Paleo Eating



  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    "Paleo is restrictive" translation : " I HAVE TO COOK ALL MY FOOD MYSELF !?!?!!!????"

    I like it, it hard to stick to but the results are very noticeable, weightloss, digestion, ect.

    practical paleo by Diane Sanfilippo is a very good starter read for anyone interested. Half the book is very easy recipes.

    Can I cook quinoa? No. Can I cook beans? No. Can I cook anything with cheese? No.

    This is a restrictive diet. It's a low-carb diet masked by "cavemen ate this way!" so people think it's "the way everyone should eat" and it becomes borderline obsessive/dogma. Blah blah blah almond milk is okay but not cow's milk. Cavemen didn't have access to enough almonds to make milk and they sure as hell didn't have blenders. Cavemen were also not advanced enough to figure out how to farm or how to milk other animals. That's why they didn't drink milk, that's why they didn't eat grains.

    It's a hypocritical lifestyle full of people who are always like "I do paleo, but my *own* version of it..." So okay, no one can really follow paleo 100%, so why even say you're doing paleo? To be super kewl? :noway:

    My digestion, skin, hair all are better too, but it's just from losing weight and I eat everything in moderation.

    Me too.
    If someone is experiencing some kind of difficulties or if eating a certain way fits his or her lifestyle and he or she finds it beneficial, that's great.
    But the whole "it's better because cavemen" is just crap.

    While ancient people didn't have Little Debbie snacks, they didn't have antibiotics, either. Too much of either one isn't a good thing.

    No but they did have bone broth! just saying.

    Arguments against the diet because of its 'spurious' suggested origins is a bit weak.

    There is no denying that the diet ticks are the boxes for nutrition and leaves nothing of any relevance out.

    Unless anyone can suggest anything it has left out?
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    That they're comparing apples to gorillas.

    Fkking funnyyyyy!
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    "Paleo is restrictive" translation : " I HAVE TO COOK ALL MY FOOD MYSELF !?!?!!!????"

    I like it, it hard to stick to but the results are very noticeable, weightloss, digestion, ect.

    practical paleo by Diane Sanfilippo is a very good starter read for anyone interested. Half the book is very easy recipes.

    Can I cook quinoa? No. Can I cook beans? No. Can I cook anything with cheese? No.

    This is a restrictive diet. It's a low-carb diet masked by "cavemen ate this way!" so people think it's "the way everyone should eat" and it becomes borderline obsessive/dogma. Blah blah blah almond milk is okay but not cow's milk. Cavemen didn't have access to enough almonds to make milk and they sure as hell didn't have blenders. Cavemen were also not advanced enough to figure out how to farm or how to milk other animals. That's why they didn't drink milk, that's why they didn't eat grains.

    It's a hypocritical lifestyle full of people who are always like "I do paleo, but my *own* version of it..." So okay, no one can really follow paleo 100%, so why even say you're doing paleo? To be super kewl? :noway:

    My digestion, skin, hair all are better too, but it's just from losing weight and I eat everything in moderation.

    Me too.
    If someone is experiencing some kind of difficulties or if eating a certain way fits his or her lifestyle and he or she finds it beneficial, that's great.
    But the whole "it's better because cavemen" is just crap.

    While ancient people didn't have Little Debbie snacks, they didn't have antibiotics, either. Too much of either one isn't a good thing.

    No but they did have bone broth! just saying.

    Arguments against the diet because of its 'spurious' suggested origins is a bit weak.

    There is no denying that the diet ticks are the boxes for nutrition and leaves nothing of any relevance out.

    Unless anyone can suggest anything it has left out?

    I can neither support nor refute this statement because I don't understand it.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I'm surprised by the answers here regarding the Paleo lifestyle.
    I've been Paleo for seven months and absolutely love it.
    I don't find it restrictive at all...what's restrictive about "don't eat processed food"???
    As far as high cost goes, Paleo recipes and recommendations often tell us to purchase organic meats and produce, however, that's not really necessary. The reality is, you should purchase high quality meats and produce which doesn't necessarily mean organic. Buy lean meats, even if it means having to ask your grocery store butcher to grind a steak into hamburger. But you don't *have* to eat organic, exotic, or free range anything. You should get your produce at a farmer's market because it's not covered in pesticides but, again, that's a recommendation, not a requirement.
    I can't afford all organic groceries, feeding a family of four, two of which are growing almost-teens. But I can buy local produce, lean meats, and have money for some organic items.
    Figure it this way, if I'm not buying two boxes of cereal, two boxes of crackers, two boxes of granola bars each week, I can convert all that saved money to a "splurge" on a pound of organic apples, a pound of organic strawberries, and a pound of organic grapes.

