Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - December Challenge!!



  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    TJ - Get it girl! You sound pumped to work off those extra calories! Don't sweat your WI. Stress produces cortisol. "Let it be... let it be!" Even if you don't see a loss you know you're going to work hard in the upcoming week. Let us know how it goes.

    Finn- !!! GREAT LOSS !!! YOU DA WOMAN!

    Cap Jim - I'm curious about your exercise routine. Do you have a set thing you like to do??

    Meag - Glad to have you back! I'm no stranger to that mfp addiction. Sorry about the sleep shortage. It is super hard to get good sleep when you work at night. Your body just wants to be awake with the sun. I consider myself lucky if I get 4-6 hours in after a shift. Of course it helps if I'm up all day and up all night. I'll sleep 12 hours! But then I'm falling asleep at work and on the way home... can't have that. :ohwell:

    Roo - Yes!!! I totally agree!!! People do judge you when you are paying attention to what you eat. They either tell me "You can't eat that! You're on a diet!" or "Just don't worry about it. Just eat it. " I literally had someone tell me these things at a work party one after the other!! They are complete opposites! But their goal was only sabotage. They just wanted to see me fail so that they don't have to feel so bad about not making any changes...consciously or subconsciously. I just laughed at them on the inside and kept enjoying the cupcake that I COULD EAT because I had the calories I budgeted and saying no to all the other stuff. :bigsmile:

    Oh.. and they tell me I eat ALL THE TIME at work, but you know what? I'm hungry every 3-4 hours and I'd like to keep my metabolism from becoming like molasses in January thank you very much. I just smile, say "yup, I love to eat!" and keep munching. You are making informed decisions about what to put into your body. Don't let someone completely ignorant of that pull you down.

    Jill - Great job!!! 12 races in a year!? wow. I totally want that shirt 2! Soo cute!

    Melissa - Go girl! Get that work out done soon so you can have the rest of your day to be proud of yourself! I'm going to take my own advice once I finish this post. :laugh:

    Lost 0.6 lbs @ WI so I'm down to an even 165. I wasn't expecting much since I overindulged on Saturday and didn't get my last work out in because I was running around trying to get stuff done (confession time). However, I am glad to report that I am still on track to hit 162 by January 3rd (1 lb per week).

    I have a busy week ahead. Work M,T,W nights so my workout schedule will look like this:
    Monday/Thursday/Saturday - Workout
    Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday - Workout Optional

    Desperately need to start my Christmas shopping, but for that I need to do the budget :noway:. Plus finishing our Christmas decorating, cookie making and cleaning. There is a Christmas party in my future this week, but it is after dinner so I won't feel that tempted to eat my face off.

    Happy Holidays ladies!!! Catch up with you guys soon!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Got my run in...made it 6.2 miles in 61 minutes before my girls got antsy! I normally can't get 30 minutes in but they were quitee cooperative out a bunch of board games and let them play. I really need an HRM and QUICK!!! I have noticed how off MFP and the site I use to log my runs are. Today MFP gave me a 90 calorie difference (lower). Hubby said that he wants to get me one for Christmas but I probably wouldn't get it until February (finances...budget...blah,blah,blah). We looked at some and now I am more confused then EVER!!!! :noway:

    So...I need some insight from all my HRM users. I would like one that shows calories burned plus distance/pace...I looked at the Polars and them both (except the price!) I looked at a sportline brand that was only $110 and had everything I wanted but I also don't want to replace it in 6 months.

    I also want to thank all of you doing the pushup challenge....I started that this morning as well. I did 5 sets of 6 pushups (all toes) but was S-T-RUGGLIN!!! by the last set...OUCH!!!!

    jill-love getting race loot! the shirt sounds great!! I LOVE fun (not cheesy) holiday shirts!!!!

    rai-nice loss!!

    roo-thanks! I never thought I would even be considered a "runner" but yet here I am!!!!

    check back to get lunch ready for the kiddos...then making chocolate snowflake macaroons (hopefully YUMMY!!!)
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Morning everyone!

