back to a regular routine and hope to get a number of things accomplished this month, not the least of which is to finish the gifts I am making and not stress if I don't!

    Well, it is still fairly early here but I am tired and am going to bed. Night, all, and I'll see you next month!"

    I'll be back later (I hope) to catch up. We are having internet problems again. Our network doesn't want to work if too many people are online!!!! We are working on it but it is VERY frustrating!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    I have a very bad virus on my desktop so I'm posting this from my laptop (which I'm not as comfortable with, so please excuse typos, etc)

    bkrbabe - we got second row on the floor seats to the TSO show in Greenville. Can't wait for this weekend! Get your tickets!!!! I'm SOOOO stoked. Made a triple chocolate cheesecake for Jessica. 1/16 is only 272 calories, not great, but certainly not the worst either.

    Tuesday I did an hour of speed intervals on the Stairmaster. I found that if I covered the timer/clock, I was surprised by the time the hour was up. Yesterday I did an hour of yoga and then an hour of deep water. Today I did an hour PowerSculpt DVD. Tomorrow I'm planning on doing an hour downloadable workout on the spinning bike. Then Sat. I'll probably go to the yoga class at 9 since we need to leave by noon for the concert. See, one of the couples we're going with, the husband has REAL bad back problems, he has to take heavy duty pain meds just to get to sleep. We're going to go to the afternoon show so that we can get home in time for him to take his meds. I know Jessica wasn't real thrilled when we told her we were going to the matinee, but when Vince explained that we were going to the matinee so that we'd get home in time for Ken to take his pain med, she understood.

    Say, does anyone know anything about the video game "zumba fitness" for the Wii?

    Karlene - good for you restarting your exercise! I know that I should get more yoga in. But there just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day.

    Vikki - congrats on your bike ride. I give you high marks, I don't think I could do something like that.

    Oh, bowled 3 games Wed. night, I don't know what it was but I was in bad, bad shape. One of the games I didn't even break a 70. None of the games did I break 100. Well, maybe next time.

    Welcome joylaut! Tell us more about yourself. And welcome kelspal along with Valley Diva

    Birdie - wow on the weight loss!

    Vince is WAAYYYY into decorating for Christmas. We're going to have an open house on the 17th and I know people are going to ask what they can bring. Honestly, I'll make like 2 desserts, get a fruit tray. What I think I'm going to ask people to bring are two nonperishable items for the local soup kitchen. The day before we're going to have a cookie exchange where you can take some cookies but you also have to give some to the soup kitchen. We're all just so lucky, at least we have a roof over our heads. Some of the people that I see at the soup kitchen make my heart break. For the open house I'm just planning to have some horsduerves (or however it's spelled), and the 3 desserts. Coffee, tea, water, and if someone wants to bring something else with them, that's fine by me.

    Barbie - I don't sit very still either, you know, if I sit down and start to read or watch TV, many is the time that I fall asleep! I don't fall asleep when I'm crocheting or doing some other sort of craft.

    Denise - I was surprised to read that the Geneva airport was closed due to the snow. I would think they'd be able to handle the snow.

    For people into crafts: I know that I've seen a plastic canvas pattern for a silverware holder with a christmas/winter design, but now I can't seem to find it. If anyone has access to it, would you PLEASE let me know? I'd make them for next year even. thanks.

    Everyone, have a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member

    I just finished reading MacMadame's blog about her IronMan race.....it is worth reading. I hope everyone will take the time to read it....not just because of her level of fitness but because of her "never give up" spirit.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, congratulations on losing another pound...:bigsmile: :drinker:

    :flowerforyou: Chiclet, you're doing a great job helping your mom with the extra benefit of getting hit on by the young care guy...take it one day at a time and enjoy the blessing of having your mother in your life...we are all supporting you in this new challenge

    :flowerforyou: I have a knitting project that I hoped to finish tonight but while I was at the computer, Haifa went to sleep on it, so I guess I'll finish tomorrow :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Diva, welcome to the group....you have come to the right place for encouragement and support.

    :drinker: :drinker: :heart: :heart: hugs to all :heart:
  • joylaut
    Welcome, Diva! I also just joined mfp 6 days ago and found this thread just the other day. I find everyone's posts to be very motivating.
  • kerrynev
    kerrynev Posts: 20 Member
    Welcome to the new members and hello to the other members. I am bumping to mark my spot for later lurking. Just not enough time in the day.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hello to "All the Pretty Ladies"

    Hope all of you are well and doing well.

    Welcome to the newbies...newer than me:happy:

    Chiclet: I hope things get easier for you. You may not have time to read but your are mentioned on here quite often. To think, we have our own Cougar Town on the ladies forum.:laugh: :laugh:

    Michelle: so sorry you have been sick hope you are better:flowerforyou:

    Don't have time to post to each of you. I just spilled a pan of water in the floor:tongue::tongue:

    Have a good one!!
  • chicletgirl

    Trust me, I am not a couger, My caregiver is too immature and though he may be cute and suave with the words, I see right through him and at my age now the things that turn me on about a man are not "cuteness and immaturity". I raised my child already and don't want to "raise" another one. I was flattered and thought it was cute, but we have nothing in common and I like my men experienced, mature, and intelligent, qualities I look for in a man now more so than cuteness. The caregiver is a player.:laugh:

    So glad to see you back on the thread. I know you were off to see your mother and at that time you said she was probably not going to survive much longer. You were constantly in my thoughts as I know you were with all the others. I was very worried about you and was praying for you to be strong and am glad to see you are back and doing well. We missed you very much.

