"H20" 12 Pounds of Christmas Challenge - Week 7



  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    10/30 - 219.8 (-0) Start Weight
    11/04 - 220.6 (+.8)
    11/11 - 220.6 (+.8)
    11/18 - N/A-Vacation
    11/25 - 216.4 (-3.4)
    12/02 - 213.2 (-6.6)
    12/09 - 213 (-6.8)
    12/16 - 211.6 (-8.2)
    12/23 -
    12/25 -
    Merry Christmas!!
    Finally starting to pick back up!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    H20 Xmas SW = 239.6
    H20 Xmas GW = 227
    H20 Xmas Weight Lost = 1.7/12

    Week 1 Weight = 237.9 (-1.7 lbs)
    Week 2 Weight = 234.4 (- 3.5 lbs)
    Week 3 Weight = 236.3 (+1.9 lbs)
    Week 4 Weight = 234.8 (-1.5 lbs)
    Week 5 Weight = I dunno, I pigged out on cookies all day....LOL
    Week 6 Weight = 238.1 (+3.3 lbs)
    Week 7 Weight = 287.7 (-0.4 lbs)

    OMG!!!! LOL - I just noticed a typo.......Week 7 Weight SHOULD read 237.......Geez....goes to show where my mind still thinks my weight is at....and THAT is the reason that I have stopped losing (I'm convinced!!!)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    ill have week 8 up tomorrow ladies.. sorry.. spending time with my hubby.. Good night!
  • sereney
    sereney Posts: 69 Member
    Well ladies, I forgot to add my weekly weigh in for tonight for week 7. I will put it in with next weeks weigh in. It sounds like many of us are struggling with stresses of the holidays coming up as well as keeping focused. I think that one of the challenges for this week coming up is to find a way to remove some of the stress. Even if it is just taking a warm bath and relaxing for 15 minutes. I think another challenge coul be not beating ourselves up over the weight loss. We all need to remember that we did not put on this weight overnight, so it is not going to come off overnight. We need to allow ourselves to make mistakes once and a while without beating ourselves up over it. The fact that we are logging in here shows that we are still motivated to work hard. :) Anyways, hope you all have a great week ahead.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    TOM is here so I don't think I'll have a weigh in at all :/ And as for those jeans that I wanted to fit into by the end of the challenge, I'll have to wait to TOM is long gone and try them on again...hopefully they fit over the badonkadonk ;)