Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - December Challenge!!



  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Jill - I have actually lost a full shoe size :noway: I'm not even sure how that's possible. Craziness!!

    Really Meag? I've gone up a size (in running sneakers) but that doesn't really count.

    In other news, my boss is being a massive a-hole today. I will not eat my weight in chocolate covered almonds. I will not eat my weight in chocolate covered almonds...:grumble:

    I'm so sorry hunny... :o( Stay as far away from them as you can...AND your boss! lol! :o)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Jill - I have actually lost a full shoe size :noway: I'm not even sure how that's possible. Craziness!!

    Really Meag? I've gone up a size (in running sneakers) but that doesn't really count.

    In other news, my boss is being a massive a-hole today. I will not eat my weight in chocolate covered almonds. I will not eat my weight in chocolate covered almonds...:grumble:
    Really!! I can't explain it... My feel are also so narrow that I have to buy special shorter laces for my converse all stars... My whole body is out of whack proportionally! It's always been kind of weird though... Who knows :huh:

    Aly - Sounds like you and I are definitely on the same self-destructive path atm. It's extremely hard to shake yourself out of, as well. We are far too focused on the minute details of our diets and not giving enough thought to the overall picture. It's hard to recognize certain foods as healthy and nutritious fuel sometimes when you are focusing in on the "carbs carbs carbs" mentality -- I know! I had oatmeal this morning but augmented with whey isolate and PB to get protein and fat. And then I cut carbs out of lunch and snack entirely, apart from fruits and veggies. No carbs with dinner either (more fruit, protein and nuts). It's can be a challenge for sure, especially when you start to feel overwhelmed, or you guilt yourself for indulging in more carbs than you would ideally like, as I do with snacks and when they are hard to avoid at dinner. But we have to remember that carbs help to fuel our workouts, keep us sustained, and contain loads of fiber and other nutritious stuff that our body craves (assuming we're eating the right kinds of carbs). We also have to remember that for two ladies that spend a goodly amount of time exercising, we need more to eat than the typical 1200-1500 calorie diet! And if we have an extra carbohydrate or two at a meal, it's OK. Baby steps, Aly. At least I think we both recognize that our guilt and frustration with self is becoming a problem.

    Seripha - Great advice on the finals + working out. I think you hit the nail on the head. A great burn after an exam is a wicked way to "cool down" and regain focus. You also feel so accomplished that no one did you escape the exam alive, but with the drive and motivation to make exercise fit in your schedule! It's also a super bonus that the gym is virtually empty :bigsmile: No meathead jocks to contend with! hahah

    Speaking of which... I wish someone would tell the illiterate juicepigs at the gym that I am not their mother and do not wish to clean up after them. Apparently they are incapable of reading the countless signs plastered all over the gym walls... Use your super-human steroid strength to remove your weights from the free weight lifting bars when you are finished with them. We all pay to work out here and your billion pound weights are preventing the rest of us from having access to the free-weight section of the gym. Is it a wonder that very few women actually use this section? When it's totally bogarted by these meat heads with absolutely no consideration for anyone else... :explode:

    End rant.
    On that note, I'm off to lift some weights at the gym! :laugh: And then do some cycling. Made a cauliflower crust pizza today finally with kimchi, veggies and mozzarella. The toppings were AWESOME but the crust stuck to the parchment and it was near impossible to eat. Kind of a bummer. Neat experiment though!

    I'll be back to check in on you ladies tonight when I get back from visiting the boy. Keep it up!!
    Meag :heart:
  • HEY! How's it going y'all? :D
  • Seriphia- Thank you for your input. But I do plan out almost every breakfast lunch and dinner before hand. My nutritionist put me on a no carb/no sugar diet recently. It was very difficult and I stuck to it for a few weeks but ended up feeling depressed. Now I am not sure how to incorporate carbs back in my diet occasionally without feeling guilty. And the cookie today was a once in a while thing, I am usually very good and diligent. I guess not seeing the scale move for a long time has gotten to me. It is hard to keep mojo when you don't see weight loss. I am going to email my nutritionist today and see if she can work oatmeal in my diet a few times a week for my sanity sake.

    Aw that's tough. I had a nutrionist for a while and she wanted me to eat cottage cheese almost every day. But I told her, I really can't. The texture of it literally blows my gag reflex every time. If they're a good nutrionist they will help you fine tune your diet so that you can enjoy it but still be "good".
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Meag-thanks girly!! i did my push-ups!

