What you "CAN'T" eat anymore?



  • Rhaynestorm
    Rhaynestorm Posts: 62 Member
    Also donuts. They're just too sweet for me anymore. I eat one and it's like a complete sugar overload and sometimes I get a headache after. I can have a bite or maybe even a half donut if there's not too much icing but no more full donuts for me.
  • amwoidyla
    amwoidyla Posts: 257 Member
    Blended coffee beverages from Starbucks or Caribou. They're sooo good, but WAY too sweet for me these days.
  • qmmanager69
    qmmanager69 Posts: 71 Member
    I could eat if if I wanted, but I can't stand the smell and/or taste of fried food. Going to the cafeteria at my work grosses me out because all I can smell is grease. I can even smell it when I drive past certain restaurants with the car windows down. It's crazy how one can go from craving mcdonald's fries to loathing the smell in just a few short months.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Also donuts. They're just too sweet for me anymore. I eat one and it's like a complete sugar overload and sometimes I get a headache after. I can have a bite or maybe even a half donut if there's not too much icing but no more full donuts for me.

    I still love donuts from one particular place...which is within walking distance, so it's a small miracle that my husband and I only end up going there once a month or so. But now I find that I MUST have a 'real breakfast' on mornings when we get a donut. We wake up and drink coffee and eat 1-2 eggs, maybe throw in some veggies, and then go get a donut apiece. In the past it would be 1-3 donuts each and a sugared up coffee to hit the road for a road trip. We need better stuff to be ready for a long active day now.
    ANNAvsANNA Posts: 58 Member
    I can't tolerate simple carbohydrates anymore! White bread tastes like nothing....greasy/fried foods make my skin feel "thick" (it's a strange feeling but it's hard to explain. It's like it feels heavy.) Sugar and salt give me a splitting head ache. I've started to notice my body feels bloated after eating certain foods.
  • michikade
    michikade Posts: 313 Member
    Add me to the sugared sodas list. Way too sweet and they kind of coat my mouth now. Ugh.

    Now, this is ONLY for the sodas in the United States. When I went to Mexico to hang out with a friend who was doing a semester abroad we had the Mexican formula of Coke and those were fine. I think it's because they use a lower amount of sweeteners down there, because I know it's not just the HFCS vs cane sugar difference - I can't drink Dublin Dr Peppers or Pepsi Throwback (which I know is beet sugar, not cane sugar... still different than HFCS) - way too cloyingly sweet.

    I used to love campbells condensed soups too. Now it just tastes like a salt bomb.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Lo Mein. I had it once, several months after I started losing weight, and then I spent most of the evening and night throwing up or pooping. Other people in my house that ate it had no issues, just me. I'm thinking it was the grease/oil in it. I haven't touched it since, but I used to love it.
  • hrod215
    hrod215 Posts: 163 Member
    ....greasy/fried foods make my skin feel "thick" (it's a strange feeling but it's hard to explain. It's like it feels heavy.)

    Funny you mention this... there was a story on what happens to the body after loading it with fatty foods and they say the blood actually thinckens and slows down for a little bit while your body is trying to process all the jink. Amazing how once we get rid of the crud we can tell when our bodies are off.
  • Stanlee202
    Stanlee202 Posts: 47 Member
    I can't drink pop-it's way too sweet. Add me to the fast food list-last time I went to McDonalds I felt sick for 2 days. I don't like Lay's potato chips much anymore-all I can taste is grease (maybe they always had that taste, just now noticing, but I used to eat a whole bag in one sitting) I'm a macaroni & cheese addict, I still haven't tried reintroducing that into my diet yet, so we'll have to wait and see if I still have a taste for it.
  • jtorrens01
    Daily, it upsets my stomach now
  • He1loKitty
    He1loKitty Posts: 212 Member
    Bread, vegetarian pizza, pasta and anything that is generally high in carbs without any protein to balance it out. Leaves me feeling full for about twenty minutes then I crash.
  • thesugarcoma
    thesugarcoma Posts: 5 Member
    Kraft dinner and aylmer tomato sauce on macaroni. I grew up on those two "meals". I really want to love them, but I cant stomach them anymore. They taste both bland and overly salty for me. It's bizarre. I wish I still had meals that reminded me of my mom, but the majoirty of her meals are way too salty. (Dont tell her that haha)

    There is also boxed Dainty rice, Side Kicks, Fruit Loops and individually packaged cakes/bars.
  • mspianomistress
    I don't care for pretty much anything fried and most processed junk food such as Doritos, etc. are disgusting to me now.
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    Got real drunk and ate a huge piece of cheesy potato pizza

    I'm not sure if it was delicious because I ate it so fast I hardly had time to process taste :P
    And my body was angry at me for about two days afterwards T___T

    *does a walk of shame back to the vegan party*
    moment of weakness
    not likely to be repeated anytime soon
  • Stilllosing26
    Stilllosing26 Posts: 256 Member
    Oreos and Sugary cereals are my downfall. I can and have eaten whole boxes of both!
  • CarrieAnnH14
    CarrieAnnH14 Posts: 85 Member
    I tried a bite of my daughter's doughnut the other day and all I tasted was salt. And I hate fast food french fries now. They just taste like salt and grease.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I used to be an ice cream junkie and would eat just about any kind. Now I'm super picky and won't even bother with it if it's not "quality" enough to be worth the calorie cost. It's pretty much Talenti first, last, and only these days. No more Edy's or Breyer's.

    YES!!! I've become an icecream snob when it comes to what I am willing to "spend" calories on.

    Me too! I actually always ate Haagen Dazs or Ben & Jerry's, but I would eat a whole pint in one sitting. Now I get the full four servings out of it, even though they've cheated us out of 4 oz. now a days.
  • SnazzIT
    SnazzIT Posts: 215 Member
    No longer can eat a whole bar of chocolate in one go
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    Fast food from just about anywhere I can't seem to stomach anymore. It literally doesn't matter from where. Which was a huge issue, since I just spent 3 weeks living out of hotel room in Alberta for work, with a $25 per diem each day, which basically equated to free breakfast at the hotel (powdered eggs, ugh) and two fast food meals. I literally felt sick for 3 weeks, and put on 7lbs.

    I also used to be a timbit fiend. Me, the tv and a 20 pack? No problem. Now it's like me, three timbits, and the bathroom to throw up. I think it's the fat in them, but I literally feel like I've had food poisoning if I eat more than one now.

    I'd be lying if I said I didn't crave all of that food sometimes still though.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I can't eat Jello cause the texture grosses me out, and I can't eat sliced tomatoes cause the seeds look like little larvae crawling around in their own jelly spit.