Either do it and lose or don't and stop whinging



  • DarkNightBrightDays
    DarkNightBrightDays Posts: 32 Member
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    Just did it. 15 minutes on my exercise bike. Yay me...
  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    I had my coffee and a good whinge.

    Dang near broke a sweat.

    If by whinge, you mean poop, then that's what I did so far today too!
    I'm off to work, where my accomplishment of the day will hopefully not be making any b*tchy sarcastic remarks out loud.

    Looks like you ruined your goal without even getting to work.

    Hopefully no one writes a condescending post about your attitude and then gets upset that others have contrary opinions.

    Haha yeah I didn't make it too far in my day, eh?
    I await the condescending post!

    Thats half the forum. Lol

    Just choose one and make it personal. :tongue:
  • eeveepony
    today marks 2 weeks of sticking to my exercise/diet plan and I swam 56 laps in 35 minutes after walking an hour. usually i would have given up working out by now but after much wishing and hoping, I came to my senses that this weight isn't going to lose itself (sadly!)
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    I didn't sleep well at all last night, so definitely didn't want to move today. I went for a walk, did heavy yard work for 2 hours, did some yoga. Exercising is not the hard part for me, it's eating in moderation and the preparation for healthy meals. My other Do It moment is that I chopped fresh tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, onion, garlic to add to my eggs at breakfast and plan to use it to top my greens at dinner.
  • hyg99
    hyg99 Posts: 354 Member
    Back off 2 week holiday on Monday and didn't gain weight, I made healthy choices but still had treats. Straight back to gym, hard but feel brilliant.
  • dailylauren
    dailylauren Posts: 21 Member
    Woke up this Satuday morning...went to go lift for a bit. Worked on arms!
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    I learned a new word "whinging" and will taunt my friends on facebook with it later. LOL

    I actually ate a veggie pita pizza instead of the ones I made for our son's 16th birthday party. I will be eating a serving of the oreo ice cream cake here in a minute. Will be within my calories for today, and take a long walk too.
    I won't eat those exercise calories either. Muhawhaw!
  • Leyshinka
    Leyshinka Posts: 54 Member
    Thank you OP. This is just what I needed today. After reading your post I went for a 13 mile bike ride. Your words kicked me into gear :-)
  • dailylauren
    dailylauren Posts: 21 Member
    Woke up this Satuday morning...went to go lift for a bit. Worked on arms!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Hello OP here - thank you to those who have said they liked my thoughts - that's all they were - thoughts and observations. For those who have said I was indirectly trying to skite ( look that one up it's another Aussie/NZ word even better than whinge) that was not in my conscious thought process at all.
    But yes, I am tired of reading post after post of excuses. I do admire every person in this post who made a decision to have a 'just do it moment' and put their fitness and health first. My intention in the post was to highlight and share those.
    This is, sadly as so many posts on here, changing direction into personal character comments - so if we are getting personal yes I am awesome. I'm 57 yrs old, had breast cancer in 2010, radical mastectomy and 4 rounds chemo., put on a stack load of weight and am now 4 years later working hard to lose weight and regain health and fitness. And I've stopped whinging as I've realises it's no easier for you to get out of your warm bed to ride the stationary bike, walk 10kms than it is me - I just have to Do It and you know what -it works.
    Thank you for sharing that, Ros. I love that word....whinging. :smile:
  • QuillensMom
    QuillensMom Posts: 100 Member
    Walking on treadmill again today, AND passing up the devils food frosted donuts (my favorite and I'm so wanting chocolate right now!) and having healthy meal/s instead
  • dulceproductions
    dulceproductions Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for the post. I did the bare minimum today. I walked 30 minutes instead of my ideal goal which is 45 min. At first, I wasn't going to go, and then I arrived at the gym later and had only 30 minutes. This is the thought that ran through my head earlier today....
    If I don't put in the effort, I won't get the results. It doesn't matter how I feel, or if I have all the intentions in the world. If I do not actually exercise, my weight loss will be stagnant.
  • Ftw37
    Ftw37 Posts: 386 Member
    Hello OP here - thank you to those who have said they liked my thoughts - that's all they were - thoughts and observations. For those who have said I was indirectly trying to skite ( look that one up it's another Aussie/NZ word even better than whinge) that was not in my conscious thought process at all.
    But yes, I am tired of reading post after post of excuses. I do admire every person in this post who made a decision to have a 'just do it moment' and put their fitness and health first. My intention in the post was to highlight and share those.
    This is, sadly as so many posts on here, changing direction into personal character comments - so if we are getting personal yes I am awesome. I'm 57 yrs old, had breast cancer in 2010, radical mastectomy and 4 rounds chemo., put on a stack load of weight and am now 4 years later working hard to lose weight and regain health and fitness. And I've stopped whinging as I've realises it's no easier for you to get out of your warm bed to ride the stationary bike, walk 10kms than it is me - I just have to Do It and you know what -it works.

    I'm with you re: excuses.

    We can *choose* our actions. My choices made me morbidly obese. My choices made me lose weight. I'm utterly responsible for my failures. I am equally responsible for my successes. I have no excuses for either.

    Today I cycled for 34km but didn't get my 15000 steps Garmin wants me to get today. So I parked my bike at home and went out to grind out the steps. Sure I'd rather sit in a pub eating peanuts and drinking beer. But I don't do that anymore. No excuses.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    I just made my first goal! Got down to 29.9 BMI out of the Obese category! Whoop!
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I just made my first goal! Got down to 29.9 BMI out of the Obese category! Whoop!

    I made it to 28.8 this morning. There's a good chance I'll bounce back to obese before I get below 30 forever, but it was nice to see.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Okay, reading this post and not hitting my steps at work today (Saturdays are usually my easiest to get 10,000) is making me want to go out for a mile walk after dinner
  • gilmore606
    gilmore606 Posts: 45 Member
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    pushing on with a long swim today to try and achieve my 3stone in 3 month weight loss mini goal.
    yes,stones are units of measurement in other parts of the globe!