    Allis-what a great run, the sweets thing will slowly drop to a normal limit!! lol

    Rai-i agree at logging everything...while on the diet and for a while while trying to maintain, that is why we are all here, we can live the normal lives after we have proven to ourselves that we know how to for a while!

    Seripha-you are for sure not alone on this battle, we are all here for you and we all have challenges on occassion!

    Stuart-great food goals, the gym goals will follow after exam time! and congrats on your date!

    Megteg-great philosophy...i agree 100%!!

    QOTD-i have mostly earth tones too but brown seems to be the magic color these days for me!

    AFM- i did my 3 days of the pushup challenge for the week and my 3 days of abs for the week and havent gone over on my calories at all to we shall see how i do on Wed weigh-in!
  • You girls always forget about me :( Lol
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Meag- So true so true. Being kind to our own bodies is harder than punishment for sure! One day at a time, and one meal at a time I say.

    I had the same experience with the Cauliflower pizza crust I made friday night, I wish it would have come out better. I read that using frozen cauliflower works best. I guess I will have to try it. I used this recipe.

    I go through cycles of feeling really good and not so great. I feel like my nutritionist gave me some tips but did not understand that I need a little oatmeal damn it! I was going to read up on it myself if I can. So far today has been a good food day even with the cookie. I am going straight to the gym to do my swim training right after work, and pick up the laundry. I swear I have no free time! O well what can you do.

    I am trying to think of something fun to do with Butternut squash that isn't soup and isn't sweet, any ideas??
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Meag- you wrote so much I don't have time to catch up to! I think you answered well and straight forwardly- I just think people often hold themselves up to impossible workout and diet standards and feel the need to point out that sometimes if your diet isnt working, its not you. Sometimes it is, but sometimes we just expect too much too fast. Like running we have to build up and temper our expectations :smile:

    Aly- I prefer my squash soupy, or mashed. But sometimes I just eat it raw, with hummus like my other veggies, and sometimes I chop it up and put it in my eggs, or in a veggie wrap. I also think Meredith just posted a squash recipe

    I know its for acorn squash, but maybe it could be used with the butternut?

    Mike- I'm sorry if we're leaving you out! Typically we post like this- a short bit in response to as many people as we have time to catch up with, and offer opinion and then just write our own update at the bottom. If we're pressed for time but need to update, you'll usually see us apologize for a "selfish post" just before adding our update. So on that note: What's up with you Mike, anything new?

    AFM: Just a long day at work- one boss needed something EVERY 2seconds (he changed his whole INTERNATIONAL schedule for the next 2 days and I had to make all the changes/arrangements) and I screwed something up for the other boss. The second boss was pretty cool about it but it was just labor intensive/rushing to finish and with all the stuff from the other boss, it just was like BRAIN EXPLOSION. Idk its weird- at the time I was freaking out but I kind of get a high off of stressing like that! I got so much done! Anyway- food day was fine, and got my workout in. So good day!

    Ok that's all for me.

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    sorry! we don't forget about you, we just aren't used to boys being around!! LOL

    You girls always forget about me :( Lol

  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    hey all!! 2 months into this and i'm still always amazed at how fast this thread grows in a day!

    i love the advice being given out about the whole journey of losing weight. i totally agree it's a mental and physical thing. some days i can't wait to get moving and do my workouts, but others, i have to really talk myself into doing them. i know though once i get going i feel good, and i just think of how accomplished i feel at the end.

    i weighed in this morning at 162.5... so still maintaining, though growing more and more frustrated in plateau city! this month my turbofire workouts get a change up so hopefully that will change things. i was supposed to start the new month today, however i'm totally under the weather..sore throat, coughing, completely stuffed up, all that good stuff.. i got off my butt on sunday but today i just didn't have it in me.. i really hope this passes soon b/c i'm supposed to go to Atlantic City on friday, and it wil be no fun if i'm hacking up a lung lol. we had enough people at work tonight and my friend said i could've gone home, but i feel a bit better not laying in bed for some reason, and i don't feel like using a personal day if i'm not totally dying!

    i ventured to the mall over the weekend, and got myself some new workout clothes which will hopefully be ok for the colder weather. i was so excited that i was able to get a medium for once woo hoo! also got my hair done, and my hairdresser couldn't stop going on about how great i looked which was a nice confidence booster.. she said my skin looked really good as well, so i'm guessing that the water is doing its job.

