Sorry boys, this question is for the ladies!!!



  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Holy crap people, I asked women because sorry men you don't have boobs that get in the way or a Tom which is a pain in the *kitten*. I've already had my male friends give me their opinion so I was looking for the female since none of my female friends have done it. Didn't know the whole site was going to jump down my throat about it

    Can we all just stop giving men the idea that our monthly periods are such a crippling affliction? It happens, cramps are normal, work through it. And unless you are packing FF boobs, there should be no reason why any exercise you do is modified or different from something a man does. Get it together women!

    I have a D chest and I it took me a little longer on some lifts. It's more mental than physical but I wouldn't blow off the concern as nothing.

    TOM shouldn't have an impact at all.

    meh- D's aren't that big- I agree and almost posted the same thing- Unless you'r packing ta-ta's that require special double strap underwire over laping chest armour 60$/pair bra's... its' not an issue.

    I'm a D- it's never stopped me from doing a single lift- only issue is muscle ups- which in cross fit they do on rings- so no biggie

    You have to be significantly huge in the chest area- but I think someone who was over weight with a big belly is going to struggle with displaced mass issues in terms of cleaning a bar and squatting.

    boobs don't get that much in the way. - front squats might be the ONLY thing that requires some finagling for anyone on the small side of large- but still- it's not a crisis. I'm a wide set D- and I front squat just fine- didn't take me any longer to learn.

    Outside of running and burpees- it's not a crisis. Get a good bra and move on.

    It may be "meh" to you, but different women have different levels of sensitivities. My chest has never stopped me from doing a lift, but there are times when they are more sensitive then others. There is also getting past the mental apprehension of having a barbell so close to that area of your body. Just because you personally were fine from the jump, doesn't mean other women have the same experience.

    It also doesn't mean that it isn't a legitimate question, which was the point I was making.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    There is also getting past the mental apprehension of having a barbell so close to that area of your body.

    It also doesn't mean that it isn't a legitimate question, which was the point I was making.

    that's it- that is the only issue right there- a barbell- and apprehension- and I suspect is has significantly more to do with that in general than boobs themselves- which is a completely different subject all together- and could have been phrased as such.

    I understand your point about legitimate questions- but I don't agree, but I also honestly don't understand a lot about why women do the things they do.

    Maybe I'm a special snowflake- I don't think so but I mean grew up working hard on a horse ranch and banging my body against crap- smashing into rails between stalls- you get run over- hay falls on you- horses fall on you- they step on you - i mean it is what it is. I just don't get how you can be a grown person and not figure out where your boobs are on your body- they are boobs- not an extra appendage.

    If you want to do the thing- go do the thing. Figure out how to make it work- if you hate it- you hate it. so what.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    There is also getting past the mental apprehension of having a barbell so close to that area of your body.

    It also doesn't mean that it isn't a legitimate question, which was the point I was making.

    that's it- that is the only issue right there- a barbell- and apprehension- and I suspect is has significantly more to do with that in general than boobs themselves- which is a completely different subject all together- and could have been phrased as such.

    I understand your point about legitimate questions- but I don't agree, but I also honestly don't understand a lot about why women do the things they do.

    Maybe I'm a special snowflake- I don't think so but I mean grew up working hard on a horse ranch and banging my body against crap- smashing into rails between stalls- you get run over- hay falls on you- horses fall on you- they step on you - i mean it is what it is. I just don't get how you can be a grown person and not figure out where your boobs are on your body- they are boobs- not an extra appendage.

    If you want to do the thing- go do the thing. Figure out how to make it work- if you hate it- you hate it. so what.

    Well, I'm glad you are so tough and never had to ask a simple question ever. I'm glad you never had concerns about an exercise and weights and how they interact with your body.

    But, for some of us little people, questions are the way we learn about things. I don't understand why you are being so weird about it honestly. Wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    nope.. only have one side to wake up from so it's the same side every morning ;)

    I'm not being weird about it- boobs are boobs- I don't get why it's a thing.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    nope.. only have one side to wake up from so it's the same side every morning ;)

    I'm not being weird about it- boobs are boobs- I don't get why it's a thing.

    It's not a thing FOR YOU. I guess I don't understand why you think that should apply to every women and if women are inquisitive about it, why you think that's silly. But, hey, agree to disagree.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I just.
    You're right- we tend to agree on a lot of things- but this one- I just I'll never get. I'm to pragmatic I guess.
    it's okay.

    can't agree on everything- neither of us will die I'm guessing. :drinker:
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I just.
    You're right- we tend to agree on a lot of things- but this one- I just I'll never get. I'm to pragmatic I guess.
    it's okay.

    can't agree on everything- neither of us will die I'm guessing. :drinker:

    Nah, no dying allowed. Just lifting and fun stuffs. :drinker:
  • skaboom163
    skaboom163 Posts: 93 Member
    If you are only looking to the ladies for Crossfit you had better stick to your aerobics class. You do know CF includes weights, muscles, bacon and puking, right? In other words, yes, CF is wonderful.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    If you are only looking to the ladies for Crossfit you had better stick to your aerobics class. You do know CF includes weights, muscles, bacon and puking, right? In other words, yes, CF is wonderful.

    Puking? NO.

    And if you read the entire thread, she had some lady specific concerns.
  • skaboom163
    skaboom163 Posts: 93 Member
    It was a joke, and if you knew anything about CF you would have gotten the joke
    If you are only looking to the ladies for Crossfit you had better stick to your aerobics class. You do know CF includes weights, muscles, bacon and puking, right? In other words, yes, CF is wonderful.

    Puking? NO.

    And if you read the entire thread, she had some lady specific concerns.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    It was a joke, and if you knew anything about CF you would have gotten the joke
    If you are only looking to the ladies for Crossfit you had better stick to your aerobics class. You do know CF includes weights, muscles, bacon and puking, right? In other words, yes, CF is wonderful.

    Puking? NO.

    And if you read the entire thread, she had some lady specific concerns.

    Oh, I got the joke. We have enough CrossFit hate on these forums, I save the humor for the CrossFit group.

    I've been CrossFitting for two years. I think I know a little bit. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • skaboom163
    skaboom163 Posts: 93 Member
    Ok then! I saw the boob part just now. Yeah, it might skim the girls occasionally but only if the lift isn't done correctly. It happens... joys of being a lady.
    It was a joke, and if you knew anything about CF you would have gotten the joke
    If you are only looking to the ladies for Crossfit you had better stick to your aerobics class. You do know CF includes weights, muscles, bacon and puking, right? In other words, yes, CF is wonderful.

    Puking? NO.

    And if you read the entire thread, she had some lady specific concerns.

    Oh, I got the joke. We have enough CrossFit hate on these forums, I save the humor for the CrossFit group.

    I've been CrossFitting for two years. I think I know a little bit. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Ok then! I saw the boob part just now. Yeah, it might skim the girls occasionally but only if the lift isn't done correctly. It happens... joys of being a lady.

    Ha, exactly. You should join the CrossFit Love group! Good group of people.
  • skaboom163
    skaboom163 Posts: 93 Member
    Will do. Yeah sorry I just didn't see the boob part and figured she thought CF was super girly and wanted to warn her that most of the time its not pretty. :-p
    Ok then! I saw the boob part just now. Yeah, it might skim the girls occasionally but only if the lift isn't done correctly. It happens... joys of being a lady.

    Ha, exactly. You should join the CrossFit Love group! Good group of people.
  • smiley13000
    smiley13000 Posts: 142 Member
    I would love to do crossfit.. And I would, but the nearest box to me is like an hour and a half away... So I don't think I'll be doing it in the near near future, but I definitely want to try it
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Ok then! I saw the boob part just now. Yeah, it might skim the girls occasionally but only if the lift isn't done correctly. It happens... joys of being a lady.

    You mean human.

    We get to tap our balls with deadlifts if we aren't careful. That'll put you down quicker than old yeller.
  • Calm down people.

    Why is her thread even have negitive remarks on it? Arent we all suppose to be supportive? Maybe her problem is different than yours, doesnt mean it doesnt exsist.

    Just becuase one women doesnt have problems with TOM, doesnt mean she should either.

    Lets all be supportive and think happy thoughts. Then jump over rainbows and eat Lucky Charms.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Lets all be supportive and think happy thoughts. Then jump over rainbows and eat Lucky Charms.

    But seriously, calm the F down and be nice or get off MFP.

    you must be new here.

    and no.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Calm down people.

    Why is her thread even have negitive remarks on it? Arent we all suppose to be supportive? Maybe her problem is different than yours, doesnt mean it doesnt exsist.

    Just becuase one women doesnt have problems with TOM, doesnt mean she should either.

    Lets all be supportive and think happy thoughts. Then jump over rainbows and eat Lucky Charms.

    But seriously, calm the F down and be nice or get off MFP.
