Senior Golden Sneakers - December 2010



  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Hi everyone and thank you all so much for the warm welcome.

    Just to let you know a bit more about me. My darling husband, Stephen, suffered a massive stroke and died in August 2009. It has been a hard year as I retired just about when he died and then moved home before Christmas last year. However, the move was closer to one of my three children. I have two daughters and one son and seven grandchildren. My daughter Dawn lives just 10 minutes drive away and she has four children - Ollie 18, Emma 16, Ruby 6 and Louise 3. Where I used to live was 3 hours drive away so visits were not that frequent. Now I see my Dawn and the family most weeks, sometimes two or three times a week, and it has been wonderful to spend time with them all. I have been able to have special time with the older ones - going to see a film, shopping or having a meal out; and have had fun with the little girls taking them to the beach in the summer and just having fun. My eldest daughter, Stephanie, lives in the NW of England, near Blackpool a big seaside town. She has three girls, Mikkala 17, Bella 15 and Sabrina nearly 10. It is about a 6 hour drive to them from where I live in Sussex (which is in the South of England) but I have managed to see them quite a lot this year; I am spending Christmas with them and that will be my 6th visit this year. My son Graham lives with his partner in London. It is about a 90 minute drive but there is also a very good rail connection so I have also managed a lot of visits to them too this year. It has been lovely to get into London to the shops, the museums, the restaurants, the theatres and the tourist sights - think I will be going a lot more next year.

    We have had a lot of snow here overnight, about 8-12 inches so I have been doing my good neighbour bit; I have cleared and salted my front path and my neighbour's (she's 80). My bungalow is part of a managed complex for seniors, so I then joined two of my friends (like me they are fitter than most) and we have cleared and salted the paths around the complex. I have managed to burn nearly 500 cals doing that - better than my Pilates class (which was cancelled this week due to the bad weather!!). :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: So am now indoors, keeping lovely and warm with a cup of coffee that has had a tot of brandy added to it :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: - I'm feeling very sinful. :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Anyway, think that's all my news for now. Oh, my goal is to hopefully have lost a stone (14lbs) by the end of the year even with Christmas goodies. But, I am not going to stress and will just make sure to knuckle down to stricte calorie counting and exercise come the New Year.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Pam enjoy reading your post. We have not had anyone living in Uk to post on this thread . Sholud be quite interesting and educational too. A stone lost is equal to our 14 lb? Sorry to hear about you husband but glad you are living close to one of your daughters, My daughter Alice lives about an hour drive away from me , but she comes out every other Sunday and we goe out for Lunch and she helps me with my computer I make a list of things I need help on My other daughter , Kathy lives about an hour away in the other directions My son lives in St. Louis, Mo. My husband and i lived by ourself I don't drive anymore [ bad eyesight] and I really miss getting out on my own but so thankful I have a husb and to take me where I want to go.

    Again welcome to our group

  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Marie, good to read a bit more about you. Where abouts in USA do you live? For the last few years my husband and I took a lot of cruises - he was disabled and in a wheelchair, so a cruise was a very safe holiday for him and much more relaxing for me. We liked Carnival so would visit the States and spend some time sightseeing before joining a cruise in Florida or LA. Apart from Florida and California we also spent some time in Tennessee, New Mexico and Virginia. I certainly enjoyed our trips and we were always made to feel very welcome; everyone was so helpful.

    Have just spent a couple of hours helping decorate the communal lounge and dining room in our complex. It does look great now that the lights, Christmas trees and decorations are up. On Saturday we are having our Christmas lunch; we have it early as some of the residents will be spending the holidays with family and/or friends in other parts of the country. By celebrating early we hope that the bulk of our community is able to join in.

    Anyway, bye for now from a chilly UK.

    Pam :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • bushman124
    bushman124 Posts: 85 Member
    Happy Thursday Everyone! It's a cold winter day here in Elkhart, Indiana. After watching my stories, I think I'll venture out in the cold and take Kirby for a walk. Something about the cold weather that is so invigorating!

    Gigi, what a small world. I lived in South Bend all my life until I married my husband, Dave. He actually is from Duluth, MN and was transferred to Elkhart with McGladrey & Co. He now has his own accounting firm which I work at about once a week since I retired.

    Pam, so sorry about your husband. What an incredible loss and adjustment you have had to go through and, I'm sure, still going through. I am happy to hear that you live near your daughter now.