    Hey Meag,
    Glad to see you had such a successful weekend on your birthday! Sounds like you had tons of fun and yummy healthy good.

    Thanks everyone for helping me through this tough time, I have been doing pretty good this weekend considering how it could have been. Saturday we had training in the morning and I was set up for the water stop, this means that I am supposed to hang out by my car and give water to the runners since I am on staff. But, I did not let that keep me from running! I drove to the water spot and ran 10 minutes out and then realized I was running the opposite direction and the team only had to run about a mile to where I was. I ran back pretty fast and caught up with them a little ways down. I then continued to run with them for another 15 minutes until they had to turn around. So what could have been just a lazy day at the water stop turned into me getting a good little run in. I got about 37 minutes and I wanted 45 but hey that's ok. I then went to my Grandma's house to help write out christmas cards for my grandfather who has a hard time writing with the blood clot in his hand. We worked on that for 3 hours and then they made us a frozen pizza. I would have opted out of the Pizza but I was starving so I had 3 slices, Whoops. I came home and the boy and I went to try and to xmas shopping, but that didn't work out well. I grabbed a Soy Latte and then we met up with a friend to make sugar cookies for the team and go grab dinner. I def didn't eat too well saturday and had some drinks, but I woke up sunday morning and drove an hour to meet up with the team to get in an hour swim and a 1.5 hour bike ride. We had a lunch party with sandwiches and snacks. I ate more than I wanted to with the team on Sunday, but I ate a salad for dinner that night.

    I think overall I did pretty good. I can get upset and say I wish I could have done it this way, or I wish I could have done it that way. But honestly I am learning to live, and to go out and eat with my friends and family and not go too overboard. This is huge for me. The boy had started weighing in with me weekly too, baby steps. I am hoping I can get him to start calorie counting if he sees he is gaining. We shall see. Lets hope for an amazing week!

    QOTD- What is your favorite cheat food?
    Bad topic I know, but Pizza is something I love to cheat with. Pizza and Beer makes me a happy lady hhee.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Amy - great job with the loss girly!! You are gonna hit your goals!!

    Tara - great job...even with birthday festivities!! And one cheat day since you've started MFP is great!! You have much for self-control than I do! And I :heart: pistachio salad!! And now that I think about it, I haven't had it in years.

    Rachel - great job with the push ups!! I really think I should contemplate getting in on the challenge next month. I love the way I feel after I've done push ups. There's nothing like using your own body weight as resistance. And great job with the loss!!

    Cait - You can so do this!!!!

    Gonk - sorry to hear that you're still not feeling well. Hopefully whatever it is that you're fighting off won't linger too much longer so that you can get back to your life.

    Skip - sounds like it all worked out!!

    Roo - sorry to hear that you had to endure the scrutiny of others. Unfortunately people can be cruel! Most of the time they don't think about how their words are gonna effect you. In their minds, they think that they are doing something great for you but in reality, they are just making rude comments about the way you have chosen to live your life. And thats awesome that you have your husband to talk to about all of this. I hope that it will only motivate you to do better rather than let it drag you down.

    Jill - you go girl!! That is an amazing goal and even better that you reached it. Since I am nothing close to a runner, I am starting out with one 5k for next year but I am really looking forward to it.

    Meag - glad that you had a great birthday weekend!! This weekend would have been a great time to take my daughter out for a hike cause it was in the low 80's yesterday....winters in Cali can be very nice!! But I was so tired from being out Saturday night. And I :heart: prolonged sleep. I am thankful that my body agrees with me. My boy works 4am-12:30pm so he lives on naps! I couldn't do it but give lots of credit to all of those who can.

