It's official...I'm a liar :(



  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    I've never told a significant other how much I weigh. They have never asked. They just know I weigh about the same as them ha. Right now I MIGHT be less than my boyfriend. Amazing.
  • Gingergal12
    Gingergal12 Posts: 64 Member
    Your weight is your business. I was always taught not to talk about money, age or weight. Losing weight for your health is the important thing. It's just a number, no need to share until and unless you reduce to a number you want to!
  • He1loKitty
    He1loKitty Posts: 212 Member
    I lie about my weight to my husband too. Or well, I just don't tell him exact numbers. To be clear, he has specifically told me he doesn't need to know what I weigh. Why is it so important that he knows what you weigh? Why not keep it vague and then when you lose the amount you want, you can tell him for real? On the other hand, it sounds like you feel the need to come clean but are worried he'll judge you. Honestly he may surprise you and won't be fazed by it and you'll feel better for having gotten it off your chest.

    I get the whole "why does he NEED to know" thing, but to actively lie and hide it is a problem.

    I'm not actively lying about my weight or supporting lying to one's spouse in general. Hence my clarification regarding my husband's statement that he doesn't care or need to know my weight and me keeping it vague. Honestly, I think one's weight is very personal. If you want to share it with your spouse, or not share it for that matter, it's fine either way and you should do what makes you feel comfortable. :smile:
  • He1loKitty
    He1loKitty Posts: 212 Member
    Oh and one last thing. I think it's okay to lie about one's weight. I thought that was just called being female?!?! :tongue: :laugh: just kidding (sort of not really) lolz
  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I can relate. A gal from work wants me to meet her friend that is super active. I've been putting that off for months hoping I will lose enough weight to feel confident enough that he won't go running for the hills and hate her for introducing us. (luckily...I think she has just been talking to me about him not him about me)
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    Ehhh, I don't get it. My personal opinion, so take it with a shaker of salt... If you wear underwear, a bathing suit, or (shock!) are nude in front of your partner, I'm guessing s/he knows roughly how fit/healthy you are, even if there is no "number" attached to that size. As long as you are working to be healthier, I wouldn't stress out about oversharing at this point. If you *stop* working on your health journey, then perhaps an honest discussion would be motivational to your journey.

    My husband of 20+ years could care less what a number says as long as I'm happy, healthy, and not in pain or not able to get out and walk a few miles. I don't nag, I don't brag (too much), and I don't ask what he weighs. We try to eat better together, but I cannot attach my personal weight journey to someone else. That doesn't seem fair to me or to the other person. I am responsible for owning and fixing my bad habits. :glasses: :tongue:
  • curlygirl513
    curlygirl513 Posts: 199 Member
    It is okay not to be ready. The shame is what keeps us sick. It is ok not to be ready to share what you weigh, with anyone. And you do not need to be ashamed of not being ready to share. What you weigh is your business. You don't have to tell anyone else and that is just fine.

    Practice compassion on yourself. And see the whole picture, not just the fact you are not ready to share your weight with your loved ones. (which is not bad anyway).

    What I mean by see the whole picture is that you are doing such a good job taking care of yourself. You are not ready to share and you don't. You are exercising and eating right. You have a baby and you are taking care of your little one and you! Bravo! Remember this is about progress, not perfection. (perfection is a myth by the way).

    When we are stuck in our heads, it is hard not to just focus on the negative, and beat ourselves up with shame and blame. But I hope it helped you to say it on the board. It took courage for you to let it out, and I am proud of you. I hope you give yourself credit for that courageous act as well as for how well you are doing taking care of you and your little one. You earned it.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Girl, he already knows. 100 lbs is noticeable. But with that being said, obviously he doesn't care how much you weigh. if your weight bothered him, you would probably know it. I would just continue on your journey, and when you get to a place where you feel comfortable talking to him about it, do it then. I'm pretty sure he already knows anyway, and it's most likely not a big deal to him at all.
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    You carry weight like I do. Evenally all around but my friend who is encouraging me to loose the weight already guessed my starting weight and she was only off by a pound.

    He knows, he's just being kind in not saying anything and if he's going on walks with you. He's being supportive in you losing the weight.

    100 pounds is very noticable, he's going to know when you drop all the weight. Cause your body will change dramatically.
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    Hello, I lost over 50 lbs before coming here. I was huge in my opinion. When I started dropping the weight, my husband noticed but never asked my weight or how much I was losing each week. I asked him when I had lost the fifty what he thought about my progress and he said... "Great job, but I don't love you any more". I was crushed. But then I thought about it. If he would have nagged me into losing the weight and always on my *kitten* over it, I would have despised him for it. My personal opinion, if he doesn't ask, don't tell the exact number.... Give him credit.... He obviously loves you...