Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 15



  • Helinah26
    Yesterday was good for me!! i actually had to force myself to eat dinner. so my goal is to get back iinto the 230s and get to my 20lbs lost by xmas.(gained some unwanted 2 lbs over the weekend so now im paying for it!! :/)found out my aunt has less than a week to live cause shes dieing of cancer so it wasn't a good weekend for me and the anniversary of my gpas death is next Friday).so even though thats on m mind, im still really gonna work my *kitten* of this week to get the 2lbs off and then some!! i know i can do it and im going to. im just hoping the week gets better.
    i hope all if you have an amazing week though!! :)
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    So I got new batteries for my scale and it's up 5 more lbs. I'm blaming the scale for that. 177 kinda makes more sense as far as what size pants I'm at now versus what i was at the last time I was at this weight. Readjusting my goals now.
  • MaryAnne1
    MaryAnne1 Posts: 183 Member
    Helinah26 - Sorry to hear your sad news, my thoughts are with you and your family.

    So... my workouts are finally going to plan this week. I did 50 mins of kickboxing yesterday and 35 mins of workout inc level 3 of 30 day shred today. Then another 45 mins tomorrow and hopefully I'll lose more than 0.5lb this week!!
    I'm also changing my hair back to bright red, had it a few years ago and miss it, so have bought the dye, hopefully will get around to doing it tomorrow!!

    Right, of to wrap some Christmas pressies!! :happy:
  • Helinah26
    Helinah26 - Sorry to hear your sad news, my thoughts are with you and your family.

    So... my workouts are finally going to plan this week. I did 50 mins of kickboxing yesterday and 35 mins of workout inc level 3 of 30 day shred today. Then another 45 mins tomorrow and hopefully I'll lose more than 0.5lb this week!!
    I'm also changing my hair back to bright red, had it a few years ago and miss it, so have bought the dye, hopefully will get around to doing it tomorrow!!

    Right, of to wrap some Christmas pressies!! :happy:
    thank you MaryAnne 1 :). and good luck on the weightloss! :D and youll look great as a redhead :D
  • MaryAnne1
    MaryAnne1 Posts: 183 Member
    Helinah26 - Sorry to hear your sad news, my thoughts are with you and your family.

    So... my workouts are finally going to plan this week. I did 50 mins of kickboxing yesterday and 35 mins of workout inc level 3 of 30 day shred today. Then another 45 mins tomorrow and hopefully I'll lose more than 0.5lb this week!!
    I'm also changing my hair back to bright red, had it a few years ago and miss it, so have bought the dye, hopefully will get around to doing it tomorrow!!

    Right, of to wrap some Christmas pressies!! :happy:
    thank you MaryAnne 1 :). and good luck on the weightloss! :D and youll look great as a redhead :D

    Ha ha thanks :smile: Am a little bit scared about doing it, but it looked good before, so why not now?! Will post photos as soon as i do it
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    Great job ladies! If my schedule permits I will be starting c25k this week. anyone interested?
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    My little cup of water is going to overflow today. :happy:
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Hi ladies! Hope everyone is doing well and getting their water in!! Have had a manic time the last few days so hoping to get back in the swing of it from tomorrow. Will catch up on all the posts tomorrow.

    Goals for this week -

    I WILL stay away from Starbucks!
    I WILL get all my water in.
    I WILL train 3 more times this week.

    Hope you're all having a great week!
  • Helinah26
    Helinah26 - Sorry to hear your sad news, my thoughts are with you and your family.

    So... my workouts are finally going to plan this week. I did 50 mins of kickboxing yesterday and 35 mins of workout inc level 3 of 30 day shred today. Then another 45 mins tomorrow and hopefully I'll lose more than 0.5lb this week!!
    I'm also changing my hair back to bright red, had it a few years ago and miss it, so have bought the dye, hopefully will get around to doing it tomorrow!!

