Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - December Challenge!!



  • tai_88
    tai_88 Posts: 23
    Happy Wednesday everybody! Figured I should take the time to comment on everybody.

    Ckehoe89 – congrats in the run! I’m impressed. You must be pleased with yourself!

    Meagalayne – Sorry your dinner didn’t hold up to its promise. While I do like rice and pasta sometimes I’ve definitely cut back on them as a whole. My boyfriend on the other hand would love nothing more to eat a portion of ramen noodle or a huge serving of angel hair pasta with Italian dressing. Yes it’s kinda gross and a little bizarre. But I guess we can’t like everything. I actually don’t like anything spicy, from the point I don’t use ground pepper. Most people think that’s a little bizarre.
    I was planning on trying the cauli-crust. But I was going to use one of those pans were you can remove the sides like for cheesecake. I’ll see how they turn out.
    How did it go with your friend? Awkward?

    Tara – Congrats on the iPad you must be so pleased! I’m glad you are enjoying your swimming workouts! Im thinking about jumping back into the pool.

    Rachel – I hope you check your side checked out, as a nurse you know it’s always better to be cautious! Those ritz things sounds awesome!

    Inskydiamonds – I hope you had a good birthday, sounds like you celebrated it up! Congrats on the loss, that’s very exciting! I know that its normal for people to gain 5-10 lbs when they quit smoking. Though if he is gaining more weight he should look at his diet, cigarettes can suppress appetite so he might be feeling more hungry which makes him eat more food than he was originally. Good luck on exams!

    Ngoat – Welcome! Really cute picture! I hope you find this group as motivating as I have!

    Guam – Hope you are feeling better today! Have you started eating anything else yet? I love Disney. Very excited for you!

    Aly – glad your nutritionist is helping you make your food plan more suited to you! Yay for oatmeal! Did your workout last night go well? Your training schedule seems pretty intense!

    Mike – I’m glad your interview went well. You must be very excited! I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!

    Miss_amy – happy belated birthday! I have full faith that you will make your December goal!

    Jill – congrats on you overcoming the almonds, they can be such a devilish foe! I hoping you didn’t hit your boss with your car! Sorry about your quinoa (though I’m not sure what that it). I guess ill have to Google it.

    Melissa – adding a maid to your list is always a good idea, though maybe not always practical! Your steel cut oats sound pretty good. Hope you manage to fit your workout in.

    Tj – Soup is yummy. I wouldn’t mind something warm. Did you eat ‘good’ yesterday?

    Allie – congrats on the medium clothes! What did you do to your hair?

    Gonk – sorry your boss was horrible, at least your made it out alive. Plus I suppose the mean boss will be away on business so yay! Sorry to hear you are feeling sick! Rest, stay bundled up and eat lots of yummy food!

    Ok only managed to respond to posts from Tuesday. I think I probably need to start working soon.

    AFM: I had a great workout on Monday. Some running, squats, wall sits and different circuit stuff that really had me sweating. It felt good to be back working out. I weighed myself and while not pleased with a gain I’m actually relived that it wasn’t much higher!
    I didn’t get a workout in last night because I had to work late. Plus I was really sore by the time I got home last night. Still deciding what to do tonight. I need a good arm workout if any one has any suggestions!?!?!?!?

    QOTD – loved my hair when it was straight just touching my shoulders and side swept bangs. It looked awesome when I did it up. But then when I wanted to put it up there were too many layers. So now i'm growing it out (again). I actually need a hair cut to figure out this mess. And I’m thinking of changing conditioner because its make my hair kinda greasy. Things to think about.

    Hope you guys have a great day!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Jill - How did your quinoa, chick pea and tomato recipe turn out?

    It was disgusting. Too much garlic (I only used 1/2 what the recipe called for) and lime juice. My cookies on the other hand were quite good...I cut the sugar and flour in half and reduced other things a bit too. I also ate about 3 of them last night, but they were pretty much my dinner...couldn't eat the quinoa. I counted 1/2 of a portion, but I didn't even eat that much of it.
    Wow - that sucks! If you are looking for a hearty whole grain + chick pea salad recipe, you should try the one I posted here:
    I cannot sign it's praises enough. Honestly - delicious! Just leave out the cheese entirely. The fresh tomatoes coupled with roasted veggies, balsamic and spices merry so well together. The salad has so many layers of flavour, it's really tasty! I especially love fresh cilantro and add it to everything, so I loaded mine up with it!