    Paleo isn't a "diet" for me. It's our new lifestyle. This is how we will always eat, whether we're trying to lose weight or just to maintain "feel good" bodies.

    I don't have headaches, I sleep solidly at night, my son's eczema has cleared up for the first time in his life, my skin is clear, my back doesn't ache, my PCOS has done a 180...I could go on and on.

    I think if you follow the plan correctly and don't shrug it off as "too" anything, anyone could find benefits in it.

    Hope whatever you decide to do helps you to be healthier and happier!

    Grass fed beef is expensive. I do not follow eating trends, ever, but if one is going to tout eating "Paleo" then one is supposed to eat grass fed beef, a la Paleolithic times when cattle or buffalo or what-have-you ate grass and not corn, which cattle eat now.

    Organic is expensive too. It's great on paper but in reality it costs to much jsut to be able to say "hey, I'm Paleo."

    I think they really only eat corn during the last six months of their life, when they are on the feed lot.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    "Paleo is restrictive" translation : " I HAVE TO COOK ALL MY FOOD MYSELF !?!?!!!????"

    I like it, it hard to stick to but the results are very noticeable, weightloss, digestion, ect.

    practical paleo by Diane Sanfilippo is a very good starter read for anyone interested. Half the book is very easy recipes.

    Can I cook quinoa? No. Can I cook beans? No. Can I cook anything with cheese? No.

    This is a restrictive diet. It's a low-carb diet masked by "cavemen ate this way!" so people think it's "the way everyone should eat" and it becomes borderline obsessive/dogma. Blah blah blah almond milk is okay but not cow's milk. Cavemen didn't have access to enough almonds to make milk and they sure as hell didn't have blenders. Cavemen were also not advanced enough to figure out how to farm or how to milk other animals. That's why they didn't drink milk, that's why they didn't eat grains.

    It's a hypocritical lifestyle full of people who are always like "I do paleo, but my *own* version of it..." So okay, no one can really follow paleo 100%, so why even say you're doing paleo? To be super kewl? :noway:

    My digestion, skin, hair all are better too, but it's just from losing weight and I eat everything in moderation.

    Me too.
    If someone is experiencing some kind of difficulties or if eating a certain way fits his or her lifestyle and he or she finds it beneficial, that's great.
    But the whole "it's better because cavemen" is just crap.

    While ancient people didn't have Little Debbie snacks, they didn't have antibiotics, either. Too much of either one isn't a good thing.

    No but they did have bone broth! just saying.

    Arguments against the diet because of its 'spurious' suggested origins is a bit weak.

    There is no denying that the diet ticks are the boxes for nutrition and leaves nothing of any relevance out.

    Unless anyone can suggest anything it has left out?

    I make fun of the "caveman" aspect, because it's silly as hell but that really isn't my issue with the diet. I think it's lame because no one can follow the actual diet without making some kind of adjustment because it is so unsustainable and restrictive. So why even say you're doing it, if everyone is doing it differently? It's a fad, a label like "clean eating" that makes no sense and means something different to everyone.
  • roanokejoe49
    roanokejoe49 Posts: 820 Member

    I make fun of the "caveman" aspect, because it's silly as hell but that really isn't my issue with the diet. I think it's lame because no one can follow the actual diet without making some kind of adjustment because it is so unsustainable and restrictive. So why even say you're doing it, if everyone is doing it differently? It's a fad, a label like "clean eating" that makes no sense and means something different to everyone.

    Wait. Doesn't clean eating just mean eating whole foods and leaving the fast food and junk food alone? What the heck is wrong with that?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,943 Member
    Hey, I have been reading about the Paleo way of eating and would like to know if any of you have tried it and if so, what was your experiences with it? Thanks in advance!!
    I have not tried paleo eating, but my friend did, but not for weight loss. Her doctor recommended it because she has a chronic illness that kept her in a lot of pain. When she started eating paleo, her pain eased significantly.