    Right, of to wrap some Christmas pressies!! :happy:
    thank you MaryAnne 1 :). and good luck on the weightloss! :D and youll look great as a redhead :D

    Ha ha thanks :smile: Am a little bit scared about doing it, but it looked good before, so why not now?! Will post photos as soon as i do it

    well good luck with it im sure youll do great!! :D
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Didn't think I was going to work out tonight, but my roommates invited me to the gym with them. So I went as a guest and had my best run yet! I think I'm going to ask for new running shoes for christmas though, because these nikes restrict the movement of my foot waaay too much. I think that's why my plantar fasciitis acts up so badly.
  • Mandy0223
    Mandy0223 Posts: 19 Member
    I gained the pound that I lost the week before. :/

    My goals:
    Drink more water
    Replace cheese and crackers with laughing cow cheese wedge and celery. Removing the crackers from my snack will reduce calories and carbs tremendously. :)
  • Mandy0223
    Mandy0223 Posts: 19 Member
    I have amazing new hair. I just feel the need to share.


    Wow, LOVE IT! I used to dye my hair colors like that. I should so do it again!
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Thank You.

    I'm feeling pretty gross tonight, think I'm heading to bed soon. Hoping my hardcore work outs the last two days start to show on the scale before we leave Friday. Still going to go jogging Saturday morning (at least attempt to, I know we'll walk for sure) for at least an hour. That's my goal. Then we're coming home Sunday. Plan on getting tattooed Friday night. So stoked to start my sleeve on my left arm. :D
  • Helinah26
    Thank You.

    I'm feeling pretty gross tonight, think I'm heading to bed soon. Hoping my hardcore work outs the last two days start to show on the scale before we leave Friday. Still going to go jogging Saturday morning (at least attempt to, I know we'll walk for sure) for at least an hour. That's my goal. Then we're coming home Sunday. Plan on getting tattooed Friday night. So stoked to start my sleeve on my left arm. :D
    do take pics of your tat!! :P
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thank You.

    I'm feeling pretty gross tonight, think I'm heading to bed soon. Hoping my hardcore work outs the last two days start to show on the scale before we leave Friday. Still going to go jogging Saturday morning (at least attempt to, I know we'll walk for sure) for at least an hour. That's my goal. Then we're coming home Sunday. Plan on getting tattooed Friday night. So stoked to start my sleeve on my left arm. :D

    NO FAIR!!! I need $120 to get my shoulder outlined!! I look like a stinkin' coloring book. :laugh:
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    So it’s Wednesday and I’ve already had a bad day and a good one, so the true test is how I let the rest of my week pass me by. Yesterday was my good day because I drank all my water, went to Tae box class and ate under my calorie goal! But I did something wonky to my knee, any suggestions for a workout that I can do tonight that’ll burn lots of calories but won’t be hard on my knees?
  • audiophile
    Hey girlies! This week, I'm 135.8~ I lost 1.6lbs! :)
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    It's my birthday present from my husband. Lol. I'm getting a dia de los muertos skull in full color. :happy:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Mornin' ladies! Not too much planned today, mostly staying warm..It's so flippin' cold here! I do have my menu planned out for the day, breakfast for dinner tonight, yum :)

    I love tattoos! I've been so fascinated with them from such a young age( I was about 4 when I started paying attention to them..)! My grandpa was a tattoo artist way back when and one of his rooms was his little studio in his house (now my parents house and that room, naturally, became my bedroom). He would put up paper (the type on a roll) and tape it to the walls from top to bottom and would start drawing up all kinds of things. I would sit there for hourse watching him draw and then put those pieces to life on family, friends and himself. I hope to find some of his artwork that was put away when he passed. I'd love to get something that he created. I do have his signature on my chest though. 'Wild Bill' is how he was known, and boy was he! I found something he had signed as WILD BILL and had my tattoo artist transfer it on me. By far my fave tatt. I currently have 6, but that ink runs deep with me and I love to tell my stories through them. I have many more stories to tell, I just have to find the right piece. When I hit 178lbs, I plan to get another one showing my journey, now I just need to figure out how I want to do it and where at I want it.

    Ok, enough yappin' from me, gonna drink my first 32oz for the day and attmept some sort of exercise. Later :)
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    It's my birthday present from my husband. Lol. I'm getting a dia de los muertos skull in full color. :happy:

    I have a couple sugar skulls that I want to get, I'm going to do a painted face lady on the inside of my left bicep along with the skulls to complete my left sleeve. I just have a whoooole lot of outlines that need to be filled in. Money money money!!