Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - December Challenge!!



  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Melissa - I took my daughter to see Tangled last weekend and we :heart: ed it!! And I am all for taking in your own snacks. The concessions don't offer anything remotely healthy and are beyond overpriced. Have a great time!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Roo-thanks again!! and that water is a killer sometimes...especially in the winter! and CONGRATS on the 120's!! that is so great :)

    Guam-welcome back to the game!! we all know that you will be back on track for the rest of the year!! :)

    Meag-thanks as always...really hoping for great end of the year results! and great job juggling the work schedule, man time, and working out and always staying positive...that is great motivation :)

    Lou-way to eat healthy over the weekend, and great job on the loss!!!

    AFM-not too much new to say I guess..will be doing WK3's 3/3 day on push-ups and crunches when I get up this afternoon!! And I ate great again on soup night at work...and it was so yummy!! that's all for now folks!!! keep up the great work!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member

    AFM-not too much new to say I guess..will be doing WK3's 3/3 day on push-ups and crunches when I get up this afternoon!! And I ate great again on soup night at work...and it was so yummy!! that's all for now folks!!! keep up the great work!

    ohh....there's a cruchnes challenge too???
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
    Yay! I weigh 174.5! My goal is to weigh 173 before New Years :) Good luck everyone!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Here it is again, Tuesday! My weigh day!

    I don't know why I was really convinced I was not going to have lost any weight this week. Maybe it was because I haven't been doing as great on the sodium lately. Maybe it was because I killed it yesterday during lunch on a 1000some calorie sandwich (WHO KNEW!) that I didn't realize was so caloric until I got home. Maybe it was because I got fast food twice this week (which is surprising actually and totally abnormal for me). It was definitely a combination of all of these things that convinced me that I hadn't lost any weight and even potentially gained some.

    The scale definitely surprised me this morning, bringing me another 1.4 pounds down and totaling me at 34.8 pounds, HALF WAY TO MY GOAL WEIGHT!! I'm trying to lose a total of 68 pounds, so knowing I've lost more than half of that is really encouraging to keep going. And 5 more pounds until I can buy myself a reward, which is most definitely going to be a pair of shoes and might also turn into a pair of jeans if one of my pairs rips (which could be possible in the next 5 pounds because they're pretty old and worn).

    Today isn't going to be an excellent food day, but given the loss I'm not concerned. I'm going out of town to visit some friends in the town I went to college in, and with the clam chowder in a bread bowl and the massive burrito and my favorite cookies, I'm still going to try to stay under but I'm obviously not going to be loading up on carrots and celery either.

    In other news, my finals are over and my body has returned to its normal untense state, so no more neck and back pains. I have returned to playing Wii's Just Dance 2 (which I'm about to do actually). I can average burning about 200 calories in a half hour according to the HRM just by shaking my *kitten* (well, more than that, but you know).

    I'm a little frustrated at my dad lately about weight loss though, because peaking at over 300 pounds and being totally unhappy with himself he's still unwilling to do anything about it. There was one time he dropped down to 180 pounds, albeit in a super unhealthy fashion that involved this weird "medical" diet where you basically ate slop (ie - NOT real food) and took potassium supplements. He's decided that if he loses weight that's how he's going to do it again, but he's for some reason neglecting to see that last time he did that he put on nearly 200 pounds because he had no idea on how to maintain his weight afterward because he never learned how to eat correctly in the first place. I've introduced him to MFP, but he wants quick results and won't get it fast enough using this website. I honestly am concerned this will kill him. But I really can't say anything else, because it always erupts into a fight.

    I'm sorry I don't post more. I have more time now - I should attempt to.

    @Roobean33 - That's awesome and I hope you do hit your December goal! You're so close!
    @GuamGrly - Just start back up. It's easy to get side tracked, but it's also easy enough to jump right back in. :)
    @SkipToMyLou32 - Definitely eat some Christmas treats! Weight loss shouldn't mean deprivation! Good luck on hitting your goal, we're all rooting for you!
    @ wardiemelissa - By any chance can you share your crockpot lasagna recipe? I've never made one before and am trying to use my crockpot for more meals because it's SO easy!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Insky- Congrats on your Loss! That is so good to hear! Sorry about your dad and Weight. I have a similar issue with my (soon to be) Father-in-law. He has diabetes and still eats loads of food and sweets and doesn't think about his health. It is hard seeing someone in your family doing that to themselves.

