Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - December Challenge!!



  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    QOTD: What is your tactic for eating out?
    I also try to avoid it, generally, but I have a few tactics...
    1) I'm the pain in the *kitten* diner that asks what is in everything. I know it's annoying but it's good to know what is in your food. I also have a drastic aversion to mayonnaise and a few other common foods, so it helps to ask instead of gagging down your food :laugh: Most of us don't ask for things to be taken back to I try to be proactive about it.
    2) I always substitute the high-carb sides for veg or fresh fruit. I do this at any meal. I know that I can't "just have a few" with my plate in front of me, so I make the decision before I order and no turning back! If I want one or two, I'll just steal from someone else. A garden salad, fresh cut fruit, or steamed veggies. Ask how they are cooked - a lot of places cook all the goodness out of their veggies, which defeats the purpose entirely!
    3) Get all dressing/sauces/etc on the side, or ask for none (a little balsamic vinegar on the side instead goes a long way).
    4) Order coffee/tea instead of dessert. It's not the *best* but it's better than a small piece of cake for 400+ calories.
    5) Skip the appetizer. Honestly, portions are so big you will be full without it. If you want to order one, make it a fresh salad or broth/tomato based soup and then eat only half of your entree (pack the other half to go, or share with a friend). Restaurants give SO much food that half of what is served is often more than enough for the average person. Our eyes tend to me much bigger than our stomachs.
    6) Order water to drink. With all the "unknowns" of restaurant dining, a mystery beverage is just wasted calories. Water with fresh lime for me. If I want a treat, I get Perrier with lime. Exciting, huh? It works for me :happy:

    Happy dining this season, everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    QOTD: What is your tactic for eating out?
    6) Order water to drink. With all the "unknowns" of restaurant dining, a mystery beverage is just wasted calories. Water with fresh lime for me.

    LOL Meag- I get water with Lime too!

    I really don't go out that often, not because of the calorie issue so much as the cost one.

    1) My biggest strategy is planning! If I know I am going to be going out, I try to leave about 5-700 calories and choose what I want to eat before going to the restaurant. I avoid salads, cuz honestly, I could make them myself. I tend to lean towards wraps or cold sandwiches. I pace myself, and usually am full at about 1/2. Unless I am really in the mood for fries, I snag a few off the boy's plate and call it a day. Dessert also never gets paired with going out to eat- it's usually one or the other for me- go out for dinner? OR Go out for dessert?

    2)This might be random, but I also find it helps get over that "bloating" phase (you know, you go out to eat and overnight put on 3lbs) if I save at least part of my workout/any kind of physical activity for AFTER I've eaten takeout. Even if its just a long walk, really helps the way I feel going to bed that night and when I get up in the morning.

    3) DON'T Stress out about it- If I'm going out to eat its usually for downtime with the boy or to see someone I havent seen in a while. They dont want to deal with me freaking out about every french fry, and quite frankly, I don't want to stress over every bite. I plan, I pace- If I get to the 1/2 point and am still hungry, then I will eat until I'm full. Freaking out about how bad what I ate is seems, to me, counter productive. I do wut I want; tha's how I roll:glasses:

    Sorry I don't have a chance to catch up with you guys- this is about all the posting my cold-addled brain can handle right now.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Thanks Meag, these are all great ideas. I just have to learn how to implement them. This week I have a dinner tomorrow night that I don't even know what will be in it. I am contemplating eating at home before I go, but that usually makes me eat almost 2 dinners. Next week is the bad week, my gym is having a guest dinner on tuesday night and everything sounds soo good I don't want to pass it up. We are having a christmas party lunch at work next friday, also with breakfast to hold us over until 2 when the lunch is. I was going to go out that night but with this going on and training the next morning I will have to miss the night festivities. I am going to just do my best, it is all I can do. I am not going to miss parties because when I did that before in this journey I was more upset than I was when I was really heavy. I am a very social person and I do like my food. This will be a true test of moderation and balance.
  • Dare2BThin
    Dare2BThin Posts: 211 Member
    New To This Message Me if it not right

    CW 185
    Mini Goal- December 31st 175lb
    Overall 125 by wedding day October 22nd, 2011
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Adding Shaunie- Also Shaunie, consider adding NSGs (Non-scale Goals) It's a great way to stay motivated.

