Weight lifting without a spotter?



  • 6ftamazon
    6ftamazon Posts: 340 Member
    Can I just say I'm a 250+ lb female and I've never had a problem asking someone to spot me. Most guys and girls in the gym are focused on their workout, and I've maybe experienced one jerk in my 10 years of going to the gym. I think you're imagining things that aren't really there. I get that it can be intimidating, but they're just people. As for staring, I've seen some hot women in the gym and have looked...and I'm completely straight. It doesn't mean anything and it doesn't mean someone is a jerk because they look at something.

    Oh, I really don't mind the looking. I do that too. We're all human after all.
    I just have problems with misogynous comments and insults. You are right though, I might be imagining things. Not everyone can possibly be that "bad". Thank you for your encouragements, and congratulations on your weight loss!

    Thanks and you too!
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    As much as you don't want to ask the meatheads, please please please don't lift without a spotter. A man I know just recently died--they found him on the weight bench, with the barbell cutting off his air. He was only 24, and even thought he'd been lifting for years, he got cocky and thought he could do without a spotter. Don't risk it.

    While that is tragic, this had way bigger issues than 'lifting without a spotter'.

    There is no reason for the bar to be over his neck at any stage of a bench press.

    You don't need a spotter if you are lifting correctly using the safety equipment properly.

    If I plan to bench on a night there is no one to spot me, I don't do my 1 RM, I always lift a weight I know I can do for that number of reps. If I think I'm going to fail on the last rep, and I don't have a spotter or saftey bars, I don't go for that rep, I drop my weights and do a drop set.
  • catneon
    catneon Posts: 911 Member
    I lift and I've only used a spotter a few times, just never had access to one. Start with just the bar and increase from there, you'll learn soon enough to recognize when the weight is at your limit. Failing can happen squat racks have safety bars , deadlifts have the floor and bench worst comes to worst use the smith for it.
    Who cares about the meat heads at the gym, you're doing this for you not them;)
    check out vids online of what you want to do and if you're still uncomfortable book a couple of sessions with a trainer just to show you proper lift etc...

    ETA: I may not be a guy but I surely check myself out when lifting byproduct of seeing muscles you never thought you had !
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    As much as you don't want to ask the meatheads, please please please don't lift without a spotter. A man I know just recently died--they found him on the weight bench, with the barbell cutting off his air. He was only 24, and even thought he'd been lifting for years, he got cocky and thought he could do without a spotter. Don't risk it.

    This is why you learn the roll of shame...
  • You shouldn't have any problems with spotters because first off, the only exercise that really is relatively necessary to have a spotter for in the gym is bench press. And secondly, you are a girl starting off, so you won't be doing much weight, which means just about anyone can keep the weight going, added to your pushing power. This assumes you are lifting responsibly (you don't go flaccid/limp when you cant quite do the weight and you dont pile on extra weight you have little chance/no experience moving to impress people do you?).

    So, go ask some girl to spot you instead of a "dudebro". Frankly, I've had better luck with girls spotting me than average guys/ "dudebros". They have this propensity to not listen and lift too early/too late/not at all, do something strange like lean over and drip sweat on your face or pull back instead of up, or just try to show off that they are really strong and only lift with one hand off center, disbalancing you and not helping in effect or making the situation worse. I don't consider the more serious/experienced lifters "dudebros", they can obviously be the best spotters, they can both admire their biceps and know when to give a little or a lot of help and give encouragement at the same time. Girls tend to take the weight seriously, listen, and only lift a little, just like a spotter should. Plus again, if you are lifting responsibly, you shouldn't be doing a weight that cant be moved with a relatively small additional force (barring a catastrophic failure). ;) I used to have a 120lb girl spot me when I was doing 425lb bench and really was the best help of any non-powerlifter I had spot me. And that was only because she didnt have the muscle power to encourage me to go past my limits and do negatives and catch the weight if I had a larger failure.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    power cage
    roll of shame
    and "can you spot me real quick"

    that's how you deal with it.
  • stupidloser
    stupidloser Posts: 300 Member
    Use machines....resisitance is resistance.your body can't tell if u are pushing a car or pushing a house. With machines, u don't need a spotter. What is more important is making sure u allow your body the rest and time it needs to grow back stronger. The amount of time varies from people to people. You would to experiment.
  • rogerOb1
    rogerOb1 Posts: 318 Member
    I spend a lot of time on the weight room floor talking about the chicks I plan to bang. Better not ask me for help.