    I'd love your atlered cookie recipe for the holidays. Can you send it to me or post it somewhere? Oatmeal cookies are far too good to pass up. Did they turn out chewy and soft or crisp?

    AFM - Had the steel-cut oatmeal this morning and it was fine. Added cinnamon, blueberries, 1/2 banana, some sweetener (b/c I'm addicted to it!) and plain yogurt. Tasty but not worth the extra effort. Rolled oats taste just as good, IMO.

    Going through the fitness schedules at my 3 local gyms to figure out a decent schedule for my non-running days. I've finally accepted that I hate exercise machines and need classes to keep myself sane. Apart from running, getting a good sweat on is really miserable for my in the gym because the bike, elliptical and anything else just bore the living daylights out of me. I used the bike on Monday to give it another shot and I absolutely *hated* it - even more than I had remembered. So unsatisfying. Looks like there is a step class at the gym one city over on Monday nights that I can go to, so maybe I'll hook that up (that's recovery, right?). Who knows what else.

    Gym, job apps, and random errands today. Then off to the boys with my pooch for more dog/cat social hour. Hope everyone's kicking *kitten* today!!
    Meag :heart:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Tai - haha Thanks for asking - It was awkward in that "distant friends chit-chatting and avoiding the subject" sort of way. But we had other good conversation and it wasn't all bad.

    Sounds like you had a pretty bad-*kitten* workout on Monday. Good stuff!! As for arm workouts... Hmmm I tend to do free-weights for my arms/shoulders/back. Push-ups, dips, and other calisthenics are a great workout too. I am sure you can find a great set of workouts online that is suited to your skill level and desired goals (strength/endurance training vs. bulking). Good luck! :happy:
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Here you go, Meag...oh and they're soft. I don't like crisp cookies!

    Original Recipe:

    Made my way...

    Steel Cut Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies


    * 1/2 cup raw turbinado sugar
    * 3/4 cup egg whites
    * 1 1/4 cups applesauce
    * 2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
    * 1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
    * 2 cups quick cook steel cut oats (uncooked!)
    * 1 tsp. baking powder
    * 1/2 tsp. baking soda
    * 4 (heaping) tsp. cinnamon
    * 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips


    1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees
    3. Mix applesauce, eggwhites, vanilla and sugar together in bowl to dissolve sugar.
    4. Add dry ingredients. Stir in chocolate chips.
    5. Spray cookie sheets with non-stick spray.
    6. Drop by spoonfuls on cookie sheets and bake 15 minutes at 375 degrees.
    7. Cool and store.

    Yield: 20 Cookies
    Serving size: 1 Cookie
    Calories: 152; Carbs: 27g; Fat: 3g; Protein: 4g; Sodium: 70mg; Fiber: 3g
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Mmmm These sounds SUPER yummy :bigsmile: I don't care for crisp cookies either! May add dates instead of choc though, since I love fruit!! (Decided that before I saw the recipe - Great minds!) :laugh:

    Quick cook steel cut oats? We only have one kind of steel cut available here... Not sure if they are the same, but I am pretty sure they aren't quick cooking (took me ages to cook them yesterday). Hmmm I bet I could just use 3 cups of regular old-fashion and call it even! Thoughts?
  • CaptainJim157
    I just came back from a 70 min walk, burned 299 calories :P
    I had to run some errands, so I thought I may as well walk, 'cept it's -15C (not sure if that's with the windchill)
    But it's damn cold! Feel good now though! ^^
    My interview went well too yesterday, the guy called my job coach for a follow-up about an hour later, so that must be a good sign?
    Thanks for all your support girls! Keep up the good work! <3 Mike! :D

    (<3 in a friend way :flowerforyou: )
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Good morning Ladies, good afternoon and evening to those of you living out of the Pacific Time zone.

    Jill- Those cookies look amazing! I have been digging on Healthy sweets lately to help with my sweet tooth, I will have to try it for sure.

    Tai- I didn't work out yesterday because I had a hair appointment after work. I switched my rest day to Tuesday and did the swim on Monday instead. Today I have track practice and it is raining right now, hopefully it clears up by this evening.

