new year's resolutions: lose 5-15 pounds by valentine's day



  • cdsledge09
    cdsledge09 Posts: 167 Member
    I'm back...I didn't forget about the weigh-ins. My scale and I are in a battle at the moment. It won't let me below the 170 point. :grumble: I am working and back on my plan, but good Lord I'm not getting far. At any rate, I'm going full tilt and hopefully next week will show some real progress. Have a great week everyone.

    Start Weight 12/17- 172
    12/22- 170
    12/30- 172.4.....Thanks Tom!!!
    1/6- 171.5 :angry:
    1/13 It must get better! LOL
    Goal weight -162lbs
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    It is really helping me to see others weekly WI on this thread... it is so easy for me to get discouraged when the scale doesn't move for a few weeks (or moves the wrong way!) even though I know it is a trend for that to happen with me and for me to typically only have one or two losses in a month. It still helps to see others who have the same thing happen! :)

    i agree. i find it comforting as well to know i am not alone in the weight fluctuations. we are all AWESOME!!!
  • StrongHeart
    StrongHeart Posts: 293 Member
    Just now found this challenge Dec. 29th 2010.
    My goal is to drop between 7 pounds by Valentines Day (Feb, 14, 2011)
    Jan. 3rd = weight lost since last Monday = Exceeded my 1 pound goal :smile:
    Jan. 8th = weight lost since last Monday = Exceeded my 1 pound goal :smile:
    Jan. 15th = weight lost since last Monday =
    Jan. 22th weight lost since last Monday =
    Jan. 29th weight lost since last Monday =
    Feb. 5th weight lost since last Monday =
    Feb. 14th weight lost since last Monday =
  • Treated myself to a new DVD - Marissa Tomei's Core and Curves workout - wow it's great! Totally doable and quick but you really feel your muscles working! A friend had recommended it back in the summer and I'm glad I finally picked it up!

    Just about to get ready to make my supper INCLUDING those dreaded brussel sprouts! I bought a half dozen fresh today and I'm pairing them with a yummy rib eye steak (I eat red meat about once or twice a year). Got a glass of red to go with it all and we'll see how it goes!! I'll let you know if I still hate them or not! Thanks for the challenge! xo
  • Chrissun
    Chrissun Posts: 148
    To all of you that are keeping up...Great job! To the rest of us, keep going and don't give up!

    Start Weight: 150
    12/17 - 149 (-1)
    12/24 - 148 (-1)
    12/31 - 149 (+1...bummer!)
    1/7- 147 (-2...Christmas # is gone!)
    1/14 -
    1/21 -
    1/28 -
    2/11 -
    2/18 -
    goal weight: 140
  • SUCCESS! I thoroughly enjoyed my dinner - the brussel sprouts weren't bad at all! I ate all of them and will probably reach for them again at the grocery store.

    I boiled them in with my potatoes near the end and then sauteed them for about a minute in with some fresh lime juice, garlic and honey. The lime gave it a bit of flavor but didn't overtake the flavor of the brussel sprouts. I used the last of the juice on my potatoes too instead of butter and salt - extra bonus!

    My steak was pretty perfect too by the way. Maybe it's because I haven't had one in so long, or just that I splurged on a good cut or the spice I used or what - anyway delicious dinner all around and I'm still under calories for today (if I stop at one glass of wine!) LOL

    Happy weekend!
  • I haven't had a chance to get on the computer but I did weigh myself on 1/5 and I was down a pound! YAY!

    start weight: 129
    12/29 - 129
    1/5 - 128
    1/12 -
    1/19 -
    1/26 -
    2/2 -
    2/9 -
    2/16 -
    goal weight: 115
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    SUCCESS! I thoroughly enjoyed my dinner - the brussel sprouts weren't bad at all! I ate all of them and will probably reach for them again at the grocery store.

    I boiled them in with my potatoes near the end and then sauteed them for about a minute in with some fresh lime juice, garlic and honey. The lime gave it a bit of flavor but didn't overtake the flavor of the brussel sprouts. I used the last of the juice on my potatoes too instead of butter and salt - extra bonus!

    My steak was pretty perfect too by the way. Maybe it's because I haven't had one in so long, or just that I splurged on a good cut or the spice I used or what - anyway delicious dinner all around and I'm still under calories for today (if I stop at one glass of wine!) LOL

    Happy weekend!

    CONGRATS on your Success with Brussel Sprouts! I hear so many negative comments about them, I have never tried them. Maybe one day I will now, thanks to you!
  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 218 Member
    i tried tuna again...i still can't stand eating it :(
  • i tried tuna again...i still can't stand eating it :(


    Love tuna and brussel sprouts but only started eating brussel sprouts in the last year!

    If you want to try something truly disgusting try a marmite snack bar!! It's awful!
  • :laugh: Anything to do with Marmite is awful IMO. My dad used to eat that stuff - gross.

    It's a sleepy Monday morninng.:yawn: Can't quite imagine being active today. Should be going back to Aquafit tonight. We'll see. Have a happy day everyone!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    how was your weekend everyone? mine was pretty good. a productive saturday and a lazy, snowy sunday. nice! i tried butternut squash fries again and they were okay, not gross but not something i love. i guess i would eat them once or twice a year. :) if i had to. still need to get around to eating beets. anyone a fan?

    i am so proud of all of you the tried something new!!! way to go!

    michelle, sorry that tuna is not for you. good job though!
    mirah, your tuna creation sounds awesome! i will be trying that for lunch sometime soon.
    jenny, i love brussel sprouts! i am glad you tried them and liked them (and yes, try them with parmesan cheese sometime - everything is better with cheese. lol).
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    by the way, i have no idea what marmite is?!?
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    by the way, i have no idea what marmite is?!?

    i think its like vegemite which i remember from the Men without hats song "i come from the land down under"

    Buying bread from a man in brussels
    He was six foot four and full of muscle
    I said "do you speak my language?"
    He just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    This weekend was not good for me. I went over my calories Friday-Sunday and I only exercised on Sunday. However, I had a great time with family and friends. I just need to get to the point where I can have a good time and not snack so much.
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    This weekend was not good for me. I went over my calories Friday-Sunday and I only exercised on Sunday. However, I had a great time with family and friends. I just need to get to the point where I can have a good time and not snack so much.

    Girl, I hear that! I have a huge family that loves to get together and LOVE to eat. Well, I guess being from Louisiana that's too be expected. They sure don't call it "the land of good cooking" for nothing lol.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    This weekend was not good for me. I went over my calories Friday-Sunday and I only exercised on Sunday. However, I had a great time with family and friends. I just need to get to the point where I can have a good time and not snack so much.

    Girl, I hear that! I have a huge family that loves to get together and LOVE to eat. Well, I guess being from Louisiana that's too be expected. They sure don't call it "the land of good cooking" for nothing lol.

    Exactly, its like if we get together, there has to be food. I :heart: my famiily!
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    My weekend was actually pretty relaxing...the kids were away on Saturday so I had some much needed rest
  • StrongHeart
    StrongHeart Posts: 293 Member
    Good morning to everyone.

    Wishing each and everyone of you a great day full of successes and positive events! :heart:
  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    On friday I went out for dinner and my boyfriend ordered a steak with bell peppers all over it. I HATE bell peppers so I decided I'd try one and see how it was for our challenge. It actually was pretty good. I dont think I'll be eating bell peppers that often but I guess sometimes they add to the flavor of a meal. Other than that I have a miserable cold that wont go away. :frown:
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