Telling your significant other that they are gaining weight



  • Chibukalu908
    I told my wife she was putting on too much weight, and that if she kept gaining I'd not find her attractive.

    It scared her into joining MFP and trying to lose it.
    She's down 14lb now

    Good job.If you hadn't said anything she would have kept gaining .I don't understand why some people think its not my place to say anything if I am married to that person. I love them and care about them so it is my business to tell them their gaining weight
  • whovian67
    whovian67 Posts: 608 Member
    I told him Whats the point of the gastric sleeve you got 7 yrs ago if you are going to quit exercising and eating constantly after midnight. He's gained back 25 of the 70 # lost. And no sign of slowing down.. So it is better to be honest and say: Hey .. you need to get in shape for the sake of your knees and back :)