

  • debieanne
    :drinker: tea time good evening everyone is settle down for the night. had a nice time with jackie i love being her pca.she helps my remeber a real lot jackie is ten 1/2 and has celerbral palsey. i am doing good with the water in take today on my thrid bottle and they are 20 ozs will everyone have a good night debi (momof10)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I'm not sitting much these days----especially today when we had a giant potato latke meal midday and now have many calories to burn before bedtime.:laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: this will be a good month----I'm going to take it one day at a time and enjoy everything that comes along....I have a lot to be grateful for and not much to complain about (and since one of my goals is a complaint free life, I won't complain about anything.
    :love: :love:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    I helped Vince put out the Christmas decorations with the hope that if I help him, he'll help me decorate the inside of the house. Well, I just found out that Ken is going to bring his synthesizer here next week so Vince isn't planning to help me one bit. I guess I'm just a little annoyed, why do they have to do this right around the holidays? There is so much to do, decorating, shopping, wrapping, I wrote out the christmas cards already. Looks like Vince won't get to trying one other thing to get rid of the virus on my desktop. Maybe when Ken is here I can mention that maybe he has an idea of how to get rid of my virus? To me, the holidays are so much about cooking, and I'm starting to get into decorating. Looks like I'll be doing the decorating myself. Well, we shall see what happens. Vince just went to bed, he couldn't get over the fact that this is the first time all day that I've had a chance to get on my computer. I still need to take a shower before I get to bed.

    Jessica just came here with her bf. tomorrow we'll need to leave around noon to go to the concert. I'm SOOO stoked.

    Did an hour of a downloadable workout on the spinning bike today. Tomorrow I think I'll do a yoga DVD since I don't want to be rushed for getting home so we can get to the concert.

    MacMadame - you are such a great inspiration.

    For the first time in -- well, almost forever -- the Wii says that I am overweight. I'm thinking a lot of it is this holiday. I'm really trying to be good.

    Kathy - when we were in the apt. (before we moved to this house), we had a SMALL freezer, just what was on top of the refrig. And I cook A LOT for the holidays. Do you know that we had a neighbor who was a college student who I knew was going home for the holiday so I borrowed his freezer? He couldn't believe how much I had in his freezer! In addition to that my freezer was full.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • joylaut
    Thanks to those of you who mention water frequently. I read it and do the forehead slap because I am so, not water conscious. Good to get reminded.
  • chicletgirl
    :flowerforyou: Hi Ladies!

    Well here it is 3:00 am and I am up again. Granted I went to bed at 9pm, ( I was exhausted, I just changed moms diaper, got her situated for the evening and passed out. Don't understand why I am waking up at 3 am lately though. Yesterday was a challenge of a day and had tons of phone calls arranging PT and OT for my mom, insurance isssues and problem solving, exercising her, talking her through her down moods, trying to clean house a little, squeezing in time for Boo who just follows me from room to room hoping I will pay attention to her and got into it with the caregiver (yes the one that that hit on me the other day). I am very into organizing things and my mothers shelves have everythiing in just the right spot: medical supplies on one shelf, diaper products on another. medicines on an other and bathing and hygiene on another. It keeps me sane to have it this way so I am not scrounging around looking for things, I will know exactly where things are and having 2 men for caregiving is a challenge. They don't get "organizing" and I find things misplaced jars open without lids on it, new wipey packages open, when we haven't finished the old ones yet. It drives me crazy! But yesterday I had to change the commode to a larger one, but this one did not have a bucket with it and so I transferred the bucket from the old one to that one. Of course it did not fit and was holding on precariously, so I propped something under the bucket to hold it in place so in case it came loose it wouldn't drop and spill the contents. It worked well for a temporary situation until I get a larger bucket to fit and find someone to give me a ride to get one also. My caregiver knew my situation on not being able to rush out and get a new one right away and we had worked so hard to find this larger commode, so yesterday he starts complaining about the bucket not fitting and he can't get it on right and he did't put anything under it to hold it in place to prevent spillage and he knew I just got it the afternoon before and hadn't had time to get a new bucket and he just complained away, so I just blew up at him and told him to just do it the way we had the day before!:explode: He argued with me and I said back to hiim, "What is wrong with you, you know what I had to do to get this commode and I haven't had a chance to get a new bucket to fit because I don't have a car where I can just hop in and go and get one. Why are you being such a jerk to me???" It had been about 45 minutes before he was about to leave that day and was trying to hurry up and you just can't hurry up my mom to go to the restroom, so I told him, "You know what go home, just leave now and I will handle it. He protested and I said "Just leave." So he did. I was so upset and I went into the kitchen and cried while my mom sat on he commode doing her business. It was just a very hectic day. He later called back and apologized for complaining and being rude to me and I told him thank you. I was so drained that day and I had completely forgotten to eat all day, so I ordered a pizza. The gooiest, yummiest, stuffed crust pizza I could find and figured it was something I just "wanted"! When it arrived I still couldn't eat it, but set it up for my mom to eat, because a neighbor came over and was crying and wanted to know if she could use my computer to pay a bill she was late on and she was desperate to pay it, so I spent 45 minutes trying to do that for her but it didn't allow me to because it was so overdue that it had already been handed over for collections. So finally when I went to eat the now cold pizza which my mom had eaten a good amount of, I found out that they sent me the wrong pizza!:grumble: I couldn't eat it because it had sausage on it and sausage and I do not agree with each other. So I called them back and complained and they sent me another pizza 45 minutes later. In the meantime I picked off the sausage on the original pizza and ate some. I was starving. When the pizza finally arrived I was full and didn;t even eat it.
    Just one of those days.:huh:

    Here's to a better one tomorrow.:ohwell:

    Crossing my fingers.

    :yawn: going back to bed now.

    See you later
  • debieanne
    many prayers going out to you and your mom. just remeber to keep talking to us and anyone else while it doesn't feel good at themoment it will be better we are thinking about debi (momof10):flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • debieanne
    :drinker: water/tea break i like that saying barbie one day at a time .and my other is one foot in front of thee other just one more step.. debi (momof10)
  • debieanne
    :glasses: good morning mfp family having a slow staring day today didn't sleep good last night this morning we were out the door after six brought allysa to work and shawn jr to the school for his sats. wow he is gratuding this year. were the time goes. so i have been getting some walking in and other excersies so i am happy about that i have a little headache everyone have a good morning debi (momof10)
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Another cold day. I've been making the most of a 'stay at home day' by getting out the Christmas decs and dressing the tree. That's all we do - I don't really put any other decorations up. When the children lived at home, we used to go crazy, but my DH is a bit of a 'bah humbug' type and for a couple of years I didn't put up any decorations at all. Now I put just enough to make it look festive and pretty.

    I had every intentions of getting the remainder of my Christmas gifts wrapped this afternoon, but I got a call from our Aussie friend (the same one that was over during the summer). We chatted for nearly two hours before he had to go off to work. It was lovely to catch up and I made good use of the cordless phone by walking round the house and up and down the stairs whilst talking to him. Once upon a time I would have just settled down on the sofa for a good old 'natter'.

    Not sure why, but I have been 'grazing' today. The good thing is that I stuck to things like celery and peppers.

    Tomorrow we are going over to DD#2's house and from there we will be having a good stomp in the park, just the four of us. After that we will pop over to DD#1's to get some twins cuddles. Their mummy sent me a little video clip of them today. Teddy was asleep in it and Molly was wriggling around and gave a couple of sneezes. It then looked as if she was holding her brother's hand - totally adorable! It is one of the greatest things about modern technology, being able to share things like that.

    Chiclet, it's good to see you posting again and I am extremely proud of how you are coping with your mum. It's not an easy thing to do but you seem to be giving it your all. Good luck!

    I hope eveyone is having a good weekend and being mindful about what they are eating and drinking.

    Catch you all soon.

    Amanda x
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Hello. Just popping in to say hello to everyone and to report that the mojo I had recently found turned up missing again. But, as is ever true of me...I'm back to try, try again. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
  • debieanne
    good afternoon..burrrr so chilly today just had a nice lunch with daughter and grandson i'm real pround of myself oatmeal tst good amount of lettuce tuna fish pepper and little mayo. we are going to be going to the campground they are having a tot for toys spghteii supper. does anyone do winter camping. it would be nice to walk around the sites that would be a nice walk we are going to yogi bear jellystone camp ground. ok evreyone have a good afternoon debi
  • groovylaura
    Hi to all of my amazing MFP buddies! HAPPY SATURDAY!!! I think this process of getting healthier and making better choices is also helping me to do some deep thinking! I'm losing weight slow & steady, and that works great for me! It's so good for me not to be in such a hurry, like I usually am... Then, I get very frustrated and give up... This time is FOREVER!!! Yabba--dabba-doo...

