Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - December Challenge!!



  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Skip - Thanks!! And I will sooooo meet you at Dairy Queen! Blizzards are one of my absolute favorite ice creams. I can't wait to be done with school also. I think I should be done in either March or May. But we don't have semesters or trimesters, we just keep going until we're done. Hope you have fun taking the pictures!!

    Meag - how fun!! I don't think that I have ever put together a gingerbread house. Although maybe I should make it a tradition for my daughter...especially if its just her and I for Christmas next year. How often do you take your measurements?

    Gonk - glad to hear that you are feeling better and things are getting back to normal!

    AFM...even though this is the week of my birthday, I think I am on track better this week than I was last week. Got up and made my pumpkin oatmeal for the first time in weeks. My gym clothes are packed and in my car so that I can go as soon as I pick up my daughter from daycare. I am still in panic/shock mode but my friends and family have been so motivating that I know that everything will work out. I just need to stay on top of things so that everything will work out.

    Happy Tuesday ladies and gent!! Hope you make it a great one!! :bigsmile:
  • seripha
    Skip - Treadmills, etc that calculate how many calories you lose when you don't put your weight in is based on an "average" 145 lb person. It also doesn't discriminate between men and women so you can see how accurate things are there.

    I tend to err on the side of caution anyhow and just go with the lower number. It stops me from accidentally binging.

    Lola - I'm sorry that you've been feeling so horrible about your eating habits and your brief stray off of the veggie / vegan path. But kudos to you for sharing with us and asking us to help you and keep you accountable! One of the hardest things to do is let other people know that you've been bad. We're definitely here for you :)

    Have you told anyone of your friends or family at home about your struggles and asked them to support you get back on track? While we can provide all the verbal support in the world, having some one at home or work that can keep you accountable in person makes a huge difference in changing behavior.

    Cap'n - Shovelling snow is a surprisingly good work out! I was impressed when I had to shovel for the first time in eons a few weeks ago and then even more pleased when I put it in to mfp.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Good Morning Peeps!

    I started off the day fairly bad so I am hoping I can change it around to be a good day!

    Meag- That means you are hardcore, which is good haha. You make me wish I was so strong sometimes! The gingerbread sounds awesome! I wish I had more time to do fun stuff like that.

    I am trying desperately to get out of a funk I had today. I am not sure if I just slept too much, or the weather or what but I started off the day crying in my oatmeal. Tonight is swim training, I think we are skipping the free gym dinner tonight because I know I will go overboard. Come on Positive Vibes! I really need a pick me up today.
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Gonk- hope you are feeling better!

    Skip- weekends are tough- especially around the holidays! Being done with the semester is AWESOME!!! Good for you and enjoy that break

    Meag- I cant wait until I am running that much! You are a machine- you deserve to be selfish just like the rest of us! I’m with you on the addiction to MFP especially this group. May not be able to post a lot lately but read the posts every day. So glad you are taking measurements. It has been my measurements that keep me going. I was only going to do them once a month but my trend has been to do them every 20 days or so when I find myself getting frustrated with the scale

    Mike- glad you enjoyed your friends birthday and good for you for getting some Christmas shopping done. I have not even started!!! Usually I am done by this time but I have just been dragging my feet this year.

    TJ- don’t stress the one day. Its about the marathon not the race. You are doing an amazing job and an inspiration to us all!

    Roo- I heart you! So glad to see you back to our group- I’ve miss you!!!! Like everyone says deep breaths and don’t let anyone sidetrack you.

    Melissa- just started running this month after years of not being able to do to injury. I HATE running in the cold- so I have been treadmilling it up also. HRM sounds like a great idea… fiancé has been bugging me about what I want for Christmas maybe I will use that. I used to have the bodybugg (still do) I just don’t like that after the first year I have to pay to use their site (not really the greatest site to begin with) so in the market for another one… but right there with you on the finances part

    Jill- way to find the balance in your run even though you were frustrated. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE that shirt. 12 races this year that is SICK! Totally *kitten* kicked this year

    Rai- thanks feels good! Keep it up girl- love that you are right on track!!!

    Aly- I love how you said you are learning to live! Chin up and one foot in front of the other today!!!

    Guam- thanks for having my back! So glad you enjoyed your birthday weekend you deserve it! Sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now. I give you a lot of credit for keeping the mentality that you have right now. Just take it one day and one moment at a time. I know how overwhelming it all seems, but you will get through it and figure out how to make it work best for you and your kids!