    Meag- I know what you mean about the stationary machines, I only like the bike when I do spin class, or out on a bike ride. I also feel like I need so many things to focus on. I usually have my ipod a magazine and sometimes the tv to watch. Obviously means not a very good workout. I looovvveee classes tho. I used to love Zumba but since my gym only has it when I am at work I am bummed. O well, we joined this gym for the nice pool anyways.

    AFM- I was worried about calories yesterday because I had a few pieces of chocolate, and apple cider since I left my healthy snacks in the car for my 3 hour hair appointment. I will put up a pic soon. I came home from my hair appointment and my bf was a little buzzed and I blew up on him. I am not sure what did it, I think I was hungry and stressed and I have a lot going on right now. In any case I needed a good cry. Tonight is Track Practice so I know I will get a good workout. Hoping for a loss on the scale tomorrow but trying to not obsess over it. Well on to another day lets hope for the best. I started off the day with some pumpkin oatmeal but I have to go get lunch today I am going to grab a salad but it is sooo cold and nasty outside, soup sounds better.

    QOTD- what is your favorite meal when it is cold outside?
    I think mine would be some yummy hearty soup with crusty bread!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Mike- Awesome! That sounds like a really good sign with the phone call. Also bravo for braving the cold with the walk. I think just being cold burns more calories haha. I hope you have a great day :)
  • CaptainJim157
    Heh, Thanks! :) you all have a good day too! ^^
  • ngoat
    ngoat Posts: 97 Member
    So has anyone heard about WW changeing there entire point system! I found this a bit alarming today. A little surprised that it made the news toady.. ( CNBC is on all day next to my desk ) I didn't know if anyone had any thoughts on this today or I guess I thought I would share a bit of news to the group.. (I like breaking news a little too much I think) ..
    Thanks for all of the warm welcomes to the group. It is great how everyone is so interactive. I got my turbo jam workout in last night with much reluctancy (sp). But very glad I got it in. To my surprise my husband decided to film me working out.. not cool :angry:
    Hope everyone is having a good wednesday . :smile:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Hey Ngoat,
    My mom is on Weight Watchers and was really excited that they made all fruit and veggies 0 points. She is trying to get me to come back to it but I don't want to pay the money. I did lose weight with it, but I am trying to just do it this way now. That is pretty surprising that it is on the news like that.
  • seripha
    Have you guys checked out the special Women's Health magazine? It's got a brunette girl in a black bikini on the front - it's not like the monthly one, it's smaller. The one with the "Eat this not that" in it? I've found it super helpful with recipe ideas and knowing what to avoid during the holidays at christmas parties and at the mall!

    Plus they have a really good exercise section at the back which is great for getting new ideas so I don't get bored at the gym!
  • CaptainJim157
    I watched original "how the grinch stole Christmas" whilst running in place, burned 311 cal! :D (30 min) ^^
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Mmmm These sounds SUPER yummy :bigsmile: I don't care for crisp cookies either! May add dates instead of choc though, since I love fruit!! (Decided that before I saw the recipe - Great minds!) :laugh:

    Quick cook steel cut oats? We only have one kind of steel cut available here... Not sure if they are the same, but I am pretty sure they aren't quick cooking (took me ages to cook them yesterday). Hmmm I bet I could just use 3 cups of regular old-fashion and call it even! Thoughts?

    Add away! I like nuts (not dates/raisins) but like to eat them by themselves and I looooooove chocolate. I almost did mint chocolate chips but wasn't sure on how it'd taste?!?! Yes quick cool steel cut them at Trader Joe's, which I don't believe you have in Canada. You should be fine with even 2 cups of regular steel cut oats (or whatever you decide to do). I wouldn't recommend less sugar but other than that you can tweak what I did a bit for sure!

    Aly, I hope you like them! They're pretty good stats for a decent-sized cookie!

    I should have taken a picture, I thought about it, but didn't. They look MUCH softer than the picture that the recipe shoes. They cool super quick though, so I took them off the pans faster than I normally would (within 10 minutes for sure!).

    All this cookie talk makes me want one. Totally treating myself to a oatmeal chocolate chip cookie with a mocha (from my keurig) with a mini peppermint candy cane in it tonight. After my workout, of course.

