Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - December Challenge!!



  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    thanks girls!!! was just looking up trouble shooting stuff when i saw that. =D
  • ngoat
    ngoat Posts: 97 Member
    I had a good weigh in this morning.. down 3 lbs! .. ( I changed my weigh in time from evening to morning.. so that probably contributed to the loss) the number still looked good on the scale this morning. I was a little upset I didnt get my workout in last night, but I have met my goal for the week already so i guess its ok to miss a day once and awhile.. this is about living and not dieting for the rest of my life ..right? I had some discouraging comments from my brother in law though .. well not directly about me .. but he was talking about this "really big girl" as he put it and well she weighed the same as me :( I am trying not to get down on myself though. I have my extended family's christmas party.. which includes christmas dinner... tommorow afternoon. I am a bit nervous because I always overinduldge. But enough about my troubles...


    meag.. I am the same way about my birthday.. I ususally try and make it a birthday week! I just love to celebrate!
    laura.. Great Job on the weight loss!
    allie: Glad to hear you are okay :)

    I hope everyone has a great weekend and can't make through the holiday parties! :smile:
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Selfish post:grumble: ...

    So...I had somewhat of a revelation on Wednesday night:huh: !!! I was watching the Discovery Health channel and there were quite a few shows on in regards to obese people. Needless to say, that was the kick in the *kitten* that I needed to stay on this healthy journey!! :bigsmile:

    Got up and went to the gym yesterday before we were supposed to go to Disneyland since the boy wanted to sleep in. I felt great! We unfortunately didn't get to Disneyland:sad: !! Well we got there but the free ticket we had wasn't working so we just hung out all day together. It was great!! :love: Tonight we are headed to his friend's house and then tomorrow will be birthday excited!!

    Meag - hope you have a great weekend with all of your birthday festivities:drinker: My boy was giving me crap for wanting to celebrate my birthday all week long so enjoy your entire weekend!!
  • Roobean33
    Oh my gosh - I just caught up on this thread!

    Meag - Happy Birthday weekend! Enjoy and great loss this week! Looks like that lifting program is working out after all!

    Guam - I saw your loss on the newsfeed! Wtg! When I watch Biggest Loser, I'm always pumped to hit the gym after. Funny how that works.

    Ngoat - Great loss! I think changing your time was an excellent idea, I always weigh more in the evening. Sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. Some people just don't think.

    QOTD - When I go out to eat, I just look at the menu/nutritional facts before I go and try to choose wisely. It's not just the meal itself, but the portion! It's hard when you really get 3 servings worth of pasta on your plate.

    AFM - Sorry I have been MIA, just really busy with work and various Christmas activities! As of today, I logged 40 days straight! Not always pretty, but I think it's worth it! :-) Keep it up ladies! You are all awesome!
  • seripha
    Guam - Lame sauce about the tickets not working, but I'm glad you got to get to the gym. It's always nice to have a sense of accomplishment like that, even if it's small!

    Update for me - According to my excel sheet I've lost 3.75% of my bodyweight as of yesterday in the last 5 weeks! I'm very happy with it and I've noticed in my body. No changes in size of clothes but I'm firmer and my tummy is getting nice and flat. Maybe I'll get a 4 pack in time for the new year!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Laura-Congrats on loss!! and TOM can be weird for me (and i am sure lots of us) too, so WTG!

    Meag-Happy Birthday!! Great job on the loss and reaching your goal weight!! that is such a great b-day present to yourself!

    ngoat-great loss!! i think mornings are for sure a better time to weigh-in for most :) and try not to worry bout what your bro-in-law said...everyone carries there weight differently so you prob look a lot smaller then the girl he was talking about anyways!

    seripha-sounds like you've made some great progress!! keep up the great work and maybe you WILL have that 4pack for New years!!

    AFM-i already got in 2/3 on my ab workouts and will be doing 2/3 on my push-up challenge in a minute for week 2!! my son's b-day party is tonight so I am planning on ordering pizza for them, and there will be cake and icecream!! i am not too worried about my calories for the day, but I am slightly concerned about my sugar challenge for the day!! on a positive note...I did get no sugar added ice cream :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    oops double post!! lol
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    oops i guess it was a triple post!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Super excited to get the weekend off to a good start...hubby fixed the treadmill last night (at 10:30) YEAH!!! So I can run when I get home since he has to work tonight and I won't get outside (got to burn off the Ghiradelli squares that I ate today). Kind of sad cause it is actually quite nice out!!! Having left over "healthified" tuna casserole and getting girls packed to stay with their papa and nana so we can FINALLY get their Christmas shopping done!!!