    km323 - Reach 185lbs, run 4x per week, get to sleep before 2am each night, avoid french fries and log every day
    kvr414- Lose another 10 lbs. drink 10 cups of water a day, do a 3x to 5x a day routine of situps, pushups, lunges til fatigue.
    roobean33 - Reach 128lbs, drink more H20 daily, try new healthy recipes, avoid most of the holiday treats
    inskydiamonds - Continue my biweekly meal challenges, because they force me to reach outside the box for things to eat for dinner. (December 1-5: Suggestions from MFP friends / December 6-19: Low-Cal Desserts / December 20-31: Meals Under $10). Lose 4 pounds, bringing me to 183.
    Keysr-Cook for myself and become more active outside with fun winter sports
    krishatherley - drop another 3-4 lbs
    wardiemelissa-maintain current weight of 125 lbs.; continue exercise regimine of running 2-3 times a week (with one long run between 7-8 miles), strength training (30 day Shred), and stretching (yoga); plan healthy dinners for the week; and begin to tone those trouble zones (No More Trouble Zones)
    SkierElle: Reach 175 lbs, still limit sweets but allow myself a few if they fit w/in calories, when I'm home for Xmas try to involve family in fun exercise!
    meagalayne - Reach 130lb by 12/11/10 and maintain to 01/01/11, complete 20 consecutive push-ups, complete 5 full weeks of Cutting Body Fat (3x/week) weight lifting and extend longest run distance to 9 miles - NO EXCUSES!
    rai8759 - Go from 167.4 to 162 by 1/3/11 (1.08 lbs/week); Carry a water bottle around with me and drink 8-10 cups of water per day; Be true to my food diary even if i miss a day get right back into it the next day!!
    Tai_88 – continue my no candy streak (limit of one piece of candy per week); stop drinking soda for the month; at least 3 workouts per week; get my 2 mile time under 18:30; logging everyday – especially when I don’t want to.
    Hazeldiva1913---drink at least 12 cups of water a day, loose 10 lbs by christmas. Im at 299 need to be at 289 on xmas day...start incorporating more strength eating out more than once a week!!!
    chawntamarie - Reach 140lbs by Christmas (4 lb. loss), Workout 5 times/week and cook my own meals 2-3 times per week.
    finncmh- lose 5lbs bringing me to 193 by New Years eve, strength training 2x's a week, develop a solid running/walking routine, try one new healthy meal a week!
    Mevan17- lose 3 lbs to get to 141 lb, run 4 days/week, no cookies
    Stuartme123 - DecSW = 161. 30 min of cardio 3x a week, Keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day, Add veggies that wouldn't normally be there to at least one meal a day, Try one new healthy recipe a week, Lose 1lb a week for a total of 4lbs.
    CaptainJim157 - Dec SW = 172.2 lbs, lose 10 lbs by the end of December (2 lbs a week), control my anxiety a bit better (Can that be one of my goals?)
    Tickyfoxster710- Dec SW=294lbs, goal lose 9lbs by the end of December, finish my 10k running plan, try to get up to 8 miles before the end of the year, start my second round of 6 week triple challenge (finish the first week of January) ( goal 100 push ups, 200 situps, 200 squats consecutive)
    Jourdan_Rystrom - DecSW=136. I want to reach 133 by the end of December and have even more muscle tone! Log on to MFP EVERY DAY and always stay under my calories! I want to drop my BF% to 22%! I also want to include more greens in my diet!
    meggonkgonk: Reach 150 lbs, complete 1 unabridged week of training, Week 4 of pushup challenge and 1 unassisted pullup
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - lose 5 pounds before 2011. Work out twice a week. Continue with my C25K training.
    Losstalykat:* Do one nice relaxing thing for myself once a week. (massage, bath with wine and book, new workout class....)* Focus on Triathlon Training, workout as close to the training schedule as possible. * Only eat 2 sweets a week(it is the holidays after all)*Measure at the beginning and end of the month.
    spellbinder25: (1) Start with week 3 of C25K. From week 4 onwards, do each week twice. (2) Cook twice a week, (3) Have a serving of fruit everyday, (4) Do squats and crunches thrice a week, (5) Lose 5.5 lbs to reach 145lbs.
    seripha - Dec SW = 156.5, goal to lose another 5 lbs by the end of December, continue to exercise 4 - 5 times a week, and avoid binging on the weekend!
    miss_amy: current weight loss: 26.4lbs- goal: at least 32lb total loss (5.6lbs)- ultimate goal: 35lb total loss (8.6). NSG: eat less carbs! -update (12/4): 27.6lbs lost, 4.4lbs until goal (7.4lbs until ultimate goal)
    TaraMaria - Ab workout 3x's weekly, 4500 calories burned weekly, 97.5 miles walked/ran by Christmas, build up to running/walking 5 miles and finally no refined sugars for the month of December
    SKINNYACK- Get under 160- ideally 157 by Dec 31st. I'm currently stuck at 161. Be able to hold side arm planks for 90 seconds each arm without shaking. Run my first official 5K. Finish Month 1 of P90X
    Fiore89 -- Go to the gym daily, eat less carbs and more protein, log in MFP daily, pack a healthy lunch to work and stay under my calorie intake!!! :-)
    Allislefttogain: Maintain in 118-123 range; minimum base running of 8-10 miles a week; long run of 13.1; weigh-ins on 10th/ 20th/30th of December; try a new workout (or 2 or 3); 64 oz of water daily (no counting tea water!) and experiment in the kitchen
    Tjradd73-to lose 8lbs and 2", continue on with the push-up challenge, and do 3 days a week of abs!
    cruan- Stay on the Herbalife plan, get my protein intake that I need, lose at least 5 lbs, and exercise, exercise, exercise!
    emmarie1630- lose 4lbs, eat out less, stay active over the holidays, drink more water
    30poundsto30- lose 10 pounds, exercise 3x a week, walk my dog everyday and drink at least 64 ounces of water daily
    SkiptomyLou32: 123 by end of December, run 3x week, weights 3x week, continue to cut sweets
    Nisharae- be below 207 pounds by January first...Running 5 minutes straight on the treadmill @ atleast 5.2 speed. HERE WE GO!
    js775219-lose 6-10lbs, 3 straight weeks of bootcamp, log ALL calories EVERYDAY!
    allie7383- lose at least 3 lbs, work out at least 5 times a week, and drink over 8 glasses of water per day.
    megteg-lose 5lbs, log in everyday and stay at or under 1500 calories.
    Ngoat - Eat less processed foods, excercise an average of 3 hours a week and lose 3lbs.
    ckehoe89: Lose 5lbs, maintain exercise routine of at least 5 times a week. Work on getting more fruits and veggies into my diet instead of the carbs I love so much!
    Shaunie0613- 175lb by Dec 31st
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I feel better re: my cookies this morning. Cookies were 303 calories and I went for a walk on my lunch break (in about 6F with nasty wind) and burned 310 calories. I've been worried about it all day because I gave in way too much this week without thinking, so I feel better and more in control now :happy:

    Meag, I'm just dumb. I don't stop when I hurt myself...ever. I have this ridiculously stubborn trait where I never give in when I should and then throw my hands up in the air and quit when things are no big deal :angry: All part of my charm, I suppose! Your dinner sounds good, I'm not one for Greek (I despise feta) but I need to be more adventurous with Greek food. Nice job on getting out there in the cold! Easier said than done I know, but try not to stress too much and just make the best choices for your birthday festivities! It's only one day (er weekend) just get back on track on Monday and have fun!

    Finn, welcome back! Glad to hear you're determined! Oooooh wedding dress! You can always find a way to get it taken in, or get someone to buy it off you and get a smaller size! Just get healthier and try not to worry about fitting into it!

    Aly, that sucks about the salad. I often get salads when I go out (which is not that often), but try to do my research and find something nutritionally similar to get the stats. Dressings will KILL YOU. Absolutely Panera's Greek dressing is 220 calories. I don't like Greek, so I get balsamic but yikes! Maintaining is a good idea for you right now. Good plan!

    Gonks, feel better!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    QOTD: What is your tactic for eating out?
    6) Order water to drink. With all the "unknowns" of restaurant dining, a mystery beverage is just wasted calories. Water with fresh lime for me.

    LOL Meag- I get water with Lime too!
    We are each other's cross-border dobble-ganger, I swear! :tongue: Too funny, Gonks!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    You know, I got the dressing on the side. I don't think they gave me as much as I saw in the nutritional info, it said 6 servings, which I only had one little dish of at the table. So it might have been a little less but still lesson learned. Thanks for supporting me even with maintaining. I feel like a failure sometimes because I am not trying to lose 100% of the time. But hey I have been at this for a few years now, I know the name of the game.
  • QOTD - For eating out if I can, I like to pre-read up on what is on the menu if I can. Either on the website or at least on my Nutrition Info app. It's good because I can check out the caloric content of the menu item for 100's of restaurants.

    I know it doesn't necessarily work for smaller, independent stores but it's good if you're going to a "brand name" restaurant.

    Otherwise I stick to my tested and true green leafy salad with dressing on the side and a grilled cajun chicken breast. Or if I'm feeling like I want to splurge a little bit I'll buy a protein / veggie - full appetizer and just eat that. It can be risky so you have to have a good idea of what is in something :)

    lostalykat - hey, even if you're maintaining sometimes you just need support to not let it all go :)
  • Meag--Hope you have a fantastic birthday weekend! I always say that calories don't count on your birthday. :wink: Don't worry if you go a little over because it will be gone by the end of the week I'm sure. That being said, I do wish you luck on your will power, and hope you can stay away from the stuff that's not worth it to you.

    Finn--So great that you're having an awesome week. Glad you're out of your funk! How exciting about picking up your wedding dress! You should show us a pic!

    Aly--I hear ya on December being about maintaining. I just want to lose a couple of my Thanksgiving lbs in the beginning of the month and then maintain the rest. My husband and I will be going to Atlanta to visit our families and both houses are always full of bad stuff so it's hard for me to actually lose any weight in Dec, which I am fine with.

    QOTD: At restaurants I try to substitute healthy things like a side salad instead of fries. I also ask for no croutons if I order a salad because I know I can't just pick them out--I will eat them if they are there! I ask for dressing on the side, and sometimes I ask for no cheese. I also always order burgers without a bun. (Note: I do eat carbs--just whole grain ones and I know the ones at restaurants are not.) One of the best things I think you can do is ask for a to-go box WITH your meal so you can go ahead and divide the meal in half and close the box. Another crazy thing I have done before is squirt katsup or skake a TON of salt on something if I'm full and don't want to take home leftovers--otherwise I will pick at it even when I'm full.

    Welcome Shaunie!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member

    Melissa- any interest in sharing the “Healthified” Tuna Casserole… hehe

    I sure can as soon as I get home!!! It was YUMMY!!!!

    "Healthified" Tuna-Pasta Casserole
    Prep Time: 20 minutes
    Start to Finish: 1 hour
    Servings: 8 (1 cup each)

    2 1/2 cups uncoked multigrain or whole-grain rotini or penne pasta (8oz)
    2 tsp olive or canola oil
    1 medium green bell pepper, chopped (1 cup)-I used yellow or orange since it is sweeter and my girls will tolerate those better
    1 medium red bell pepper, chopped (1 cup)
    1 medium onion, chopped (1/2 cup)
    1 8oz package fresh mushrooms, chopped
    2 tsp finely chopped garlic
    1 can (10 3/4 oz) condensed 98% fa-free cream of mushroom soup
    1 8 oz container reduced fat (I used fat-free) sour cream
    2 oz 1/3 less fatr cream cheese softened (I used fat-free)
    1/2 cup fat free milk
    1/2 tsp pepper
    2 cans (5 oz each) tuna light in water
    1/2 cup shredded fat free cheddar cheese
    2 tbsp grated parm cheese
    12 stone-ground wheat crackers, crushed (about 1/2 cup)

    Heat oven to 350 degrees. Spray 13x9 inch glass baking dish with cooking spray. Cook past as directed on package, omitting salt; drain.

    In 12 inch nonstick skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add bell peppers, onion, mushrooms and garlic; cook 4 to 6 minutes, stirring frequently, until vegetables are tender

    Stir in soup, sour cream, cream cheese, milk and pepper until well blended. Stir in tuna, pasta and cheddar cheese. Spoon into baking dish; spread evenly Sprinkle with parmesan cheese and crushed crackers.

    Bake uncovered 35 to 40 minutes or until top is golden brown and mixture is bubbly.

    (I usually prep it the night before)

    Nutritional Info: (this is per the actual ingredients not what I have substituted).
    1 Serving: Calories 340; Total fat 10 g; Sodium 330 mg; Carbs 41 g; dietary fiber 4g; Protein 21 g

    With all of my substitutions mine comes out at around 261 calories...

    ENJOY!!! I am thinking of trying it with chicken next time for a change...
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290

    Melissa- any interest in sharing the “Healthified” Tuna Casserole… hehe

    I sure can as soon as I get home!!! It was YUMMY!!!!

