Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - December Challenge!!



  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Melissa - I'm definitely feeling the "not the greatest past 2 days" right now... Fri/Sat are always hard for me. Between plans with the boy, family complications, and now birthdays/holiday stuff (even when you don't celebrate Xmas, the season is still a great excuse to eat out etc). Splurged last night but would have been under my cals if I had actually worked out as planned. Unfortunately my body is saying "SLOWWW DOWN!!!' and so while my mind wants me to go a mile a min, I need to just listen to my body occasionally and take a day off. I know it won't kill me!

    I'm really glad to hear you talked things out with your friend :happy: It's unfortunately when rifts like this get in the way of otherwise positive and supportive friendships. It's nice that you were honest with her about how you felt and she understood. Yay!

    Very very excited about the Dash with all this talk of it... Signed the boy up yesterday and we're all set! ROO -- Hope you can come, but if you're planning on going to LA definitely do that instead :happy: Sounds great! But we would love to have you as well! How far is it from where you live? Could you drive there and back in one long day, on race day, since we're racing at 3pm?

    ngoat - great loss!!

    Ack no more time - boy's up and awake. Should be going out of town for a few hours today to do some more urban exploring :happy: Love walking around and doing that sort of thing without a plan! Work again tonight at 11pm... Should be fun :ohwell: Another long one! Hope everyone has a great day!
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    hey all! just checkin in! i lost another 1.6lbs this week officially bringing my total weight loss to over 30lbs! woo hoo! sooo excited! i'm glad to see all my hard work is paying off. such a great feeling! i only have 1.2lbs to go to make my original december goal (or 4.2lbs for my ultimate). with 2 december weigh-ins left, i know i can handle losing 1.2lbs even with the holidays! i probably won't make my ultimate goal of 35lbs lost this month, but i knew that was really pushing it anyway and i couldn't be happier with the results i have been getting! i am going to try for a 3lb loss in the next two weeks though, since i've been averaging 1.5lbs a week for a while now. if i don't check in with you before then, i hope everyone has a merry christmas!! :)

    keep up all of your hard work!

