Senior Golden Sneakers - December 2010



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gayla enjoy being with your family this weekend. Make the cornbread half and half
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: today I had the last meeting of a committee I've been serving on for two years.....i love everyone on the committee but won't miss the day long adventure of the meeting......the meeting itself lasted only about two hours but complex carpooling, traffic contingencies and a long restaurant meal afterward had me leaving the house at 7:30 AM and getting home at 5 PM.....we had Mexican for dinner----chicken mole enchiladas with rice and beans but I got pico de gallo instead of sour cream and guacamole and brought half of it home for DH who was thrilled to get it.......I did get to walk for about 40 minutes while waiting for my carpooling connection and I've ridden the exercise bike for 25 minutes and will ride again before bedtime. I will probably be over my calories for the day but not by too much and tomorrow is our Isagenix cleanse day so that will get me back on track.

    :flowerforyou: Connie, your upcoming adventure caring for your husband sounds like a huge's not something I would want to do.....I've cared for my husband before but not after such a major surgery...taking it one day (or one moment) at a time and using gratitude that he's still with you might be good tools along with sharing your frustrations with us......we are very good listeners.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, your meal sounds delicious.

    :flowerforyou: I just saw the news about all the snow in Illinois, Indiana and other midwest states....I hope you are all staying warm.
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Now it's time to get back on the bike before bedtime.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    We got to that one farmer's market still existing and picked up a couple of ears of yummy bi-color corn; tasted like I had cooked it in sugar instead of just steaming it! Also some cute mini cucumbers from Israel, so I added tomatoes, scallions and radishes and have been scouring the internet for Israeli chopped salad! Found a fascinating spice store online and ordered ground sumac to make a mid-eastern spice mixture called Za'atar (! ) which contains the sumac, toasted ground sesame seeds, and other herbs for a very exotic dressing for the vegetables. I learned about so many things I'd never heard of before. It should spice up my food preparation, as I've been tired of the same old, same old! :indifferent: And one of the sites mentioned the whole secret to the salad is chopping everything in tiny pieces, and she uses her onion cutter...or dicer... to make it easier. It was fun reading all the different recipes, too! So tomorrow I'll chop away all day, as I don't think I own an onion dicer!

    Marie, your soups sound so creative, and I love anything made with beans. And it's soup weather right now .

    Gayla, your planned meal makes me want to come join you all. Just love prime ribs and everything that goes with it. My poor DH hasn't his own teeth, and eating meat bothers him, so we mainly have chicken or turkey til it comes out of our kazoo!

    Barbie, are you anywhere near Port Townsend? The whole area sound so wonderful.

    Gigi, Cancun sounds like a great destination. Is your whole family joining you on the cruise? I can't imagine mine all getting together for such a nice holiday. Lucky you! I'll picture you frolicking in the tropics...:bigsmile:

    Pam, so glad you had no after effects from the fall. Your community sounds like such a social place to live. Nice :flowerforyou:

    Sandy,how are the back and leg doing? And did the reading go well? I know of a nice talent scout if you.....?

    So , Connie, how'd the first day home go? Was it as bad as you feared, or were you pleasantly surprised? :flowerforyou: Remember, it won't be permanent!!! :laugh:

    Marilyn, sounds like tough going, but you seem determined to make the most of your life. Here's wishing you success at trying for that new position; some of us have been through truly tough times, and I'm sure we're all rooting for you. :flowerforyou: And it's hard enough to diet at any time, but more so when you have so much at stake! The time will come again. Keep your chin up!

    Happy Sunday everyone.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member

    Gingerbread Houses....with Rossana and Granddaughters Marisa and Bryanna
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Daisy watching the first snowfall

    Pretty Girl

    Cozy on the Couch
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Buzz, Barbie, Pam, Sandy and all the gang...

    Thank you for your encouragement and permission to vent. Sometimes it's easier to talk to relative strangers than relatives!

    Our first day/night went well. I find myself, once again, in "push" mode - something I've had to do all our married life. I am a "doer" - he is a "wait and see-er". So I'm pushing him to walk his 200 feet six times a day, to do his breathing exercises six times a day, to finish his meals (nutrition and healing are so closely linked) even though he's not hungry, and so on.

    I've taken and recorded blood pressure and heart rate with the help of a little machine. And I congratulated him when he got on the scale this morning. He's lost 21 pounds since we started counting calories with the help of MFP back in mid-October. Open heart surgery is a wieght loss method I do not recommend, however.