    The only move that I really like to have a spotter on is bench press and I have no problem asking the "dudebros". Lunges and squats are done in a power rack with the safety bars set up at the correct height. The bar can roll of your shoulders to the back if you really get stuck. I'm not even sure how someone would spot a deadlift. You just put it down if you get stuck. Gravity is your spot.

    that could be awkward....I can think of ways, but nothing that wouldn't be extremely awkward for both parties....

    If someones spotting me on a deadlift...I think that means we are dating at that point, lol.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Use machines....resisitance is resistance.your body can't tell if u are pushing a car or pushing a house. With machines, u don't need a spotter. What is more important is making sure u allow your body the rest and time it needs to grow back stronger. The amount of time varies from people to people. You would to experiment.

    actually it can.

    So no- don't use machines. unless you HAVE to. which is usually from an in balance or recovery situation. Not just a "I don't' have a spotter" issue.

    I lift alone 98% of the time. Only pinned myself under a bench once- and I was fine- not in any danger- just my pride.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    The thing is, at the time I go to the gym, the floor of the weights room is filled with meatheads. I might be a little too judgmental, but all I see everywhere is dudebros kissing their biceps, grunting and talking about the chicks they plan to bang. If I was in a friendlier place, I certainly wouldn't mind asking for someone to spot me, but I find that this is not an option in my current situation.

    What would you do in my situation?
    Join planet fitness.

    Or learn to play nice with others.

    The immediate bias against others is really not needed. Surprisingly, some of those meatheads are people, and occasionally they have feelings.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    My trainer asked this guy if he'd spot me doing heavier weight for squats and his response was "umm...for her? no, I can't be trusted". And he was the only one she said I should trust. Now I'm like...what? Lighter weight I guess.

    Honestly it sounds like you didn't get the joke
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    But they are mostly *kitten*.
    Ah I get it, misandry.

    How unfortunate. :(
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    I'd go without the spot personally
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    My trainer asked this guy if he'd spot me doing heavier weight for squats and his response was "umm...for her? no, I can't be trusted". And he was the only one she said I should trust. Now I'm like...what? Lighter weight I guess.

    Honestly it sounds like you didn't get the joke

    I didn't either...what was the joke?
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    My trainer asked this guy if he'd spot me doing heavier weight for squats and his response was "umm...for her? no, I can't be trusted". And he was the only one she said I should trust. Now I'm like...what? Lighter weight I guess.

    Honestly it sounds like you didn't get the joke

    I didn't either...what was the joke?

    That she's super hot and he's into her.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    My trainer asked this guy if he'd spot me doing heavier weight for squats and his response was "umm...for her? no, I can't be trusted". And he was the only one she said I should trust. Now I'm like...what? Lighter weight I guess.

    Honestly it sounds like you didn't get the joke

    I didn't either...what was the joke?

    That she's super hot and he's into her.

    Seems more like a statement than a joke...
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    I have never had a spotter. Just get the gym staff to demonstrate correct form, start with low weights and increase them gradually as you become confident with the moves. I'm stuck on my bench press at the moment but I have no spotter so I won't increase until I feel ready.
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    In my opinion spotters are needed to give you a mental edge to push those 1-2 reps at the end of a set or when you are pushing heavy weights and if you fail it could get risky if you don't have someone around.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    Personally I've not had to have a spotter for years, but it's because I train to my failure (where I don't believe I can do another rep). It takes time to figure that out, but one doesn't have to do bench press because they lack a spotter. Dumbells can easily be put down if you can't complete a rep while benching. Squat in a rack and utilize the safety catches if you can't pull off that last rep.
    All in all, from the many gyms I've been in, I have yet to run into any meat head that didn't provide a spot when politely asked.

    A.C.E. Certified Group Fitness and Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • keefmac
    keefmac Posts: 313 Member
    I've failed a few times at bench press, you lay it on your chest and roll it down. Your neck should never be anywhere near the bar at any time!.

    I used lifts that were easy to get out of incase I couldn't complete the last rep (used to train in my man-shed before all the kids toys took over it..).