Belong to a gym? Or workout at home?



  • ME02134
    I go to the gym lately 6-7 days a week. I find if I work out at home I have a tendency to "slack" more. If I know people can see me it motivates me to keep going. Also, when I need new ideas I go to either body pump, kickboxing, or yoga classes. I also use their ab classes because when I do ab workouts by myself I have a tendency to stop after like 7-10 minutes but in class we go for a full 20 minutes which I need to be doing anyways! With a roommate too I dont really have the option to use the living room TV after work.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I'm a gym rat. I have trouble getting motivated at home. At the gym there so many different "activities" to keep my interest if I get bored with one (i.e. switching it up between bike, treadmill, elliptical). If I join the classes, I feel like I'm in a competition to do the moves cleaner and better than the person next to me and and that makes me work harder.

    Admittedly, its difficult to leave the house sometimes in the morning when its 30 deg and cuddled with hubby but I'm still more apt to do that than get up and squeeze in a work out at home. Although we do have three dogs and I walk them consistently every day for an hour. But they're all little guys and they like to check the "p-mail" so I don't really consider it exercise cause its slow.

    Bottom line you have to do what you are going to do consistently and don't feel like you're not doing something right because you don't like the or don't home work out videos. The idea is to get the heart rate up, burn some calories, and get a little stronger. Do it anyway you can but do it.
  • amicklin
    amicklin Posts: 452
    I'm a bit of a home body so I keep with the trend and stay at home for my workouts :)

    P90X, Turbo Fire, insanity, Brazil Butt Lift....
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I live 30 miles from the nearest gym I can use. I have a hand me down weider plate machine, DVDs and when the weather isn't terrible, miles of open country roads.

    I live 25 miles from the nearest gym. I use EA Active, Wii Fit, walk, run, and joined an outdoor fitness class. When I lived in a city, I was a gym member. I lost weight and was in shape, but I prefer being outside.
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    I work out at home. My company has a great wellness program and I have purchased several machines through this. My favorites are my treadmill and bench press. Of course, I'm not opposed to a gym, I just like the convenience of working out whenever i want which is very early in the mornings. I also like to get outside for running when the weather allows.

    Keep on keepin' on!
  • Uptopargolf
    So, I thought everyone should know this.. It is EXTREMELY odd. Only a few hours after I posted this question. I got a text from my neighbor. She had asked if I wanted a free month certificate to the gym right down the road. (The one I always think about joining). Of course I said yes. I will have to go at least a few times and try it out.

    I just thought maybe it was a sign from up above. Just seems like perfect timing? Weird stuff.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    I go to the gym 5 times a week. I'm the opposite way...If I have something at home to workout with, I'll just keep putting it off and end up not doing it. With the gym, I set a time and make myself leave. Once I'm on the way, theres no turning back. :P
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I belong to a gym and workout there 3-5 days a week. I sometimes do the classes there, but I mix it up with cardio/weight machines too. It all depends on my mood and what's going on that day with my schedule.

    When I can't get to the gym, I workout at home, either using a fitness DVD or my Wii Fit.

    I definately think that I get a more challenging workout at the gym. I see fit people and it gets me to push myself harder. It's too easy to hit pause at home!;-)

  • robbienjill
    robbienjill Posts: 456 Member
    I had a gym membership just for the aerobics class. Then I got bored with it after the instructor kept repeating the same old workout. Sooooo, I just work out at home. Running, cycling (when I take Mr. Trek out) stability ball, and hand weights.
  • Buttsmom
    Buttsmom Posts: 351 Member
    I workout at home with EA Active 2 on my Wii. I'm way to shy to go to a gym, I won't even workout at home when anyone is awake, so I end up working out at 1am.
  • leastwood
    I seem to work out harder if I go to the gym, and take a class. I also walk during lunch with co-workers, but never alone.
    I have all sorts of DVD's, and equipment at home, but never use it.
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    I bought an elliptical and some bowflex dumbbells. I hate waiting for machines at the gym and this way with the money already spent every time I walk by the workout room on my way to my room I look at the money spent and force myself in there.
  • Dom82
    Dom82 Posts: 235
    At home :) I have an elliptical and a stationary bike (which i don't use anymore) and we have a weight set at home. I also ride my horse 4 to 5 times week on top of that which is a great core work out :happy:
  • k_eye
    k_eye Posts: 18
    I have a free gym I have access too at work so i use that, my personal trainer has a gym at her place so i workout there and should i need to go at home i go for a run or have stuff on the WII.