What lit your fire?

I think everyone that is actively losing was once in what I call... excuses hell.

Usually there's a period of time where you're like.. okay. This is it

What was your end of being out of shape motivation?


  • elephant2mouse
    elephant2mouse Posts: 906 Member
    My wedding pictures! :sad: :sad:
  • sabrinaguinn
    sabrinaguinn Posts: 16 Member
    Aw. :( when I look at pictures I feel bad too.

    But itll be okay.

    Nice thin vow renewal photos in your future right? :)
  • cookieinbk82
    cookieinbk82 Posts: 320 Member
    Photos taken of myself that are in my students yearbook. When I saw those pictures I couldn't believe how big I let myself become during the last school year.
  • sabrinaguinn
    sabrinaguinn Posts: 16 Member
    I avoid pictures like the plague.

    So when I see one that someone else took my confidence tends to.. well. Die.

    So you're a teacher then?
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    When the doctor told me I wouldn't live another five years at the rate I was going! Nothing like the writing on the wall. That was almost 4.5 years ago. It took me a good six months for the realization that she was correct before I started doing anything about it.
  • StrawberryJam40
    StrawberryJam40 Posts: 274 Member
    A combination of a lot.

    Most recently. Meeting a guy I was attracted to (which doesn't happen often after a really bad last relationship) and knowing he didn't like me because I'm fat.

    But after starting this journey I am doing it for me, and could care less about him. Hoping one day I'll run into him when I'm 3, 4, 5 sizes smaller and he can see what he missed out on, cause he ain't getting it.

    It took about 8 weeks to even start logging food/exercise. Now I don't know...it has just clicked and I'm loving it and loving MFP.
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    I hate photos and anyone who tries and takes a photo ends up seeing a hand instead

    My left ankle was not healing and constantly rehurting itself making it difficult to walk. When I got the first 20 pounds off, it healed and I'm back to walking long distances again.
  • maccarossi1
    maccarossi1 Posts: 58 Member
    Splitting up with my wife after finding out she was cheating on me, had my life back to myself again and there was a lot of things I wanted to do and I couldn't physically do them at the time (Play footy, mountain biking etc.) so time to get fit!
  • Sophiareed218
    Sophiareed218 Posts: 145 Member
    Wedding photos also. And because my husband is such a stud- muffin! I feel like he deserves so much better than.....this. He's athletic and handsome, I'm fat and frumpy. My weight exploded over the last couple years. I used to be around 175-185. That was "normal" for me, although still overweight for my height. Then I got divorced. Then I got pregnant again. Then I quit smoking (yay). Then lost my job. Then got married again. It's been a whirlwind of changes and stress. Now, I'm at my heaviest ever....231. I remember when I vowed never to go above 200, but when I did I was pregnant with baby number 2, so I was like, alright. But the weight only went up after. Today, I weighed myself for the first time since... I don't know when. I'm so tired of never feeling good enough. Today I decided that my happiness is more important than food.
  • sabrinaguinn
    sabrinaguinn Posts: 16 Member
    When the doctor told me I wouldn't live another five years at the rate I was going! Nothing like the writing on the wall. That was almost 4.5 years ago. It took me a good six months for the realization that she was correct before I started doing anything about it.

    I imagine that would be quite the wake up call. :( I never realized the impact my weight made in my pcos until I researched it and found out what it could cause. Health nightmares. It really is an awakening above others.
  • sabrinaguinn
    sabrinaguinn Posts: 16 Member
    A combination of a lot.

    Most recently. Meeting a guy I was attracted to (which doesn't happen often after a really bad last relationship) and knowing he didn't like me because I'm fat.

    But after starting this journey I am doing it for me, and could care less about him. Hoping one day I'll run into him when I'm 3, 4, 5 sizes smaller and he can see what he missed out on, cause he ain't getting it.

    It took about 8 weeks to even start logging food/exercise. Now I don't know...it has just clicked and I'm loving it and loving MFP.

    Definitely! I hope he does run into you! It'll be an awesome feeling. And you'll most likely have someone else on your arm too :p

    I feel the same. One day something just clicked. It didn't click before and I feel that's why I failed. But once it does click its awesome. :)
  • sabrinaguinn
    sabrinaguinn Posts: 16 Member
    I hate photos and anyone who tries and takes a photo ends up seeing a hand instead

    My left ankle was not healing and constantly rehurting itself making it difficult to walk. When I got the first 20 pounds off, it healed and I'm back to walking long distances again.

    Haha! I have a sixth sense for when a camera is pointed at me I swear!

    I'm so glad for you! I pray that you make a full recovery! I would be so sad to not have my long distance walks!
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I'm half way through my weight loss journey but I've been in maintenance at this weight for almost a year. I intentionally went into maintenance because I was just burned out on focusing on losing and I had a lot and I mean a LOT of stuff going on. I've been living in a place where it's really hard to track my food and it's 105 degrees so exercise is difficult. Yep I've sure got excuses....

    I'll be moving back to the states in January and I just said to my self, that I could move back at my current weight and start restart my weight loss journey when I get back.... OR I can get a jump start on things and be 20 pounds lighter. I voted for the 20 pounds. It's the least aggressive weight loss mini goal I've ever had. I'm usually a "go big or go home" kind of person but I'm trying not to sabotage myself with an all or nothing attitude so I figure that 1 pound a week is a good compromise between maintenance and pushing super hard for 2-3 pounds a week.
  • FairBreez
    FairBreez Posts: 22 Member
    Chronic, annoying pain and chest discomfort. Still have both but I do feel better, and am learning new ways to fight through and still do right for myself, even when I do hurt or feel very fatigued. It's working! Very thankful.

    Barb (Bree)
  • When i looked in the mirror and started to cry.. I was like, how can you do this to yourself young lady? You could have a perfectly healthy and fit body, if you decided to make a difference for once!
  • sabrinaguinn
    sabrinaguinn Posts: 16 Member
    Splitting up with my wife after finding out she was cheating on me, had my life back to myself again and there was a lot of things I wanted to do and I couldn't physically do them at the time (Play footy, mountain biking etc.) so time to get fit!

    I'm sorry that happened to you. Cheating is a coward thing to do to somebody. If anything after you've made the investment in yourself to fitness she'll most likely regret her decision, but you'll be in a better place by then surely :)
  • elephant2mouse
    elephant2mouse Posts: 906 Member
    Aw. :( when I look at pictures I feel bad too.

    But itll be okay.

    Nice thin vow renewal photos in your future right? :)

    Definitely! I've been trying to talk hubby into it. We had a tiny wedding, just grandparents, parents and his siblings there. It'd be nice to have a big vow renewal.
  • sabrinaguinn
    sabrinaguinn Posts: 16 Member
    Wedding photos also. And because my husband is such a stud- muffin! I feel like he deserves so much better than.....this. He's athletic and handsome, I'm fat and frumpy. My weight exploded over the last couple years. I used to be around 175-185. That was "normal" for me, although still overweight for my height. Then I got divorced. Then I got pregnant again. Then I quit smoking (yay). Then lost my job. Then got married again. It's been a whirlwind of changes and stress. Now, I'm at my heaviest ever....231. I remember when I vowed never to go above 200, but when I did I was pregnant with baby number 2, so I was like, alright. But the weight only went up after. Today, I weighed myself for the first time since... I don't know when. I'm so tired of never feeling good enough. Today I decided that my happiness is more important than food.

    Awe :( stress makes weight loss difficult.
    But you definitely deserve the change! Not only for yourself but for your babies. You can still love food and be healthy! My love for food and cooking has resulted in some awesome dishes.

    Your happiness is number one :) and you are worth it
  • sabrinaguinn
    sabrinaguinn Posts: 16 Member
    I'm half way through my weight loss journey but I've been in maintenance at this weight for almost a year. I intentionally went into maintenance because I was just burned out on focusing on losing and I had a lot and I mean a LOT of stuff going on. I've been living in a place where it's really hard to track my food and it's 105 degrees so exercise is difficult. Yep I've sure got excuses....

    I'll be moving back to the states in January and I just said to my self, that I could move back at my current weight and start restart my weight loss journey when I get back.... OR I can get a jump start on things and be 20 pounds lighter. I voted for the 20 pounds. It's the least aggressive weight loss mini goal I've ever had. I'm usually a "go big or go home" kind of person but I'm trying not to sabotage myself with an all or nothing attitude so I figure that 1 pound a week is a good compromise between maintenance and pushing super hard for 2-3 pounds a week.

    I've just learned how beneficial small goals can be. It's easy to focus on how far away the long run is but the short goals come sooner and often bring more motivation.

    Sometimes it is hard to stay on track with nutrition. I falter there and try to make up for it with exercise but I know my true results will be better when I get nutrition on point.

    It's awesome you went for the head start. It's like when people wait for Monday to start diets. If not now, when?
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    a move after a stressful year in a bad neighborhood
    to a place with a full length mirror right in front of the shower door
    combined with a new neighborhood with little to do but 6 gyms in a 4 block radius and a very quiet area where one can reflect
    combined with a day that i discovered not only could i run, but i LOVED it
    just the right combination of wanting to and needing to and just enough obsession to keep it going.

    im just here for the adrenaline rush and the weight loss is a great bonus!

    calorie counting is like a game of tetris, but with food.

    have a nice night!