    km323 - Reach 185lbs, run 4x per week, get to sleep before 2am each night, avoid french fries and log every day
    kvr414- Lose another 10 lbs. drink 10 cups of water a day, do a 3x to 5x a day routine of situps, pushups, lunges til fatigue.
    roobean33 - Reach 128lbs, drink more H20 daily, try new healthy recipes, avoid most of the holiday treats
    inskydiamonds - Continue my biweekly meal challenges, because they force me to reach outside the box for things to eat for dinner. (December 1-5: Suggestions from MFP friends / December 6-19: Low-Cal Desserts / December 20-31: Meals Under $10). Lose 4 pounds, bringing me to 183.
    Keysr-Cook for myself and become more active outside with fun winter sports
    krishatherley - drop another 3-4 lbs
    wardiemelissa-maintain current weight of 125 lbs.; continue exercise regimine of running 2-3 times a week (with one long run between 7-8 miles), strength training (30 day Shred), and stretching (yoga); plan healthy dinners for the week; and begin to tone those trouble zones (No More Trouble Zones)
    SkierElle: Reach 175 lbs, still limit sweets but allow myself a few if they fit w/in calories, when I'm home for Xmas try to involve family in fun exercise!
    meagalayne - Reach 130lb by 12/11/10 and maintain to 01/01/11, complete 20 consecutive push-ups, complete 5 full weeks of Cutting Body Fat (3x/week) weight lifting and extend longest run distance to 9 miles - NO EXCUSES!
    rai8759 - Go from 167.4 to 162 by 1/3/11 (1.08 lbs/week); Carry a water bottle around with me and drink 8-10 cups of water per day; Be true to my food diary even if i miss a day get right back into it the next day!!
    Tai_88 – continue my no candy streak (limit of one piece of candy per week); stop drinking soda for the month; at least 3 workouts per week; get my 2 mile time under 18:30; logging everyday – especially when I don’t want to.
    Hazeldiva1913---drink at least 12 cups of water a day, loose 10 lbs by christmas. Im at 299 need to be at 289 on xmas day...start incorporating more strength eating out more than once a week!!!
    chawntamarie - Reach 140lbs by Christmas (4 lb. loss), Workout 5 times/week and cook my own meals 2-3 times per week.
    finncmh- lose 5lbs bringing me to 193 by New Years eve, strength training 2x's a week, develop a solid running/walking routine, try one new healthy meal a week!
    Mevan17- lose 3 lbs to get to 141 lb, run 4 days/week, no cookies
    Stuartme123 - DecSW = 161. 30 min of cardio 3x a week, Keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day, Add veggies that wouldn't normally be there to at least one meal a day, Try one new healthy recipe a week, Lose 1lb a week for a total of 4lbs.
    CaptainJim157 - Dec SW = 172.2 lbs, lose 10 lbs by the end of December (2 lbs a week), control my anxiety a bit better (Can that be one of my goals?)
    Tickyfoxster710- Dec SW=294lbs, goal lose 9lbs by the end of December, finish my 10k running plan, try to get up to 8 miles before the end of the year, start my second round of 6 week triple challenge (finish the first week of January) ( goal 100 push ups, 200 situps, 200 squats consecutive)
    Jourdan_Rystrom - DecSW=136. I want to reach 133 by the end of December and have even more muscle tone! Log on to MFP EVERY DAY and always stay under my calories! I want to drop my BF% to 22%! I also want to include more greens in my diet!
    meggonkgonk: Reach 150 lbs, complete 1 unabridged week of training, Week 4 of pushup challenge and 1 unassisted pullup
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - lose 5 pounds before 2011. Work out twice a week. Continue with my C25K training.
    Losstalykat:* Do one nice relaxing thing for myself once a week. (massage, bath with wine and book, new workout class....)* Focus on Triathlon Training, workout as close to the training schedule as possible. * Only eat 2 sweets a week(it is the holidays after all)*Measure at the beginning and end of the month.
    spellbinder25: (1) Start with week 3 of C25K. From week 4 onwards, do each week twice. (2) Cook twice a week, (3) Have a serving of fruit everyday, (4) Do squats and crunches thrice a week, (5) Lose 5.5 lbs to reach 145lbs.
    seripha - Dec SW = 156.5, goal to lose another 5 lbs by the end of December, continue to exercise 4 - 5 times a week, and avoid binging on the weekend!
    miss_amy: current weight loss: 26.4lbs- goal: at least 32lb total loss (5.6lbs)- ultimate goal: 35lb total loss (8.6). NSG: eat less carbs! -update (12/11): 30.8lbs lost, 1.2lbs until goal (4.2lbs until ultimate december goal!)
    TaraMaria - Ab workout 3x's weekly, 4500 calories burned weekly, 97.5 miles walked/ran by Christmas, build up to running/walking 5 miles and finally no refined sugars for the month of December
    SKINNYACK- Get under 160- ideally 157 by Dec 31st. I'm currently stuck at 161. Be able to hold side arm planks for 90 seconds each arm without shaking. Run my first official 5K. Finish Month 1 of P90X
    Fiore89 -- Go to the gym daily, eat less carbs and more protein, log in MFP daily, pack a healthy lunch to work and stay under my calorie intake!!! :-)
    Allislefttogain: Maintain in 118-123 range; minimum base running of 8-10 miles a week; long run of 13.1; weigh-ins on 10th/ 20th/30th of December; try a new workout (or 2 or 3); 64 oz of water daily (no counting tea water!) and experiment in the kitchen
    Tjradd73-to lose 8lbs and 2", continue on with the push-up challenge, and do 3 days a week of abs!
    cruan- Stay on the Herbalife plan, get my protein intake that I need, lose at least 5 lbs, and exercise, exercise, exercise!
    emmarie1630- lose 4lbs, eat out less, stay active over the holidays, drink more water
    30poundsto30- lose 10 pounds, exercise 3x a week, walk my dog everyday and drink at least 64 ounces of water daily
    SkiptomyLou32: 123 by end of December, run 3x week, weights 3x week, continue to cut sweets
    Nisharae- be below 207 pounds by January first...Running 5 minutes straight on the treadmill @ atleast 5.2 speed. HERE WE GO!
    js775219-lose 6-10lbs, 3 straight weeks of bootcamp, log ALL calories EVERYDAY!
    allie7383- lose at least 3 lbs, work out at least 5 times a week, and drink over 8 glasses of water per day.
    megteg-lose 5lbs, log in everyday and stay at or under 1500 calories.
    Ngoat - Eat less processed foods, excercise an average of 3 hours a week and lose 3lbs.
    ckehoe89: Lose 5lbs, maintain exercise routine of at least 5 times a week. Work on getting more fruits and veggies into my diet instead of the carbs I love so much!
    Shaunie0613- 175lb by Dec 31st
    burningstar28- Lose 5lbs by Dec 31st
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    ngoat-0.5lbs is most def better than nothing!! wtg!!