    Lola- I wish I had really good words for you. It sounds like a lot of it is really reframing how you think about your goals and yourself. I found that once I set smaller more realistic goals for myself it was so much easier. Case in point last month my goal was to get up in the morning and go for a walk or run. I HATE getting up early. So I would just hit the snooze button and then beat myself up all day about it. Finally I just decided suck it up and go to the gym at night. One simple change that could was so obvious took me forever to figure out. Now I am LOVIN it again and cant wait to get outside in nice weather for it!

    Emmarie- good for you for not gaining during finals week. I remember the insanity of those weeks and all of the awful food I would consume on the run. Just hop back on the wagon now that its over and give yourself a chance to rest and recooperate

    QOTD- can wine be my cheat food. A few months ago I would have TOTALLY said French fries- they have always been my downfall but I am finding that I really have no interest in them anymore. BUT wine!!! I will take that any day. However, I have really cut it out because I need to eat my calories not drink them. At most I have 1 or 2 glasses once a week right now.

    AFM- Food has been ehhh recently. Some not so great days. Really need to work on the sodium again. Was going really well with it but past few days have been high. Darn you warm yummy soups and cheese for protein. Oh well. Regardless I have been doing really well with the working out! Today is day one of lifting for me this week so I am really looking forward to that. Yesterday I did my running/walking program week 2- a revision of the C25K. Felt good because for the last two run portions I upped the speed on the treadmill to see how it would feel. It actually felt better than the slower speed I was running at!!!! Haha. Thursday I run again and I am going to increase the amount of time I am running for rather than the speed. I will be a runner again!!! I am determined. That’s all for now. Just trying to stay warm!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Hey everyone! So my weigh-in today showed a 1.8 pound loss since last week, bringing me down to 184.6 and a total weight loss of 33.4 pounds. For some reason it's kind of shocking me today that I was able to pull this off. I'm one pound away from meeting my half way mark. Honestly, I can't even imagine what I'm going to look like when I'm down to my goal weight (150). I've never been a healthy weight, so I have a hard time even imagining myself looking slimmer than I am now. But, I'm still overweight and definitely have it in me to do this. I've gotten this far!

    This last week has actually sucked if I leave out the fact that I did have a great loss week. But it's been my finals. I'm in my first year of law school and the stress is beyond anything I've ever experienced before. I only have one test left, thankfully. As of Thursday night at 9PM I am so done with this But my stress has been doing crazy things to my body. I thought I had a kidney infection for a few days because I had such an intense pain in my lower back, right where my kidneys are. I went to the urgent care and it turned out to not be an infection, after the urinalysis. The doctor said it was just a muscle strain, gave me some medicine for the migraines I've been having, and sent me home. The next day I woke up with two big bruises right in the area that had hurt. I'm still not sure what caused the bruises, but that same day (the day of my 2nd exam) my upper back and neck started hurting like my lower back had been. Yesterday my back and neck were so stiff that it hurt to move. When I'd bend in any direction I sounded like the rice krispies "snap, crackle, pop". I'm not feeling as stiff today, but my neck and shoulders are really tender. I can't wait until the stress can go away and I can have a Christmas break.

    @emmamarie - It's definitely good you didn't gain any weight even if you didn't lose any! Have you taken measurements to see if you're actually making more progress than you thought in those 2 weeks?
    @meag - I'm also excited to see how your measurements turn out! I'm going to measure again in a few days (on the 18th). While I love seeing the scale go down, measuring kind of makes it even more realistic.
    @lostalykat - I hope your day turns around! I hate those days when everything feels bad.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Cait - I am determined to be a runner period!! We can do this!! I need to find a 5K that I want to participate in so that I have a deadline that I need to be ready by!
  • CaptainJim157
    Hey girls! :) How is everyone doing today? I love hearing from you guys ^^ err, girls :P
    Cheers! I'm gonna play some Sims 3 now ^^
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Thanks everyone! I think I'm part of the minority on MFP who enjoys NSVs more so than scale victories. I love challenging myself with pace and distance, being able to increase reps/weight with strength training and seeing my muscle definition coming through:love:

    After my workout this morning, I was in the shower thinking "Don't forget to take a picture of the shirt" and I failed. Sorry. Brain doesn't function so well when I wake up at 4:45 to workout!

    General statement/mini rant from me:
    As much as losing weight is about calories vs. calories out, it's also about getting the most bang for your buck. At the end of the day, health isn't just about the number on the scale, it's about the healthy or sh*tty food you put into your body. If you're struggling and feeling sluggish (aside from the normal winter blahs) I encourage you to take a look at what you've been eating. I certainly don't eat like a saint, but I try and keep my sodium down, my treats to a minimum and eat a well balanced diet. It is difficult this time of year, but you always have the option of maintenance to make sure you can enjoy/treat yourself and get in your healthy foods.

