Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - December Challenge!!



  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Meag- you should get some lifting gloves! They are a total life saver when it comes to regular lifting. I feel like such a bum with not lifting routine, it is hard to fit it in after other training. I do think that lifting might help me lose weight and get more definition.

    I am in a bit of a funk today, maybe it is the rainy weather, or PMS or something but I just feel a little bummed. I decided I will have some cake during cake break, and I will make sure to be good at dinner tonight with the team. This is feeling harder and harder by the day. I am going to push through these last few weeks of December and really start a good routine with food and fitness in January. I have so many events/dinners planned this month it is insane. One day at a time :::deep breath::::: one day at a time. One meal at a time for that matter, and cake is next!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Meag- you should get some lifting gloves! They are a total life saver when it comes to regular lifting. I feel like such a bum with not lifting routine, it is hard to fit it in after other training. I do think that lifting might help me lose weight and get more definition.

    I am in a bit of a funk today, maybe it is the rainy weather, or PMS or something but I just feel a little bummed. I decided I will have some cake during cake break, and I will make sure to be good at dinner tonight with the team. This is feeling harder and harder by the day. I am going to push through these last few weeks of December and really start a good routine with food and fitness in January. I have so many events/dinners planned this month it is insane. One day at a time :::deep breath::::: one day at a time. One meal at a time for that matter, and cake is next!
    It definitely feels like it's getting harder for me too lately... My cravings are amped up and I keep feeling like I want to give in and eat so much chocolate/nuts/sweets - essentially whatever! I was sooo good about my diet for so long, but now that I am more committed to training than ever before, I'm find it really hard to maintain a grip on my diet. I am thinking that in reality my diet is just as good as it was before (if not better), albeit different since I am eating less carbs and more protein/fat, but that with the progress I'm seeing in my training I am expecting myself to be more disciplined all around... Higher expectations than I can reasonably live up to. Three months ago I would have never been this strict or so concerned with a having a few bites of some treat now and again. I am just WAY too hard on myself some days!

    As for the cake situation... Seems like you are coming up against a lot of difficult food challenges. You have so many dinners and holiday events (carrying over from Nov birthdays, and thanksgiving too if I remember correctly) that it seems like you are in a never-ending state of "denial or guilt". It's not a wonder your choices are so hard.

    Personally, I would have passed on the cake in lieu of one "treat day" during the week. I find it easier to limit myself to one cheat meal and then eating well and staying on course the rest of the week, than allowing small treats from day to day, because they really add up and often without even noticing. Also, if you were already bummed, chances are eating cake is only going to make you feel MORE bummed out (if you're anything like me, which from recent posts it seems like you are).

    I hope you're feeling better soon, Aly! And yes - If I end up getting more serious about lifting, I'll consider getting gloves. Right now I'm still hating it mightily, so who knows how long I'll keep it up. Trying to persevere and stick with it for the month!

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    allie-my soup day is at the end of the month...I am bringing turkey chilli, I will let you know how it turns out when i do the test run tomorrow!! LOL

    melissa-we would love to have you join on on the push-up challenge!

    allis-let me know how Jillians abs workout is??

    captjim-i've got my fingers crossed for you on the job! great job getting in workouts!

    missamy-happy birthday!! and great job on the loss :)

    guam-hope you are getting closer to feeling 100% again and have fun at disney :)

    ngoat-welcome!! weightwatchers is ALWAYS changing stuff...i think they do it just to keep people coming and that's it!

    inskydiamonds-happy belated b-day to you! and way to have a loss still :) and i just got wii zumba and i love it!

    meag-you are doing great as usual :)

    rai-hope all goes well if you go to Doc :)

    tai-thanks, i ate well all week, so thats cool!! i recommend push-ups and tricep dips for your arms btw.

    aly-good luck on the scale tomorrow!

    QOTD-hair-layered with blond highlights, decade-60'2 for sure!, and cold wether food-chilli by far!

    AFM-well my weigh-in was today and i lost 2lbs!!! very happy with this loss, since i did "perfect" this week!! added more workouts and will be doing 1 out of 3 on my push-ups/crunches for week 2!!

    everyone else great job and good luck :)
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Have you guys checked out the special Women's Health magazine? It's got a brunette girl in a black bikini on the front - it's not like the monthly one, it's smaller. The one with the "Eat this not that" in it? I've found it super helpful with recipe ideas and knowing what to avoid during the holidays at christmas parties and at the mall!

    Plus they have a really good exercise section at the back which is great for getting new ideas so I don't get bored at the gym!

    Thanks!! Will have to check it out!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    I got in a good 4.5 mile run before it got too dark for me to feel comfortable being outside...really wanted to go farther and I had it in me but I don't like to run at dark was nice to have the dishes done and dinner on the table when I got home thanks to my awesome hubby!!! He fixed the treadmill so it wasn't rubbing against the side (due to my crooked running). Now I'll be able to run tomorrow after school and on Friday! Hade "Healthified" Tuna Casserole for dinner and I had steel cut oats again this morning...I think I'm in love :love:

    TOM cravings are finally going away and I don't feel so ugh...:sick: anymore! Haven't gained any weight so maintaining is going well...just wish I could get in more workouts!!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Meag- Thanks for all your support and tips, I am a sucker for Tiramisu cake it was soooo good.

    I am going to see if I can just head home after training so I don't go out to eat, and just snack on some almonds. I am pretty full from my salad and the cake that dinner doesn't even sound good right now. But I am going to training rain or shine so we shall see. I have been having lots of dinners out and I have been cheating a lot more than I should be. No wonder I don't see the scale budge! I am trying to focus on the big picture and be happy with maintenance at least through the rest of the month. It is hard having being so busy and working hard and then feeling like I can't go out to eat, or I can't have a beer. So indulgences have been more frequent. I also have a party I am going to on Friday and there is food and drinks happening there. I am hoping I can get in a good spin class and then maybe do some lifting, since I don't have to be at work too early. I am trying to just plan around all the food events. Sooo hard! I can't remember if I do better with complete restriction until my cheat meal, or if a little here and there and tracking calories works better for me. I will have to see but I am keeping my head up even in this funk.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Aly - I am right there with you girl!! :ohwell: I pretty much had a binge day today. I am not proud of my choices and feel not so hot after making them...especially since my stomach is still not 100%. I had actually contemplated throwing in the towel today and just being done with the whole thing. But I then talked myself out of it. One bad day is better than a lifetime of bad choices. I know that I will give into temptation from time to time. My life is a true testament to that. But I want to be thinner and healthier and the only way I will get that way is if I make the choices. My goal is to log my food whether I make good choices or bad choices so that I can see the big picture. This week, and month for that matter, will be tough for me as well. Tomorrow is Disneyland with the boy and luckily I will be able to have my pumpkin oatmeal for breakfast but I am not sure how the rest of the day will play out. Friday I have to work late and then the boy wants to go to a Christmas party which will probably consist of nothing but high-calorie appetizers. Then Saturday will be my birthday festivities which will include dinner and lots of drinks. Then there is still my actual birthday and then family dinner for my birthday. And thats just for the next week. But hopefully once life gets back to some sort of normalcy, I can get my meals planned for the next few weeks and get back on track. I wish you the best of luck and know that I am hear to listen anytime you need me to!! :heart:
  • SkipToMyLou32
    Hey ladies! I have missed writing to you guys while I've been slaving away working on finals! I am done Tuesday though so I am super excited and am looking forward to being able to write more!! I have been reading the posts from my phone in bed the past couple nights so at least I've been able to hear how everyone is doing!

    QOTD: Aly I love soup in the winter too, and a close second is spaghetti! Also got to agree on the chili, Meag! Oh and an old QOTD about what I do...I am going back to school right now for graphic design...hence the finals stress. My finals are projects, not tests, so that is good! I originally went to school for business and was doing marketing for a few years before going back. And colors in my closet are pinks, blues, purples, and earth tones.

    In an attempt to address some things I remember from reading the thread in bed on my phone...

    TaraMaria: Have you ever looked at Target for workout clothes? I buy all my shirts, sports bras, and jackets there. I don't like their pants or shorts though because they don't fit right on me and several pairs I bought fall down when I run! Not good!

    Mike: Awesome walk in the cold and running in place! That's so great. I hope you get the job.

    Welcome new girls! Seems like there are a lot of new people!

    I totally agree with you guys on the classes at the gym. Step class is my fave, but unfortunately they don't have it at my gym. They have a lot of other classes, but not step, which is strange to me. Step is a staple! I actually haven't gone to a class in a LONG time. I should check one out, especially now that it's cold and I don't want to run outside! Oh and running on the treadmill is even worse perhaps.

    Guam: I hope you feel better and get to enjoy Disneyland!

    Aly: Love your hair! I need to get a trim but have been too busy to get there!

    I know I didn't get to everybody and I am so sorry but I am about to fall asleep!

    Real quick...

    As for the important eating and workouts lately, I've been eating well this week after a rough food day Sunday. I haven't weighed since Friday and I am going to try to wait till this Friday just to switch up my normal routine of weighing every day. Last Friday was 125.5, and I'm hoping for 124.5 this Friday. I feel like I will be over, but we'll see! I actually did the elliptical for the first time since spring on Tuesday because it was 17 degrees outside and I just didn't feel like braving the cold!

    Do I remember correctly someone talking about a mini challenge of no sweets?? I may have dreamed it, but if it is real I want to do it!

    Goodnight everybody!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Skiptomylou-could have been my sugar challenge that i mentioned but I don't remember posting it on this thread! if you'd like, friend me and it started today but you can join for tomorrow. the challenge was 7 days of staying under on what mfp recommends for intake on sugar (minus FRESH fruits and veggies), hope to see ya there :)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Skip - I KNOW! I love step and it kills me that they don't offer it! I think maybe it's too "80s" and now the gyms want to appear "cool" and "with it" and so they don't offer it. SO lame because it's so much fun and a great burn! I found 2 classes at separate gyms so I am hoping to make at least one class per week. Fingers crossed!

    Guam - YAY! Birthday celebrations on Saturday! Me too, girl. I hope you have a great time and enjoy your day tomorrow - AND your pumpkin oatmeal! I'm having the same for breakfast :bigsmile:

    K bedtime. Up in 6 for a fun-filled day!
    Meag :heart:
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    hey all! don't have too much time to update, but i got a quick skim through the latest... ugh the past week has just been awful.. i was so sick on tues that i called out from work.. my first time in the over 3 years i've been working there... i need to see the doctor today. i haven't been able to properly breathe, smell, or taste since sat. the taste comes back here and there, and after taking theraflu yesterday i felt a bit better.. well that only went so far. i have like half a pharmacy's worth of drugs and nothing is curing me.. i had nasal polyps once, so i'm thinking they might be back.. the only plus side is that it's been hard to eat, and kinda pointless with having no sense of taste, so i've lost 2 lbs lol. haven't worked out since the weekend and i'm missing it. today all i did was lay in bed in front of the tv.. i think being at work, i actually feel a bit better, like at home i was sitting in my sickness or something lol. hope everyone else is doing well!!

    mike- i used to run in place watching movies during the summer! it's great! good luck with the job!

    Guam and Meag- happy early birthdays!! i really need to start having oatmeal again. i've never had the steel cut ones, just the quick microwave type. love them with bananas.

    QOTD: Hard to choose which hair i like the most.. i'm naturally blonde and loved it with highlights, though now i'm totally in love with my current hair which is grown out bangs, and dark brown with red.. too bad the red fades quickly.

    As for the second QOTD: I'd love to live in the 20's! I love the flapper style, and Boardwalk Empire on HBO has renewed my enjoyment of things from that time. One year i'm dying to have a Great Gatsby-like bday party
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
    Aaah so my weight went up two pounds then it's back down the original number for the past 8 days.. I increased the intensity on my elliptical but I added a green apple to my diet. I don't know what's going on...hopefully it'll start going down again. I am continuing to work out 6 days a week for 45 min. I think I will cut out a green apple and add more milk to my diet.

  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Meag, blisters. Kettlebell workouts give me bad blisters/calluses and yesterday I ripped a section of my palm open doing some kettlebell. No pain, no gain? :noway: I might try and peppermint up the cookies because I love mint this time of year (well anytime of year). Not sure how peppermint + oatmeal go together, but I'll investigate.

    I'm having a horrid food week. I suppose just by my own standards though. I've been planning my days and then not being hungry or being thrown into impromptu meetings by my boss so eating 300-400 fewer calories before 6PM than I normally do. Which is fine, but than at night after my workouts, I just start eating mindlessly. Only been over calories once this week (uhhh yesterday by 459) and I just figured out that I'm actually in the green for 334 for the week so it could be worse (plus my "maintenance" calories are set to me losing 0.3 pounds a week, so I'm a bit better off). I'm going to go forth and try and make today great, but jaysus. My game plan is totally shot during TOM when it falls during a high stress week at work. Normally, I'm in control but not this week.

    This morning I ate 2 oatmeal chocolate chip cookies on the way out the door to work. Thankfully, I'd only had a hard-boiled egg and was going to eat part 2 of my breakfast at work, but AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

    Okay I'm done venting about food.

    Happy Thursday everyone!
  • SkipToMyLou32
    TJ--Ooohh that is a good challenge! I will friend you and join!

    Meag--Yes that must be it--step is too 80s! I like kickboxing too so maybe that class is "cool" enough that they will have one.

    Allie--Hope you feel better. Definitely go to the doctor! A girl in one of my classes was sick for over a month and just taking over the counter stuff b/c she hates the doctor. She finally went to the doctor and had walking pneumonia and bronchitis!!

    Have a great day everybody!
  • SkipToMyLou32
    Laura--Have you tried doing intervals on the elliptical? Something like 1 minute on level 5, 30 seconds on level 10, and just alternating. Intervals are supposed to be awesome!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Morning all!! Holy smokes it's a cold one out there today! Was -13C when I got up this morning (around 8F, I think) and walked the dog. Brrrrrr :noway:

    Anyway, I wanted to get in here and reply to some posts from yesterday that I missed before I get my run on. I'm mostly procrastinating to avoid the cold :wink:

    Tara - Sounds like you kicked *kitten* this week! Great loss and wonderful job staying on track and having a "perfect" record!

    Melissa - Great run yesterday before the dark set in. I definitely concur about running in the dark - I don't feel safe with it at all. I live in a less than ideal neighbourhood and I certainly do not want to be running at night (or early in the AM). Makes it hard in the winter months, for sure, since we have so little daylight to speak of. Kudos to the hubby for helping you make things work - It's so nice to have a supportive partner on this journey with you :happy:

    Aly - I didn't mean to be critical, for the record, just wanted to tell you what works best for me. I tend to have issues with moderation and "cheating" and so if I limit myself to one cheat a week or so I find it easier to stay on track. I don't even entertain the thought of having desserts or high-cal items on other days because as soon as I try to justify it I know that I've lost the battle, mentally. Having a few treats here and there is a slippery slope for me and always leads to more treating and snacking. We all just have to know our own mental limits and what works best for us on our journey. Keep chipping away at it and figure out what is best suited to your lifestyle -- The holidays are a hard time for everyone, but you'll get it back in Jan with renewed energy for a healthy year. Good luck girl <<hugs>>

    Allie - I'm sorry to hear you're having a rough week :ohwell: I really hope you start feeling better soon and can get back to your schedule. Get to the docs soon if you aren't noticing any improvement - Remember: Health is #1 :smile: Good luck on the loss, just have to hope it sticks around! haha Stay on track once you start feeling better, get lots of fluids, and you should be good to go.

    Skip - Step is 80s and I love it!! If I had to live in any decade, it would be 80s I think. Totally awesome excuse to look ridiculous 24/7 and wear all kinds of neon. Not to mention my crazy big curly hair was SO in style! :laugh: I'm a child of the 80s, what can I say!

    Jill - You are way more bad-*kitten* than me, clearly. Blisters are an acceptable excuse for stopping a workout short. Sorry - I can't be bothered with that kind of pain for days after. Esp since I want to keep working out without aggravating them even worse. The fact that I have to use my hands CONSTANTLY at work is another consideration. It's just not worth it to me. Let me know how the peppermint cookies turn out... I'm skeptical, but if you say they're good I'll definitely test them out! Maybe I'll make a double batch of cookies and mix half with fruit and half with peppermint and choc. Hmmm... I'll make sure I give a bunch away too :bigsmile:

    Laura - Keep at it! I somehow doubt the apple is causing your problems, but figure out what works best for you and then stick with it. You're doing great :happy:

    AFM - Cold run ahead. Then homemade souvlaki, greek salad, and tsaziki for dinner tonight. Working at 10pm so I'll probably grab some oatmeal before I leave. I'm heading to Costco tonight and am determined to avoid all samples. Hoping to pick up some more greek yogurt, frozen fruit, and who knows what else!

    I will likely be MIA for the most part Fri/Sat/Sun because of birthday celebrations and obligations. My boy has all kinds of surprises planned for Friday. He's the sweetest guy -- I am so incredibly lucky! He's even making room to accommodate an early morning trip to the gym for me so I can workout before our adventures. He's coming to pick me up, taking me to the gym for an hour and a half (he's going to waste time at the mall I think) and then bringing me home to shower quickly before we go out. No idea what we have planned for the day, but I know it involves dinner and ice cream... Sat we're heading into the city for my birthday, and then driving back to my city for dinner with my family before I have to work at 10pm. Sunday I am hoping to long-run but we're supposed to get 15cms of snow... :grumble: We'll see how it looks Sunday morning. Sunday afternoon we're heading down to see his family in Niagara and decorating a Gingerbread House with his brother and cousin... Should be a testament to my will power with all that candy around :noway: Not a great food weekend planned, that's for sure. Tons of eating out, ice cream, candy, and three LONG days... We'll see how things go!

    Have a great Thursday everyone :flowerforyou:
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Guam- Hope you are having fun in Disneyland and just enjoying yourself !!! I am with you on the not working out at home. I just cant get motivated to do it. Finally joined a gym that was only 5 minutes from my house. Cost more money than the big one I was going to 20 minutes away. But I find that I go more often for two major reasons: 1- because it is super close and 2- because it has a small town atmosphere and everyone is super friendly and I don’t run in to the issue that other people have talked about on here- feeling uncomfortable in the free weights section because of all the grunting and weight dropping. Many times it is me and a few guys beween 40-60. So we end up sharing lifting exercise ideas with each other. Kind of cool

    So glad you only contemplated- don’t do it! We all have our rough days/weeks/months. The hardest part is to get through that and keep on trucking along. I was there a few weeks ago! You got this and more importantly you DESERVE this!!!

    Rai- how is your upper quad feeling? Any progress with that?

    Tara- swimming sounds awesome- haven’t done it since I was younger but it is SUCH an amazing workout

    Mike- glad to hear the interview went well! Good luck :) Awesome idea about staying moving while watching a movie or tv.

    Tai- glad you got back in to the working out. Keep with it girl! I just starting getting back in to some strength training last week again and it feels SOOOO good :)

    Meag- I cant wait to try your whole grain and chic pea salad recipe. Printed it off last week actually! Its good that you are trying different things out… I hate biking at the gym unless it is in a spin class and then I have LOVED that. You should check out a book called “The New Rules for Lifting for Women” really great book. All about how its important for women to lift and debunks a lot of myths about “toning” and all the other media hype out there targeting women. You may enjoy it more than stereotypical gym lifting. I found a copy of it on amazon for around $6 and it was a great read! Havent started the program- its going to be my next leg of lifting once I have dropped a bit more weight and need to change things up, but the information part was supper helpful on how I am approaching being healthy and fit. The author and co-authors are really well know in the fitness/nutrition/and lifting world! I think the first chapter is on their website if you want to see if it is worthwhile.
    Def want that recipe from your mom’s chili sounds fabulous. I do the same thing sometimes with my coffee and a protein shake… YUM!

    Jill- those cookies sound great! Another recipe for the books!!!

    Ngoat- heard about the WW thing. Not for me personally, but I am really happy to hear that they did that with fruits and veggies. So many people I know that have done it in the past wouldn’t eat them because they didn’t want it to take up all of their points.

    Seripha- always love resources for eating and workouts! Thanks for sharing.

    Aly- LOVe the pick. Super cute haircut- thanks for sharing with us. You hit it on the nose- one day at a time… sometimes one moment at a time!!!! I constantly have to remind myself of that!

    Tara (TJ) awesome on the weight loss. Keep rockin it girl!!!

    Melissa- any interest in sharing the “Healthified” Tuna Casserole… hehe

    Skip- glad you are almost done! I remember finals time- crazines… but it makes getting done and being on break that much better

    Allie- feel better!!!!

    Seems like we have a few birthday girls on here!!! YAY happy early birthdays!

    AFM- been a great week just haven’t been able to share it on here (laptop is still down at home) I am able to hop on the fiancés fone at night just to update food and exercise. I am super determined right now. Was kinda in a lull these past few weeks and feeling down about it. But December has brought on more determination (to really work on my fitness goals). So here it is almost my first week over.

    Got my healthy new recipe in for the week- It was a chic pea chicken dish with bulghar wheat. Very good but I am looking forward to trying Meag’s version next!

    Weight- Weigh in is tomorrow so will keep you updated on that.

    Walking/Running Schedule: Came up with a schedule to try out this week. Already changed it around a bit. But I have gone to the gym a few times on my non-lifting days. Got some good walks in on the treadmill. And on Monday I did a walk/run routine for the first time. Felt great! Pretty much the first day of C25K I think. Will see how it goes using that model loosly but mostly just listening to what my body needs.

    Lifting: 1 of 2 days in so far for the week. Tomorrow is day number 2. Amped up my lifting workout by adding some more core and back exercises to it that weren’t there before.

    So All in all feeling really good. Will see how the WI goes AND how picking up my wedding dress goes tomorrow. Kind of nervous that I ordered it and the wedding isn’t until next October, but didn’t want to take the chance of not being able to get it. So I ordered it only 1 size down. And since I ordered it I am down 8 lbs. Im not stressing it through. This journey isn’t about the wedding or a dress its about me and being healthy to be able spend a long time with my fiancé! Im not a girly girl- far from it actually- but I do have butterflies about going to check out the dress tomorrow!!! EEEEEK

    All the QOTD’s that I have missed

    QOTD- Hairstyle: bob with bangs. Definitely too hard to maintain for someone with no patience like myself. Growing it out now so I can do whatever I want with it for the wedding. So it mostly ends up in a ponytail or up with bobbypins
    QOTD- Wardrobe color: mostly blacks…. Starting to branch out again though!
    QOTD- decade: hmmmm would have to go with the 20’s as well althought I am addicted to the show Mad Men right now. So loving that 50’s 60’s thing but definitely could not be a housewife. Looks like the fiancé may end up staying home with the kids once we decide to have them
    QOTD: favorite meal when cold: some sort of hot steamy soup!!!!! YUM
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Hey Everyone! Good morning!

    I am determined to have a good day even though the salad I ordered last night at the brewery was 1000 calories :-0 O well you live and you learn. At least I ate it after a really good run, makes me feel like yesterday was a cheat day for the rest of the week tho! I also have dinner and drinks tomorrow at my friend's event. I know it won't be healthy, next week also has lots of food plans. The name of the game for me is maintaining and not gaining this month. I know it is not the way to lose weight but this is just what is going to have to work for me. I will get back on the horse when I have time and not so many damn events! Tonight I am going to swim and try to do some weights. I want to incorporate weights in my routine, we will see how that goes after my 12 hour day at work. Why do salads have to be so deceiving! I should have looked at the nutritional facts. O well, again.

    QOTD: What is your tactic for eating out?
    I usually prefer to not do it, but when I have to for various reasons, I try to stick to salads. Apparently not a good idea last night tho lol.
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
    Skiptomylou32-That's an awesome idea! I will try that tomorrow! Thanks!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member

    Melissa- any interest in sharing the “Healthified” Tuna Casserole… hehe

    I sure can as soon as I get home!!! It was YUMMY!!!!