    AFM....I had a great weekend with the birthday festivities. There were 11 of us that went out to dinner on Saturday night. And my brother and boy got to meet for the first time. They really hit if off which meant the world to me. Although I knew they would but my brother has never been a fan of the guys that I have dated. But this one is different. I didn't bother counting for the day but still made good choices...had vegetable enchiladas for dinner. Then 8 of us went to a comedy club to see Anjelah Johnson. She was hilarious. And then we went to the Yard House to have some more drinks before the night came to an end. Then the boy and I slept in Sunday morning before going out to lunch. Had a great time for birthday festivities. However, my mom did manage to drop a bomb on me right before I had to get ready to leave the house Saturday afternoon. She told me that her and my stepdad will be moving to Arizona within the next year. Which means I will have a lot to figure out in the next few months. Since I live with them and struggle living paycheck to paycheck as a single mom of 2 kids, I will need to find a new job that will allow me to get a place of my own cause I won't have anyone else I can stay with. We had all agreed to move to Arizona about 4 years ago when I was pregnant with my son. Back then I would have done it in a heartbeat cause I wasn't sure if my son's dad was going to be around. But his dad and family have been around and have been a big part of my life and my daughter's life. And I have also met the man that I feel I have waited my whole life to meet. So I am currently in panic mode!! Luckily, I haven't eaten myself into a food coma to avoid dealing with the pain of losing my family and having to figure things out. I believe that everything will work out. I am just having a hard time seeing the light at the end of the tunnel right about now.:sad:
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Aly - looks like we were posting at the same time!! Looks to me as though you did great this weekend!!!

    QOTD - pizza is the way to go for me too!! And ice cream!! I could live with those 2 food choices for the rest of my life!
  • seripha

    Every now and again you find someone on the same path and it's like this silent exchange as you unpack your food and know that thought and time went into these choices. This isn't easy and we should be proud of ourselves. Yet, I am still bothered by the onlookers who are thinking negatively of the one of the best decisions I've made.

    Roo - Have they said things that are negative about the food choices you make? Or is it just looks? If it's just looks I don't know if they're necessarily judging you or thinking negatively of the decisions you're making. They may just be feeling badly about their own food choices when confronted with some one who is making healthy ones. Especially if they know that they should be making the same choices themselves.

    Even if they say things it just comes from a place of internal conflict that is totally unrelated to you and who you are. If they are giving you lip ask them to be supportive of your goal to be healthier in your food choices or to zip it.

    Try not to be bothered by it sweetie. :) I know it's hard sometimes especially when you're feeling under pressure to conform the group's eating habits. It's not your fault if they feel convicted for their own poor food choices and I doubt you are one of those people who tell everyone "off" for not eating more healthier. You are just doing what is right for you right now :)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Oh.. and they tell me I eat ALL THE TIME at work, but you know what? I'm hungry every 3-4 hours and I'd like to keep my metabolism from becoming like molasses in January thank you very much. I just smile, say "yup, I love to eat!" and keep munching. You are making informed decisions about what to put into your body. Don't let someone completely ignorant of that pull you down.
    Hehe... Me too! My love for food is a running joke btwn my boy and I. It's insane how much I eat. We both know it and we're fine with it because I eat super healthy and I work out a lot. We're always joking about what a good thing it is that I run as much as I do... Because I really couldn't afford to eat 5 meals a day if I didnt! haha I LOVE to eat - No doubt about that!

    Seripha - So true, every word of it. "If they are giving you lip ask them to be supportive of your goal to be healthier in your food choices or to zip it." You really have to stick up for yourself sometimes and pointing out how unsupportive someone sounds is a great way to get them to turn their attitude around. Being assertive and polite can get you pretty far with most people, so long as they have social graces :smile:

    Rai/Guam - Aghh Sleep! I work 10pm-3am and usually am LUCKY to get 4 hours of sleep. My weekends typically consist of 8am-4am days with 4 hours of sleep in between. The other 4 days of the week I try to get a fuller 6-7 hour night but some days the body just doesn't agree with it. I cannot believe how sleep deprived I am sometimes. Really bad news, esp for weight loss and working out! I am very jealous of anyone that can get a 12 hour sleep! Even once a week... That sounds divine!