    I am so impressed with all the high losses this week!!! Way to go everyone!!! I keep teetering back and forth between 123 and 125 so still able to even lose a little even with not a whole lot of exercise this week!!! Hoping to get in a nice LONG run this weekend!!!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Morning everyone!

    Selfish post-

    Today I had to go to court to try and fight this unemployment thing against me. It didn't go very well :( I decided that I am going to record my weight from Wednesday because the last two days i am up 2lbs and I think it is because of all the working out I have done this week, I am trying to flush out the water but I know I am holding onto something. I splurged on a little piece of chocolate at the store today, and I decided I am going to have Indian food for lunch I got a little chana masala and a little chicken masala, then some broccoli salad and ceasar salad so I am excited about my lunch. I was going to just do a salad but I get sick of it. I decided to flake on my friends get together tonight because I know it will just be food and drinking. I am going to go out for sushi with my bf instead. The scale kind of bummed me out but I did make it to swim 25minutes last night when I wanted to just stay at home. I am tempted to not weight myself until january but I know that would be a bad idea. I am going to work out as hard as I can this weekend and track everything! Even if I make bad decisions I need to write it down. I just want to get out of this funk. I am glad I will have a week off after christmas to focus on working out and getting things in order. Lets hope for a good weekend since last night was another cryfest. lame!
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member

    I’ve been super lazy in keeping up with this thread…I’m definitely going to make more effort from on…All of you are so helpful and so motivating…

    laura – awesome loss!!

    Meag – congrats on the loss & on reaching your goal! And, wish you a very happy birthday weekend!!!

    Rai – you are absolutely right...this is a process. And, you can always cut down on the portions you have. I personally cannot avoid I have a smaller portion of the entrée. Also, I always assume at such times that I may gain a pound or don’t get bothered when I see on the scale and 1 – 2lbs is negligible. But that’s just me. I love eating and don’t ever see myself only eating healthy stuff. Unhealthy food will always remain a part of my diet, at least once a week I guess.

    ngoat – great job on the loss! As for discouraging comments, I tend to think of something because of which the person making the comments is jealous of me. If there’s nothing obvious, I just come up with some stupid reason for the person to be jealous of me and assume it’s because of that they are making such comments. It may be stupid but it keeps me sane & happy. I don’t want to be bothered by crappy talk.

    Gaum – Happy Birthday Week :)

    Seripha – keep up the good work!!

    AFM, I decided to do strength training on days that I’m not doing C25K & the elliptical – already done with it twice this week. I’ve also been eating a fruit everyday, which is one of my goals for this month. So, so far I’m doing good.

    Hope you all have a good weekend!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    I almost forgot,


    I hope you have an amazing weekend and enjoy yourself to the fullest, however that may be. We will miss you! But please have fun and don't stress. This is your weekend lady!
  • seripha
    Lostalykat - sounds like you have a lot of stress in your life :( It might be a reason why things aren't going so well for you in terms of being at the weight you want to be. Stress makes us keep weight on, well at least for me. I didn't start losing weight until I found ways of curbing my stress and having down moments. Do you do anything already to relieve stress / re-center in your busy days? I usually just nap if I can, but I often find reading or yoga really help me (and my body) take it easy for a few minutes before I start running around again like a crazy person

    Plus I totally forgot (thanks for reminding my lostalykat) that it's some birthdays today! Happy birthday to everyone who has one today. I know we have a lot of december birthdays in this thread so my birthday wishes to you if I have forgotten or will not get to be on here in time.
  • SkipToMyLou32
    TJ--Congrats on your awesome month! You will be at your lowest adult weight before you know it! Yum that chili sounds good!

    Allie--Glad you're on your way to getting better!

    Laura--Glad the intervals on the elliptical worked for you!

    Meag--Congrats on reaching your goal!!!!! What a great way to start your birthday weekend! Hope it's great!

    Rai--Your pup is so cute! :) Good luck with all your engagements--good idea to eat beforehand. Glad you're feeling better too!

    Ngoat--I always weigh in the morning too because that is when I weigh the least. Sorry about your brother in law's comment. He must think you look thinner though or he wouldn't have said it. Good luck at your Christmas party!

    Guam--Glad you enjoyed your day with your boy, and super glad your got the kick in the butt you needed! Revelations are great! Happy birthday WEEK to you!

    Seripha--Yay! It's so nice when you can feel a difference from your hard work. 4 pack by New Years...6 pack by Valentine's!?!