    You are such a baker!:drinker: I still don't know how you can stand being around al those goodies you make. But most of all I am impressed with you being such a giver. I think it is wonderful how much you give to your community! When I am on my feet again, I intend to give back all I can to the needy (since I have been one myself for a while) and to all who have helped me through difficult times financially, with food and companionship. Without people like you with kind hearts, I would have been on the streets by now and would not have been strong enough to help my mother during her time of need. Thank you Michelle for all you do, from one of the people who needed your help, from people like you. We are very grateful.

    And finally, I saw someone post something about roasting brussel sprouts in olive oil. I love brussel sprouts! At what temperature do you bake them and for how long? Can you spray them with olive oil like Mimi does or is it better to just add the 3 teaspoons of olive oil? What do you season them with? Garlic? Can't wait to try them.

    Well I just woke up and thought I would check the thread, but it is still way to early to start the day. I am going back to bed.:yawn:

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Dear Ladies,

    Diva and Karlene: Welcome, welcome! So glad that you have found us and look forward to getting to know each of you.
    This is a great place for encouragement and support. Just keep logging every day, reading and posting when you can. We are all in this together. There are some ladies who have had fantastic success and when in doubt, do what they've done!

    Michelle: So sorry that your computer has a virus. What a pain that is! Hope you get it cleared up quickly.

    MacMadame: You are a great inspiration! Way to go!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I had a nice trip over and back to see my parents. We got their house all packed up, car loaded, freezer cleaned out and had a good visit too. My father, especially, is less sturdy on his feet and knows it. He hates it but has such grace. I hope I can go that way as I age more! Hmmmm

    All the best to you for a great day. I am off to Yoga! Take care, Kackie:heart::heart: :heart:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    oops! Michelle, sorry your pc had a virus...not you:blushing:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Friday to all!

    Only time to pop in and say HI, as I have to finish my payroll (the office electric went off yesterday for about 5 min right in the middle of it!) and then this afternoon I have my annual Mamogram (YUCK:tongue: ), need to get the oil changed on the car, get a bit of shopping done, work on Christmas Cards and if time get my nails done...so will busy this afternoon.

    Michelle- You are amazing in all the baking you do:drinker: so many of the things you make sound wonderful and I know you try and make many of them lower in calories, your will power is an inspiration to us all:drinker:

    Chiclet- I understand the flattery of the younger man paying attention but not wanting to develop any kind of relationship with him...what do you really have in comon with someone that much younger:ohwell: My husband and I have talked about that, we have the history of the 60's & 70's together because we are the same age....those young ones weren't even a thought back then and I'm just not too sure I can handle a lot of the new music of today either...:wink:

    Everyone have a good day and hopfully I will get to pop in over the weekend, but it's sure to be really busy too so I will just have to wait and see.


    Still managing to keep my weight right on...the exercise is another thing:grumble:
  • debieanne
    :drinker: good morning mfp family, please excuse if some of my words are missing letters it seems keyboard wants to not work hum wonder what this could be.watching the weather channel lots of snow upper new york. i have been in and out putting up decorations. chirden are all off to school daughter has gone to work and hubby just left with his friend to cut wood. mark was laid off last week so now he will do his odd jobs for the winter until they get called back in the spring the down side is uneployment usally kicks in in two weeks they told him 4 to 6 weeks possible ugh was not counting on that we knew this would be coming so we put away a little extra this time just wasn't counting on the 4 to 6. so i have been going up and down a laddle what a good stairs workout i am getting and i am not sure were they are coming from but i am out there raking this morning. ok everyone have a nice morning debi(momof10)
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    MacMadame - WOW an Ironman:noway: I'm so impressed...so how did you do? We know you will get those healthy snacks back in the house and continue on with your success:flowerforyou:
    Let's just say I finished... it was a very tough day with lots of weather, so not really what I expected or was trained for. Well, I did train for windy conditions, just not 35-40 mph winds. And rain. And hail apparently though I didn't get any of that or at least not so I noticed.

    Barbie- I did actually think about giving up. This photo of me starting out on the run kind of shows my mood at that point:


    But I got over it. I figured I didn't come all that way or work that hard to not finish and get my Ironman tattoo!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I am not sure how to say I did on my November goals. I did not loose weight, but I did not gain. My December Goals are set and I've stopped doing ButNGut as my main ab workout. I need to turn up the burn on everything I do to get the scale moving.

    Somehow I need to loose 5 pounds to meet my two year goal.

    So far I am in 2nd place in the Big Losers contest at work. One lady lost 60 pounds, then there is me, then a lady that lost 18 pounds. There is no prize just an Email.

    Happy Friday!!

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Welcome to all our new ladies!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: It's so nice to see you here!

    I have been really concentrating on drinking my water:drinker: and I am getting rid of the pounds that went on over the Thanksgiving week visit to my family.:grumble: I was pretty sure it was mostly fluid retention and I am so relieved that that is what it appears to have been.:smile:

    This is going to be a good month--I have decided that and that is THAT!!! I am refusing to dwell on anything but good things.

    Chicklet--It sounds like you are doing well with all the adjustments you have had to make lately. I think of you often.

    Michelle--I used to do a lot of baking for gifts, etc. but our new(er) refrigerator doesn't have as much freezer space as our old one. The ice maker takes up a lot of the space! We are hoping to get a small freezer to put in the garage but that won't happen in time for Christmas so I am just not doing the baking this year.

    I have finally caught up on reading all the posts but I don't have time to respond to all of you individually. I really wish I did but I am NOT sitting on the computer the way I used to! It can really start consuming a lot of time and I have too much else to be doing.

    I do pray for all your concerns and I am sending good thoughts to everyone!