    Well, today the place that I have scheduled knee replacement surgery for in January called to tell me that I would have to come and pick up a walker and stockings before the surgery. OMG, a walker, isn't that just for old people! I don't know if any of you remember the movie "Brian's Song", it was a movie about the baseball player, Brian Piccalo and his best friend Gayle Sayers. Well Gayle Sayers had his knee replacement surgery right here in Elkhart by Dr. Klassen, the same doctor that will be doing my surgery. So..., I think I am in good hands! Hope you all have a great day, be talking to you later.

    JoAn :smile:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    :happy: :love: :flowerforyou: Well, what a lovely start to December, and a warm welcome to Pam, Lynn and JoAn! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    There is so much here, that I am going to attempt to post using either Word (?) or Notepad ( ???) and then copy and paste. I missed yesterday, so anxious to chat with all my newfound friends! Wish me luck...

    And made my day with your lovely compliment! Thank you, love!

    Back as soon as I've had lunch and figure out how to do the aforementioned posting! Remember, I can't touch type :blushing: !
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Busy Thursday!! I didn't take any pain or relaxer pills yesterday since I was going to bingo and wanted to drive. By the time I got home I was in a lot of pain.. The day before I had told my husband that my wrist was hurting and yesterday AFTER the doctor's appointment it was swollen. I had taken the meds before bed to help me sleep and this morning I was still in pain, so I went back to the doctor. I told her I wanted an MRI on my back and she had an x ray done of my wrist. The x ray showed nothing, she thinks it is an arthritis flare up. I am going this afternoon for an ultra sound of the wrist to rule out a blood clot and I have scheduled the MRI for 6:00 tonight. I just want to know what is going on and get it fixed, I don't want to live on pain pills the rest of my life. :noway:

    Welcome to Pam, Lynn and JoAn. I love this group and they are very patient and listen to all my complaints. :blushing: It doesn't matter whether you check in once a week or everyday some one is always here to listen. Our common goal is to lose weight and maintain a healthy life style and with the support of each other it really works. I had done so well getting to my goal but these medicines are adding pounds. I am going to be patient and hopefully once I get these health issues figured out I can go back to my normal routine of exercise and diet.

    My goal for this week is too get my inside Christmas decorations done. My goal for December is to get back to my goal. :love:

    Pam, my son just got back from business in London, he was there for six weeks. JoAn, when I was a child we had a summer place we went to in Bass Lake, Indiana. I still have a cousin who lives in the area. I was going to have knee replacement in September but changed my mind and canceled. Everyone who has had it or knows of someone who has had it said it was great.
    I just wasn't ready and we had other health issues with my step son to worry about. Be sure to post a picture of your pup, we are animal lovers here. :heart:

    Lynn, I hope your husband is doing well and is grateful for his second chance at life. :heart:

    Time to get ready for the ultra sound, have a good afternoon.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Connie. So glad to hear your husband is coming along nicely. But do take care of yourself too.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Options glad you started this month and left the link for newbies like me to find us here! I got lost last month and posted in October instead of November! Oerhaps it was you who found and redirected me, so double thanks! :smooched:
    PAM...Happy to meet you across the “puddle”, and compliments on losing the 12 pounds! :drinker: This is such a wonderful thread, and they made me feel part of the group immediately! Sorry for your loss, and you sound like a determined “survivor”, so you'll make it through with lots of support! And I concur with Marie that you don't sound like an “oldbat”!!! By the way, I live in South Florida.
    MARIE...Thanks for the sweet words, and I must say, although I like hot coffee BLACK, I love my flavored lightener in my iced coffee. When I realized how much fat and how many calories I was taking in, thanks to MFP, I quit drinking iced coffee! This website has really opened my eyes, as even in Weight Watchers, I never journalized so completely before! Nutritionally, it has been a wake-up call! Anyway, I just sent an email to Brooks Restaurant for the soup recipe to remind them, and in case they lost my email address! LOL! Also wanted to recommend you ask your Doctor or therapist for some simple balance exercises. Balance becomes a real problem is we “get better” (Never older!) :noway:
    SANDY... If the darn medication is helping you, forget the weight for now. Mine came off within weeks of stopping. Of course I regained it and more, but it's getting under control once more. You have done incredibly well, and will again when you come through this painful period. Oh, by the way, prednisone retains water, so the more you drink, the more distressing the scale becomes. My advice: STOP WEIGHING while on Prednisone! (I couldn't follow that advice!!!!)...just read about your latest, and hope the pictures show NOTHING more serious than arthritis! Keep us informed :sad: :
    LYNN...Did I miss you before, or shall I welcome you now? Glad Marie invited you in! Whatever your problem is/was, we certainly wish you a speedy recovery! :flowerforyou:
    GAYLA...What fun that puzzle must be! :wink: I have a dear friend who received a roll up kind of mat that allows her to clear her dining table without losing the almost-finished puzzle! She has actually framed a couple of the most intricate ones she did of Hong Kong, where her son lives! It's a bit early, but a very happy birthday celebration to Dave! His is close to yours, I recall! never expects the “after the fact” blues, but you held yourself together in anticipation for awhile, probably not even recognizing your emotions and certainly never letting DH see them, so now it's over successfully, your emotions just take over and you cannot feel elation! :flowerforyou: Eventually, you will BOTH feel great and celebrate in style! Didn't he plan to celebrate at Christmas? SUPER! In the meantime, we are all here for whatever kind of support you would like! I truly relate as I've experienced that reaction after a long period of care taking, only I came down with pneumonia as a result! So don't feel there's anything wrong with your reaction! :ohwell:
    IRENE...You always add nice thoughts to this thread. :flowerforyou:
    JoAn...We feel the same about MFP, and this thread, and I hope I do as well as you with the weight loss. Keep up the good work! Sounds like we are 2 lucky ladies to have a second (in my case, 3rd) opportunity at love and a new life. After 33 years, we still feel like newlyweds! And I'll bet Kirby is favoring you, too! We both had 3 kids and now there are 8 blended grandkids, all in their 20s!!! Time marches on...:heart:
    GIGI... I know you are looking forward to retirement. You will probably wonder how you ever found the time to work!!! :love:
    JEFFREY...What an attitude! Triathlons, yet, after knee surgery! I certainly hope the hernia is one easily taken care of, and I've 2 friends who successfully overcame the problem, and with your determination, we'll all be cheering you on this summer! Where are you entering? What a guy! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    By the way, JoAn, walkers are NOT just for the elderly! And you will use it for only a short period and will be grateful to have it! Lots of luck with the knee! :wink:

    I forgot about goals for the month; let me just try for a pound a week loss, and I hope I can do it! Got through Thanksgiving OK. Now onto better discipline!!!
    Hope I can move this over to our thread! Well, I did, and I'll bet you're sorry!!! Too long, but love you all! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    The dogs and I have just come back from the dog park where it was warmer and drier than it has been in a long time. While we were gone, Jake cleaned the bathrooms smiley-chores012.gif and tidied up some piles of paper that have been accumulating for a long time.

    Barb, thanks for finding time in your busy schedule to get the new thread for December started..Maintaining your weight in December is a great goal

    Pam, I’m sorry to hear about your husband and glad to hear how well you have found ways to keep your life moving….you sound like a very fit, energetic, and positive person…..I think you’ll be a great addition to our group…..welcome.

    Connie, I’m not surprised that you’re tired after all the stress of waiting for your husband to go through that surgery….get the rest you need and let others help you as much as they are willing….don’t worry about how you are feeling, just take it one moment at a time

    Lynn, good luck on the physical therapy

    Marie, I’m glad you liked the soup….it sounds like you found an easy way to make it.

    Sandy, your body is certainly not treating you well right now….I hope you were able to get all your decorations up…..I know how much you like them…..we don’t decorate much but we’ve put up what we have and are happy with the results…since we decorate for Hanukkah, not Christmas we had to have them up by yesterday and they’ll be all put away in a little over a week…..I know you’re grateful that the medication can deal with the pain….why don’t you stay away from the scale for awhile (can you imagine me suggesting that, since I’m the one who weighs myself twice a day LOL)

    Gayla, your puzzle sounds like fun…..we can’t do puzzles here because of the cats….they would lie down on it or steal and chew the pieces….we used to do puzzles when we went to RV rallies.

    Buzz, once you try writing your post in word or notepad you will be so glad you got out of your comfort zone and tried it… nice thing is that you can save it as you go along, close it for awhile if you have to do something else and use the spell checker before you copy and paste

    Jeffrey, glad you’re released to exercise more----a triathlon sounds almost as strenuous as a marathon----you are amazing….I hope the other surgery doesn’t’ slow your training too much---will the snow slow your training or do you just have special shoes for running on slick surfaces?

