Weight lifting without a spotter?



  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Note that you can bench in a rack if you're doing a 'powerlifter' style bench press where you push your chest out.
    Set the safety bar so that the weights will just touch your ribs when in the position, but if you relax down to lying flat don't.

    I've got my own weights setup and so never have a spotter.

    Also, for the record, it's not because they're "meat heads". It's because they're men. A lot of men act like that regardless of their passtimes or 'supplements' they are taking. You don't see it most of the time because you're generally not in an environment where men feel safe talking.

    I believe that would make it misandry on your part - but I'm not sure if that's ok with you or not :).
  • TheMetalMan0
    TheMetalMan0 Posts: 64 Member
    Just use dumbbells? The only one you really need a spot for is bench, so if you're using dumbbells you don't need a spot.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    My trainer asked this guy if he'd spot me doing heavier weight for squats and his response was "umm...for her? no, I can't be trusted". And he was the only one she said I should trust. Now I'm like...what? Lighter weight I guess.

    Honestly it sounds like you didn't get the joke

    I didn't either...what was the joke?

    That she's super hot and he's into her.

    Seems more like a statement than a joke...

    Yes. He was making a truthful statement that he actually can't be trusted to control his language and his hands simply because of his proximity to a woman. Because not only do grown men not have control over themselves, they also announce their lack of control in public places.

    And your female trainer has knowledge of that guys propensity for assault and she tried to trick you into letting him spot you anyway and she even went so far as to vouch for his trustworthiness.

    Yep, definitely a statement. Because this is how things work in the real world.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    3. Why is being a bicep kissing dudebro something that prevents someone from being friendly and helpful? I'm a bicep kissing dudebro and I've never declined to help someone that asked. Your judgeyness is only slowing your own roll. Just because someone looks like you doesn't automatically make them friendlier than people that are different. Get out of your bubble

    From a woman's perspective, a guy who is loudly talking about the next chick he is going to bang is in the danger zone. A girl has to be careful. It's doubtful she has a problem with the dudebro part. I certainly wouldn't get close to a man who could easily overpower me who seems like a sleeze. Not worth the risk.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    gotta be hard living a life where you walk around being scared of people.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    The biceps-kissing dudebros are, almost universally, the nicest people in the gym. I'd rather ask a meathead for help over a cardio bunny any day of the week.

    Next time you're in the weight area, try making eye contact and saying hi. I'd bet money that won't send them into a testosterone-fueled rage.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    As much as you don't want to ask the meatheads, please please please don't lift without a spotter. A man I know just recently died--they found him on the weight bench, with the barbell cutting off his air. He was only 24, and even thought he'd been lifting for years, he got cocky and thought he could do without a spotter. Don't risk it.

    This is why you learn the roll of shame...

    Or bench in the rack with safeties. I lift weights alone in my garage and never use a spotter.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Don't be afraid to ask for a spot if you need it, the people at the gym in general are pretty awesome. Try talking to Mr. Meathead, you might find out he's a cool dude that is happy to spot you 99% of the time.

    I haven't needed a spot so far because I gauge the intensity of each rep as I go. On the bench I prefer 5 reps per set, if I can only get to 4 that's ok which sometimes happens when I get to the 4th or 5th set. As long as I'm working my muscles well doesn't have to be a perfect 5x5.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    As much as you don't want to ask the meatheads, please please please don't lift without a spotter. A man I know just recently died--they found him on the weight bench, with the barbell cutting off his air. He was only 24, and even thought he'd been lifting for years, he got cocky and thought he could do without a spotter. Don't risk it.

    This is why you learn the roll of shame...

    Or bench in the rack with safeties. I lift weights alone in my garage and never use a spotter.

    This usually for me too..did the roll of shame on Monday...eh not a biggy

    But if I were in a gym...I would use the following in this order

    1. Rack with safety bars
    2. Bro kissing his bicep...because he could easily spot me
    3. dumbells
    4. somthing else
    5. not work out
    6. cardio bunneh. no never mind wouldn't use one of those ever..
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    As much as you don't want to ask the meatheads, please please please don't lift without a spotter. A man I know just recently died--they found him on the weight bench, with the barbell cutting off his air. He was only 24, and even thought he'd been lifting for years, he got cocky and thought he could do without a spotter. Don't risk it.

    This is why you learn the roll of shame...

    Or bench in the rack with safeties. I lift weights alone in my garage and never use a spotter.

    Yeah, pin bench. I don't know the roll of shame, but with the pins, don't gotta. Wreck that chest.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    the only exercise that i can think of that you could honestly get trapped in without a spotter is bench press. Sometimes i will ask for a spot on my last set, sometimes i just wont push it.
  • I don't use a spotter most of the time. As long as you are smart and learn proper way to unload a failed rep, you are probably going to be ok. And don't lock the weights on the ends when doing bench press. Just tilt the bar to either side in a failed bench press rep, if you lock the weights on side, you are screwed.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I suck it up and ask if you want to get stronger with heavy weights. I ask people to spot me all the time and there weaker than me. Now dudes asking dudes for a proper squat spot. I have people ask me to spot on a squat. I have no problem.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I might be a little too judgmental, but all I see everywhere is dudebros kissing their biceps, grunting and talking about the chicks they plan to bang.