    Just remember, the type of diet you eat does not matter, as it's preference only. In order to lose weight, you must eat at a calorie deficit, If you don't eat less than you burn, you will not lose weight.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    "Paleo is restrictive" translation : " I HAVE TO COOK ALL MY FOOD MYSELF !?!?!!!????"

    I like it, it hard to stick to but the results are very noticeable, weightloss, digestion, ect.

    practical paleo by Diane Sanfilippo is a very good starter read for anyone interested. Half the book is very easy recipes.

    Can I cook quinoa? No. Can I cook beans? No. Can I cook anything with cheese? No.

    This is a restrictive diet. It's a low-carb diet masked by "cavemen ate this way!" so people think it's "the way everyone should eat" and it becomes borderline obsessive/dogma. Blah blah blah almond milk is okay but not cow's milk. Cavemen didn't have access to enough almonds to make milk and they sure as hell didn't have blenders. Cavemen were also not advanced enough to figure out how to farm or how to milk other animals. That's why they didn't drink milk, that's why they didn't eat grains.

    It's a hypocritical lifestyle full of people who are always like "I do paleo, but my *own* version of it..." So okay, no one can really follow paleo 100%, so why even say you're doing paleo? To be super kewl? :noway:

    My digestion, skin, hair all are better too, but it's just from losing weight and I eat everything in moderation.

    Me too.
    If someone is experiencing some kind of difficulties or if eating a certain way fits his or her lifestyle and he or she finds it beneficial, that's great.
    But the whole "it's better because cavemen" is just crap.

    While ancient people didn't have Little Debbie snacks, they didn't have antibiotics, either. Too much of either one isn't a good thing.

    No but they did have bone broth! just saying.

    Arguments against the diet because of its 'spurious' suggested origins is a bit weak.

    There is no denying that the diet ticks are the boxes for nutrition and leaves nothing of any relevance out.

    Unless anyone can suggest anything it has left out?

    I make fun of the "caveman" aspect, because it's silly as hell but that really isn't my issue with the diet. I think it's lame because no one can follow the actual diet without making some kind of adjustment because it is so unsustainable and restrictive. So why even say you're doing it, if everyone is doing it differently? It's a fad, a label like "clean eating" that makes no sense and means something different to everyone.

    People make adjustments for two reason:

    1. we live in the real world!
    2. we are adults and have freedom of choice!

    These are the very same reasons you are allowed to not follow the diet!

    Wow, don't we live in a great world.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,943 Member
    No beans, oatmeal or dairy?? Not possible for me!
    I have oatmeal and dairy every weekday morning.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member

    I make fun of the "caveman" aspect, because it's silly as hell but that really isn't my issue with the diet. I think it's lame because no one can follow the actual diet without making some kind of adjustment because it is so unsustainable and restrictive. So why even say you're doing it, if everyone is doing it differently? It's a fad, a label like "clean eating" that makes no sense and means something different to everyone.

    Wait. Doesn't clean eating just mean eating whole foods and leaving the fast food and junk food alone? What the heck is wrong with that?

    This thread is going to turn into a *kitten* storm.

    There is no clear definition to clean eating. People say it means "no processed foods" and then eat yogurt or almond milk, which are both processed food. Why not just eat what you want in moderation? At the macro level there is no difference between processed and unprocessed foods.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    "Paleo is restrictive" translation : " I HAVE TO COOK ALL MY FOOD MYSELF !?!?!!!????"

    I like it, it hard to stick to but the results are very noticeable, weightloss, digestion, ect.

    practical paleo by Diane Sanfilippo is a very good starter read for anyone interested. Half the book is very easy recipes.

    Can I cook quinoa? No. Can I cook beans? No. Can I cook anything with cheese? No.

    This is a restrictive diet. It's a low-carb diet masked by "cavemen ate this way!" so people think it's "the way everyone should eat" and it becomes borderline obsessive/dogma. Blah blah blah almond milk is okay but not cow's milk. Cavemen didn't have access to enough almonds to make milk and they sure as hell didn't have blenders. Cavemen were also not advanced enough to figure out how to farm or how to milk other animals. That's why they didn't drink milk, that's why they didn't eat grains.