    Gigi, your retirement is coming up so quickly….are all your preparations for it coming along as they should?

    JoAn, welcome to the group….this is a supportive and kind group of men and women who share their successes and challenges and encourage each other…we are glad to have you with us…when I found MFP almost two years ago, I had never posted on any on line community but it was so easy to do here and now I post regularly on three different threads and have made friends that mean as much to me as my face to face friends at home….if your dog gets to walk with you, I’m sure he likes you best….a good friend of mine recently had knee replacement surgery and she says it’s not for sissies but now that she’s almost recovered and about to go back to work she is so grateful to be able to walk and run without the pain that she’s had for so long.

    To the new members----I live in NW Washington State at the top of the Olympic Peninsula….we have views of mountains when we walk or drive anywhere…..I live with my fabulous husband, Jake, two Standard Poodles (Brandy and Sasha) and two spoiled cats (Bernie and Haifa). I go to line dance classes three days a week, take the dogs to the off leash dog park almost every day and walk for 30-40 minutes while I watch them play, and try to do a lot of exercise in other ways. Losing weight has made me more energetic and don’t sit still for long.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Regarding your kitties" propensity for pawing at puzzles," here is an idea. Do the puzzle and when you are not working on it, put a tablecloth over it so inquiring paws can't reach it. Just a thought.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buzz, What a lady you are. How in the world do you remember so much about us. You are such a doll. We are very fortunate to have you here. I try to post as I read everybody post or I forget what I read.
    Jerry and i had a pleasant day. didn't do anything in particular Just watch TV I had Left overs from yesterday for my meals. I did make some cranberry corn muffins to go with my soup. I shouldn't have had them but i limit myself to one muffin Where I wanted more. I make sure I have one more bite before I finish my meal and I ftell myself this is it.So far it works. I did mess up with my tea. I bought a jug of unsweeten tea and after I got home realize it was not decaf and it don't count as water and keep me awake at night. So I will just have to make my own.

    Sandy Hope they find out what is causing your pain. It is terrible getting older. But you are still young and will come back perky as ever.

    It will be real cold here Sunday when Alice comes out so I will have a big pot of Blackbeans and pumkin soup along with cranberry cornbread for our dinner. She will go to WW meeting Saturday and ahe can tell me all about their new plan. There plus points.
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello everyone!

    My goals for this month is to loose a few pounds by Xmas, we're celebrating our retirement by taking the whole family
    to Cancun for a week, special place for children and adults everyone is looking forward special time together, that is our Gift to the family for Xmas.:love::love: :love:

    JoAn - sounds like you'll be in goods hands for the surgery - So far I have two friends that had knee replacemnet surgery and they're both doing GREAT:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Sandy - so good to hear you're planning to be decorating inside, that is something great to look forward and the end result will be beautiful:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: take care and don't over do it.

    Pam - the luncheon on Saturday sounds great:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Your community home seems to be a great place to be. I loved London - were there for almost a week-great people very friendly. So sorry for your lost, you sound like a great survivor:heart::heart: :heart:

    Lynn - hope everything is well with your husband:happy: :smile: :smile: :smile:

    Connie - prayers have been answered your husband is coming alone well, take care of yourself:happy: :happy:

    Gayla - your puzzle sounds fantastic - I love puzzples Mike's Mom always had one going in her kitcken table and everyone
    loved working on it. :heart: :heart:

    Barbie - I'm on target for retirement, my husband Mike is schedule to retire in December 17, my is at the end of the year - but maybe I'll have to go in a few time in January for some final touches.:sad: :sad: :sad:

    Marie - what a wonderful surprise receiving you message in the morning, that made my day, you're the best.

    Hope everyone has a great evening and have fun:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Have been trying to be a good neighbour today. Went round the complex to see if any of my senior neighbours needed any essential shopping. While going around the top walkway, which is exposed but which we had gritted yesterday, I found some black ice and went flat on my back.. Fortunately the only damage was to my dignity and a very bruised butt!! Anyway, I put down more sand and grit and walked to the shops twice to get bread, milk and vegetables for some of my more elderly neighbours. Now happily back home and in the warm and, once again, a coffee with a tot of brandy!!! Have rubbed plenty of arnica into the damaged 'areas' so hope I wont feel too stiff and sore tomorrow. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    As we improve (like good wines) balance can be a problem. I go to a Pilates class around once a week and I have found that that is improving my balance quite a lot. I also bought a Wii console with WiiFit Plus Balance Board in September and I have found that the exercises I have done on that have also helped with my balance, posture and core strength. The nice thing about the Wii is that I can use it in my own home, no skinny things in lycra looking at me!, and I can pick and choose which exercises and when and for how long I do it.