    Exactly what gyms are people going to? I never see this. I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen someone overly examine themselves or pose. Even those times aren't a big deal because it seems at least someone logical to look at yourself when you're surrounded by mirrors. I can only think of one guy at my gym who grunts. His hype routine before a lift is pretty funny too. Then again I saw him bench 8 plates once so I'll let him off with a warning. As far as guys talking about who they want to bang? I dunno, probably happens among young single friends. I can't really hear anyone over the gyms music, let alone my own. Maybe seek out someone who looks serious. You probably haven't noticed him/her yet since you're too busy gawking at dudebros.

    405 bench. That is crazy elite weight. I wanna be up there.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    i recently asked a dudebro who was between his sets of show off pullup->leg raises to spot me while i benched. he was kinda like :grumble: "sure" at first but i got the impression that once he saw that i could really bench those 135 pounds, knew what i was doing and all he had to do was help be rack then he was like :flowerforyou:

    now when i see him in the gym on non bench days i get the dudebro fist bump...

    and the bench is the only lift you really need a spotter for. anything else is just an excuse to have a posse around you because if things go back all you have to do is drop the weight and step away.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I might be a little too judgmental, but all I see everywhere is dudebros kissing their biceps, grunting and talking about the chicks they plan to bang.

    Exactly what gyms are people going to? I never see this. I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen someone overly examine themselves or pose. Even those times aren't a big deal because it seems at least someone logical to look at yourself when you're surrounded by mirrors. I can only think of one guy at my gym who grunts. His hype routine before a lift is pretty funny too. Then again I saw him bench 8 plates once so I'll let him off with a warning. As far as guys talking about who they want to bang? I dunno, probably happens among young single friends. I can't really hear anyone over the gyms music, let alone my own. Maybe seek out someone who looks serious. You probably haven't noticed him/her yet since you're too busy gawking at dudebros.

    405 bench. That is crazy elite weight. I wanna be up there.

    Either he mistyped - and it is 405 - or it was 765. When stating the number of plates, you only state what's on one side. eta: 405 would be 4 plates.
  • osothefinn
    osothefinn Posts: 163 Member
    As much as you don't want to ask the meatheads, please please please don't lift without a spotter. A man I know just recently died--they found him on the weight bench, with the barbell cutting off his air. He was only 24, and even thought he'd been lifting for years, he got cocky and thought he could do without a spotter. Don't risk it.

    This is why you learn the roll of shame...

    Or don't put the clamps on and do the dump of shame.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I might be a little too judgmental, but all I see everywhere is dudebros kissing their biceps, grunting and talking about the chicks they plan to bang.

    Exactly what gyms are people going to? I never see this. I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen someone overly examine themselves or pose. Even those times aren't a big deal because it seems at least someone logical to look at yourself when you're surrounded by mirrors. I can only think of one guy at my gym who grunts. His hype routine before a lift is pretty funny too. Then again I saw him bench 8 plates once so I'll let him off with a warning. As far as guys talking about who they want to bang? I dunno, probably happens among young single friends. I can't really hear anyone over the gyms music, let alone my own. Maybe seek out someone who looks serious. You probably haven't noticed him/her yet since you're too busy gawking at dudebros.

    405 bench. That is crazy elite weight. I wanna be up there.

    Either he mistyped - and it is 405 - or it was 765. When stating the number of plates, you only state what's on one side. eta: 405 would be 4 plates.

    Is that a real rule? LOL Yeah 405.

    It is up to who you talk too. How I know he was talking about 405 because not a lot of people can bench that but doable. 405 bench is pretty elite.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Spotter not really necessary at this stage, I think.

    Keep doing what you can without having to "fail" and one day, you may notice someone watching your form and then you can approach and say, "hey, i noticed you watching...can you help me out with something..." and see if he/she will spot you.

    But I read on a few posts that it's a spotter is not necessary unless you're dealing with really challenging weights in dangers positions.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    1. Next time don't bury the question in so many unneeded words.
    2. Most exercises don't benefit from having a spotter. The three you listed, lunges, squats, and deadlifts particularly don't need a spotter. They have a squat rack or power rack that's 100000x better than the best spotter could ever be.
    3. Why is being a bicep kissing dudebro something that prevents someone from being friendly and helpful? I'm a bicep kissing dudebro and I've never declined to help someone that asked. Your judgeyness is only slowing your own roll. Just because someone looks like you doesn't automatically make them friendlier than people that are different. Get out of your bubble

    He's right. Some of those meatheads may actually be nice and helpful. Don't be intimidated, ever.