    Roo-thanks!! Only 19lbs since I joined this site October 2nd though :) have fun in LA!!

    Melissa-I am glad to hear that you and your friend talked things over...that is how you know your true friends!!

    Amy-you are doing SO GREAT!!! and my fingers are crossed for your ultimate goal still for the year!!

    AFM-I am still sticking to all of my goals so that is great! i can't believe that there is only 13 days to go until the end of December though!! OMG!! i wish everyone the best of luck for the rest of the month, towards reaching all of their goals!!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Up and at it already this morning...we have family Christmas pictures this morning (I was a little late scheduling them this year-oh well). Coming home to clean the house and then hoping to get in at least 8...possibly pushing to 10 if I can get it in!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Go for it Melissa!!! 10 MILES! You can do it :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Long, late night at work. Nightclub was WAY packed (to capacity, basically) and we were swamped with fights. Great. Didn't get out of there until well after my shift actually finished and wasn't in bed til 5am. Up at 10;30am for my long run. Lots to do today and not enough hours in the day. Working again tonight for some event at 8pm... Expecting a ton of trouble. Should be fun :indifferent:

    Food has been so-so this weekend... I have eaten really healthy except for my splurge on Friday with a late-night donut with my coffee (seriously, I never would have picked this as my "treat meal" or "cheat day" item but it was placed in front of me and looked so delicious!) and dinner last night. On account of the AMAZING, DELICIOUS Indian food we had + dessert, I didn't snack at all at work last night :noway: which is a first. I am sure that dinner was loaded with oil and ghee and whatever else, and super high cal, but hopefully it won't wreck the whole week. I tried to be somewhat good about what I ate, but definitely tried everything and enjoyed my dinner out. I even had homemade pistachio ice cream for dessert (shared one, thankfully :smile: )

    Long run on the agenda today, but a shorter long run than usual. I am going to run my 10k race course again, at least partly, to see how I fare. It's been 1.5 months and my distance and endurance has improved drastically, so I am expecting it to feel much different. Unfortunately there's snow cover and ice so my time will be not so great and my phone needs a new SIM card, so I won't be able to track my run/pace/etc on my RunKeeper app for the first time since Sept - which makes me incredibly frustrated. Oh well!:ohwell: After my 10k run I am going to come back here, experiment with homemade taco seasoning for a while, possibly get a drop-in visit from the boy and then head out to the mall to fix the phone. Exciting day planned! hahaha

    Tara - great job sticking to your goals, girl. You are doing amazing this month! Wish we could all have your results!! :tongue:

    Amy - Amazing commitment !! You have come so far already - Keep at it!

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday :drinker: I'll catch up later. Y'all better still be posting! :huh:
    Meag :heart:
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Well...not exactly 10 miles like I was hoping. But I did run outside which I didn't think I would do until it thawed outside. Unfortunately I was more concerned about not falling then my pace or my form. Got a side stich about 2 miles in that I couldn't get rid of and I need to make sure I have eaten enough to fuel my run! Made it 3.3 miles in 33 minutes so not too bad. Going to run outside on the treadmill tomorrow!