    Laura- Good job on your loss as well!

    AFM- I had some super yummy sushi last night and tons of fun with my bff. It was nice to finally not think about all that stuff that happened on Friday. I came into work and was so stressed out and just felt so guilty and embarrassed. My mom was has been an alchoholic for my whole life. When I let myself get out of control it hits me on a very personal level and puts me in a very dark place. I am getting over it slowly but I still don't feel that great about myself. I know getting back into working out and focusing on other things help, I just have to be careful with my drinking. I apparently have the Gene. Back to the gym tonight swimming 2100 yards. Should be interesting/fun.... hopefully. hehe. Going to get in some weight lifting as well this week. I was debating about not weighing in since the holidays and everything. But I do think that it is important to keep and eye on your weight during these times as well. Good Luck to everyone this week, and good job to all the people still going strong. This process is slow but worth the time :) Love you all!
  • Good job Laura in Insky on your losses! Insky, I'm glad your finals are over and you're feeling better!

    Aly--I'm glad you're feeling better about Friday. And I totally agree with you about it being important to weigh in even during the holidays. I'm tempted to take my scale with me on our trip since we're driving but maybe that's a little obsessive...

    AFM--I ran OUTSIDE for the first time today since December 2. We are finally in the 30s this week so all the ice has melted and it felt great outside--perfect running weather. I was afraid I wouldn't get too far as I haven't had a long run in a while--can only do 3 miles on the treadmill before I go crazy! I set out for 5 miles figuring I would have to walk but I didn't--I ran the whole thing! I went super slow though! I don't know how long it took me because I didn't look at the clock and I've stopped wearing my stopwatch, but I don't care I'm just glad I made it!

    Iphone users--Have you updated your MFP app yet?? You can see your friends and post comments and stuff now! I was wondering when they would add that feature and it's here! Still can't see the threads, but maybe soon!

    Have a great day everybody!
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    Hi Kick *kitten* Twenty-somethings!

    I have been really horrible posting on this thread for December - but I have been following along with you girls and guy when I can. Finals are FINALLY over and I survived the trip back to my parents' house, so I feel like I have time to devote to this site guilt-free again :bigsmile: I want to thank you all for being a great inspiration to me. Even when I haven't found time to post on this thread, your posts inspire me to find the time to make good decisions about what I put into my body. And all that has really helped over the past few weeks. I did a WI today (not my usual day, but my schedule has been so jumbled up for the past few weeks that I just wanted to get it straight in my head). I'm down 2lbs from my last WI - which is putting me on great track for actually meeting my scale-goal of December :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Though it could be that I'm staying with my parents now and using their scale instead of mine - I'm sure that there are inconsistencies between scales.

    I also have more time now to experiment in the kitchen :wink: Last night I found a recipe for Sweet Potato & Red Pepper Pasta: It just sounded so interesting, so I had to try making it. A lot of the comments said that the taste was a little bland, so I added a chopped up onion to the recipe, used feta instead of goat cheese and used more seasoning. I served it with some baked chicken breasts for protein. I think it turned out really well. My sister (who thinks she doesn't really like sweet potatoes) ate it all with no complaints and a compliment on the seasoning. So the new healthy recipe tried for this week was a success!!

    Be back later to catch up with everyone!!!

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Im getting out for a run in a little bit and will update later with my responses and what I've been upto, just wanted to post a quick picture of our adorable gingerbread houses from last night. Making them what a MAJOR fail on my part wrt self-discipline, but they turned out adorable and so I guess it was partly worth it!


    Super cute, no? :happy:
  • Anyone have any good recommendations of protein powders that I can mix into my smoothies? I can't do anything chocolate flavoured as I'm not allowed to eat chocolate (even though sometimes I do, it's really bad).
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Anyone have any good recommendations of protein powders that I can mix into my smoothies? I can't do anything chocolate flavoured as I'm not allowed to eat chocolate (even though sometimes I do, it's really bad).
    I use Allmax IsoFlex Whey Isolate from GNC and I really like it. I use choc but they have all sorts of flavours. Mixes well and is really tasty.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Hi all, I'm a MAJOR spaz brain today. I'm not even going to try and reply to you (trust me, it's a good thing) as I'm super slap happy/random/ADD today. I hope everyone is having a fabulous week! I only have a three-day work week:drinker:

    I was feeling just off yesterday and when I got home, my stomach/head were just off...I felt dizzy and nauseous, so I did Turbo Fire Core 20 + Stretch 40. I need to buy resistance bands for Core 20, I had to improvise with the lower body band and it just wasn't long enough...nearly gave myself a black eye with it. I then did some cardio intervals...running stairs/jump rope/high knees/etc as I felt better and wanted more burn. I also ate WAY too many peanut and mint m&ms mindlessly before my workout.