    YAY! Thanks for sharing!!! Sounds fabulous!!! Cant wait to try it out. Let me know how it goes with the chicken!
    "Healthified" Tuna-Pasta Casserole
    Prep Time: 20 minutes
    Start to Finish: 1 hour
    Servings: 8 (1 cup each)

    2 1/2 cups uncoked multigrain or whole-grain rotini or penne pasta (8oz)
    2 tsp olive or canola oil
    1 medium green bell pepper, chopped (1 cup)-I used yellow or orange since it is sweeter and my girls will tolerate those better
    1 medium red bell pepper, chopped (1 cup)
    1 medium onion, chopped (1/2 cup)
    1 8oz package fresh mushrooms, chopped
    2 tsp finely chopped garlic
    1 can (10 3/4 oz) condensed 98% fa-free cream of mushroom soup
    1 8 oz container reduced fat (I used fat-free) sour cream
    2 oz 1/3 less fatr cream cheese softened (I used fat-free)
    1/2 cup fat free milk
    1/2 tsp pepper
    2 cans (5 oz each) tuna light in water
    1/2 cup shredded fat free cheddar cheese
    2 tbsp grated parm cheese
    12 stone-ground wheat crackers, crushed (about 1/2 cup)

    Heat oven to 350 degrees. Spray 13x9 inch glass baking dish with cooking spray. Cook past as directed on package, omitting salt; drain.

    In 12 inch nonstick skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add bell peppers, onion, mushrooms and garlic; cook 4 to 6 minutes, stirring frequently, until vegetables are tender

    Stir in soup, sour cream, cream cheese, milk and pepper until well blended. Stir in tuna, pasta and cheddar cheese. Spoon into baking dish; spread evenly Sprinkle with parmesan cheese and crushed crackers.

    Bake uncovered 35 to 40 minutes or until top is golden brown and mixture is bubbly.

    (I usually prep it the night before)

    Nutritional Info: (this is per the actual ingredients not what I have substituted).
    1 Serving: Calories 340; Total fat 10 g; Sodium 330 mg; Carbs 41 g; dietary fiber 4g; Protein 21 g

    With all of my substitutions mine comes out at around 261 calories...

    ENJOY!!! I am thinking of trying it with chicken next time for a change...
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    allie-feel better :)

    guam and meag-happy birthday!! have fun this weekend! :)

    laura-are you doing low carb?? just curious :)

    skiptomylou-welcome to the challenge!!

    Meag-that is WAY too cold...and i am happy to say that I do not miss it!! thanks for the encouragement!

    Cait-thanks!! and good luck for you tomorrow and great job on your goals so far!

    Shaunie-welcome to the thread :)

    QOTD-when i am going out to eat...I will pick the place, if i can, based off of if they have healthy alternatives on the menu with calories listed or not! if I can't pick the place but I know where i am going i will also look at the menu online and try to find or at least figure out a good guestimate of the calories before i go. If i can't pick or don't know where i am going until i get there, i try to stick with a salad or at least grilled chicken and veggies, fat free dressing on the croutons no cheese, and always order a side salad instead of fries or potatoes or soup!! and its always diet coke for me :)

    AFM-still doing great...I weighed again today (since i do everyday) and was down another 2.2lbs from yesterday...of course i wont record it on here until Wednesday which is my next actual weigh-in day :) i have a really good feeling about this month and i am currently only 2lbs away from my lowest adult weight ever, so i am pumped!! i also tried a new recipe which was very good and very filling so i thought that i would post it for anyone that needed a new idea :)

    Sweet Turkey Chili

    1lb lean ground turkey
    1 medium green pepper chopped
    1 small red onion chopped
    2 cloves of garlic finely chopped
    26oz of diced tomatoes (not drained)
    6oz tomato paste
    14oz chicken broth
    14oz kidney beans (rinsed and drained)
    1 tbsp of chili powder
    1/4tsp of black pepper
    1/8tsp of garlic powder
    1/8tsp of cumin

    1. brown turkey with onions, green pepper, and garlic in a large skillet.
    2. add meat mixture to 4qt slow cooker and stir in the rest of the ingredients
    3. cook on low for 4-5 hours
    4. serve with fat free shredded cheese!

    and thats it!!! easy easy easy!!! about 267calories per cup...and i used all low sodium stuff :)
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    hey everyone!!

    thanks for all the well wishes! i got to the doctor today and fortunately i didn't need an antibiotic, just some mucinex, which i promptly bought right after i left the office. it's expensive at $22 a box, but it's def worth it.. plus you only take 1 every 12 hours, instead of 4-6. so far i'm def feeling better, and it also helped that when i weighed myself today i was at 159.5! oh my goodness was i excited to see the 150's lol! hopefully as i get back into the normal routine it'll stay that way and i won't go back to my rut of 163-162.

    i give you runners A LOT of credit in getting out there in these temps.. i'm so tempted, but then i step outside and totally talk myself out of it.

    welcome Shaunie!!