    I'll be checking in with you all later!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Hey all-

    Sorry for being a bit MIA this week/end. I maintained, pretty much exactly (152.4) this week which isn't a big deal and proly due to the amount of over processed food I've consumed this week. It was late in the week, and my system def takes longer to completely digest that kind of stuff-- i usually end up with a few days of pseudo weight. While I was expecting it, it still kind of put me in a mini funk, so I really just needed a couple days of mellow, focusing on my food and planning out my week. Just recentering really. Anyway, I don't feel bad, because I've already done really well this month (if I lose 1 lb this week and next week, I still will hit my "big" goal for December) but I just wanted to let everyone know why I've been scarce (in addition to all of the holiday-ness.

    Everyone has been doing so well! I can't wait to see how we all do for the rest of the month!

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    No time to update right now since I have more errands to run before work (eeek!) but I wanted to re-post my running milestone today. Originally posted in the Runner's Club thread, but I am so proud of myself today I wanted to share it with all my lovely twenty-somethings too!

    "Major victory today. 6.6 miles non-stop running. Which is more than TWICE the farthest distance I've ever run without a walk break. 70 minutes and NO WALKING! :drinker: I'm really proud of myself today! I love hitting new milestones with my running every week. It's so nice to set goals each and every Sunday and meet them :bigsmile:"

    In other news, I tried Gu Gel (an energy gel for longer runs) today that tasted like Chocolate Mint and it was actually incredible. I'm in love!:heart:

    Off to run my errands, then eat some dinner and head to work. Have a great night everyone!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Melissa-I don't know how cold it is there but awesome job on getting a run in still!!

    Meag-thanks girly I have been trying really hard this month! I hope it is worth it in the end! If you like indian food you should try Lebanese food!! it is awesome and seems not quite as oily as the Indian food!! and CONGRATS on the running milestone...70 minutes straight of running is an awesome goal to reach :)

    Gonks-maintaining is still great...and like you said you still have a great shot at hitting your Dec push right on past the funk and get 'er done!

    AFM- got in a great workout today, and 2/3 for wk3 of my push-ups and crunches...even though i was dreading doing it!! :) eating had still been good, and i have been drinking tons of water for a mini challenge with someone else on here so that is an extra bonus!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Selfish Post-
    Hey everyone no time to read through everthing right now but I ended up ruining my weekend/ my bf's weeekend because I apparently got wasted off a few glasses of wine at the company party. Now I feel super guilty and I can only hope that I didn't make a huge fool of myself in front of my coworkers. We couldn't go out to dinner because I felt like crap all day yesterday. I still felt crappy this morning and missed my team workout. I have a massage soon and I am hoping that will make me feel a little better. I just feel so guilty for letting this happen. I had been doing so good about drinking and food. :( Sorry for the pity party I just had to get this out somehow.
  • Hi everyone! Just got back from a weekend visiting my husband's family and hit up the gym before bed. It was really odd exercising at night, I always go in the morning before work. Just glad to be back home and in my own bed. :-)

    Aly - I hope you are feeling better and that your massage helped you relax. I am sure your coworkers and boy will forgive your drunkenness. Perhaps because you haven't been drinking much the wine had a greater effect than you expected?

    Tjradd - Way to push yourself to get a good workout in even when you didn't want to! True dedication. :) I should follow your lead and drink more H20. I am not very good at getting my 8.

    Meag - Congrats on your awesomeness! 70 minutes! WOW. That is serious. I have always wondered about those gels (not that I need them, iol). Glad you found a delicious one. You job sounds like it has sucked lately. I hope that union thing works out.

    Gonk - Sounds like even maintaining this week you are still right on track! That is hard to do this time of year. I don't think I will quite make my goal sadly. Idk, TOM at the moment, so hard to say what I weigh exactly. I hope you can lose that last pound and finish your year with a WIN. Even if you don't, you've done so well!

    Anyway, super tired. Chugging some water and going to sleep!
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    Hey Guys! It has been awhile. Glad to be back.

    Been super busy this week running around like my hair's on fire. Trying to get all my shopping/work/packing/cleaning done before traveling to see family for Christmas. Really not a stellar eating week... or tracking week... pretty much zero working out... A LOT of eating out. Don't know how it happened, but I managed to loose 1.6 lbs. I actually stepped on the scale a day early just to get myself back on track.. Kind of to show myself how much damage I had done "See what you did! Ok, now get back on track and you can fix it. No sweat. Just don't give up!" Did not expect to loose and did not expect my poor eating and exercise choices to seemingly reward me. Is my body attempting reverse psychology?

    Either way I know that my lifestyle this past week will not carry me to my goals. I'm even happier that I'm back on the wagon. I still have this concept that I can give up... against my will... does that make sense? Like some switch will get flipped and the desire to loose the weight will get magically insignificant in comparison with my desire to pig out. The best is that I know I can have a bad day, week, month, etc and still come back here and get healthier. I think getting rid of "deadline mentality")... like if I have a bad day then the week is ruined or if I don't loose 5 lbs by "x" date then resistance is futile.. mine as well just eat whatever I want since I can do anything right.... ) well I think that is the key for me.

    Have read your posts! Sounds like some ppl need a karate chop to the windpipe, but otherwise y'all sound like you are doing great!! Fight on!

    Roo- My TOM is coming later this week.. At lease with TOM and Christmas in the same week I can get those weight fluctuations out of the way together. lol.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Quick selfish post for me as I feel like complete poo today and need to not focus on tiny, tiny print.

    GOAL REACHED! Ran 13.23 miles (without stopping) on Saturday in 2:09.56. I MAJORLY downplayed my desire to hit 13.1 before I start half-training. Now I know I can run the distance, so I can put aside all the "I can'ts" and focus on my time. Goal is to be under-2 hours for my June 1/2 and and PR that time for my August 1/2. And then run a full in late October/early November depending on if I get into NYC Marathon or not. Exciting stuff!
  • Rai - I had never heard of the "deadline mentality" but I know quite a few people who have it and get discouraged! You are in it for the long haul, and that's a great mindset. Eating out and still losing!! WOW. You must be burning it off running around like crazy with all your shopping/work/packing/cleaning. TOM & Christmas lol. You lucky girl! ;-)

    Jill - Way to push yourself and reach your goal! I hope you are seeing/feeling all the benefits that come with running as well. Sounds like you are right on track for June!

    AFM - I lost 1.4 pounds (actually gained back 1 awhile ago so, lost that for the 2nd time). I FINALLY broke 130, and am at 129.6. I was really stuck at the same weight for a week even though I was logging and exercising so I was glad to see some results! Maybe I could reach my December Goal of 128?
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Nancy - looks like your slip ups didn't pull you too far backwards. You still managed to lose. Great job!!! :drinker: And hopefully things will start to turn around soon.

    Melissa - so glad that you were able to talk to your friend and get that whole thing ironed out. And even better that the relationship was saved. :flowerforyou: Too bad she couldn't have just approached you in silence but thats all in the past now. Live and learn, right??

    Amy - great job hitting 30 pounds lost!! Thats great!! :drinker:

    Gonks - Hope you were able to clear your head and get a fresh start!! :noway: I think things have started to finally start to mellow out for me so that I can get my planning in also. It is much needed and has been all I have been thinking about for the past few weeks.

    Meag - great job with your run girl!! :flowerforyou: I hope to be able to run at least half of that!!

    Aly - sorry to hear that your weekend didn't go at all as you had planned it. :sad: But don't beat yourself up about it. The past is the past and nothing can be done to change it. Perhaps you could plan something special for the boyfriend for your 5th anniversary. Try and surprise him to make up for this past weekend. Either way, I hope things get better.

    Rachel - I somehow think that I have that switch too. :frown: I slip up from time to time and think that the switch is slowly being flipped but then I realize that I am the one in control and I am the one making the decisions in my life. But I think you have already instilled the "healthy" mentaility into your head so you are probably making better choices without really having to think about it. And great loss!!

    Jill - great job with your run!! :drinker: Thats amazing!!

    Roo - I am sure its nice to be back in the comfort of your own environment...but hope you still had a great time with your husband's family. I exercise at night because of my kids and work but I would love to get my workouts in during the morning. That way, I can plan out my calories better and I simply love the way I feel when my blood is flowing like that so early in the morning.:happy:

    AFM...I have slipped up and can't even remember the last time that I logged my food. I had originally told myself that no matter how I ate, I still wanted to log my food in an attempt to hold myself accountable for my actions. I didn't get to work out on my birthday so I only got one workout in last week. The chaos has seemed to subside momentarily so I am hoping to get things under control and establish a plan of attack. Christmas should be fairly easy this year. Like Thanksgiving, there will only be about six of us at my house and its just my kids that are doing breakfast. I got my mom and aunt to agree to letting me make a dish for Christmas breakfast so I'm hoping to find something health conscious that they will still enjoy. I began logging again this morning and hope to get my usual Tuesday/Thursday workouts in this week.

    Hope everyone's week is off to a better start!! :bigsmile: Sounds like a few of us had a rough week last week!! Here's to the rest of the year being GREAT!!! :drinker:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Thanks for just listening everyone. I know that I can be selfish when it comes to posting sometimes but I really need this outlet. I came into work and everything is fine. I def got a little drunk but noone is saying that I was out of line which is a relief. I am never going to let something like this happen again. I was unable to workout all weekend because of it and that made me feel even worse. O well onward and downward, Lets hope the rest of the week can get better.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    It's MONDAY! Which means I finally have time to really devote to this thread - I've been reading and keeping up but haven't had much time to respond individually. At least not as much as I'd like. So here goes :bigsmile:

    Tara - Great job keeping up with your goals and getting your water in - I should take a page from your book! Water is so tough for me, especially in the winter when I'm FREEZING all the time. You're going to have an incredible month in Dec - what a great way to lead into the new year! :smile:

    Aly - Onward and downward for sure - People tend to get ridiculous at staff function and socials, but most others don't notice. Your boyfriend was probably hyper sensitive to it because he knows you intimately, and so your shenanigans were more obvious to him. I wouldn't worry about it! As long as you are still comfortable at work, that's all that matters :wink:

    Roo - Welcome back from the weekend, and yes - Work has sucked a lot recently. Thankfully last night was tame :happy:

    Rai - Great loss, despite the eating choices and lack of exercise. It's so nice to realize that you're farther ahead than you anticipated! I think you may be right about deadline mentality - works for some people but definitely isn't the key for everyone. Just figure out what works for you and keeps you accountable, and do that! You are doing really great this month so keep it up :happy:

    Guam - Back on track today! Log everything that passes those lips, girl :tongue: Seriously. Just take the decision to start fresh today and move past it. Don't waste time dwelling on it. There's only 11 days left in the month so make them count -- You're going to be fabulous :bigsmile:

    AFM - What a long, ridiculous couple of days... Worked 4 out of 5 days at the bar, two of which started at 7pm and 8pm, which is miserable because it means there is no time to see the boy (who works 9-5 and I usually see in the evenings). It's so hard to navigate our schedules sometimes, especially with fitting in workouts, sharing a vehicle with my dad, and having family/pet obligations. Oh well. Just have to make it work, I guess. Eating was pretty bad, but I made due and weighed myself at the gym today after my breakfast + water + workout and was around the same. No major changes. That's a good sign, I guess!

    I had a KILLER workout today and I felt amazing. Ran a hill program for 31 mins without walking, which made me a sweaty mess, then stretched and did 45 mins of lifting (chest/shoulders/back). My arms were shaking the entire way home. I felt like I had really pushed as hard as I could and made all kinds of hilarious lifting faces while I was at it - I tried to increase my weights by 10% on the third set of every exercise just to max out as much as possible. Felt great (and awful, simultaneously).