    I should say that my statement isn't pointed at anyone, just a general observation based on what I've been seeing all over MFP.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Cait/Guam - You ladies can become runners! C25K is brilliant (in my opinion) and allowed me to rebound from a multitude of injuries over the last 7-8 years that never allowed me to run. If you stick to it, you will be met with great success!

    Melissa, well done with getting your run in! I have a Polar FT60 and LOVE IT. But lately I've seen that it's accuracy (mine has a footpod and not the GPS) is off by about 8-10%. Best HRM ever. I am looking at a Garmin for next February (tax refund time!) but am in the preliminary stages of doing so. I'd hold off on the Sportline based upon what I've seen on the boards and just get a better HRM for more money. Look out for sales, tonnes going on right now!

    Aly, I hope your week turns around! Sorry things seem to not be going well for you lately. Sounds like you need a nice, sunny vacation!

    Guam - I'm sorry to hear about your bombshell news. It'll all work out in the end and you do have a year to figure out what's going on correct? Sending major vibes and hugs your way. Try to work your anger off through fitness and not food...sometimes it's hard to do though!

    Meag, boo HRM. Hope they allow you to exchange it - maybe get a cheaper HRM with a chest strap now? And a Garmin later? As far as I understand, Garmins aren't good for calculating calories burned and don't work well with treadmill running?! Their models confuse the hell out of me though so what do I know:huh: Yay for new workout clothes! Good luck finding new sneakers! I was going to recommend National Running Center (once you find a pair you like) but they don't ship outside the US. Poo.

    Lola, you need to eat more and worry less about what the scale says. Not easy to do, but that's my advice for you. From someone who has had major eating disorder issues in the past, you seem like you're going down that path. Put the scale away, eat well and see where it gets you.

    Skip, glad things are calming down for you! Yay for being able to work out intensely again!

    Gonks, glad to hear that you're feeling better! Well done with the tempo run!

    QOTD: Sweets. Been killing myself with cookies and other sweets lately. Bought the best homemade pie last week - funds went to the volunteer fire department in my town, so how could I say no?!? I've been trying to freeze/share treats that I make but a. I don't like sharing and b. I live alone (most of the time) Give me anything sugary with a cup of tea/coffee and I'm set for life.
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    General statement/mini rant from me:
    As much as losing weight is about calories vs. calories out, it's also about getting the most bang for your buck. At the end of the day, health isn't just about the number on the scale, it's about the healthy or sh*tty food you put into your body. If you're struggling and feeling sluggish (aside from the normal winter blahs) I encourage you to take a look at what you've been eating. I certainly don't eat like a saint, but I try and keep my sodium down, my treats to a minimum and eat a well balanced diet. It is difficult this time of year, but you always have the option of maintenance to make sure you can enjoy/treat yourself and get in your healthy foods.

    I should say that my statement isn't pointed at anyone, just a general observation based on what I've been seeing all over MFP.

    LOVE LOVE LOVE! That you said this. It is so hard sometimes to keep this in mind when you do have a decent amount of weight to lose. HOWEVER, this is the attitude I have been trying very hard to keep in my head and I think that is why I have been so successful. Its about being healthier all around not just for a number on the scale. Taking measurements for me really made that point since on the scale I have hovering back and forth the past few weeks in this 2lb range. In reality I have gotten a WHOLE lot healthier. Gone down a size in clothes and just overall feel really good. Thanks for reminding me what is important!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    I completely agree with Finn, What a great post. I somehow feel that this was slightly directed to me and I have been trying really hard and I do have good food choices in my meals. It does make me think about what I truly want and what really makes me happy. I have been reflecting on this year and seeing that my weight was lower last year at this time then it is now. But this past year I did a triathlon and many runs including my first half marathon. This has been a tough year honestly but I think I can really get the hang of it this next year. Lets at least hope!
  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    Thanks everyone for your kind words! Yeah.. my new goal for December is to log in MFP every day as well as my food diary! Also a big problem for me is my sugar addiction, so I am trying to relieve this addiction by eating less processed/refined sugar, and to go for fruits and stuff when I am really craving chocolate.

    Do you guys allow a cheat meal/cheat meals, and if so, has that improved or negatively affected your weight loss?