    QOTD: I also try to avoid eating out, and since early summer i've managed to completely avoid fast food places. i wasn't crazy big into them, but would have it now and again. i don't even miss it. i try to think of those documentaries and such where they tell you all the gross things about the food and it totally turns me off.
    If i end up going out somewhere I like to be prepared, and go with the approach of looking the menu up if possible. i also have that food nutrition app on my phone which helps too. i won't lie.. i don't always substitute fries, b/c sometimes i just really want them, however i never order soda, always water with lemon. my friend and i have a standing sushi date, so that's usually the only time i'll eat out, and treat it as my cheat day. since i know i'll be going i try to get in a good workout so i'll have the calories for it.

    tonight i'm going to Atlantic City with the guy i'm seeing, and he already mentioned the word "buffet" lol.. oh boy!

    everyone enjoy your weekends!! i'll be working sat and sun night, booo!
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
    I weighed today I am at 178! Yippee! My body is so weird! My TOM came yesterday so I must of had water retention the week prior and today is day two of the cycle and I've lost 2 pds? Weird but I'll take it! I don't track my TOMs because it's very irregular. I thought I might of hit a plateau so I did interval training on the elliptical and it kicked my butt! I sweated more for the 30 minutes then my 45 min at the same resistance! Loving it!

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Very selfish update...

    It's my birthday weekend starting today (yes, I get a whole weekend - what's it to you?) and I wanted to WI before I gorge on ice cream and fattening foods. I don't normally weigh-in on Fridays, but maybe I should start! Lost 1.3lbs since Monday, meaning I am at 130.1lbs, or 0.1lbs away from my GW :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: Pretty close - I'm calling it a WIN!

    Worked til 3am last night, got to bed around 415am and was up at 8am for step class today (literally one of the only classes I could find) before a long day of festivities. I don't even care how tired I am! Today has already been great and I know it's only going to get better!

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member

    Hey ladies! it has been waaay 2 long. Had work for three nights then dinner with friends Thursday night after I got up. So haven't really been able to keep up with this grrreat thread. Please forgive me.

    Awhile ago I was asking about dogs. Above is a pic of my pup that goes with me when I run/walk. She is my love!!!

    Been doing ok this week. Need desperately to work out today so I can salvage my 3 workouts a week goal and my push-up challenge. I ate over 130 one day and then under 130 the next... so overall doing well. However, a family @ church invited us over last night and their daughter was cooking dinner. I didn't intend to say no even though she cooked pasta with vodka sauce which I think was about 450-500 calories a serving, plus bread, plus ceaser salad... plus cheesecake...

    Needless to say... I need to work out today.

    The rest of my weekend is full of parties and dinners and get togethers so it is going to be especially challenging. Since I won't be hurting feelings not to eat my face off at these engagements I will absolutely be light on the snacking and eating big healthy meals before going. May not see a great loss on the scale this upcoming weigh-in though.. Which bothers me on some level, but like I was telling my husband in the car last night that this is a process, and if I choose to overeat one day then there will be another day, week, month, to treat my body well and continue to loose weight until I'm at a healthy weight. I'm really trying to look at this as a long term goal, so maybe I won't have lost the weight by the end of December but I will absolutely have made progress. In the end my attitude towards food is absolutely changing little by little. For example - Didn't feel like I HAD TO finish my cheesecake... left the last couple bites... that was fine. I used to feel like I should lick my plate clean... who knows when that cheesecake shortage will come to an end!!! :noway: yea right, lol.

    My right upper abdominal pain has come down A LOT! Thanks for those who asked and posted possible causes/remedies. It is the best it has been since Thanksgiving so I'm wondering if it had to do with me getting lots of sleep and taking the exercise easy this week... who knows. I'm pretty sure its not life threatening tho. yay!

    Look forward to keeping up with y'all this weekend!!
    Rachel =D
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member

    <a href="; target="_blank"><img src="; border="0" alt="Photobucket" ></a>

    So the picture didn't work... hoping this one will. I also posted a link to see the picture if this doesn't work.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I think the IMG has to be img
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    You beat me to the punch, Gonk!
This discussion has been closed.