    Off to the gym now after a few hours of shopping today. My HRM is totally effed and not working properly... Read my resting HR at 53 earlier and then 96 and later 115... Don't think any of those are correct :ohwell: Going to see about replacing it for a proper watch with a chest strap tomorrow.

    Have a great night everyone! :heart:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    OH and Melissa - Crazy speedy 10k girl! WOWZA! I'm so impressed!!:drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Jill-congrats on winning your age division and getting your shirt and medal!!! that is so awesome!! and wtg on hitting your goal for the year!

    Meag-welcome back to your multiposting!!!! lol and i am sure hoping that the weigh-in is ok...not looking good so far but you never know with TOM how is goes!!! geesh...bad week for a cheat day!

    Roo-great way to think!!! envy is a horrible thing and they are doing it based off of your food choices alone and WILL be doing it when your healthy and happy in summer and they are not!!! lol stress, got it....yah right!!!!! LOL i'll letcha know how it goes Wed afternoon when i get up! and way to have a lose still!

    Melissa-welcome to push-up challenge and great job today!

    QOTD-hard one here since i love food!! i think some kinda creamy pasta would work for me, but i could also take the pizza!!

    AFM-really should have done my push-ups for the day instead of catching up on here, but i still have tomorrow to get my last day in for the week so no worries! holiday meal at work tonight and i know i wont overindulge but i have no idea what to log yet so it'll have to wait, which i don't like!!! TOM right now is making me bloated on top of all the sodium i had on my cheat day!! drinking plenty of water to try and flush and being good for the next 2 days on food, but only the scale will tell on Wed!! nervous as usual!! lol
  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    I just want to congratulate everyone on their progress and/or achieving their goals/victories. Sorry I am not doing any individual mentions, but I will when I have proper Internet in my new apartment (skiving off at work right now).

    I have been binge eating and I am HIGHLY embarrassed about it, and I don't know how to stop it. I was 122lbs last year and I am up to 145lbs right now. This is about the highest weight I have been. I am also a vegetarian, and usually a strict vegetarian (almost vegan), but I recently broke down and ate meat (in secret). I am not sure where to turn to, but I am needing some positive influences like you guys in my life right now to go back to a HEALTHY diet in which I can lose weight healthily.

    My weight has gone up and down, some times for no reason at all (or for reasons that I cannot identify), but mostly because of my eating. I have also gone for months surviving on little calories (600 or so) a day. For some reason it is very hard for me to find balance. If anyone could give me any suggestions, or even speak from experience, that would be really really helpful.

    I am actually good at helping others with their problems/disorders but for some reason I am unable to apply what I say to myself.

    Sorry this post has been all about me, but I am just feeling extremely hopeless. I am 5'6" (5'5.5" to be exact, 167cm). I know 145lbs might not seem that much, but I am having trouble even fitting into my "fat" clothes. I am just very afraid that this might spiral out of control.

    Again, I want to commend ALL of you girls for being strong and determined, with such positive attitudes.
  • CaptainJim157
    Hey girls! I burned 903 calories today ^^ Christmas shopping & shoveling snow :D
    And Gonks, I made a message on my profile that'll make you happy :P
  • emmarie1630
    emmarie1630 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm so behind on this thread! The past couple weeks have been full of craziness and distractions. First there was my birthday and all of the celebrations to follow. Final exam week was hell. Didn't get much exercise in at all. And I've been really sick the past few days. Probably a result of absolutely no sleep and not the healthiest week ever. I'm finally starting to feel better today so it's back to regular exercise for the rest of this week.
    So needless to say I haven't lost any weight in the past week and a half or 2 weeks. Not my best moment.. but I also haven't gained any weight. It could have been worse. I'm ready to get well and feel like myself again and get back into the groove.
    I'm way too far behind on everyone's posts to respond individually so, keep kicking butt everyone!! You are all AWESOME!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Hey Lola- Step back and take a deep breath. Try and sit down and really focus on one change you know you can do right now and build on that. I know it is hard especially with emotional eating, but remember you are strong. You can do this! Take baby steps is all I can say and don't let one bad day turn into another one. You are a strong woman!!!!!!

