How do some people let themselves get so big?

I'm asking this question because I want to understand them better. I can understand economic a little overweight, but how do people let themselves become so big?
My breaking point was when I was either in danger of becoming overweight, or I already was a little (I was 5'4 140lbs). I know thee are people who get between 300-500lbs, sometimes even more. Do they not realize? Give up? Don't care?
I don't want this to offend anyone who is or has been of that weight, I really just want to understand how it happened a little more.


  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    There is a lot of reasons many of them emotional, and these are usually exacerbated by diet and the sedentary lifestyle that is becoming so common these days. Many regional diets don't help either.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    fat people know they are fat.

    Morbid obesity is a symptom of another problem. People who are only 'a bit' overweight? Probably just had other priorities for a little bit.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    There is a lot of reasons many of them emotional, and these are usually exacerbated by diet and the sedentary lifestyle that is becoming so common these days. Many regional diets don't help either.

    Basically this.

    Also, some people will insist that you CAN'T get to 300-400+ lb without having a metabolic disorder. I personally don't believe that is ALWAYS the case because I reached 307 lb and then lost weight pretty easily once I started getting serious about it. With counting calories, it went even better and I now weigh 173 which is overweight yes, but very close to a healthy weight for my height...and it did not take any extreme measures to get there, no pills or doctor assistance or surgery. So while that stuff about the "broken metabolism" I keep reading here may be true some of the time I don't think it's true ALL of the time.

    I think a lot of people just do not realize how much they are eating, or they're eating so many calorie dense foods packed with salt, sugar & fat that they truly don't eat all that MUCH food they just eat a lot of calories. I was never eating whole pizzas or ten ears of corn and a half gallon of milk and package of Oreos. For me, a normal, relatively healthy breakfast and lunch and HUGE platter of alfredo pasta from Outback with 1/3 of a bloomin' onion and ice cream the same night...or small meals with a venti frappucino and NO exercise, every day...that's how I got and stayed so large.

    It can also add up over many many years. For very large women (and maybe men too) there's a MUCH larger gap between needing different sizes of clothes. For example, I recently went from a size 12 to 10 in a certain brand of jeans and I guarantee the 10's would be uncomfortable and too small for me if I gained ten pounds. When I was in size 22, I gained over 40 lb one year and my clothes still fit totally fine and I really could hardly tell a difference. So when that sort of thing keeps just gets out of hand after awhile.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Self hatred, depression, denial, etcetcetc
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member

    Thanks for sharing this link. Wow. I think that should answer OP's question.
  • HelenaCavanaugh
    HelenaCavanaugh Posts: 14 Member
    I have never been obese. But whenever I was within a few pounds of being "overweight" my family has always been quick to point that out. My first memory of my weight being an issue was when I was 8 and maybe in 2nd grade. I was visiting my father and stepmother. He told me it looked like I was getting a little heavy and should probably not eat so much. Image has always been very important for both sides of my family. The not so subtle message was, "You gain weight, you will be shunned."

    This alone has been instrumental in the amount of weight I have gained/not gained in my lifetime. And yes, I realize how incredibly dysfunctional it all is.
  • jennifurballs
    jennifurballs Posts: 247 Member
    Self hatred, depression, denial, etcetcetc
    What he said.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    i had a mental break down and food was my bff
  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    Life happens to people...... bad food choices for years on end, health problems, not being active, some weren't taught how to stay healthy, some just don't care.... I've met A LOT of people that have no clue what healthy eating vs unhealthy eating is.

    I look at pictures of myself from a year ago and wonder how I let myself get to that point.
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    Self hatred, depression, denial, etcetcetc

    This + low self esteem, dysfunctional home life, bullying, abused, tormented, neglected need I say more.
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    Never gave a **** because I never weighed myself or saw fat me.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I'll never understand. Came in to try again but nothing. I just assume they're set in "their ways". Same as smokers that can't quit. No desire to change. Too damn stubborn. Not changing your bad habits is easy; change is hard...
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    My highest weight was 245. I gained it very fast. I was doing my best to dig my own grave with a spoon. And a fork, and a knife, sometimes a straw but usually I'd just guzzle straight out of the 2 liter. I knew exactly what I was doing and why. I actually don't know exactly why I changed my mind and decided to live. Maybe it was just taking too long.
  • ssaraj43
    ssaraj43 Posts: 575 Member

    This is what I thought of when I saw the OP. Nice work again Pika......Your very helpful (and a little scary :tongue: )
  • tjl2329
    tjl2329 Posts: 169 Member
    That's so true. I eat way more than I use too. Weighed less than I ever did in my adult life. Still need to lose 60. For me I was always told to lose weight. Tried pills once. Doctors advice. It wasn't until recently. Was very sick. Sugar and blood pressure way too high. He was great sent me to a nutritionist. She didn't tell me about what I couldn't eat. She explained how the body and calories worked. Yes I needed it. All my life I've been told eat less. Exercise more. My doctor asked me to try walking at a slow pace for 15 minutes a day. Easy right. Well I tried it. Two days of hell. Then I said this is ridiculous. And with in a week went to 30. I was too fat to even go around block. My nutritionist. Told me to look at portions. If all you have are chips and lunch meat. It's OK eat one serving. Wow really. Eating out. Try a bakedeat what potatoes and chili from Wendy's. Eat McDonalds. A cheeseburger with a side salad. Okay I can do this. Only problem I have is I love sweets. Working on that one. Diabetic so I need to be careful. Not perfect but a work in progress. Oh and I dont eat MacDonald's. Once in a while a salad from Wendy's or taco bell. No dressing. Why because I no longer like that food. Fresh home cooked food. I'd give my right arm for it. And I don't mean hamburger helper. Only because it doesn't fit might nutritional needs. I do buy and eat a lot of my food separate from my family. That's because of medical reasons only. They have also changed. Funny they willingly are eating more fresh healthy items. In my case I just needed someone to help me understand. I was just that uneducated. Yes my mother said no candy soda fast food. But my nutritionist said. Eat what you want just be able to manage my carbs.
  • lovelycurves2014
    lovelycurves2014 Posts: 12 Member
    Self hatred, depression, denial, etcetcetc

    Me personally I agree with this, I have come to realize that I hated myself , and was completely depressed. It's like a slow suicide, you just completely give up and don't care what happens anymore. When nothing makes you happy anymore, except for maybe that 10 mins your eating chips or something. Of course the more weight you gain, the more depressed you become, and it just becomes a vicious cycle.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Self hatred, depression, denial, etcetcetc
    What he said.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I think a lot of people eat for comfort. I know I do. I know when I get sick I go to food where others cant eat a thing. If I get tired or stressed food is very much comfort for me. I think it is the only way we know to cope just like an alcoholic drinks, it makes them feel better temporarily, immediate gratification. I tell myself now that I can get thru stuff without food and food will not help. I have to remind myself of this. I think being aware is most of it. I don't know when I picked up this bad habit probably when I was young and did not know how to cope well and had abusive parents, later an abusive husband. Food was my drug.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    According to the extreme makeover weight loss edition show, there appear to be many reasons. As many as there are people.
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