Back to School: Dress Code



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Do the school administrators seriously have nothing better to do than deal with students who violate the dress code? I suppose it's good to know that every one of the students is well-adjusted and excelling in every subject, there are no problems with bullying, cliques, or any sort of violence (real or threatened), and no issues with drugs or alcohol. If skinny jeans or a cami under a sheer blouse are the worst problems your school has to deal with, you should consider yourself fortunate to be living in such a utopian society.

    Totally agree with this!!

    I showed my husband (who actually did student teaching in a large high school just a few years ago) your daughter's outfit and he was super annoyed that it interfered with a dress code. In fact he unknowingly gave me a mini compliment because he said, "Well are they gonna send you home from work then?...because that looks like something you would wear."
  • SarahRuthRuns
    SarahRuthRuns Posts: 118 Member
    Do the school administrators seriously have nothing better to do than deal with students who violate the dress code? I suppose it's good to know that every one of the students is well-adjusted and excelling in every subject, there are no problems with bullying, cliques, or any sort of violence (real or threatened), and no issues with drugs or alcohol. If skinny jeans or a cami under a sheer blouse are the worst problems your school has to deal with, you should consider yourself fortunate to be living in such a utopian society.

    Apparently they have nothing better to do... I wish we were living in such a utopian society!!!
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I am totally against the slut-shaming messages some people give to girls who dress immodestly. That said, I'm guessing that most of you have not been junior high school teachers who have to deal with a variety of growing pubescent girls who have not yet mastered the art of dressing appropriately for school.

    Come to school with me one day. You can see what that is like firsthand.