    SkipToMyLou32 - Unless you keyed in your weight on your treadmill, the treadmill usually shows a higher calorie burn than in reality. But good job all the same!

    To all you marathon runners etc out there, I have so much respect for you guys!

    Question for everyone: Where do you get your exercise? Especially in the winter? Do you brave the cold and go to the gym? Brave the cold and run outside? Ok I'm definitely a huge *****.. I live in LA and I am freezing in the morning. And at night. It totally deters me from leaving my apartment. Ooooohhh I need to grow a backbone.
  • SkipToMyLou32
    Meag--I can't wait to hear your measurements update either! Sounds like you're going to have a big loss there! Awesome about your new workout clothes--sometimes I feel like new workout clothes can give you a nice surge of motivation. We should totally have a calorie burn competition, although if you keep doing those 10 milers you'll leave me in the dust! :) Good fun anyway!

    Guam--If you haven't tried it yet, the blizzard of the month for December is AMAZING. I am definitely going to have to get a good calorie burn in to make room for one soon! I love that they have that new teeny size. It's perfect for a small treat. Glad your week is off to a good start!

    Seripha--Thanks and good to know that info. I always enter in the calories that the elliptical tells me I burn too, so I will start using what MFP says.

    Aly--I hope you were able to get out of your funk. Whenever you are feeling blah, just remember what a bada$$ you are for training for/completing a triathlon AND half marathon! Seriously, how many people can say they've done that???

    Finn--Good for you on your workouts. Sounds like your running is going great!

    Insky--Yay for almost to half way! Good luck finishing up your finals. Hopefully your body will feel better when the stress goes away.

    Lola--I hear ya on the sugar addiction. A couple of us on this thread and maybe more from other threads (I don't know because I barged in on their challenge!) are doing a sugar challenge--trying to stay below our sugar count on MFP not counting fruits and good stuff like that.

    AFM--I am so DONE with school for the semester!!! I am so excited I can't even stand it! I was tempted to come home and have a celebratory glass of wine, but I didn't because I have to look hot in those family pictures. :) So, this semester I have been doing cardio 3 days/week and weights 3 days/week, so working out 6 days total with 1 day of rest. But honestly those days were pretty easy unless I went on a long run because I was only doing either cardio or weights in a given day, not both. Now that I have a month long break I want to do cardio and weights together 3 days a week, and add 3 more days of just cardio. So, still 6 days a week, but with a lot more cardio. I would like to start adding some cardio classes in the mix so I will check the gym schedule.

    I haven't been running outside in a couple weeks because I hate the cold. I've been doing the elliptical instead. Today I decided I needed to run so I did 3 miles on the treadmill which is painful compared to running outside, but there's snow and ice on the ground right now and it was about 15 degrees or something like that. Kudos to you ladies who brave the low temps!! Hopefully it will get above 30 soon so I can go run outside!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Lola, I have a cheat meal once a week typically. It's always as a reward for if both me and my boyfriend lost weight from the week prior. Tonight we're going out to get Mexican.

    I don't know if it helps or hinders me, but I have yet to hit a plateau and never feel like I can't eat what I want to eat. It alo makes me more aware about how to eat when I go to a restaurant when I put the calories in at the end of the meal (I still track calories, ALWAYS).
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Do you guys allow a cheat meal/cheat meals, and if so, has that improved or negatively affected your weight loss?

    Where do you get your exercise? Especially in the winter?

    Lola- I wouldn't say I have a "cheat" meal really- Before starting MFP I put a concerted effort to "relearn" my food basics(my go to breakfasts, lunches and snacks), so sticking to my calories isn't a matter of intense effort for me. I just plan when I want junky foods and rearrange my mental plans accordingly. Because my defaults are lots of veggies and healthy foods, I just plain don't feel bad indulging, and I almost always keep it in moderation (ie within my calories +/- 100 cals) . I do eat the most on Saturdays (usually right after my weigh in) but if the boy and I want to do a big meal- often on Sat/Sun we will do a large, late lunch (combining lunch and dinner essentially). And I try to schedule workouts for when i know i will want to indulge (ie for thanksgiving)

    As for exercise- I am trying to brave the cold for my running (cuz peer pressure of my fellow runners is strong) but I think workouts (like diets) need - to a certain extent- to be tailored to you. If you get cold, than maybe a workout that's contained in your home is better for you- I like dance videos when I can't get my run in.
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Cait - I am determined to be a runner period!! We can do this!! I need to find a 5K that I want to participate in so that I have a deadline that I need to be ready by!