    Got up at 4:30 this morning (EEK) to do Turbo Fire 55 EZ...71 minutes for a 55 mintute workout, but they have the "new to class" feature where Chalene teaches you the moves so you can keep up. I knew that it was going to be longer though, so I got up earlier to compensate. I love getting my workouts done in the morning, but I would love to not have a 36 mile commute (45+ minute drive) each way and be able to get up at 5:30 instead.
  • Allis - What? 4:30am??? That's dedication! Good for you. When I swam I couldn't be bothered to get up for 5:30am practice half the time. I'm really impressed!

    Meag - I'll keep an eye out for that stuff. I'm getting tired of chicken, tofu, eggs, and tuna being my protein for the day. Cute gingerbread houses btw :)
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Meag-love the gingerbread houses!!! very cute! and good run today :tongue: I need to step it up a bit!

    Jill-that is dedication!!! I couldn't imagine getting up that early!

    AFM-took the girls to see Tangled and they (and I) loved it! They were so GOOD and QUIET!!! I was really worried because it was a little packed in there! I packed popcorn and water for all of us but the 3 of us did share some Super Pretzel could have been much worse! Got a 2 1/2 mile run in on the treadmill before it started making crazy squeaking noises-upset because I was actually having a good run...mixed up some interval with incline running between 6 and 6.5 mph. Was still pretty sweaty at the end. Also finished WK2D1 of push up challenge...all in all a good day :wink:
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    @ wardiemelissa - By any chance can you share your crockpot lasagna recipe? I've never made one before and am trying to use my crockpot for more meals because it's SO easy!

    Here you go enjoy....:heart:

    Crockpot Lasagna

    1 lb ground turkey
    1 lg onion chopped
    2 cloves garlic (I doubled it :heart: garlic)
    29 oz canned tomato sauce (may try replacing with actual spaghetti sauce with veggies next time for more flavor)
    6 oz tomato paste
    1 c water
    1 tsp salt
    1 tsp oregano
    8 oz dry lasagna noodles
    2 c shredded mozzarella cheese (I used fat free)
    2 c fat free cottage cheese
    1/4 c grated parmesan cheese (I used reduced fat)

    Cook turkey, onion, and garlic over medium heat. Add tomato sauce, water, tomato paste, salt and oregano; mix well. Spread 1/4 meat sauce in bottom of crockpot. Arrange 1/3 noodles over sauce, break to fit if necessary. Combine the 3 cheeses in another bowl and mix well. Spoon 1/3 cheese mixture over noodles. Repeat layers 2 times. Top with remaining meat sauce. Cover and cook on low 4-5 hours (closer to 4) or until noodles are tender.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Melissa-although there is a situp challenge on the same site as our pushup challenge (i think)...I have been just doing my own goal (3 times a week for abs/pushups) for that I am doing the PU challange and crunches (about 130 total-50 front, 25 to each side, and 30 combos)! Great job on the PU btw! and that recipe sounds fab...I'll have to try it this weekend!

    Laura-congrats on being so close to your goal...only 1.5lbs left to lose in 10 days!! you've got this!!!

    Diamonds-awesome job on the loss still...take that as a sign!! it is so great that you have met your half way really keeps you motivated doesn't it?

    alykat-way to be strong and try to move past these things...we are all here for you if you need an ear :)

    Lou-Great job on running that whole 5 miles!! great goal reached!!

    Stuart-awesome job on your loss as well!! everyone is doing great on here and you are right that is huge motivation!

    Meag-yup that def looks good enough to eat!!!! LOL

    seripha-I use GNC Pro Performance 100% whey protein in mixed berry and banana. it is 110 calories and 20g of protein per scoop :)

    Jill- way to knock out some great workouts!! you have such great dedication :)

    AFM-WK3 goals complete!! got in my 3 days of the push-up challenge and my crunches! WI is tomorrow and as usual I am nervous as hell!!! Good luck everyone...I will keep ya'all posted!!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    @ wardiemelissa - By any chance can you share your crockpot lasagna recipe? I've never made one before and am trying to use my crockpot for more meals because it's SO easy!