    It's a hypocritical lifestyle full of people who are always like "I do paleo, but my *own* version of it..." So okay, no one can really follow paleo 100%, so why even say you're doing paleo? To be super kewl? :noway:

    My digestion, skin, hair all are better too, but it's just from losing weight and I eat everything in moderation.

    Me too.
    If someone is experiencing some kind of difficulties or if eating a certain way fits his or her lifestyle and he or she finds it beneficial, that's great.
    But the whole "it's better because cavemen" is just crap.

    While ancient people didn't have Little Debbie snacks, they didn't have antibiotics, either. Too much of either one isn't a good thing.

    No but they did have bone broth! just saying.

    Arguments against the diet because of its 'spurious' suggested origins is a bit weak.

    There is no denying that the diet ticks are the boxes for nutrition and leaves nothing of any relevance out.

    Unless anyone can suggest anything it has left out?

    I make fun of the "caveman" aspect, because it's silly as hell but that really isn't my issue with the diet. I think it's lame because no one can follow the actual diet without making some kind of adjustment because it is so unsustainable and restrictive. So why even say you're doing it, if everyone is doing it differently? It's a fad, a label like "clean eating" that makes no sense and means something different to everyone.

    People make adjustments for two reason:

    1. we live in the real world!
    2. we are adults and have freedom of choice!

    These are the very same reasons you are allowed to not follow the diet!

    Wow, don't we live in a great world.

    Because to me it seems like people want some kind of medal for doing paleo, but they aren't really doing it. If "living in the real world" is a reason to not follow certain rules, why label yourself as someone following the rules?

    Paleo people will never see eye to eye with me on this, it just is what it is. I can laugh at you, you can feel butthurt. It's the MFP way.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    "Paleo is restrictive" translation : " I HAVE TO COOK ALL MY FOOD MYSELF !?!?!!!????"

    I like it, it hard to stick to but the results are very noticeable, weightloss, digestion, ect.

    practical paleo by Diane Sanfilippo is a very good starter read for anyone interested. Half the book is very easy recipes.

    Can I cook quinoa? No. Can I cook beans? No. Can I cook anything with cheese? No.

    This is a restrictive diet. It's a low-carb diet masked by "cavemen ate this way!" so people think it's "the way everyone should eat" and it becomes borderline obsessive/dogma. Blah blah blah almond milk is okay but not cow's milk. Cavemen didn't have access to enough almonds to make milk and they sure as hell didn't have blenders. Cavemen were also not advanced enough to figure out how to farm or how to milk other animals. That's why they didn't drink milk, that's why they didn't eat grains.

    It's a hypocritical lifestyle full of people who are always like "I do paleo, but my *own* version of it..." So okay, no one can really follow paleo 100%, so why even say you're doing paleo? To be super kewl? :noway:

    My digestion, skin, hair all are better too, but it's just from losing weight and I eat everything in moderation.

    Me too.
    If someone is experiencing some kind of difficulties or if eating a certain way fits his or her lifestyle and he or she finds it beneficial, that's great.
    But the whole "it's better because cavemen" is just crap.

    While ancient people didn't have Little Debbie snacks, they didn't have antibiotics, either. Too much of either one isn't a good thing.

    No but they did have bone broth! just saying.

    Arguments against the diet because of its 'spurious' suggested origins is a bit weak.

    There is no denying that the diet ticks are the boxes for nutrition and leaves nothing of any relevance out.

    Unless anyone can suggest anything it has left out?

    I make fun of the "caveman" aspect, because it's silly as hell but that really isn't my issue with the diet. I think it's lame because no one can follow the actual diet without making some kind of adjustment because it is so unsustainable and restrictive. So why even say you're doing it, if everyone is doing it differently? It's a fad, a label like "clean eating" that makes no sense and means something different to everyone.

    People make adjustments for two reason:

    1. we live in the real world!
    2. we are adults and have freedom of choice!

    These are the very same reasons you are allowed to not follow the diet!

    Wow, don't we live in a great world.

    Because where do the adjustments stop? I guess everyone can say they eat Paleo but with adjustments.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member

    Because to me it seems like people want some kind of medal for doing paleo, but they aren't really doing it. If "living in the real world" is a reason to not follow certain rules, why label yourself as someone following the rules?