    Best wishes to all you other Golden Sneakers!! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Friday!!

    It is a cold day here with some snow expected tonight into tomorrow.:noway: Winter has arrived in Itasca, Illinois!!

    I am what they call the mystery reader for my granddaughter's kindergarten class this afternoon. I had to send three or four facts about myself to see if the kids could guess who will be reading three books to them this afternoon. :bigsmile: I would cancel because of my leg, but it is only for one half hour so I think I will be fine and I don't want to disappoint my granddaughter. I also hope to get some decorations done inside although I will take it easy, at least just my tree. It is hard to believe Christmas Eve is three weeks from today.

    Pam, I am so sorry about your fall, I do hope you are all right today. What a great neighbor you are taking care of those who need help, the world needs more people like you. :heart: When I read your posts I can hear your English accent which I just love.:laugh:

    Gigi, did you find my adoption papers? I so want to go with you to Cancun. :tongue:

    JoAn, it sounds like you have a great knee doctor and I will be anxious to see what kind of procedure he is going to do for your knee replacement. Are you having one or both knees done?

    Connie I do know that your husband is not going to that Christmas party tomorrow, but I hope his recovery is moving forward and you are getting needed rest to help him. Our prayers are still with him and your family. :love:

    Lynn, I hope your are feeling much better so you are able to enjoy the holidays.:flowerforyou:

    My pills are kicking in and my head is becoming fuzzy so I will address the rest of you later. :laugh: :laugh: Time to eat something and lay down.

    Have a good day,
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Pam hope you are not to sore after your fall. And what a nice neighbourly thing to so. You are the greatest. and brave to get out in the weather. We are to have a nice warm day today up to 72 but look lout Canada is sending some more cold weather our way. Don't think it will be any ice or snow with it. Love your bat avatar. Looking forward to seeing some pictures of England. :flowerforyou:

    Hubby and I are getting out to the grocer store today. I am making some whole wheat banana bread today Only I will make muffins for that will help me in my portions controll. I been letting some banana ripen will good They have not turn black black yet They have been sitting out for over a week. but I am afraid the nats will find them if I don't used them soon. And sure hope I can used my portions control. really well. So far I have on my cranberry corn muffins. And for a bonus i still have some left Should last me the rest of the week. Will make a fresh batch sunday for my daughter............ for breakfast I had 1 egg cooked in 1 t. of coconut oil, a slice of splet bread toasted with 1 t. of coconut oil, 1 t of all fruit jelly For lunch I will have 1 c . beans soup. caranberry corn muffin. tea. For dinner I will have a good mess of brocolli. grilled fish , small salad. Bedtime snack 1/2 greek yogurt , a banana cup cake..:huh: :huh:

    I do hope you all have a very lovely day.:heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Oops she turn out to big But have a happy day everyone.========Marie
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Happy December & TGIF!!! Where does the time go!!! :noway: Maybe, someday, when I'm retired I'll have more time to keep up with you all!:laugh:
    I hope everyone has a wonderful month, with all the precious Holidays!
    God Bless!
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Hi. I'm not feeling too sore after the fall, though I am beginning to feel a bit stiff - still, it could be a lot worse. I have changed my profile picture so that you can see the view from my front door. I'll have to post a link to my Facebook page sometime so that you can all get to see some other views of England!!

    Happy Hannakah to Barbie and all my new jewish friends. :smile: :smile: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    :noway: :blushing: :embarassed: ; I didn't realize it was Chanukah until my son called to wish us a happy one :embarassed: so I will pass it on to BARBIE and JAKE,...and don't eat too many of those chocolate coins! Or delicious potato pancakes!!! :tongue:
    :flowerforyou: HAPPY CHANUKAH to all who celebrate, and everyone else who'd like to!

    And BARBIE, I can't believe I left you out of my semi-novella, especially since you alerted me to posting through WORD!!!