    Captainjim- Awesome workout!

    Meag- You are such a savage as usual! Keep up the good work!

    AFM- It is my day off training today and I feel like I need it sooo exhausted. I plan to rock my swim tomorrow night....debating about eating at our gyms dinner or not. Sounds yummy but not too healthy.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Tara - Thanks! You know I can never stay away for long :tongue: haha I'm such an addict!

    Emmarie - Happy belated!! Sorry I missed it :blushing: I hope you had an awesome time! It's great that you maintained while you were a little off track and all the better for starting back up again. Get your workouts in again and you'll be well on your way!

    Hola - Nice to see you back again! Finding balance can be very tricky, especially for those of us that struggle with control issues in other facets of their life (not sure if you do, but I know I do...). It's all or nothing, either obsessive under-eating, obsessive exercise, or just a complete melt-down followed by binging. It's a hard cycle to break. I'd say your best first step is to log *everything*. Keep yourself accountable, and make sure you hit your targets. Not under or over - hit them. Force yourself to eat within a set range for calories, carbs, fat and protein. It's really essential. Eat to your strengths and make the best use of your calories that you can. Plan your meals and even if you don't feel like having something, stick with them, at least for a while, until you know what eating1300-1500 calories regularly feels like.

    The best advice I can give, as someone who struggles pretty regularly with feeling overwhelmed and out-of-control, is not to allow yourself to spiral out of control. When you feel like you are losing control, regain it. Take the steps necessary to take control BACK. Make yourself meals, take the time to exercise, make it a part of your life. If you need help with something specific, post here and I'll respond with suggestions. You have to sit down, figure out WHY you feel out-of-control (food, exercise, stress, others, etc) and what you can do to take it back. It's all mental and once you learn to stay IN control, even when you can't control everything, it becomes much easier. But it's a lot of work, so be prepared to work hard!

    AFM - I did my push-ups this morning, which went well. Did about 2 hours of shopping today and finally got new winter boots. Also treated myself to some new workout/running clothes from Gap Fit because they were on sale. New tank and jacket, both grey and purple. Very cute :smile: When I got home I made a big pot of Mexican Lentil Stew, which was awesome - spicy, delicious, and packed with so much good stuff. Didn't have any til after my trip to the gym though. Did 45 mins of step class and then 35 mins or so of weight lifting (low volume workout 2 - deadlifts, incline press, lat pulldown, lat raises, calf raises, lower back and crunches). Came home and devoured some stew with a protein shake. So good :bigsmile: Really great day.

    Hope everyone else had a wicked awesome Monday, as well. It's just a shame it's -10C right now (-17C with the wind chill)... It was so bloody cold it was almost hard to enjoy! But I managed. Take care lovelies! :heart:
  • SkipToMyLou32
    Meag--Oh my gosh almost 10 miles! That's so awesome! I'm glad your birthday weekend was awesome and you're back to being addicted to MFP!

    Roo--I think people are just jealous they can't be as disciplined as you. Don't worry about them and keep doing what you do!

    Jill--Congrats on your race win and reaching your 12 races goal!!! You must be so proud!

    Aly--Great job turning a lazy day into a nice run! Sounds like you were super active this weekend!

    QOTD--My favorite cheat food is a blizzard from Dairy Queen. I definitely like to cheat with sweet treats!

    Guam--So glad you had a good birthday weekend, and how nice that your bro and boy hit it off! And good job not using food to cope with your difficult situation. Just stay positive--everything happens for a reason.

    AFM--Ok day today. I didn't make it to the gym today because my final project for the semester is due tomorrow and I was at school all day working on it. I can't wait to be done and start "working out like a maniac!" I found out today that my family is having family pictures made for my mom's Christmas present on Christmas Eve. I'm not too thrilled about it but they're the cool photo-journalistic kind of pictures which will be neat. I definitely want to feel "skinny" and good about myself for the pics so that is a little extra motivation for me to be good.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Hey Kids:

    Sorry for not posting today- my work comp must be down- none of your updates showed for me until just now! Everyone has been doing really great tho.

    Lola- I'm afraid I haven't got a lot of input for you- emotional eating isn't really my issue. The best I can say is to relax. You aren't that far off your goal- even if it seems like it now. But the more you freak out, the further you will get from the balance you are looking to strike. The only other thing that jumps out at me- 122 seems on the lower side for your height, and though its in the healthy BMI range, perhaps you should consider trying to maintain a more 'middle' range weight like 127 or 130? Having more room for more food might help you minimize the need to go so completely out of control?

    Mike- WTG on the V8. I might get you to eat an actualy piece of broccoli someday:wink: Seriously tho- good job!

    Aly- happy rest day! You've earned it!

    Meag- Nice workouts! And I'm glad to hear the b-day wkend went so well! I might have to check out gapfit for wkout clothes...its dropping to the teens this week and I've got my 7m slated for wednesday.

    AFM- had a pretty good day- managed to push through a pretty tough cramp in my tempo run. And finally got through a tempo run (by pulling my speed back a bit). It was a good hour of running, so ended up giving me plenty of room for all the goodies that cropped up at work today, so good timing!

    Alright finally off tobed with me. I'm so tired I could barely get this out. Night everyone and good luck for your Tuesdays!

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Where IS everyone? This thread is usually bumping along by now... What gives!

    Gonk - Thank yas :happy: Gap fit isn't the BEST workout stuff around, and it can be over-priced (about = with high-end running gear) when it's not on sale, but I found a really good deal and I love how good I feel in really nicely fitted workout clothes (so much nicer than my actual every day clothes sometimes lol) so I splurged! I wouldn't recommend for running outside though since they aren't cold-weather gear. Just fun gym clothes. And matchy! Which makes me pretty happy. *I'm such a dork* It's -20C here today with the wind chill for my 5 mile run - You can get out there and push in the teens! Just layer up and make sure you've got a solid pair of gloves, a hat and some water!

    Skip - Great motivation! And now that your final project is over and done with, project "kick *kitten* at the gym" can begin! Good luck and get moving!! :tongue: Whatchya have planned? Let me know if you want to do a calorie burn challenge or something equivalent and I'm in!

    Aly - Uhhh Thanks! I assume that's a compliment? Either way, I'll take it! :laugh:

    Today's a run day. Easy 3-5 miles, depending on how long I can bare to be in the cold. It's bloody freezing and windy out today :grumble: Ah well. Tonight's Part 1 of our Gingerbread House Construction project. We're just setting up the walls and letting them set for a day, I think. So no candy yet! At least I hope not... This afternoon I'm going to head out and try to find a new pair of proper running shoes for Half-Marathon training in the new year. Hopefully they'll have some sales, but I may wait until after Xmas to find some. I also need to do some shopping and buy new pants for work, since mine are basically falling off (bought them in August, so 16lbs and many inches ago...) That's it for the day!

    Edit - I forgot to mention... I am really excited to take my measurements again! I wish I had been doing this all along. But seriously - My body is really changing and it's noticeable. The scale might not be moving much but I am definitely losing inches and I'm psyched for my new measurements come Dec 31st! :glasses: I think I'm going to be pretty happy!

    Hope everyone has a great Tuesday! Keep posting and keep kicking *kitten* ladies! :heart:
  • SkipToMyLou32
    Quick question...Ran 3 miles at 6 mph on the treadmill. Treadmill said I burned 350 calories, MFP said 285. Which would you guys go with??

    I'll be back this afternoon to catch up with everyone after my final critique!!!!!!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Did you use a chest strap on the treadmill, or enter your weight and calc your HR by placing your hands on the sensors? I'd go with 285 based on your weight but I'm not sure it matters *that* much. It's only 65 calories :wink:
  • SkipToMyLou32
    No I didn't use any of that so 285 probably is correct. And MFP does have my height and weight stored so makes sense that it should be more accurate. Thanks!