    Paleo people will never see eye to eye with me on this, it just is what it is. I can laugh at you, you can feel butthurt. It's the MFP way.

  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    "Paleo is restrictive" translation : " I HAVE TO COOK ALL MY FOOD MYSELF !?!?!!!????"

    I like it, it hard to stick to but the results are very noticeable, weightloss, digestion, ect.

    practical paleo by Diane Sanfilippo is a very good starter read for anyone interested. Half the book is very easy recipes.

    Can I cook quinoa? No. Can I cook beans? No. Can I cook anything with cheese? No.

    This is a restrictive diet. It's a low-carb diet masked by "cavemen ate this way!" so people think it's "the way everyone should eat" and it becomes borderline obsessive/dogma. Blah blah blah almond milk is okay but not cow's milk. Cavemen didn't have access to enough almonds to make milk and they sure as hell didn't have blenders. Cavemen were also not advanced enough to figure out how to farm or how to milk other animals. That's why they didn't drink milk, that's why they didn't eat grains.

    It's a hypocritical lifestyle full of people who are always like "I do paleo, but my *own* version of it..." So okay, no one can really follow paleo 100%, so why even say you're doing paleo? To be super kewl? :noway:

    My digestion, skin, hair all are better too, but it's just from losing weight and I eat everything in moderation.

    Me too.
    If someone is experiencing some kind of difficulties or if eating a certain way fits his or her lifestyle and he or she finds it beneficial, that's great.
    But the whole "it's better because cavemen" is just crap.

    While ancient people didn't have Little Debbie snacks, they didn't have antibiotics, either. Too much of either one isn't a good thing.

    No but they did have bone broth! just saying.

    Arguments against the diet because of its 'spurious' suggested origins is a bit weak.

    There is no denying that the diet ticks are the boxes for nutrition and leaves nothing of any relevance out.

    Unless anyone can suggest anything it has left out?

    I make fun of the "caveman" aspect, because it's silly as hell but that really isn't my issue with the diet. I think it's lame because no one can follow the actual diet without making some kind of adjustment because it is so unsustainable and restrictive. So why even say you're doing it, if everyone is doing it differently? It's a fad, a label like "clean eating" that makes no sense and means something different to everyone.

    People make adjustments for two reason:

    1. we live in the real world!
    2. we are adults and have freedom of choice!

    These are the very same reasons you are allowed to not follow the diet!

    Wow, don't we live in a great world.

    Because where do the adjustments stop? I guess everyone can say they eat Paleo but with adjustments.


    I eat paleo, but I also eat wendy's sometimes.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    "Paleo is restrictive" translation : " I HAVE TO COOK ALL MY FOOD MYSELF !?!?!!!????"

    I like it, it hard to stick to but the results are very noticeable, weightloss, digestion, ect.

    practical paleo by Diane Sanfilippo is a very good starter read for anyone interested. Half the book is very easy recipes.

    Can I cook quinoa? No. Can I cook beans? No. Can I cook anything with cheese? No.

    This is a restrictive diet. It's a low-carb diet masked by "cavemen ate this way!" so people think it's "the way everyone should eat" and it becomes borderline obsessive/dogma. Blah blah blah almond milk is okay but not cow's milk. Cavemen didn't have access to enough almonds to make milk and they sure as hell didn't have blenders. Cavemen were also not advanced enough to figure out how to farm or how to milk other animals. That's why they didn't drink milk, that's why they didn't eat grains.

    It's a hypocritical lifestyle full of people who are always like "I do paleo, but my *own* version of it..." So okay, no one can really follow paleo 100%, so why even say you're doing paleo? To be super kewl? :noway:

    My digestion, skin, hair all are better too, but it's just from losing weight and I eat everything in moderation.

    Me too.
    If someone is experiencing some kind of difficulties or if eating a certain way fits his or her lifestyle and he or she finds it beneficial, that's great.
    But the whole "it's better because cavemen" is just crap.

    While ancient people didn't have Little Debbie snacks, they didn't have antibiotics, either. Too much of either one isn't a good thing.

    No but they did have bone broth! just saying.

    Arguments against the diet because of its 'spurious' suggested origins is a bit weak.