    Is this week over yet? :huh:
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Jill - I definitely want to try those cookies!! I :heart: to bake!! I will probably add some cranberries...and maybe some nuts. And with all that talk, I want one right now!! And today is kinda Friday for me since I'm taking tomorrow off to go to Disneyland with the boy. But I have to be back on Friday for a1 11 hour shift.

    Tai - great workout!! :bigsmile: I am contemplating taking a trip to the gym tonight but I am not sure that my body is quite ready for that yet.

    Meag - I :heart: love classes and machines!! My favorite classes are kickboxing, hula, zumba, and just about anything dance related. The only thing I am not a fan of is working out at home. I want my house to be my haven and my vacation to speak. Which is why I also don't like doing online classes for school cause when I am home, I just want to hangout with the kids and enjoy our time together.

    Aly - sorry to hear about the need to cry but sometimes it just makes everything easier to cope with once you've gotten a good cry out of your system. :sad: I know thats exactly how I am!! Its healthy to cry from time to least in my book.

    Ngoat - I hadn't heard that yet but find it very interesting:ohwell: . I have done WW before and lost weight but it wasn't something that I stuck with. I think MFP will give me a lifestyle change.

    Seripha - thanks for that info!! :drinker: I think I am gonna go and pick that up today.

    Mike - hope it all works out with the job.

    QOTD - nothing better than mama's homemade chili and homemade bread!!

    AFM - I am still feeling bloated and not back to normal. My diet has not gotten back to any sort of normalcy because my stomach still doesn't feel anything resembling ok. However, I am hoping to get in some sort of workout tonight. I don't know how well I will be eating at Disneyland tomorrow but will hopefully get in a lot of walking.

    Hope everyone is having a great week!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Lets see if this works!

  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    This *should* work...

  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Ooooh I like it Aly! You had everything right by the IMG needed to be img :)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I second that, Guam! Homemade chili is DEFINITELY one my of faves when it's cold outside!! My mom makes an AWESOME chili in the oven (instead of stove top or crock pot) -- Cooks it with the lid off for hours on end and it always turns out perfect! She makes it super healthy too; lots of veggies, 1/2 bulgur wheat and 1/2 lean ground turkey, loads of legumes, and chipotle with adobo sauce for some smokiness! I am definitely going to be requesting this soon since the weather is turning for the worse. Ill get a recipe and post it in the forums - it's definitely worth sharing!

    Aly - Very cute hair cut :happy: It's so nice to treat yourself to things like that!

    Jill - The cookies sound great and I will definitely be making them. Trying to think of what flavour combination I want to make first... Date and nut, or something chocolate-y, or maybe something with coconut (love it with oats)... Hmmm I'll ask the boy and we'll see what happens! I'll post with my results once I get around to making them!

    Guam - Dance is just not my thing... haha This girl has NO rhythm! :blushing: And it's not even funny, either. It's just pathetic and sad, really haha Step class is the best I can do, and that's only because I can count. I don't think I could enjoy Zumba if I tried, despite all the praise I hear sung about it on MFP :ohwell: Which is a shame, because Zumba, Latin Funk, and Spin are basically the only things my gym offers regularly. I guess they are trying to keep up with the fads...I know what you mean about working out at home though. I can't stand it either. Did my circuits at home for a while and that was acceptable for the short-term but I couldn't maintain it. Its nice to go to the gym now, get out of the house, and work really hard while I'm there. Once I get home - rest, relaxation, and MFP! :laugh:

    AFM - Lifted weights for about 40 mins today. My arms and lats are definitely feeling it! I followed my workout with a measly 5 mins of rowing - I have developed some blisters on my hands from lifting (metal bars + bare hands = hard knocks) and rowing made them significantly worse. I powered through 1000m and that was enough for me. I walked a mile w/ incline before my workout so I felt justified in leaving the gym. One hour was enough and I had to get home to the dog before long. Had some coffee left over and threw it into my protein shake today... Pretty yummy! I think I might try it again tomorrow with a full cup of coffee, chocolate protein, yogurt and ice. Mmmmm I :heart: coffee and anything coffee related! I'm such an addict...

    OK Showering and getting ready for the doggie/kitten experiment, Part 3! Have a great night everyone :happy:
    Meag :heart:
  • seripha
    I watched original "how the grinch stole Christmas" whilst running in place, burned 311 cal! :D (30 min) ^^

    But did your heart grow three times the size???