Body by vi

Curious who this worked for and can you tell me your results, if you kept it off etc.
to the negative posters, I don't care if you don't agree with it. It's not for everyone.


  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Just curious, why would you only want to hear the positives? Surely to form a balanced opinion, you'd also need to hear the negatives?
  • Melmo1988
    Melmo1988 Posts: 293 Member
    I don't mind hearing negatives from people who have tried it but not so much from people who have never tried it but bash it
  • Derp_Diggler
    Derp_Diggler Posts: 1,456 Member
    I don't need to try self immolation to know it burns. YMMV.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Taste: Horrible
    Price: Expensive
    Effects: Despite reviews saying it kept them full I found that I was hungry within half an hour. It also upset my stomach. Once I just started eating smaller portions of my regular meals I found success.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Curious who this worked for and can you tell me your results, if you kept it off etc.
    to the negative posters, I don't care if you don't agree with it. It's not for everyone.


    Please tell me your results...but only if positive.

    Yeah, that should give you a really clear picture of its effectiveness.

    Oh, wait. I misspoke. What I meant to say was...

    Yeah, that should give you some really good quotes to use in some marketing materials.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Translation.....I am selling it and think I can get a BMW.

    In case you are not selling it beware that Visalus is sinking faster than anyone would have you will not make money if they sign you up.

    "The stock continues its march to zero.

    Some notable highlights include: “Our second quarter results were affected mainly by ViSalus’s decline in North American promoters versus the prior year. ViSalus management is focusing on rebuilding the North American market through leadership development programs while right-sizing the cost structure in North America to regain profitability, as well as building their international business. In the 2nd quarter, ViSalus continued its geographic expansion initiatives, opening in Ireland, with two additional markets planned to open this year and an additional seven markets in 2015.”

    In other words, we are spending too much money to grow in North America. Though we only have 28,700 distributors we can’t grow in a market that has 500 million people in it. The sales pitch to our “leaders” is that they should still put their efforts there. In the meantime, we’ll start up in new markets because anything more than zero is a positive there.

    The other notable quote was this one:

    “In the Health & Wellness segment, ViSalus’s second quarter net sales were $53.6 million versus $101.5 million for the same period last year, a decline of 47%, largely reflecting the reduced promoter base in North America. At the end of the second quarter, qualified independent North American promoters totaled approximately 28,700 versus approximately 36,100 at the end of the first quarter, and approximately 57,200 at the end of the prior year’s second quarter.”

    So they seem to still be shrinking about 23% each quarter, while they pitch to people that if they recruit 3 who recruit 3, who recruit 3, etc… Clearly they can’t retain the people they have."
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Here's something to think about:

    Let's say you buy into the hype (even though 99% of us are going to tell you not to, not that you wanna hear it)... and you order it.

    Then you start to do two shakes a day, and some sort of real food for dinner. You lose the 40 of the 50 left of your goal doing this.

    ....they they go bankrupt, shut down, and you're left without your miracle shake.

    What then?

    You can resort to some other snake oil salesman, or you can learn how to feed yourself now... on foods that are sustainable, readily available, and not being sold by some schmuck that is trying to hit a quota so they can get a car.
  • Melmo1988
    Melmo1988 Posts: 293 Member
    No I am not selling it I want to try it. And as I said I'm not interested in hearing from negative posters who have not tried it, but don't mind people who have tyvm
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I actually know a lot of people who sell it that are in shape. They were approached by people who claimed that they were basically going to be sponsored athletes for selling the product. Then they just got stuck selling it and most of them don't use it. Some claim they do because it boost sales. I've tried it, not worth the hype. It was horrible.
  • Cryptonomnomicon
    Cryptonomnomicon Posts: 848 Member
    Curious who this worked for and can you tell me your results, if you kept it off etc.
    to the negative posters, I don't care if you don't agree with it. It's not for everyone.
    Hmm can't say anything negative Okay gif for you...

  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    No I am not selling it I want to try it. And as I said I'm not interested in hearing from negative posters who have not tried it, but don't mind people who have tyvm
    yeah, that's awesome... except this is a public forum.

    so thank you very much.

    not that any of us know anything about losing weight without having to pay some subscription... or by eating, you know, normal foods.
  • Melmo1988
    Melmo1988 Posts: 293 Member
    Didn't say you can't post but your opinion doesn't make a diff to me
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Didn't say you can't post but your opinion doesn't make a diff to me why didn't you just check the sales site for it? If you're wanting legit reviews, you'll get them here. There have already been a few people that have tried it.

    This topic comes up all the time on here, check out the search function. It'll all be the same stuff though.
  • Melmo1988
    Melmo1988 Posts: 293 Member
    Because on the sales site they're not gonna say that it didn't work for everyone, it'll all be positive. I not just looking for positive reviews I just want reviews from people who have tried it
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Because on the sales site they're not gonna say that it didn't work for everyone, it'll all be positive. I not just looking for positive reviews I just want reviews from people who have tried it
    I've worked with a number of people that got sucked into it, they would lose a few pounds by effectively starving themselves. They've all since quit, since it isn't sustainable, and gained the weight back.

    I was approached by the same coach.. or trainer... or whatever their sales schlubs call themselves, I just had sense to say no.

    You're awfully confusing, since you're asking for non-negative reviews here too, though. What's the difference?

    "Don't tell me anything bad about it, I'm not interested" right?
  • Melmo1988
    Melmo1988 Posts: 293 Member
    Show me where I said I didn't want any negative reviews?
    If you mean my op I meant people who have never tried it which I've said multiple times
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Show me where I said I didn't want any negative reviews?
    lol, you're right, you just don't want to hear people that have had enough common sense not to buy into it.

    Nevermind, you're right. Good luck or whatever with your snake oil.

    You just need someone to tell you exactly what to do. Like your "I NEED A MEAL PLAN" post from yesterday that I responded to as well. You got some great answers in there and never responded. So now you're moving on to Body by Vi?

    Good luck.
  • Melmo1988
    Melmo1988 Posts: 293 Member
    Thank you
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Taste: Horrible
    Price: Expensive
    Effects: Despite reviews saying it kept them full I found that I was hungry within half an hour. It also upset my stomach. Once I just started eating smaller portions of my regular meals I found success.

    Seems this review got totally ignored...

    lol, you're right, you just don't want to hear people that have had enough common sense not to buy into it.

    Nevermind, you're right. Good luck or whatever with your snake oil.

    You just need someone to tell you exactly what to do. Like your "I NEED A MEAL PLAN" post from yesterday that I responded to as well. You got some great answers in there and never responded. So now you're moving on to Body by Vi?

    Good luck.

    Oh. So it's that kind of post. Got ya.
  • 530roman
    530roman Posts: 1,819 Member
    My two cents:
    I was given a one month supply from my aunt because she gave up on it, was signed up for their stupid auto-renew via credit card and had a month's supply that she wasn't going to use.

    It was a good month. I had the vanilla creme flavor, mixed it mostly with dark chocolate almond milk and a tablespoon of peanut butter. That is where the "nutrition" in your shakes can get tricky. I was told to mix jello packs in with them and all kinds of other crazy stuff. I decided to stick with what I enjoyed and what was working for me. I only drank one shake a day, usually at supper time. In the month, I guess I lost about 15 pounds. That was also because I was remaining at a deficit, running 3-4 days a week and staying under my calorie allowance.

    Basically, I think they taste fine, they can serve a purpose for meal replacement, I felt full for the evening most nights, and if you can afford it, why not try it. I will also say that there's nothing magic about it. It is more or less an overpriced meal replacement shake.

    I hope this has been somewhat beneficial. I'm not sold on the product enough to pay what they want for it, but I didn't mind drinking them in place of a high calorie supper.