Day 1 on the "new" SEC Diet!!!



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    So I am going to start following a new fad diet. It's the "S.E.C." diet. Otherwise known as the "Stop Eating Crap" diet. This is the one where you don't eat cookies and ice cream; fatty meats and boxes of wine; white bread sandwiches and soups made with cream. This is the one where if you were to actually "S.E.C." perhaps your 5x-a-week workouts would be worth something. I will keep you posted on how this new-fangled diet plan is working for me.


    I'm pretty sure crap is the stuff you excrete from your body. None of the things listed above is actually crap, unless you are eating them after you, well, eat them. If that's the case, then I'd seek help asap.

    Edited for typo
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Eating crap is frequently encouraged here.

    Can you link?
    Read this thread and you will find several posts indicating that the person who has stated she wants to start eating healthier need not do that. You will also find at least one that says doing that is destined for failure and at least two that suggest it might me unsustainable.

    This is actually much better than a bunch saying it IS unsustainable and cannot be done.

    What it is not is supportive of the person who wants to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Why that can't supported and encouraged...or at least not discouraged!...I am not sure.

    The OP didn't state they want to start eating healthier, they stated they wanted to start a new Fad Diet that cuts out certain foods. Many elimination fad diets are unsustainable.

    Would it not be supportive of the OP to say as much..?

    I'd still like the link to a thread or post that encourages eating crap. Reading the thread doesn't in the least.
    Replacing unhealthy habits with healthy ones is not a fad diet. Even if you jokingly call it "The SEC Diet," it isn't a fad.

    Why adopting healthier eating is viewed as impossible, I don't know.

    It's a good goal. It needn't be discouraged.

    If you didn't see people saying the OP was destined to fail in this thread, you are either deliberately refusing to admit it happens or painfully stupid. I'm going to guess you are just refusing to admit it was said.

    And if you think there is a single person in this thread telling the OP that they SHOULDN'T eat healthy at all, then you are also in denial. Literally no one said, "don't eat healthy". No one has ever said that, in any of these threads. What they have said is that you don't HAVE to cut out XYZ foods that someone arbitrarily deems unhealthy. Every single person who advocates for moderation eats the same "healthy" foods as the clean eating zealots. They just eat other things IN ADDITION.

    I too, am still waiting for the scientific proof that explains why me eating 2 Oreos after a dinner of lean protein, vegetables, complex carbohydrates, and a glass of red wine is going to cause me adverse health effects down the road. Or maybe I will be one of the "lucky ones".

    No, they aren't in denial. They just like to grasp for straws.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Eating crap is frequently encouraged here.

    Can you link?
    Read this thread and you will find several posts indicating that the person who has stated she wants to start eating healthier need not do that. You will also find at least one that says doing that is destined for failure and at least two that suggest it might me unsustainable.

    This is actually much better than a bunch saying it IS unsustainable and cannot be done.

    What it is not is supportive of the person who wants to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Why that can't supported and encouraged...or at least not discouraged!...I am not sure.

    The OP didn't state they want to start eating healthier, they stated they wanted to start a new Fad Diet that cuts out certain foods. Many elimination fad diets are unsustainable.

    Would it not be supportive of the OP to say as much..?

    I'd still like the link to a thread or post that encourages eating crap. Reading the thread doesn't in the least.
    Replacing unhealthy habits with healthy ones is not a fad diet. Even if you jokingly call it "The SEC Diet," it isn't a fad.

    Why adopting healthier eating is viewed as impossible, I don't know.

    It's a good goal. It needn't be discouraged.

    If you didn't see people saying the OP was destined to fail in this thread, you are either deliberately refusing to admit it happens or painfully stupid. I'm going to guess you are just refusing to admit it was said.

    And if you think there is a single person in this thread telling the OP that they SHOULDN'T eat healthy at all, then you are also in denial. Literally no one said, "don't eat healthy". No one has ever said that, in any of these threads. What they have said is that you don't HAVE to cut out XYZ foods that someone arbitrarily deems unhealthy. Every single person who advocates for moderation eats the same "healthy" foods as the clean eating zealots. They just eat other things IN ADDITION.

    I too, am still waiting for the scientific proof that explains why me eating 2 Oreos after a dinner of lean protein, vegetables, complex carbohydrates, and a glass of red wine is going to cause me adverse health effects down the road. Or maybe I will be one of the "lucky ones".

  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    You shouldn't eat healthy at all.

    Boom, I said it. That is my new stance.
  • sunburntgalaxy
    sunburntgalaxy Posts: 455 Member
    I was hoping this was a college football thread :grumble:
    I thought it'd be about the Securities and Exchange Commission. :happy:
    Yep, I thought the same thing and couldn't figure out what the Securities and Exchange Commission had to do with weight loss - but I was totally intrigued. Now I am sad that it isn't about that.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Brb getting gelato.

    Yesterday I had a few cals leftover and my macros were off. Decided eh, one day of messed up macros won't hurt (and it's the week that matters more) decided on gelato. Had a serving of Talenti fudge brownie gelato (with about an ounce of soy milk and some ON Chocolate Peanut butter protein powder)...hit macros damn near perfectly and was still in the green.

    So I really do wonder how that can be crap or unhealthy when I met my macros, stayed within my deficit to lose and even helped me meet my calcium micro.
  • JGonzo82
    JGonzo82 Posts: 167 Member
    I eat foods that I enjoy (Chinese take-out & beer right now). I don't think it's severely hindering my progress...there are ways to make "crap" foods work within your daily caloric allowance.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member

    :love: :love: :love:

    That was my dessert tonight.
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    My diet is doing well even with all that. So I'll stick with it I'm not passing on a good ribeye whats the point in losing weight if you can't enjoy life whether during or afterwards.

    I agree with ^ Trying to lose weight and cutting out the things you live make it that much harder
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    The OP didn't state they want to start eating healthier, they stated they wanted to start a new Fad Diet that cuts out certain foods. Many elimination fad diets are unsustainable.

    Geez! You folks are so itching for a fight you don't even recognize sarcastic humor. I believe "SEC Diet" was a joke, son.

    Great work OP. Ignore the nay sayers... my theory is that they are just cranky because they're on a diet.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I'm not sure I'd go as far to say that eating crap is encouraged on this site, but there are some very rabid followers of moderation who seem to claim anything other than moderation-based plan is unsustainable, demonizing, will result in binges, etc. If that works for you, awesome. It doesn't work for everyone. Some do much better removing the temptation altogether, or often finding a better substitute for that temptation.

    The average american diet has a lot of crap in that, and a lot of added sugar. It's no surprise that the US is one of the fattest nations in the world and consumes some of the highest amount of highly processed foods and sugar per capita. There are substances in some of the processing that is directly intended to create a craving or increase appetite. If you don't think these things exist and have been researched and utilized by various food manufacturers, fast food, etc., then I've got a bridge to sell you.

    Some people find that when they cut back on different things -- sugar probably being one of the most common as it's there is so much added sugar in so many of our highly processed foods -- that their tastebuds adapt. All of sudden, they get the same satisfaction from one small bar of chocolate as they used to from 4. Or they find that they don't even like it at all that much anymore -- or prefer other things. Their tolerance for the added sugar has gone down. Just like it does for alcohol, certain drugs and a whole host of other things.

    This isn't a bad thing, and it certainly isn't the only path to success. But, it certainly is a valid path. Moderation isn't the best path for everyone. Just ask recovering alcoholics or former smokers. Sure some can have a drink or a smoke from time to time, but most will say the exact opposite.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I agree. ^
  • sparklegirl59
    sparklegirl59 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks. You are right on all counts.