    Honestly....that is what I did! Find one around the beginning of April or May!! Just a word of WILL become ADDICTED! :love: So be prepared!!! I am CONSTANTLY checking out and finding different races to sign up for!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Wow...I am loving all the deep and reality checking posts today! They really make you stop and reflect on how and why we are all on this same road to being healthy! I, just like everyone else have hit potholes and other roadblocks on my journey BUT I have not turned around nor will I ever return to the life that I lived before! Not only have I positively affected and changed my life but my family's as well. If I didn't become a healthy woman I wouldn't be able to fit into my wedding dress from 7 years ago. I wouldn't have finished 6 5K's this year. I wouldn't have encouraged my 5 year old daughter to run in 3 kid's races this year...and I wouldn't have run my first 10K next to my Aunt who held my hand and cried as we crossed the finish line because she was so proud of what I have done!!! Not only have I become strong physically but emotionally as well. MFP has given me my life back...and I LOVE MY LIFE!!!! From the bottom of my heart (and I know I have said this MANY times) THANK YOU to all of you for your words of motivation and support!!! I love you all!!!!:heart: that I am done pouring my heart day today...lost 0.5 pounds this last week. Supposed to be maintaining but I haven't adjusted my goals to reflect that. a little worried that I'm going to gain during with the increase of calories but I figure if I increase slowly (Gonks I think you suggested that a while back) then I should be ok!

    I was also a little put off by one of my previous student's parents today...we had a school fundraiser at McDonald's (of all places!!!). First time I have had McD's in 4EVER!!!! Only had a cheeseburger and small fry...anyways, she came up to me and basically said how much weight do I plan on losing and if I lost anymore I would disappear. She even mentioned (joking-according to her) about me being anorexic! Needless to say I was PEEVED!!!! :explode: I hate having to validate and justify my health choices!!! Nobody cared or said anything when I was overweight???????
  • CaptainJim157
    Night everyone! Tty tomorrow! :D
    Going to try & get 3-4 (20 min) walks in ^^ (tomorrow that is :P)
  • Roobean33
    Finn - My kick @*kitten* fitness machine! You missed me? You are so sweet! :-) Great job on the workout today, you were on FIRE.

    Lola - My husband and I recently discussed this. Confession: Before MFP we ate out A LOT. I mean, it was delicious, but not so healthy. However, recently we have decided to eat out every 2 weeks or so. We will continue to try at eat in moderation & of course, LOG IT. Not sure if this is going to work, but that's the plan atm. As far as exercise during the winter: I bundle up and get my booty to a gym.

    Skip - Congrats on finishing the semester! P-A-R-T-Y! lol I also have become an elliptical BEAST this winter.

    Meag - I bet your new measurements will knock our socks off! The WIN from our friendly competition is probably yours! ;-)

    Guam & Skip - O-M-G I love Reese's blizzards. YUMMMM. Can we all meet up at DQ? lol

    Insky - I have a friend that just finished law school. She said the 1st year is the hardest by far! I hope that turns out to be true for you! Great job and good luck with that last exam!

    AFM: I started some circuit training today which totally made my legs & arms feel all jello-like . Adding that to the elliptical which I have grown to love, but feel like I'm plateauing...I've stayed relatively the same weight for awhile. Hoping this new routine will get me out of my rut...if the scale says 130 again (GRR) I will pout and then go the gym like I always do.

    I love my hubby, but I'm honestly a bit jealous. The lbs have been melting off him. 15lbs in 3 weeks. WHAT?!?:explode: I meant, I'm happy for you sweetie....:heart: *Side note - He's turning into a runner. I live with one of you crazies. ;-)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    quick comment before bed...
    Now that I have a month long break I want to do cardio and weights together 3 days a week, and add 3 more days of just cardio. So, still 6 days a week, but with a lot more cardio. I would like to start adding some cardio classes in the mix so I will check the gym schedule.
    This is exactly what I do. Cardio x 6 (running or other) and weights x 3! Works great! Good luck, Skip!

    That's all I have time for right now. The dog's barking and I have to hit the sack. Bought a new slow cooker (1.5L) for oatmeal and cooking beans. Super super cheap (10 bucks!) so we're having steel cut oats again in the morning as a test run! New watch is getting tested tomorrow as well. Oh and apparently I'm a size 4 (!!!?!?!?!) now, according to my horribly unsuccessful but very rewarding shopping trip! Craziness!

    Love to all! :heart: Catch up tomorrow.

    ps. Roo - SO glad to have you back. I'm calling that a WIN in your column :bigsmile: