What Are You Enjoying About Losing Weight?



  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    I am still fat, but my clothes are too big!
  • rjcsonka
    rjcsonka Posts: 7 Member
    I can cross my legs without having to pull my foot up over my knee...

    Does that make any sense at all? LOL
  • Laurenloveswaffles
    Laurenloveswaffles Posts: 535 Member
    That I can eat oreos every single night.
  • richardositosanchez
    richardositosanchez Posts: 260 Member
    The increased energy, decreased muscle soreness, stiffness and cramps, having gone from barely fitting into an XL shirt to a medium, my doctor telling me that my cholesterol and fasting glucose levels are great, and the compliments I get from everyone telling me how much they've noticed that I've lose weight.
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    So many things!! But I'll try to keep the list short:

    -The extra energy
    -Not getting winded walking up stairs
    -Liking what's in the mirror
    -Wanting my picture taken
    -Looking good in a wiggle dress
    -The way my husband looks at me
    -The fact that my husband and I can be "closer" :wink:
  • katya_be
    katya_be Posts: 227 Member
    The compliments!!!
    ......and the questions:
    "What's your secret, how do you do it? What are you eating"
    My answer: "No secret! Just plain old healthy eating and exercise!"
    Then seeing thier reactions as I describe what I eat on a daily basis lol:laugh:
  • psjoholm
    psjoholm Posts: 8 Member
    1. My pants are already feeling looser
    2. I can actually jog most of the way on a 2.4 mile park stretch
    3. Stamina;)
  • hmrambling
    hmrambling Posts: 321 Member
    Compliments :)
  • DebSM2
    DebSM2 Posts: 62 Member
    I can cross my legs without having to pull my foot up over my knee...

    Does that make any sense at all? LOL

    Total and perfect sense! Also...

    Clothing options as mentioned by many
    Not worrying about fitting in booths, rides, lawn furniture etc...
    Not being winded going up a flight of steps
    Feeling strong running 15-20 miles a week
    Seeking out activities to do with my kids (including pool visits) rather than avoiding them

    Just feeling NORMAL...
  • jillian_fan2425
    jillian_fan2425 Posts: 167 Member
    I feel much more independent, even partway to my goal weight. I can walk places if I don't have access to the car or bus and I can carry heavy stuff if needed. (Nothing better than having a guy ask if he can help and being able to say, "Nope! I got it! Thanks!") Plus I actually like looking at myself in the mirror and going shopping for clothes. It's fun to see if I've gone down another size yet.
  • Paulglee72
    I"ve lost 12lbs so far . Took me seven weeks. I still have 4.5st to go but i feel happy and healthy. What i am enjoying most is the running. Not in a million years did i think i could run. Now i"m running five days a week. Four of those are for interval running where as of now i"m running 6x6 minute sets and on sunday mornings i have a steady run. Last sunday i ran for 18 minutes without stopping !! I cant wait to run a 5k. And thats a sentence i never thought i would write !!
  • skyekeeper
    skyekeeper Posts: 286 Member
    I secretly enjoyed banging by chin, on my rather large and prominent clavicles :)

    ^^^THIS!! I thought for sure I was the only one that had done this!!
  • dazzlesangel
    dazzlesangel Posts: 47 Member
    I'm enjoying not just the extra energy, but the motivation to get out there and do things.

    I love that I can run for an hour and not be totally wiped after.

    Loving that I can order clothes from catalogs and not worry about whether or not they'll fit, or having to 'guess' on which styles and sizes would work best to hide the unsightly parts.

    I love that I understand how to STAY thin, thanks to MFP...

    And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the realization that those heavier folks who are gasping for air after a flight or three of stairs are gasping because they're carrying around extra weight. I can't imagine running a 5K while carrying a 50 pound bag of rice. I'd croak. Makes me really proud of people who are overweight and get out there and move (I didn't really start exercising until I'd lost substantial weight... I wish I hadn't waited). I guess it boils down to the realization that people are absolutely amazing. And awesome.... So I guess, in a long diatribe, I really like the KNOWLEDGE I've gained while losing weight this time.

    I couldn't agree more. My weight has yo yo'd for many years, but this time I am so confident that it will stay off, because I have learned so much about how to keep my weight under control, whereas in the past I would get to my ideal weight and then go back to 'eating normally', which of course is how I got fat in the first place and so the weight went back on again! As for exercising while carrying extra weight, I have a set of dumbell weights, which weigh 19kg altogether, and I am unable to pick up the box they are in as they are too heavy, however I have actually lost over 23kgs since starting my weight loss, it's no wonder I got out of breath so easily and had so many aches and pains, lol!
  • MrsMizart
    MrsMizart Posts: 1,275 Member
    Brilliant responses :bigsmile:

    A couple of them I am enjoying now, and the sweet taste of success is better than a bar of chocolate :bigsmile: , but there's a whole load of things still to look forward to :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • osteological
    osteological Posts: 69 Member
    My lower back pain has really subsided since I started losing weight - probably a combo of me working out more frequently and getting my back muscles into shape.
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    Feeling good
    I love my leg muscles, my legs have always been a pain point for me and now I actually like how they look
    Running- I can't believe I'm a runner
    New clothes that look good and fit
    Size small shirts!
    No double chin
    I don't mind being in pictures anymore
    Going to the beach and not having to hide in shirt and shorts
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    I like seeing my thighs get smaller. So used to seeing them chubby it's weird to see them thinner now.
  • slouw10
    slouw10 Posts: 82 Member
    I can run again - the best feeling in the world - feels like freedom to be out running and enjoying it too!

    Oh, and shopping for clothes, I can take the ones that looks cute and not the ones that previously would have fitted only.
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    No chub rub this year.

    I've been walking about bare legged in skirts all summer, even when it's been really hot or I'm sandy and sea salty without any problems. It's great!

    Being able to buy clothes anywhere is good too, but losing the chub rub has made a huge difference.
  • LoneWolf_70
    LoneWolf_70 Posts: 1,151 Member
    my junk looking bigger.