    As for my weigh in I suspected the scale didn't move. Still 125.5. I am bummed, but not surprised due to my diet. It was much better the past few days though so at least I made up for the weekend nonsense and didn't gain! I want to get to 124 by next Friday, which I think should give me time to reach and maintain 123 the next week and maintain that through December. That was my original goal so I'm hoping I can make it happen. I just need to concentrate on behaving over the weekends. My husband's work holiday party is tomorrow--wish me luck!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Super quick post for me...weighed in today at 121.0. Exactly the same as on the 1st, so I'm actually maintaining in maintenance. I'm content considering it's TOM and I didn't have the best week...scale definitely reality checked all my bad feelings this morning.

    I'm heading out of town for the weekend and won't be around, but have a great weekend everyone!
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    SUPER quick post- got my second lifting session for the week in yesterday so accomplished all of my goals for the week EXCEPT I gained two lbs (and that was from where I was the day b4) so am hoping its just water weight.

    I got a little upset but went to the gym worked out hard and felt a lot better. Came home and took measurements and I have DEFINITELY lost even more inches in the past 20 days... will post later the stats. So feeling good.

    Went and got the wedding dress. Down a whole size in that! So very happy with where it is it. Now it is just about me and getting healthy :) Check out the profile pic that is one of me being silly in the dress. Will try to post more later. Also went to pick up some more work clothes since my crouch ended up around my knees the other day (ooops).

    Down to a size 12 in pants YAY!!!!! And went from an XL in dress shirts to L- feels sooooo good!!!! Just gotta keep plugging along :) Happy weekend everyone AND Happy BIRTHDAY WEEKEND to our birthday girls :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • SkipToMyLou32
    Aww Finn what a pretty dress!!! Congrats on going down in sizes--that is so exciting! Don't worry about those 2 lbs--the measurements going down is much more telling. You're doing awesome! Keep it up chick!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Morning Ladies! I was bummed yesterday but decided to do something about it. I went to the gym instead of a food/drinking event last night and tracked all I ate and only had one beer. Yay me! for a Friday that is great! I have training this morning, we are running for 45 minutes. I am ready to start on the health train again instead of being upset about it. We still have almost 3 weeks of December I am determined to make it good!! Have a great weekend everyone!

    Finn- Cute dress! Congrats on the measurements!
  • CaptainJim157
    BIRTHDAY PARTY TONIGHT! Lol, I might have a drink or two :)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey everyone! Quick selfish birthday post because I wanted to share what a wonderful weekend we are having already...

    I got in a great step + circuit workout yesterday at the gym. Albeit a very tired one, since I wasnt to bed until 4:15am and had to be up at 8am to get to my class. The boy ended up dropping by around 1pm and I had a super healthy breakfast/protein shake/snack to prepare for our date night dinner. I had about 1000 cals left over which was more than enough for dinner. He ended up taking me to an incredible authentic Korean restaurant (definitely a boy that knows my tastes... he's such a keeper!) and so I had green tea and a kimchi and vegetable "pizza", which came with an array of vegetarian sides. Ate in moderation (about half of what I ordered) and a few bites of his amazing handmade noodle dish. So good and so filling. No dessert, either. We behaved :wink: Then we ended up walking down through Korea Town to a comedy club, where he had made us reservations to see a 2 hour improv set... This is something I used to do all the time when I was younger and I guess he remembered and found a place in Toronto. Such a great non-food-centered social event for him to pick for us. I was really, really happy and it turned out to be such a perfect night :bigsmile: Im so lucky to have such a supportive boy in my life.

    Today's more of a "splurge" day since we were quite good yesterday. Had coffee and oatmeal for breakfast, and then we drove into Toronto again already and stopped by a specialty shortbread store so that he could buy Christmas cookies for his mother and nana... Of course, they offered us free cookies and we accepted. But one cookie won't kill me :smile: Stopped for soy lattees on our way back to the car and got another free cookie to share... Moderation? I'm trying... But it's my birthday! We had ice cream planned for lunch already so I think we're going to do that in a bit. And then dinner with the folks tonight. Not a great eating day but not horrendous either since the cookies were small and I will only have the smallest size ice cream. I feel entirely GUILT-FREE for a change, too! Woohooo!! :drinker:

    Really a great birthday weekend so far. My boss called from the bar last night just after midnight to wish me a happy birthday from all the bouncers. Apparently they were thinking of me :blushing: Feeling really, really loved today and I couldn't be happier. Thank you to everyone on here for their birthday wishes. It has really made my day, as well. You are all such wonderful people and I am really very happy to have you in my life :heart:

    Working tonight at 11pm but I will update later with the rest of my birthday tales and to respond to the bulk of your messages. Great work everyone, from what I have seen.