Would you be offended if......



  • ElviraMarieCerri
    ElviraMarieCerri Posts: 31 Member
    If you are snarky and rude like me, you ask if they are having short-term memory lapses, since they say the same thing every time. Or you pin a little post-it on your shoulder that says "Yes I am. Thank you for noticing. This is a paid political announcement. I am (your name here), and I approved this message." Or you ask a personal question back. Or... You just ignore the comment bluntly and proceed to business.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Schools need to teach a new class: How to talk to the people around you. It would be helpful for so many people.

    "Hey, I don't want you to be offended but you could please not ask me about my weight anymore? I really appreciate it your kind words but it just makes me a little uncomfortable. Thanks."

    Note: I don't actually want schools to teach this but I do wish people could talk to those around them. So much bottled up resentment could be avoided if they could.

    But alas, there was no class and it helps to bounce proposed conversations off a large group so you can receive feedback. Ever had somebody be a jerk to you but your reaction was way over the top and then you ended up being the bad guy?!

    Nope, but I don't tend to sweat the small stuff in the first place. She asked how we would handle the situation. My first reply was obviously how I would handle the situation.

    I have no problem with any of your responses or your having written them. Was just commenting on your facetious / hypothetical class, which I found interesting :smile:
  • dgm82
    dgm82 Posts: 23 Member
    Definitely annoying.
  • Grnhouse
    Grnhouse Posts: 254 Member
    Try saying thanks you told me that already. no need to keep telling me. good luck.
  • My mom's friend squeals about how "skinny" I am every time she sees me. I think it's stupid and annoying but I learned to ignore it.

    I find it annoying when people comment on my weight/appearance a lot. It's like, I have a brain too and other things going on, you know.
  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    Just say thanks for the compliment but you feel uncomfortable talking about personal subjects at work.
  • WombatHat42
    WombatHat42 Posts: 192 Member
    If this were a guy I would say he had an interest in you lol but if not take it as a compliment. I enjoy hearing when someone says I look like ive lost weight(when I have lost a lot) though sometimes if i have only lost a bit or not much and someone says it i feel a bit uncomfortable but I have always had an issue getting compliments so im a bit odd :D
  • I'm generally pretty uncomfortable with people I'm not close with commenting on my body at all. Maybe it'd be different if I started out much larger and managed to lose like 100 pounds or something... but I don't want my coworkers commenting on my body.

    When a good friend (for example, college roommate) meets up with me and tells me I'm looking so skinny, I'll take it! But I'm just not at that level with my coworkers. If they notice, fine. It doesn't need to be a topic of conversation.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    It wouldn't offend me, but it would definitely make me uncomfortable. I just don't like when people (outside of a fitness orientated setting) comment on my body.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    If it were just a comment in passing I would let it go but if a co-worker would go on and on about it the way you described I would either just tell them that it makes me uncomfortable when they do that or ask them if they are looking for tips. It depends on your relationship with the co-worker.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I wouldn't be offended at all! I would thank them and then if they got annoying with it I would tell them, in detail, how I accomplished it until they would never want to mention my weight again. But I'm a little passive aggressive.
  • imsahagun
    imsahagun Posts: 12 Member
    Yeah, me too. I'd love to hear "wow, you've lost weight!" pretty soon. All I hear is, "wow, you're really trying... you're still cute though". :(
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    At my workplace, several people lost weight due to Cancer treatments. One of my good friends died. The others are doing fine as far as I know.
    So sometimes people just need to know if everything is o.k. . . esp if you work in a place with people who are of a certain age.
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    I'd just ask her, "Was one of your parents a parrot? Because you keep bringing this up over and over."
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    I work alone...

    ..but sometimes I like to tell myself how purty I look. Should I hate myself?
    Yes. You should tell yourself not to do that.

    If you get really out of control, though, you might have to hit yourself to stop it..

    If it escalates to the point where you had to use violence, call the police and report yourself. You don't want problems with yourself later.

    No don't listen to the meanie, you tell yourself you're purty every day damn it...every single day!