    Roo- my fellow BB worker! lol no i def don't want to be doing panels for the rest of my life haha! glad someone can sympathize with such isses! i'm a generalist too, so I also do heme, chem, coag, and urines, no micro through.

    all you girls and guys are awesome! i love reading about all your updates and personal successes.. def makes me want to keep up!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Quick update for me and then I will go back and read everyone's posts and catch up more appropriately!

    Had a good weekend. Until I got the stomach flu from my son last night. Was up most of the night so I didn't make it into work today. My diet has consisted of saltine crackers and diet 7-up. My body is too weak to get back to exercising just which will completely screw my week up since I have a lot going on this week as it is. Hopefully I will get a better night's sleep tonight and be able to slowly introduce foods back into my diet.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member

    Aly- Butternut/Buttercup squash and CURRY! Amazing combo!! Anything curried will do. If you're in a rush and want a tasty side dish, buy some pre-made curry paste (not the best for you, but you're only using a little!) - I recommend Patak's - and mix 2 Tbsp with about 1 Tbsp water to form a thick sauce. Cut a small squash open and heat in the microwave for 5 mins (or oven if you like for a while until it's about half cooked. Scoop out the seeds and really fibrous bits, cut the squash into 8 slices, and spread the curry paste sauce evenly over the inside edge of each piece. Cook in the oven at 350 or so for another 20 minutes to finish. Super simple and a really great spin on the usual brown sugar and maple squash people always peddle :happy:

    If you have time, make a proper curry sauce with fresh indian spices, squash, potatoes (or not), cauliflower, other veg and whatever else you like! Here's a neat recipe I tried several weeks ago for pumpkin, sweet potato and banana curry (I made some changes to lower cals, add veg and make it all around healthier). Turned out amazing and I used buttercup squash - my new fave! I'm making buttercup squash pasta with spinach and blue cheese tomorrow night for dinner. First pasta dish I've had in months... We'll see how it goes! Hope I can keep my anxiety about carbs down for low enough to at least enjoy it...

    Woa! Can you tell I love me some squash? Seriously - It's the best! I am such a veggie queen - If there's one person in the world that loves her some winter veggies, it's this lady! haha Not to mention fruit... my goodness! :blushing:

    I had a freaking awful day wrt my workout, which SUCKED, and my diet which was somewhat disappointing for lack of flexibility and choice. Not to mention my cauli-crust pizza not turning out. And then me blindly having several spoonfuls of frozen yogurt to compensate *headshake* - I should know better. Thank goodness tomorrow's a new day.

    Guam - Hope you're feeling better soon, girly! The stomach flu is not a fun time and certainly not a walk in the park when you are trying to get healthy + exercise. Take care of yourself!

    Allie - YAY for new workout clothes and extra YAY for a size medium! I am sure that feels amazing. New haircut is just the best feeling, too. I bet you look like a million bucks (apart from the illness)! Get better and enjoy Atlantic City, lady!

    Mike - Usually people post questions or comments about their progress, and then the rest chime in with suggestions or support. That's kind of how things have progressed on this thread for the last few months. Share some thoughts/questions/progress with us and I am sure folks will be happy to reply! Don't expect to be called out though because there are just far too many amazing people on this thread and responses can be time consuming already.

    Have a great night everyone!!
    Meag :heart:

    Edit: How do my "quick" responses end up being this long? Holy heck...
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Meag...your rant made me laugh out loud! The last time I went to do weights I hit a similar dilemma and ended up standing there starring at the dang things! My hubbo and I are buying a kids pass though so I'm hoping we will get to workout together as opposed to having to do it in shifts!

    Allie...Yay for new workout clothes! I've been having a hard time finding some here...I want it to be cheap but I don't like "cheap" workout clothes. LOL. I sound awful. I don't mind wearing regular clothes that are cheap. But tonight I wore a pair of my cheapo pants and everybody at the gym nearly got a show...maybe I just need to get a roll of duck tape...

    I've been really attempting to loose this last 5. Its not going well. As long as I'm working out and training, I can practically feel all of it clinging to me. The second I stop working out, I loose 5 pounds and feel flabby and weak. Ah well, you can't have it all and maybe after a few months of being fit my body will get the idea and loose the weight. I mean its absolutely priceless to hear your husband call you a "Lumber Jack" because of the way I was throwing Christmas Trees out of our way to get to the really tall one in back! Ha ha!