    Sorry this is so long, but I've been doing some very deep thinking today. Someone said that she didn't feel that having a cartoon character for your profile photo truly helped abused children at all. So, I gave that some thought. I know that it doesn't directly bring in money for abused children or help stop abuse, but it does make more and more of us think about it and how we might be able to help. I do believe that awareness is very powerful. And, this added awareness will most likely indirectly make positive differences that we aren't even aware of; and who knows, maybe it will encourage some people to give to charities that help. That would be fantastic! Do any of you know of any really great charities that help abused children or help stop abuse? We'd have to make sure that these charities are very safe, legitimate, and that most of the funds go straight to helping victims and/or stopping abuse. We could pass this information on to others as well, and now is a very good time to do that. We could also pass on other contact information to several types of really good charities that help a variety of needs (children, animals, diseases, homelessness, etc.). That would be so wonderful! What do you guys think??? Otherwise, we could all do our own research and give (if we are able) where we feel most comfortable... If we can't give money, then maybe we could donate some of our time doing volunteer work. As most of you probably know, I absolutely LOOOOOVE animals (and we have a ton of them), and I volunteered at my local animal shelter for 1 1/2 years. I took care of the pets, took the dogs for daily walks, kept the shelter and animal areas clean, helped feed and give fresh water daily, got sick or injured animals care, started a donation program to get funds to help care for the pets, got donated money to build a large fenced outdoor running area for the dogs to run and play, took pictures of the pets and did daily ads to find them good homes, talked with people (on the phone or by email) interested in adopting a pet from our shelter, met with them at the shelter for adoptions, volunteered at adoption events, etc., etc., etc. As you can tell, this got to be quite overwhelming, so I organized a group of volunteers to help with this. It felt so good to make such a positive difference for all of those amazing pets that came to our shelter! And, it was great to find other people that cared and wanted to help, as well. We can all find our niche in our communities where we can be of most service. That's also why I work with kids. I work with kids that have special needs, and I absoluetly love it! I also try to make a positive difference with ALL of the kids at the school! I very strongly believe that ALL kids need as much positive interactions with adults as possible!!! Life can be very challenging, and we all need all the unconditional love and acceptance that we can get (especially children)! I certainly don't make a lot of money, but I do feel a lot of joy and satisfaction in my heart and soul each day, and that is so much more valuable to me!!! Life is what we make it, and we need to work hard to make ours great!!! I think that's also why we're all here on MFP taking better care of ourselves and making better choices, too! First, we need to love & care for ourselves, and then we can love & care for others more effectively, as well... Maybe I'll put this on the Forum Posts, too. We can all work hard together to make our world a better place! Have a fantastic day, and I hope we all make wonderful choices! I'm doing quite well, so far. Thanks again for all of your support! Take care, Laura :)
  • edmontonukeplayer
    edmontonukeplayer Posts: 45 Member
    Good Saturday Morning to all,

    It is -9 C and sunny outside (relatively nice for this time of year by Edmonton standards); but I am feeling "blah". I would like to stay in all day, sit in front of the fireplace, watch a movie with my laptop at my side for distraction if the movie is bad, rather than going out Christmas shopping as per the original plan. But I will admit that reading the posts on this thread have given me the motivation not to just stay on the couch but to get moving (even if it is just shopping). Amanda your story of moving around while chatting on the phone did it: just wanted you to know your sharing helped.

    Chiclet, I read your posts and see right now you have little time for "self-care" when even eating a pizza (for me an old comfort) is challenging. I hope that your days can settle into a good routine soon so you will have time for both your mother and your own care. I read your frustration with some of the chaos (messy caregivers!) in your life right now, but know that it your resilience that also comes through in your posts. I hope you will have a better Saturday.

    So I am off to the outside and a cold sunny Edmonton day. After "achieving" that, maybe I will attempt Wii yoga this evening. But first things first: shopping (which for me: not really fun).

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Bah humbug!
    No christmas spirit here. I am just feeling really bleh about it all. oh well maybe I catch some holiday spirit later.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HIjust saw this post.How do I join?can use all the support I can.I`m 54 and making being healthy my priority.
  • marlouise
    Hello everyone, just sat down to post in and my sis popped in for a chat. Hope all is well and all are well. I've been busy working harder than I wanted and it looks like it will last for another month. Soon to find the answer to that. I have not been doing anything to watch my weight or exercise, my mind and body is not interested in this anymore. My time to do anything is sparce. So I gave in to my distress and quit Weight watchers, I just can't find the time, nor take it, to track on the service. Enjoyed the ladies there though and I will miss them, some have left messages that I will remember for all time to come.

    Hope to chat again soon,

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    HIjust saw this post.How do I join?can use all the support I can.I`m 54 and making being healthy my priority.

    :flowerforyou: Jane, welcome to the greatest group of women.....they have changed my life and I wish the same for you...if you check in every day and read the posts you will get to know us better and if you post often, we will get to know you and before long you will feel like we are another family for you.

