I hate it when....



  • doublexhelix
    doublexhelix Posts: 199 Member
    i like this thread :D
  • brittlynne3579
    brittlynne3579 Posts: 217 Member
    You guys touched on all mine...

    *Bashing for cheat day - almost EVERYONE has a cheat day or moment at sometime! Get off the high horse

    *Not searching - I see SO SO SO many posts about heart rate monitors, Jillian Michaels, etc. :laugh:

    *Crap talking forum trolls - You know these people...smart a** comment for everyone's opinion, sometimes crude, sometimes downright mean and nasty. We're lucky we don't live in the same town...I'd smack that attitude right out of your mouth!

    and lastly....

    *People who talk smack about the website. I hear people ALL THE TIME saying they aren't getting support they need, or don't have any motivation or someone is being mean to them. If you can't find support on here...you can't find it anywhere...if someone is being a jerk...de-friend them and block them.
  • donbogi
    donbogi Posts: 175
    You guys touched on all mine...

    *Bashing for cheat day - almost EVERYONE has a cheat day or moment at sometime! Get off the high horse

    *Not searching - I see SO SO SO many posts about heart rate monitors, Jillian Michaels, etc. :laugh:

    *Crap talking forum trolls - You know these people...smart a** comment for everyone's opinion, sometimes crude, sometimes downright mean and nasty. We're lucky we don't live in the same town...I'd smack that attitude right out of your mouth!

    and lastly....

    *People who talk smack about the website. I hear people ALL THE TIME saying they aren't getting support they need, or don't have any motivation or someone is being mean to them. If you can't find support on here...you can't find it anywhere...if someone is being a jerk...de-friend them and block them.

    Very well worded!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    People without enough confidence to use their own photo in their profile yet all they talk about in the forum’s are how fit and athletic they are and that their method of eating/exercising is the best way yet they fail to show themselves. PROVE IT!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    People without enough confidence to use their own photo in their profile yet all they talk about in the forum’s are how fit and athletic they are and that their method of eating/exercising is the best way yet they fail to show themselves. PROVE IT!
    Agreed. Seriously...use your own pic!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    People tell you what you should weight, or that you're skinny. Just because someone else who is 5'4" is happy at 160 doesn't mean I am. *shrugs shoulders*

    Otherwise I pretty much love MFP, the people are pretty awesome and it nice to see people who are just starting out as well as people who have been here for quite some time!

    yes!! thank you! I have people that freak on me about my goal weight being 130 lbs, but I'm only 5'3". That's a very healthy weight and will still leave me with "meat" even! lol

    OMG I am so sick of this too. I am 5'5 and at 170 not a healthy weight but many of my co-workers start out and ask how much I lost and when I tell them they are shocked but then ask how much more I have to go. When I tell them 30 more lbs is my goal and I might readjust at that point and go for 130 over all, they act like I am going to be too skinny and unhealthy. 130 for a small framed 5'5 person is not too skinny, it is healthy. I could go on more but then my grammer would probably go down hill and annoy other people.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I hate when someone complains that they are fat and cry about it, but then go eat a cheesecake. Pretty much not doing anything about it and make excuses. Then DON'T complain! Especially to me.

    I hate when friends and family try and get you to eat some sort of crap that you really don't want to eat. Am I depriving myself of cheesecake for the rest of my life? No, I am not. But right now is NOT the time. How is me eating a piece of cheesecake going to help you?

    I hate when people say eating processed foods is going to make you gain your weight again. This was said on here already, but eating some processed foods isn't going to MAKE you gain your weight back. I eat 100 calorie chips or cookies when I want chips. I don't gain any weight from that. As long as you're still watching your calorie intake, you're fine!

    I hate when people say you will also gain your weight back from fast food. Eating taco bell or McDonalds once in a blue moon isn't going to kill you. What is going to kill you is craving these foods for the rest of your life and one day, snapping and going on a crazy binge. Do what keeps you sane.

    And not all Beachbody Coaches are trying to shove Shakeology and other products down peoples throats. People who do that, give the good Coaches a bad rep and I HATE THAT.
  • OGFleabag
    OGFleabag Posts: 137 Member
    lose & losing vs loose & loosing

  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member
    People tell you what you should weight, or that you're skinny. Just because someone else who is 5'4" is happy at 160 doesn't mean I am. *shrugs shoulders*

    Otherwise I pretty much love MFP, the people are pretty awesome and it nice to see people who are just starting out as well as people who have been here for quite some time!

    yes!! thank you! I have people that freak on me about my goal weight being 130 lbs, but I'm only 5'3". That's a very healthy weight and will still leave me with "meat" even! lol

    OMG I am so sick of this too. I am 5'5 and at 170 not a healthy weight but many of my co-workers start out and ask how much I lost and when I tell them they are shocked but then ask how much more I have to go. When I tell them 30 more lbs is my goal and I might readjust at that point and go for 130 over all, they act like I am going to be too skinny and unhealthy. 130 for a small framed 5'5 person is not too skinny, it is healthy. I could go on more but then my grammer would probably go down hill and annoy other people.

    LMBO! I love how you ended that!!
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