    We're being visited by the home health care nurse as I speak.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbiecat this for you. I know how well you like roasted veggies and the sounds so goof. Made me want to to buy some and roast some. It didn't work let met try again.
  • viliberty1957
    Sandy....what beautiful dogs.:smile:
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Sandy, with her puppy cut, your Daisy looks so much like a bearded collie. If we ever have dogs after my boys are gone I would like a bearded collie. Smaller, easier coat to care for but sweet and affectionate. I especially love the bottom photo. I could snuggle up right with her.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I do hope you all had a lovely Sunday. We did . My daughter did not make it out She had to work yesterday and her husband is not feeling good.

    We made plans to go with them today for a trip to So Texas To see this lovely little german town and all their Christmas lights. Weill spen to nights down there that is if the weather is nice and we are all well. We will go Christmas week. Should be fun. And eat German foods They have a bunch of little shops too.

    The weather here today was a little cooler than we have been having So my black eye pea soup and cornbread hit the spot.

    Gayla I have not found out to much about WW new Plus points yet. Not much on the web yet either. I did find all the foods that is alowe It is about what I am doing.

    Here is that web site She has some good recipes and said that you just choose from this list and quit eating before you get too full.

  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    We made plans to go with them today for a trip to So Texas To see this lovely little german town and all their Christmas lights. Weill spen to nights down there that is if the weather is nice and we are all well. We will go Christmas week. Should be fun. And eat German foods They have a bunch of little shops too.

    Marie, you must mean New Braunfels. Back in the day our tour company packaged visits to San Antonio and New Braunfels at Christmas time. I don't think there is anywhere in the United States that is prettier than San Antonio during the holidays.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yes Connie. we Have resivation at Fredrickburgs My Husband was in the Air Force and we are going to see all the war musems. Or the guys are Alice and I will go ahopping. Wish the Bluebonnets was bloomiing But I will send a picture of them I think that is snow down there Didn't know it snow that far I wonder what year that was?? This is a photobucket pictures.Marie
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    :wink: Such talent here! MARIE, that picture of the tree and flowers is breathtaking! And I better find and print that soup recipe before it disappears! Sounds like a lovely trip and if I were going , I'd run to a bakery first thing, as German bread is out of this world! Great for the waistline, :laugh:

    SANDY, what lovely granddaughters you have! And I can just feel my fingers running through Daisy's coat! I used to give my chocolate poodles a puppy cut as a welcome change from their show cut, which was a pain in the butt to cut!

    IRENE, good to see you on the thread :love:

    CONNIE, vent all you want! You're more than entitled and this is a safe haven!!! :flowerforyou:

    I had a heck of a time trying to save my salad recipe to my FOOD section, so I entered it in the RECIPES section of the boards. But I'll paste it here in case anyone wants to try it. Simple, flexible, my DH asked me to add vinegar when we eat the rest of it. .
    I got this fabulous Vidalia Onion Chopper at BBB and wonder how I lived without it! My Cuisiart never diced tomatoes or anything so perfectly! Anyway, here's the recipe:

    Easy recipe for Israeli Chopped salad

    Makes 6 servings

    A great fresh mix of herbs and vegatables in a very lite salad.

    Ingredients 1 bunch Fresh dill, chopped finely
    1 bunch Fresh parsley, chopped finely
    4 whole tomatoes, choped finely and seeds removed
    1 red onion, chopped finely (may substitute 4 scallions)
    2 whole cuccumbers, chopped finely and seeds removed
    1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
    1 1/2 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
    ( I also may use thyme, oregano, ground sesame seeds, ground black pepper, garlic or powder...all or some!)
    Optional, olives, green OR black, chick peas, pine nuts, feta cheese. Have fun with it!
    1.Mix chopped ingredients
    I used my Vidalia Onion Chopper to quickly chop all the vegetables! :bigsmile:

    2.Drizzle extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice over mixture and mix again.

    3.If you add salt it will break the tomatoes down faster.

    4.Salad needs to be chilled then eaten.


    Herbs, Tomatoes, Vegetables, Salads, Side Dish, Snacks, Middle Eastern, No Cook, Vegetarian

    Nutrition Facts
    Serving Size 113.9g
    Some items from this recipe could not be found or sized. This estimate is incomplete.