    There is no denying that the diet ticks are the boxes for nutrition and leaves nothing of any relevance out.

    Unless anyone can suggest anything it has left out?

    I make fun of the "caveman" aspect, because it's silly as hell but that really isn't my issue with the diet. I think it's lame because no one can follow the actual diet without making some kind of adjustment because it is so unsustainable and restrictive. So why even say you're doing it, if everyone is doing it differently? It's a fad, a label like "clean eating" that makes no sense and means something different to everyone.

    People make adjustments for two reason:

    1. we live in the real world!
    2. we are adults and have freedom of choice!

    These are the very same reasons you are allowed to not follow the diet!

    Wow, don't we live in a great world.

    Because where do the adjustments stop? I guess everyone can say they eat Paleo but with adjustments.

    Yes you're right. But if everyone wants to do that what does it matter? It doesn't affect you, it doesn't affect me.

    There's too many things in this world incorrectly named to worry about them and let them stress you out.

    At least with Paleo, its healthy.

    In fact as far as strict paleo goes the only thing I personally feel they avoid and which detracts from an optimal diet is saturated fat!
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    "Paleo is restrictive" translation : " I HAVE TO COOK ALL MY FOOD MYSELF !?!?!!!????"

    I like it, it hard to stick to but the results are very noticeable, weightloss, digestion, ect.

    practical paleo by Diane Sanfilippo is a very good starter read for anyone interested. Half the book is very easy recipes.

    Can I cook quinoa? No. Can I cook beans? No. Can I cook anything with cheese? No.

    This is a restrictive diet. It's a low-carb diet masked by "cavemen ate this way!" so people think it's "the way everyone should eat" and it becomes borderline obsessive/dogma. Blah blah blah almond milk is okay but not cow's milk. Cavemen didn't have access to enough almonds to make milk and they sure as hell didn't have blenders. Cavemen were also not advanced enough to figure out how to farm or how to milk other animals. That's why they didn't drink milk, that's why they didn't eat grains.

    It's a hypocritical lifestyle full of people who are always like "I do paleo, but my *own* version of it..." So okay, no one can really follow paleo 100%, so why even say you're doing paleo? To be super kewl? :noway:

    My digestion, skin, hair all are better too, but it's just from losing weight and I eat everything in moderation.

    Me too.
    If someone is experiencing some kind of difficulties or if eating a certain way fits his or her lifestyle and he or she finds it beneficial, that's great.
    But the whole "it's better because cavemen" is just crap.

    While ancient people didn't have Little Debbie snacks, they didn't have antibiotics, either. Too much of either one isn't a good thing.

    No but they did have bone broth! just saying.

    Arguments against the diet because of its 'spurious' suggested origins is a bit weak.

    There is no denying that the diet ticks are the boxes for nutrition and leaves nothing of any relevance out.

    Unless anyone can suggest anything it has left out?

    I make fun of the "caveman" aspect, because it's silly as hell but that really isn't my issue with the diet. I think it's lame because no one can follow the actual diet without making some kind of adjustment because it is so unsustainable and restrictive. So why even say you're doing it, if everyone is doing it differently? It's a fad, a label like "clean eating" that makes no sense and means something different to everyone.

    People make adjustments for two reason:

    1. we live in the real world!
    2. we are adults and have freedom of choice!

    These are the very same reasons you are allowed to not follow the diet!

    Wow, don't we live in a great world.

    Because where do the adjustments stop? I guess everyone can say they eat Paleo but with adjustments.

    Yes you're right. But if everyone wants to do that what does it matter? It doesn't affect you, it doesn't affect me.

    There's too many things in this world incorrectly named to worry about them and let them stress you out.

    At least with Paleo, its healthy.

    In fact as far as strict paleo goes the only thing I personally feel they avoid and which detracts from an optimal diet is saturated fat!

    Doesn't bother me at all. It's more amusing than anything. This is a forum for discussion. That's all I'm doing ;)
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member


    I eat paleo, but I also eat wendy's sometimes.

    Yeah, me too.
    Except that I sometimes have to eat legumes to get enough protein.
    And potatoes for potassium.
    And dairy for calcium.
    And "convenience foods" because I don't know if I'm going to be getting home at 5:30 PM or 9:00 PM and travel requires me to stay in hotels and eat in restaurants.
    And also, i like ice cream and Little Debbie cakes.

