What lit your fire?



  • sabrinaguinn
    sabrinaguinn Posts: 16 Member
    Chronic, annoying pain and chest discomfort. Still have both but I do feel better, and am learning new ways to fight through and still do right for myself, even when I do hurt or feel very fatigued. It's working! Very thankful.

    Barb (Bree)

    I have had chronic back pain for the last 5 years. Have you found any pain easing exercises?
    My medicine is the only thing that gets me through workouts and fatigue. I fear the day I might get taken off it.
  • jillshadow
    jillshadow Posts: 76 Member
    I am Diabetic and was in the E.R. for hypertension a little while back. The doctor basically told me that If I didn't diet and exercise it would not be a matter of if I would have complications it was just a matter of when. He also told me that I would be dead in 5 years tops if I didn't this under control
  • sabrinaguinn
    sabrinaguinn Posts: 16 Member
    I am Diabetic and was in the E.R. for hypertension a little while back. The doctor basically told me that If I didn't diet and exercise it would not be a matter of if I would have complications it was just a matter of when. He also told me that I would be dead in 5 years tops if I didn't this under control

    Pcos puts me at risk to become diabetic. I hope I can get it under control with weight loss. It looks like you've gotten off to a great start! Any changes in your symptoms?
  • sabrinaguinn
    sabrinaguinn Posts: 16 Member
    a move after a stressful year in a bad neighborhood
    to a place with a full length mirror right in front of the shower door
    combined with a new neighborhood with little to do but 6 gyms in a 4 block radius and a very quiet area where one can reflect
    combined with a day that i discovered not only could i run, but i LOVED it
    just the right combination of wanting to and needing to and just enough obsession to keep it going.

    im just here for the adrenaline rush and the weight loss is a great bonus!

    calorie counting is like a game of tetris, but with food.

    have a nice night!

    Very true haha. I won't have to calorie count as much when I completely shift to healthy foods. I wish I loved running! I usually get to a jog at most but my anxiety gets really bad if people watch me run. :( I'm glad you've gotten all the benefits with something you enjoy doing!
  • Pookerz
    Pookerz Posts: 10
    Lots of things but here are the top 3- Being put on insulin because my eating habits could not control my blood sugar level.
    My eye dr. telling me that with how my sugars have been that I'm headed for blindness and amputations within the next few years. And to top it all off...one day I could not reach my toes.

    That very day I signed up for the YMCA and went every other day. A few days later I met with a diabetes educator that gave me this site. I am so very grateful for it. I never realized just how many calories in a day I was taking in.

    Thank you all for being here.
  • Rollsworth
    Rollsworth Posts: 11 Member
    Sadly, I noticed fitter people get more respect/listened too, and while I was working, that would of helped a alot. Also it was instructing children (Children sure do ware you out!) which involved a lot of running around and keeping the centre tidy and clean which was hard work it self :)

    Feel free to add me
  • jacksonkm2001
    jacksonkm2001 Posts: 11 Member
    I had gestational diabetes with my son and had a taste of a future with tablets and insulin if I didn't change my ways. Plus, my 30th is fast approaching and spurring my motivation, lol.
  • methodman78
    methodman78 Posts: 126 Member
    I had moobs, wasn't really, really overweight or anything but it was enough to remind me of my teenage years being constantly chubby, that and my partner at the time was piling on the pounds too,
    She hasn't had her epiphany just yet, I've moved on in so many ways
  • crzdirector
    crzdirector Posts: 49 Member
    An absolute accident really. We decided to do a 10 day juice fast at my job. Somewhere during the process I lost some pounds and more importantly found some motivation to stop being fat. I'm taking it one day at a time, that's all I can do.
  • Ems500c
    Ems500c Posts: 153 Member
    From dieting on and off for years, and someone telling me that I couldn't last doing it, and I decided I could and I would. I know it's not the best reason, but enough to push me into saying "your wrong I can do it!"
  • BobT84721
    Well, this goes back a few years. My wife and I went to NY and I was absolutely miserable, trying to walk. We had 3 1/2 years till our 50th anniversary. so last Sept I had Lap-Band Surgery and was doing really well till The first of Oct when she died. That thru me for several months when I didn't care much less diet. So, for the past few weeks I have been planning my own trip to London, we were going there and on a European River Cruise. That's part of my motivation AND I had a talk with my doctor and was told that if I don't get the weight off and keep exercising I will be in a wheelchair within 5 years. Frankly that scared me.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    competitiveness and perfectionism.

    There are many more details to the story including some health concern that played a role... but yeah. I have always been a big achiever and pleaser. Realizing I was so far below the acceptable norm for health/size motivated me to change.
  • nessa3983
    Clothing shopping! I tried on what seemed like everything in the store and NOTHING looked good or flattering. I'm down 30 since then and I'm at least able to try stuff on and be happy????
  • doty0815
    doty0815 Posts: 68
    The fact that a year after my son was born I still weighed the same if not alittle more then the day he was born.
  • pixelatedsun
    pixelatedsun Posts: 165 Member
    Being forced to look through racks upon racks of clothes that are tents covered in sequins, glitter and flower appliques while my friends get to wear cute, stylish clothing! Nothing says "fat chick" like this:

  • GarethAFC123
    GarethAFC123 Posts: 13 Member
    Only regained my motivation the past few days after watching the show "I Used To Be Fat". Just made me think of the way I used to be and how motivated I was. Planning to hit my goal by Christmas now! :)

    Before that it was because I was bullied from the age of 8 right up until about 14 or 15. Also when I would injure myself it would take a lot longer to heal because of the weight!
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Last year it was stepping on the scale and seeing that I was less than four pounds away from 200 pounds. When I lost weight years ago I had promised myself I would never let myself get to that weight again. I had a slip up over the winter and put on about half of the weight that I had lost. In April my boyfriend told me that he was mad at me for quitting the gym (not because of the weight gain, but because he knew how much I had enjoyed it and the confidence it gave me had gone away). It was the kick in the butt that I needed and I started back the next day. A few weeks later I started logging on here again.
  • knot_enough
    knot_enough Posts: 176 Member
    my now ex-girlfriend called me fat. unapologetically and not in a joking manner.
  • jnelson1028
    jnelson1028 Posts: 13 Member
    1. Having my daughter about 7 months ago.
    2. Trying to get life insurance and got denied because of my weight.
    3. Knowing that when my daughter begins to run around- I want to play with her without running out of breath.
    4. being so unhappy with myself and feeling ugly for too long.
    5. my dad having major health issues with his weight and I want to be an inspiration to him.

    I just got over all the excuses. I have a long way to go in my weight loss journey but I just continue to move along the journey. before if I had a bad day I would give up on the whole journey.. Now I just continue moving along cause more bad days will come but I gotta keep doing this.