    Guam, I hope you feel better soon. You need to let your body heal and not push it. Otherwise it could take longer for you to get better! And that would be miserable! :o(

    Tonight I ran two miles and then swam 7 laps. I'm just getting back into the swim of things...hee hee...and its really been fun to see how far I can go in the water. ALSO. In my 24, almost 25 years of swimming. This includes teaching for two years at a YMCA, I never learned how to breathe out my nose. I explained to my husband how much I was struggling doing laps and that someone suggested on here that I breathe out my nose instead of mouth, how crazy is that right? He starred at me like I was nutso. How could I NOT know how to do that? So tonight I did it for the first time and things went a LOT more smoothly! I didn't feel like I was swallowing water anymore though the first couple of laps were so slow with me starting and stopping, trying to figure out the whole nose thing I couldn't even count them. NO ONE told me to do that as a kid. Infact, I distinctly had swimming instructors say, blow out your mouth! Once I got my coordination all down, the 7 laps were pie! I freaking love that pool. Its so much fun to have that as an alternative cardio. :o) Especially when there is snow outside! :o)

    Well I hope everyone had an amazing day, on to attack Tuesday! :o)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    just a quick peek so i dont get too far behind!!!

    allie-i feel your pain on that plateau...have you tried increasing your calorie intake a little bit?? "they" say that is the special trick for long plataeus, and of course uping your work outs and drinking plenty of water!! you will get past it soon i am sure and i've got my fingers crossed for you!

    guam-feel better, then worry bout your workouts!!! not like you are gonna gain a whole bunch from eating like nothingness!!

    meag-LOL it is so hard to keep it short with this group as there is always advice, praise, and updates to be given! i am trying to write less more times a day...i hope it works!!! lol

    AFM-i am chilling at work...tonight was soup night (every monday someone brings in their specialty), tonight was minestrone...very yummy and from what i figured not too bad in calories...of course i always pick the highest one i can find! but i did well and stayed under my calories and only ate the amount that i planned out so that's cool! other than plan for tomorrow is to eat "good" again and to try to get in a quick cardio session before i work again!! great job everyone!
  • virginiagomes
    virginiagomes Posts: 110 Member
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Tara- great job with the swimming! my mother put both me and my sis into swimming lessons when we were little, then me again when i was older, so i eventually learned to breathe out of my nose.. def weird, but it gets easier and eventually you won't even think about it! i always used to get scared that i'd clunk my head right into the wall on the turnaround lol. i miss doing laps. i was thinking about joining the YMCA near me, but... kinda pricey to go for just that. we'll see if any offers come up!
    i usually go for the cheapo clothes too for working out purposes.. i bought a couple packs of the men's t-shirts and i'll use those year round. i went a little nuts and went to ****'s and spent like $75 on 3 things haha.. but they were all on sale, and i like to have a balance of cheap and nicer things.

    guam- feel better girl! i'm right there in the sickness boat with ya!

    tj- yeah i tried to up the calories a little, though it's hard since i'll get a good workout in and burn say 500 calories, and i'll be struggling to eat them back.. so yeah for a while i ended up with a net intake of well under 1200. so now i'm trying to really get my net where it should be, even though i'll find myself not hungry at all. def been good with the water intake! soup night sounds good! what did you bring in? we'll be having our holiday party soon so i'll have to prepare for those days of not so great food choices.

    meag- i love me some fruits too! my mother used to tell me she really noticed that i was gone during college b/c there would be so much fruit left in the fridge lol. tonight at work i had 2 tangerines on break, along with some applesauce lol. i'm hoping to vitamin C will work some magic!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Finally made some of the steel cut oats that I bought oh, a month ago! Made 2 cups (dry) worth which if I measured correctly will come out to 8 cups prepared. Had some this morning with 1 tsp of dark brown sugar and 1 cup of blueberries and I am still full...might save my banana for a mid morning snack! In fact, my 5 year old even ate a bowl (with only a little brown sugar) and she LOVED it!!! I'm glad I am nosey and look through some of your food diaries or I never would have found it!!!!

