Why can't am i getting worse at running



  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    just finished running and i went slower and was able to get to 3 miles but it was really boring

    Maybe running isn't for you. Maybe consider geocaching, knitting, or fishing?

    wow if you are gonan be like this i don't get why you're even posting still lol u have nothing to do?

    You hit the nail on the head. Some people are just pricks. You have to just ignore them.

    I would try a few things. First, as others have suggested, don't run the same distance every single day. Have some easy days, longer days, and one or two rest days. One thing that always helped me is doing interval training. Sounds like you are doing that with HIIT, but I'm not sure. Have you heard of Fartlek's? It's a method of interval training that helped me advance my running quickly. Runners World magazine is a great resource for training tips.

    Also, make sure you are eating enough to fuel your workouts. Don't try to go low-carb! You can eat a slight defecit if you are trying to lose weight but don't cut carbs. They are a runner's friend and there is research that shows you compromise your performance when you drastically cut carbs as an athlete. Eating before and after your workout can really help fuel your runs.

    If you find that you are really, really tired/lethargic in a way that is new, I would also consult a doctor and get some blood work done, just to be on the safe side.

    Thanks for calling me a prick. I'll direct your attention to the fact that this poster claims to have run a marathon already, or at least a successful first 16 miles. What he wants with us is a mystery, so I offered alternatives.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    just finished running and i went slower and was able to get to 3 miles but it was really boring

    Maybe running isn't for you. Maybe consider geocaching, knitting, or fishing?

    wow if you are gonan be like this i don't get why you're even posting still lol u have nothing to do?

    You hit the nail on the head. Some people are just pricks. You have to just ignore them.

    I would try a few things. First, as others have suggested, don't run the same distance every single day. Have some easy days, longer days, and one or two rest days. One thing that always helped me is doing interval training. Sounds like you are doing that with HIIT, but I'm not sure. Have you heard of Fartlek's? It's a method of interval training that helped me advance my running quickly. Runners World magazine is a great resource for training tips.

    Also, make sure you are eating enough to fuel your workouts. Don't try to go low-carb! You can eat a slight defecit if you are trying to lose weight but don't cut carbs. They are a runner's friend and there is research that shows you compromise your performance when you drastically cut carbs as an athlete. Eating before and after your workout can really help fuel your runs.

    If you find that you are really, really tired/lethargic in a way that is new, I would also consult a doctor and get some blood work done, just to be on the safe side.

    Do you see the hypocrisy of your post calling others names?
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member

    Op maybe you're running too fast; hence why you're crapping out so fast. Also if you're running on a treadmill it's really easy to get bored. Change your scenery and slow your *kitten* down some if your burning out at half a mile.
  • djbrink21
    djbrink21 Posts: 97 Member
    just finished running and i went slower and was able to get to 3 miles but it was really boring

    Maybe running isn't for you. Maybe consider geocaching, knitting, or fishing?

    I second this thought. Running is about a journey not really an end goal (or at least not until the end). If you don't enjoy the journey then maybe it's the wrong sport for you. I use the time to zone out, relax, and think about things. It's some of most enjoyable time. If you didn't like running slow (which is what you should be doing as you go up in distance) then I'd look at something else like swimming or biking for cardio.
  • boxingandlifting

    Op maybe you're running too fast; hence why you're crapping out so fast. Also if you're running on a treadmill it's really easy to get bored. Change your scenery and slow your *kitten* down some if your burning out at half a mile.

    This, hated running on a treadmill, boring. Outside is where it is as.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    So did the OP run a marathon? Oh, it was actually 16 miles, huh? Well, I wonder what other misinformation might be afoot. Sure makes it hard to help people when they dribble out information piece by piece and then later come back and say that what they told us wasn't true...
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    So did the OP run a marathon? Oh, it was actually 16 miles, huh? Well, I wonder what other misinformation might be afoot. Sure makes it hard to help people when they dribble out information piece by piece and then later come back and say that what they told us wasn't true...

    And that we're all mean pricks.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    So did the OP run a marathon? Oh, it was actually 16 miles, huh? Well, I wonder what other misinformation might be afoot. Sure makes it hard to help people when they dribble out information piece by piece and then later come back and say that what they told us wasn't true...