    Amount Per Serving
    Calories 55 Calories from Fat 31
    % Daily Value*
    Total Fat 3.5g5%
    Saturated Fat 0.4g2%
    Trans Fat 0.0g
    Cholesterol 0mg0%
    Sodium 5mg0%
    Total Carbohydrates 5.9g2%
    Dietary Fiber 1.2g5%
    Sugars 3.1g
    Protein 0.9g

    Vitamin A 14% • Vitamin C 27%
    Calcium 1% • Iron 1%

    * Based on a 2000 calorie diet
    Edited by delraybuzz on Sun 12/05/10 07:54 PM
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: Buzz, we live about 25 miles from Port Townsend....we get over there a few times a is a charming town but off the beaten path

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, the pictures of Daisy are awesome :bigsmile: there's an old English sheepdog that comes to the dog park often when we're there and she's beautiful and sweet but not nearly as beautiful as Daisy

    :flowerforyou: Marie, my father grew up in Texas.....he left home at age 18 but his mother and sister lived there all their lives.....the last place my grandma lived in Texas was Fredericksburg----after that she moved to northern California to live with my dad and mom.

    :flowerforyou: this has been a lazy day for us but I managed to spend 50 minutes at the dog park so the girls could play with two poodles, a collie, a Jack Russell terrier, and two golden doodles.

    :flowerforyou: we watched two funny movies today "Evan Almighty" and "The Producers" It gave me a lot of time to work on my knitting. and do laundry.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • jeffrey71
    Snowy days and Mondays always get me down! (remember the song?)

    Not a lot to report from here in Indiana. Just cold and snow. More of both on the way! I am feeling pretty good today and I will probably train some tonight. My weight is staying in my target range and I am happy about that at this time of the year! Everyone is fine around our family and friends. I appear to be the weak link! LOL

    Gayla I don't envy your proceedure. Here they give you a med IV that inhibits the memory of the entire event. I hear it is pretty sweet and very "peaceful", you just sleep.

    Marie you sound well and that makes me happy.

    Barbie anything new with you?

    Sandy I really enjoyed the pics of the pup! I am going to wait until I see the next surgeon before I register for the Chicago triathlon, but I fully intend to do it this year. I will keep you updated.

    I will catch up with the rest of you all later! Have a great day! Stay warm! LOL

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Will be back later to report in. Love Marie
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Hello Sneakers, hope you are all OK and from the posts you all seem to be having great weekends.

    Sandy - I loved the photos of the grand-daughters and the gingerbread houses and Daisy looks just gorgeous.

    Connie - so good to hear that you are managing so well, so far. My husband had a spinal problem which was degenerative so he went from walking unaided to using one, then two sticks, then a walker and finally a wheelchair. I often had to bite my tongue as Stephen was a very independent man and was extremely reluctant to accept help - to the point of rudeness!! I often found that I had to take a psychological approach and feed ideas to him in such a way as he decided that he had thought of them first!!!! It is a good thing that we women can multi task. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Keep up the good work a day at a time and make sure you have time for yourself as well. You need to recharge your batteries; try and find time to go for a walk - even if it is just around your back yard or find 30 mins to sit and read a book, do some knitting or, as you are already doing, spend some time reading and replying to the messages on this thread!! You (and your husband) are very much in all our thoughts - sending you many friendly hugs from this side of the Atlantic.

    I think I spoke too soon when I said that I didn't seem to have any ill effects from the fall. My back is still very sore and I find even walking quite painful. So, I am having to remember I am not as young as I once was, I don't 'bounce' if I fall and I am giving myself permission to take it easy!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    All best wishes to everyone
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Easy recipe for Israeli Chopped salad

    Gosh - thank you for the reminder. When in Israel - in the region around Galilee, we would often purchase a similar salad wrapped in a cone made from pita or flat bread and then in a paper wrapper. We'd walk along the streets with our lemonada (a mint lemonade) and our pitas. The same salad was often served at breakfast in the kibuttz along with hard boiled eggs and cheeses. Sometimes I would be brave and have Shakshooka at breakfast but it was (and is) too spicy for me to eat every day.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Connie, your comment about Shaksuka intrigued me, so I googled to find out what it was, and found a recipe that looks pretty easy to follow. For other inquiring minds, this is a spicy dish with tomatoes and eggs. Here is a link to the recipe I found:

    BTW, Jeffrey, Isn't one "weaklink" around here enough??? LOL

    Marie, love your little good morning cartoons.

    Sandy, Daisy and your granddaughters all look beautiful.

    To those getting snow, sorry about that. So far we have escaped any significant snow. The only incident arrived and left in the same afternoon which was fine with me.

    Just popped in for a minute, so bye for now.