    Everyone seems to be doing a great job! I (AGAIN) need to rework my schedule to fit in exercise because it just is not happening! I would get up early and run on the treadmill but I don't think my hubby would appreciate me waking him up at 5 am (treadmill is in the bedroom). Running outside is pretty much going to have to be saved for the weekends when my hubby can stay with the it looks like right when I get home from school/work sill have to be my time (along with unpacking backpacks, getting dinner ready, packing lunches, dishes, and the list goes on and on) I need another me!!!!! (or a maid...hmm...might add that to my Christmas list!!!). Any other suggestions??? I have tried running after kids go to bed but then I am wired until about midnight...

    Thinking about starting the push-up challenge too...

    End rant...

    :heart: Melissa
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Didn't eat my weight in chocolate covered almonds....but I did get in another workout last night to get out some of my stress/anger and then allowed myself to eat some (dusted) dark chocolate almonds, chocolate covered almonds and Ghiradelli peppermint bark square. Gah sweet tooth + stress + TOM does not equal a good week for me. But I finished the day under by 276 calories and got in 108g of protein >>> big picture outlook for yesterday = good. Oh and the Patriots DEMOLISHED the Jets:heart:

    I'm chipping away at some of my December goals...making Quinoa with Chickpeas and Tomatoes tonight aka experimenting in the kitchen. I've never had quinoa or chickpeas (only in hummus) and am sneaking out at lunch to grab some garlic and lime juice. There's not a tonne of protein in the recipe, so I'm going to have a mahi mahi filet as well...yummy! Yesterday I bought TurboFire, but then received an email that my order was cancelled (BeachBody reported the ebay seller as selling an unauthentic version), but then received an email that it was shipped. Guess I'll have to wait and see if I get it and if it's the real TF or not:huh: I also bought 2 other workout DVDs last week (jillian's new abs DVD and Jackie Warner's crosstraining something or other) this all counts towards my "try a new workout or two or three...." goal.

    Trying to stay positive and keep on chugging though I'd much rather eat 3000 pounds of chocolate and hit my boss with a car than eat well and try to maintain a professional relationship with this jacka$$.

    Make it a great Tuesday everyone!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Melissa, sounds good! I'm not a fan of steel cut oats, but I do love quick oats with brown sugar and blueberries/raspberries/blackberries. I found a recipe for oatmeal cookies using my leftover steel cut oats and can't wait to try them! In regards to workout scheduling, can you do something other than treadmill in the morning - i.e. workout DVD or a weight training circuit somewhere other than your bedroom? Or perhaps go for a brisk walk at lunch? Also, can hubby help with the unpacking backpacks and those sorts of things at night and you could sneak in a quick workout then? You could perhaps also prep your dinners the night before to save a bit of time?

    Tjradd - Tara, right? Nice job with eating the right size portion of soup. It's much harder to do when someone else makes the food (or so I find)! Hope you get in that workout today!

    TaraM - Maybe cycle your calories a bit? Not sure what your healthy range is or where you sit in it, but I'm in the lower end of my healthy range and the last 8ish pounds came off fairly easily for me. Switched up my cals daily and my workouts quite a bit to lose them and they were gone in about 6ish weeks! It's all about change and variety! Nice job with the workout! I need to learn to swim...I can swim, but not well!

    Meag - Sorry your workout and day were disappointing. Today's a new day, today's a new day...that's my mantra for today.

    Guam, hope you're feeling better and recover quickly! Try not to worry about not being able to workout, enjoy your week and just try to make the best choices you can - moderation, moderation, moderation:happy:

    Gonks, glad things turned around and your day went okay! Understanding bosses are fabulous!

    Aly, not sure it's any of my business, so feel free to tell me to back off...but why are you seeing a nutritionist? Sounds like the plan your nutritionist gave you is not working at all for you. You shouldn't feel guilty eating something with carbs. Unless there's a valid reason for you not eating carbs (and trying to lose weight is not one in my opinion) I think you need to find a new plan/nutritionist. Balanced diet is what we should all be eating...and yes that includes carbs: whole grain, vegetables and fruits are super important for health and wellness. IMO you're spending way too much time worrying and feeling guilty about your plan when you should be making good (and bad) choices, working out and enjoying life! I hope you find what works for you!
  • Hey Girls! :)
    I have my interview for a job today! I really hope I get it :D
    I kinda caved last night :( I was under my calories by just over 200, then I had a cookie (80 cal) and a cherry danish (340 cal) Needless to say I was over my calories yesterday, :(
This discussion has been closed.