
Hi everyone. Okay so.. I'm trying to lose 25 pounds and I am addicted to coffee. Before I started being healthy, I had my regular cup of coffee with 3 cream and 4 sugar. Now I just drink coffee with 2 Splenda. Anything wrong with that? By the way, if I stop drinking coffee I will feel crappy for the rest of the day. Is coffee okay while being healthy? And if not.. What should I do?


  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    cut down on the coffee, and go for espresso.
  • sarahsedai
    sarahsedai Posts: 273 Member
    try to take my coffee and i -will- punch you. i tried cutting coffee when i started my weight loss, only because i didn't care for any of the sugar/creamer substitutes... and i think the only bad thing about having coffee is the potential calorie-fest in what is added. wasn't long before i decided to just work it into my daily calorie allowance...
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,542 Member
    I drank a 16oz hot coffee with half and half, a double small latte and a 24oz iced coffee with half and half today. I have also lost a bunch of weight. No need to give up coffee if you don't want to.
  • Jesslane93
    Jesslane93 Posts: 190 Member
    I slowly cut down on the amount of sugar i have in my coffee. Use to be four, than 3 1/2, 3, 2 1/2, and now I only have 2 sugars. Saves me some calories not having so much sugar and milk in my coffee.
  • livingforjesus90
    So is Splenda bad for you?
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    IMO, I'd cut out the Splenda before cutting out the coffee. Lol. I think Splenda tastes awful!!! I drink coffee daily, it hasn't stopped me from losing.
  • livingforjesus90
    How many sugar and cream do u add to ur coffee
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    There are things I will do to lose weight, and there are lines I won't cross. You can take my sugar and fat, but you'll get my caffiene from my cold, dead hands.
  • nam985
    nam985 Posts: 140 Member
    Show me someone who tries to take away my coffee, and I will very quickly show you a dead body in return!

    I see no reason to give up my coffee during my weightless journey, this is all about creating a sustainable lifestyle which includes food/drinks I really enjoy. If I want it, I make sure it fits into my kcal budget for the day. To my ~400 mL coffee I diligently measure out and log the 2-3 Tbsp of 10% cream I like to add, along with the 2 packets of Splenda. I also record my occasional indulgences in something fancy schmancy from Starbucks and the like.
    LOTOPC Posts: 5
    I never skip my coffee, though I do drink it black. I suggest replacing splenda with raw brown sugar. Other healthy options for jazzing up your brown cup include: cinnamon, honey, nutmeg, pumpkin spice, and nut milks (oat, hazelnut, coconut, soy). Silk original soy milk makes for a smooth and sweet latte.

    Or just drink a large Americano with skim. Yum!
  • heartworth9
    heartworth9 Posts: 51 Member
    Dr Oz recommends 1T of coconut oil and 1t of grass fed organic butter. I make a cup of coffee and pour the coffee and coconut oil and butter with a packet of stevia in the blender. Blend for 30 seconds til frothy. It tastes good and is great for the brain.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    I use Kroger carbmaster vanilla milk in my coffee. 11 g of protein a cup. This gives me 2 large lattes
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    Coffee is fine. As long as you don't over do it, it ~may~ (emphasis on may, as these things change all the time, hard to keep up sometimes ... lol ... ) have health benefits. Health benefits aside, it certainly does help with my morning crankiness. And just one-two cups a day seems to help with anxiety. However, drinking 4+ has the opposite effect (makes me irritable and increases anxiety). So, moderation for caffeine truly is key.

    I usually drink it with 3 sweetener packs and 2 tablespoons of creamer. Creamer, for me, is more about boosting my calories up rather than flavor. But I do love Hazelnut. Yum. :glasses:

    It works out to about 70 calories per cup. I usually have 2, so 140. But just one creamer (or one tablespoon) would be 35 and 70, respectively.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    So is Splenda bad for you?

    Some people say. And I do think it probably is in excess. But what isn't in excess?
  • GatorDeb1
    GatorDeb1 Posts: 245 Member
    I drink coffee at work, black, no sweeteners. Hasn't stopped weight loss. I used to drink coffee with about 55 packets of artificial sweeteners a week (yes, 55) but when I went sugar-free for 100 days at the beginning of the year I gave it up and started with unsweetened hot tea and then migrated to straight coffee. Now I just got used to it.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I drink an iced coffee every day from Dunks. Ask my MFPs on here! Lol.
    You can work things you want into your macros. If you want coffee, go fo it.
  • waterwing
    waterwing Posts: 214 Member
    I love coffee! I love everything about it and find that the thought of giving it up depresses me: so I don't! I drink it black and only 1-2 cups in the morning. I stopped drinking it during the day as I found it was affecting my sleep, which actually affects weight-loss. Depending on what diet you're following you'll get different answers about the benefits/drawbacks of coffee and losing weight.

    I would say that if you love it--- keep it as part of your daily routine but cut back on the bad stuff you put in it. :)
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    My DH and I are both coffee lovers, so he recently purchased a refurbished full auto espresso machine. I just discovered today that if I make an iced latte I can have like 3 grande sized cups and use like 1.5 cups of milk (I was using 1 cup of milk for my hot latte in the morning). So totally get 3 times the espresso and only increased my milk by 1/2 a cup. I weaned myself off sugar in my coffee last January when I got really sick, so it's just espresso, ice, and milk. :drinker:

    Editing because I lack the capacity to spell at 9:30pm. :embarassed:
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I still drink coffee daily. Black in the morning (fresh ground Peet's is my favorite!), and almost daily I have an iced coffee with half & half & sugar in the afternoon.

    If you love it, make it fit into your daily goal.
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Caffeine is not going to affect your weight loss either way.

    Stevia may be a better choice because splenda can break down if it gets too hot, releasing traces of methanol (wood alcohol). Also some people have a hard time metabolizing one of its component amino acids.

    You are probably addicted to caffeine. If you stop cold turkey you will get a massive headache for 1-2 days and feel exhausted for several days as your sleep patterns re-establish themselves.