    Other than that I've been super productive and very happy today, despite only sleeping about 3h45min last night. I made oatmeal for the week this morning, am working on a three bean and barley soup for dinner, gave the dog a bath, and am doing all matter of chores and shopping today to get organized. Tonight is Part 2 of Gingerbread House Construction and I am anticipating a lot of snacking, so I am going to make sure I have at least a few hundred cals saved up.

    Hope everyone's having a great Monday! Keep posting, ladies, and stay on track -- Barely more than a week left in Dec so make it count! :glasses:
    Meag :heart:
  • So I didn't get on MFP all weekend so got some catching up to do.

    Jill: Way to go on 2.4 lbs! How nice that you have a head start on your next goal/Christmas cushion! Glad you got to make something healthy for the luncheon. Those look yummy! I'm glad the potluck went well for you. And great job on 13.23!!!

    Melissa: I'm glad you and your friend were able to talk and sort things out! That's tough, but good for you for confronting her about it. Enjoy your 2 weeks off and more running time!

    Meag--Congrats on getting into the 120s!!! That is so awesome!! That means you reached your goal, right? Are you going to try to reach another goal or do you want to focus on maintenance now? And so sorry about the people you have to deal with at work. I hope you can find another job soon! And great job on your running milestone!!!

    TJ--I'm so glad your month is going well! I can't wait to hear that you are at your lowest adult weight ever! What a great way to start the New Year!

    Nancy--Good job tracking even when it's not the best. I need to be better about that. And .5 lbs is awesome!

    Miss Amy--Way to go on your loss!

    Aly--Sorry about your rough night--it happens to us all! I'm glad no one at work seemed to give it a second thought today.

    Rai--I've heard before that it takes your body a couple weeks to "catch up" with your behavior. So...if you eat super healthy and work out a ton it can take a couple weeks for you to notice. Same way if you eat bad and don't work out. I don't know if this is scientifically true, but I do think my body works this way. I have definitely seen weight sneak up on me like that! I'm glad you are back on the wagon with such a good outlook! I know exactly what you mean about the "deadline mentality." I struggle with that too.

    Roo--Congrats on reaching the 120s!!! You will be to your goal in no time!

    AFM--I didn't log this weekend but I ate super healthy and I know I was under my calories Sat and Sun just because I know what 1200 calories is for me. I weighed this morning and was at 125, which means I LOST 1lb over the weekend. I don't think I have ever in my life lost over a weekend so I am super excited! I definitely owe it to this thread for getting me back on track. THANK YOU ladies for your encouragement and occasional reality checks! :happy:

    This week my hubby and I will be traveling to GA to see both our families on Thursday. The dreaded family pics are Friday so I know I will be super good at least till those are over. Hopefully I can enjoy some Christmas treats in moderation and not get too carried away. My goal for December was to be to 123 by this Thursday and then maintain the rest of the month. I MIGHT be able to get to 124, but I think 123 is out of the question. That is fine with me as long as the scale is moving down and not up!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Got dinner in the crockpot earlier today...lasagna (YUUMY!!!) and even had a chance to run (inside on the treadmill) for about 30 minutes by my 2 year woke up from her nap (forgot to put a diaper on at nap time and she peed) OOPS!!! one of the downfalls of potty training!

    Father in-law had knee replacement surgery today so off to the hospital to visit after dinner and then hoping to either work on Christmas cards or wrap some presents tonight...mother in-law coming to visit sometime tomorrow (UGH!!!!)

    Excited to take my girls to FIANLLY see Tangled! Is it wrong if I sneak in my own snacks???? :devil:

    I also have a running question...traction aids-anyone use them?????

    Check back later...
    :heart: Melissa
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member

    Re- Traction aids, over break this week I am going to try something I found online- putting screws in the bottoms of running shoes (I'm going to try it with my old ones)

    I'm just waiting until break because I go home and my parents have a bunch of loose screws (literally and figuratively :laugh: ) So I'm going to test it out and let you know.
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