    But yeah. Paleo.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    "Paleo is restrictive" translation : " I HAVE TO COOK ALL MY FOOD MYSELF !?!?!!!????"

    I like it, it hard to stick to but the results are very noticeable, weightloss, digestion, ect.

    practical paleo by Diane Sanfilippo is a very good starter read for anyone interested. Half the book is very easy recipes.

    Can I cook quinoa? No. Can I cook beans? No. Can I cook anything with cheese? No.

    This is a restrictive diet. It's a low-carb diet masked by "cavemen ate this way!" so people think it's "the way everyone should eat" and it becomes borderline obsessive/dogma. Blah blah blah almond milk is okay but not cow's milk. Cavemen didn't have access to enough almonds to make milk and they sure as hell didn't have blenders. Cavemen were also not advanced enough to figure out how to farm or how to milk other animals. That's why they didn't drink milk, that's why they didn't eat grains.

    It's a hypocritical lifestyle full of people who are always like "I do paleo, but my *own* version of it..." So okay, no one can really follow paleo 100%, so why even say you're doing paleo? To be super kewl? :noway:

    My digestion, skin, hair all are better too, but it's just from losing weight and I eat everything in moderation.

    Me too.
    If someone is experiencing some kind of difficulties or if eating a certain way fits his or her lifestyle and he or she finds it beneficial, that's great.
    But the whole "it's better because cavemen" is just crap.

    While ancient people didn't have Little Debbie snacks, they didn't have antibiotics, either. Too much of either one isn't a good thing.

    No but they did have bone broth! just saying.

    Arguments against the diet because of its 'spurious' suggested origins is a bit weak.

    There is no denying that the diet ticks are the boxes for nutrition and leaves nothing of any relevance out.

    Unless anyone can suggest anything it has left out?

    I make fun of the "caveman" aspect, because it's silly as hell but that really isn't my issue with the diet. I think it's lame because no one can follow the actual diet without making some kind of adjustment because it is so unsustainable and restrictive. So why even say you're doing it, if everyone is doing it differently? It's a fad, a label like "clean eating" that makes no sense and means something different to everyone.

    People make adjustments for two reason:

    1. we live in the real world!
    2. we are adults and have freedom of choice!

    These are the very same reasons you are allowed to not follow the diet!

    Wow, don't we live in a great world.

    Because to me it seems like people want some kind of medal for doing paleo, but they aren't really doing it. If "living in the real world" is a reason to not follow certain rules, why label yourself as someone following the rules?

    Paleo people will never see eye to eye with me on this, it just is what it is. I can laugh at you, you can feel butthurt. It's the MFP way.

    You would have burst a lung with laughter for me to get butthurt on MFP! lol

    People like labels, I like labels - it speeds up explaining things!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member


    I eat paleo, but I also eat wendy's sometimes.

    Yeah, me too.
    Except that I sometimes have to eat legumes to get enough protein.
    And potatoes for potassium.
    And dairy for calcium.
    And "convenience foods" because I don't know if I'm going to be getting home at 5:30 PM or 9:00 PM and travel requires me to stay in hotels and eat in restaurants.
    And also, i like ice cream and Little Debbie cakes.

    But yeah. Paleo.

    Also tomatoes and green peppers and citrus.

    But I eat "Paleo" with about 80% of my diet.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    I make fun of the "caveman" aspect, because it's silly as hell but that really isn't my issue with the diet. I think it's lame because no one can follow the actual diet without making some kind of adjustment because it is so unsustainable and restrictive. So why even say you're doing it, if everyone is doing it differently? It's a fad, a label like "clean eating" that makes no sense and means something different to everyone.

    Wait. Doesn't clean eating just mean eating whole foods and leaving the fast food and junk food alone? What the heck is wrong with that?

    This thread is going to turn into a *kitten* storm.

    There is no clear definition to clean eating. People say it means "no processed foods" and then eat yogurt or almond milk, which are both processed food. Why not just eat what you want in moderation? At the macro level there is no difference between processed and unprocessed foods.

    I eat dark chocolate for the iron. Why would leaving that alone be a good thing for me?