    Here you go enjoy....:heart:

    Crockpot Lasagna

    Thanks so much!!
  • Hello ladies:

    Guam- I did have a good time with my husband's family. We went shopping at the mall, which was pure craziness, but we definitely got a lot of gifts crossed off. Ugh, kids and work would make it hard to workout in the mornings. Way to go afterwards! I am so beat after work, I don't know if I would have the willpower to do that!!! Keep it up! Don't worry about missing the logging, just jump right back into it.

    Melissa - Great workout today and glad the family liked the movie!

    Meag - Work sounds BLAH. I hope you get some downtime in soon. Your gingerbread house looks awesome and delicious lol. Oh and thanks for the almond joy oatmeal. I shouldn't have bought those suckers, they are so tasty!

    Skip - Good luck with the family pics! I'm sure you'll look great, especially after that weekend loss! Yippee! Oh, and yes iPhone App update is AWESOME. Thanks for telling me, I am always late with my updates.

    TJradd - Great work as usual! Keep up those push-ups/crunches!

    Stuart - You sound like one sweet chef! Great job in the kitchen! And congrats on finals being over!

    Insky - Congrats on getting through finals. I know your body was super stressed, so get some much needed rest! As for your Dad, all you can do is be supportive and try to be there. You can't make someone change their lifestyle if all they want to do is "diet". It's a totally different mindset. I hope it all works out.

    AlyKat- Glad your work party issue blew over with no lasting drama. You learned from it, so just take it from there. Yay for sushi night with the boy. Happy 5th!

    AFM - I got in a big workout today because I had the day off. Trying to ignore the bag of Almond Joy Bites that are in my cabinet. I ate a big serving already today, lol. I have definitely indulged in the Christmas goodies, but I think I've done the best I ever have this year. I even got 2 brownies from work (they ordered from a local bakery for the holidays, CONSTANT sabotage), but took a bite and decided it wasn't all that good and not worth the calories. And luckily for me, I haven't seen any fudge (can't resist). Hope everyone else is doing well! Keep up the good work ladies!
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    :frown: Hey...

    Guys.. I feel like I won't make my december goal!! I need to loose 1.4 lbs to reach 162. I'm not making excuses when I say I have LITERALLY no time to exercise this week. If I'm not sleeping I've been at work or some actual responsibility or christmas shopping (and I'm not buying everyone a ton of gifts either.. like one or two TOPS... I'm on a budget), packing, wrapping...etc. I felt so stressed today that I wanted to eat EVERYTHING in sight. Ate almost 600 calories more than my daily goal. I guess I'm just feeling really crappy and cranky and teetering on the edge of just saying forget it for the Christmas holiday. I know that isn't the right answer, but I'm just so STRESSED OUT! I don't want to have to worry about another thing. I've been talking myself in and out of taking a "break" this whole past week. I don't want to step on the scale after Christmas and see an increase, but I just feel so out of gas. I keep telling myself that food is not the answer to stress.. that helped me stop myself from eating about half the time I got to urge to. I'm glad for that...

    Did I mention TOM is coming any day now?? :noway:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey! Wow I feel like I haven't been dedicated much to this thread lately... Been really feeling stressed and busy with life. Not to mention just generally feeling overwhelmed with bad food choices and not enough hours in the day to get what I want to accomplish done.

    Roo - Sounds like you are doing great. Good to hear you got a sick workout in today - Crazy on the elliptical! Your legs must have been falling off by the end :wink: Seems like it's the season for tough food choices and temptation. Great job steering clear - You are rocking it!

    Meredith - Great job in the kitchen and hitting some goals - It's nice to see you losing since I know you were hitting a wall for a while.

    Skip - Way to get it done! Slow or not, 5 miles is a great accomplishment :happy: Especially out in the cold! Wtg girl!

    Thanks everyone for the kudos on my adorable gingerbread houses. I should give the boy SOME credit, but seriously it was mostly me :laugh: We had a ton of fun making them and it was a great night spent together. Ate way too much candy and garbage though and I felt terrible about it today. Thankfully I got off my *kitten* today and ran 5 miles to burn some off. I also had a pretty good eating day today, so that made up for it. At least I hope so. Some of it :wink: Gym tomorrow - weights and some x-train hopefully. Nothing too exciting...

    OK I have to get to bed. Sorry this was short and crappy. I'll post something better tomorrow. Miss you guys!!
    Meag :heart:
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