    And that we're all mean pricks.

    Ah yes, can't forget that part. Thank goodness there's a Sainted One that will appear out of nowhere to call us terrible things
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    So did the OP run a marathon? Oh, it was actually 16 miles, huh? Well, I wonder what other misinformation might be afoot. Sure makes it hard to help people when they dribble out information piece by piece and then later come back and say that what they told us wasn't true...

    And that we're all mean pricks.

    Ah yes, can't forget that part. Thank goodness there's a Sainted One that will appear out of nowhere to call us terrible things
    We all need to be reminded of what we really are sometimes. :wink: Of course, my mention of possible over-training was completely ignored. I'm gonna take my toys and logic and go home.
  • TheBrolympus
    TheBrolympus Posts: 586 Member
    I'm taking my ball and going home!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
  • BruceHedtke
    BruceHedtke Posts: 358 Member
    just finished running and i went slower and was able to get to 3 miles but it was really boring

    Maybe running isn't for you. Maybe consider geocaching, knitting, or fishing?

    I second the geocaching option! It's my favorite hobby!
  • Still_Fluffy
    Still_Fluffy Posts: 341 Member
    Three miles a day, everday is not too much training. You need to run a lot more than that to "over train." As long as you take an occasional rest day your fine. My guess is you're try to run too fast. Slow way down. If you can't speak in complete sentences while running your going too fast. Try running with regular walk breaks no longer than a minute each. But keep at it. It gets easier.
  • Katy009
    Katy009 Posts: 579 Member
    I run at least 3 miles every day and it's not too much. That said, I would never split it up cause twice in one day would be too much for me. And I wouldn't just add another mile in one run.....I'd increase slowly......like a few minutes each week (not even per time) until I added another mile. For me (and I know not for everyone) it's all about taking it slowly that you don't get bored and burn out.
  • MissDetermined335
    MissDetermined335 Posts: 22 Member
    It's defiantly that you're setting unrealistic goals with your running. It's hard, but you need to try to strike the balance between pushing yourself, and pushing too much so you get down heartened when you can't run the distance you've set yourself.

    I have been guilty of expecting too much of my body with my running in the past. Interval training helped me get things into perspective. Instead of thinking; right, i'm going out there and i'm going to run 10k straight off, do intervals. 1k then 2 min walk, build up to 2k then a few minute walk, etc. I feel for you, as i really do have a love/hate relationship with running! The love floods back as soon as i get back to the house sweating like a mad woman an it's over. That feels goooood.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I've been running 3 miles straight for the past 2 weeks but now i moved and i split up the 3 miles to different parts of the day

    Why bother with the low mileage twice a day? You're not getting out of it what you could if you ran once for longer. Not sure of your background, but with this method, I'm going to assume you're new to this and will say slow down, take more rest/recovery days, and quit with the bits and pieces running.

    i split it up because i for the 1 mile i do HIIT but thats like twice a week and it fit my schedule better

    You can't cannibalize your aerobic base-building and expect results...

    so how do i increase my distance to 4 miles

    You just claimed to have run a marathon. Why are you asking how to run 4 miles?

    my thoughts exactly....
  • Paulglee72
    Hi there. I started running a month ago. I also find it tough going but as i get fitter i enjoy it more. I run five mornings a week. I dont think its a good idea to run twice a day to be honest. For four of those days i do interval running and add a minute each day. At the moment im running 2x6 and 4x7 minute sets and walking three minutes between intervals. On a sunday i do a steady run and try to run for as long as i can without stopping. Last week i ran for 20 minutes. So basically im not killing myself but gradualy building up my fitness one minute each day. Hope that helps.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    This is a really strange thread.
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    How long before the cat gifs start showing up? Just trying to decide when I should come back...
  • tech_kitten
    tech_kitten Posts: 221 Member
    This is a really strange thread.

    First of all LOVE your handle _Zardoz_ (awesome movie).

    Second, OP, if you get bored running, why run? There are way more activities out there for fitness that might be better for you.