    :flowerforyou: chiclet, just keep taking it one day at a time and give yourself credit for a job well done...you are doing well with all the frustrations......stress is likely to wake you up in the middle of the night.....some people sleep extra when they are stressed and some (like me) wake up in the middle of the night.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: today I had the last meeting of a committee I've been serving on for two years.....i love everyone on the committee but won't miss the day long adventure of the meeting......the meeting itself lasted only about two hours but complex carpooling, traffic contingencies and a long restaurant meal afterward had me leaving the house at 7:30 AM and getting home at 5 PM.....we had Mexican for dinner----chicken mole enchiladas with rice and beans but I got pico de gallo instead of sour cream and guacamole and brought half of it home for DH who was thrilled to get it.......I did get to walk for about 40 minutes while waiting for my carpooling connection and I've ridden the exercise bike for 25 minutes and will ride again before bedtime. ...I may be over my calories today but not by too much and tomorrow is our Isagenix cleanse day so that will get me back on track.
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Bah humbug!
    No christmas spirit here. I am just feeling really bleh about it all. oh well maybe I catch some holiday spirit later.

    I am with you Robin. Usually I play Santa for immediate family and small group of friends and this makes Christmas for me. Making or getting that 'just' right thing to match each individual is what I enjoy.. This year I am having a struggle due to finances where I was out of work on medical leave for15 weeks. When back on duty work did not have any openings for me so have not been working til this past 10 days.( I am a private duty nurse doing in home care for the medically fragile who require an RN vs an aide for care. ) Hopefully this new client/patient will be one I can work into as a primary and steady work vs just a 'fill in' position..
    Having been out for so long and with an 'issue ' with the disability insurance denying my coverage due to "prior existing" I have gone through my savings and am worried about possibly losing my house. With these financial concerns it leaves little (none actually) left over to do Christmas the way I usually do and making it 'kinda' depressing.
    Actually I just went grocery shopping for more than milk and eggs for the 1st time in 3 months the other day. Good thing I am my mother's daughter and had proteins some garden veggies, and breads in freezer with pastas and rice in cupboard( even though not best thing for diet). I put on a few pounds between bad eating and decreased activity so I started a life change (I hope) and came here to MFP at my son's and girlfriend's encouragement. Working overnights rt. now 3 days/week and back to days 4 days/week is causing some logging/posting problems with MFP not posting what I log on diary nor keeping track of # days correctly... this id frustrating and disappointing; so ya I have the "blah" attitude also.

    Enough Lamenting! (for me)

    Chiclet: Am sorry to hear of upset with caregiver. Glad to hear he did apologize. It is a strain taking care of loved ones and having 'strangers' in your home; sometimes you have to allow yourself those emotional times. It is alright to cry and let out the frustration. As others' have said, you do need to take time for yourself/ take care of yourself. The fact that you do have caregivers beside yourself should give you some 'you' time. I hope things work out better with the in home help. Thinking of you.:smile:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi there ladies.

    What a mixed day today! Spent some time with mum-in-law at the nursing home and then went out with DH, DD#2 and her DH. Had a good catch up and a good, brisk walk. Then went over to spend some time with the grandtwins. DD#1 had a bad night with them last night, plus her DH has put his back out - so we sent them to bed and had some quality time with Molly and Teddy. Blissful!

    I was supposed to meet with my DS and his fiancé to discuss wedding plans, but we had to postpone because of a problem with their water heater.

    Came home and found that my new over the knee boots have arrived. Love them!!

    Then spent some time trying on some evening dresses. We are going to a 'posh' ball in a couple of weeks and I wanted something really special to wear. I've spent so long hiding in the background in safe, voluminous, boring outfits, I wanted to get away from that for a change. Anyway, I'd bought half a dozen dresses home from a boutique (I used to go to school with the owner and she let me bring them home to try them on). They are all gorgeous dresses and I paraded around in them for DH. He made all the right noises about how I looked in them and which ones looked best. We finally narrowed it down to a dark green velvet dress and a black 'spangly' dress. Both are gorgeous, both will cost me an arm and a leg. Anyway, after getting changed back into my ordinary clothes, I felt deeply depressed! I had this thought running through my head, "who am I trying to kid? I'm still fat and ugly - what's the point.

    As I said the other day, I now weigh less than half of what I did this time last year ... I KNOW my body is so much smaller .... so could somebody please tell my head?!!! I promised myself that these kind of meltdowns were things of the past, so it is upsetting that this one has sprung up again. Ho hum.

    Anyway, tomorrow I have my last swimming lesson - although I will be booking more next year, but probably not until after I have my heart valve replacement surgery.

    I'm off to spend an hour in my gym room now. Have a good rest of the weekend please.


    Amanda x
  • Lizzybluts
    Lizzybluts Posts: 18 Member
    I'm new to MFP, joining just yesterday and SO excited to find this blog. I am 59 years old and it is a whole different challenge losing weight when you turn 50.

    Your reviews are all so inspiring! I am amazed at the success you have all had. Motivation and support is so important, I would love to join all of you on this journey. :drinker: