Teachers: how do you feel about the new school year



  • KelARita7
    KelARita7 Posts: 2,694 Member
    man, i wish i had school teacher hours. what are they, 8-3? nothing would be able to stop me.

    The NY teachers contract changed this year. In the new contract most schools are in session from 8:00-2:30 on most days a week. The only thing that I'm worried about is how my body is going to react to working out less. I'm planning on working out 4 days a week for one hour each day instead of 5 days a week and two hours each day.

    Keep in mind that for the most part teachers have a failry active day as well. Most teachers I had stood and were moving around most of the day.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    man, i wish i had school teacher hours. what are they, 8-3? nothing would be able to stop me.

    The NY teachers contract changed this year. In the new contract most schools are in session from 8:00-2:30 on most days a week. The only thing that I'm worried about is how my body is going to react to working out less. I'm planning on working out 4 days a week for one hour each day instead of 5 days a week and two hours each day.

    I think you're kind of missing the point. I work out 3 days a week, 45 minutes each session. Then I fill in whatever spare time I come up with during the week with walking. That's it.

    I'll echo what BinaryPulsar said. You can find a much more efficient workout for you. You can probably spend less time working out and burn the same amount of calories. What kind of workouts are you doing anyway?
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    man, i wish i had school teacher hours. what are they, 8-3? nothing would be able to stop me.

    The NY teachers contract changed this year. In the new contract most schools are in session from 8:00-2:30 on most days a week. The only thing that I'm worried about is how my body is going to react to working out less. I'm planning on working out 4 days a week for one hour each day instead of 5 days a week and two hours each day.

    first, instead of working out for two hours, putzing around aimlessly, you do an good and effective 60 minute work out. challenge your body. and if you want a second work out, guess what, you're out at 2:30!! even if you have a 60 minute commute both ways, you still have tons of time to work out!! and then you have your weekends to get in your long work out.
  • cookieinbk82
    cookieinbk82 Posts: 320 Member
    man, i wish i had school teacher hours. what are they, 8-3? nothing would be able to stop me.

    The NY teachers contract changed this year. In the new contract most schools are in session from 8:00-2:30 on most days a week. The only thing that I'm worried about is how my body is going to react to working out less. I'm planning on working out 4 days a week for one hour each day instead of 5 days a week and two hours each day.

    I think you're kind of missing the point. I work out 3 days a week, 45 minutes each session. Then I fill in whatever spare time I come up with during the week with walking. That's it.

    I'll echo what BinaryPulsar said. You can find a much more efficient workout for you. You can probably spend less time working out and burn the same amount of calories. What kind of workouts are you doing anyway?

    I'm doing a lot of cardio. I do an hour on the stair master, a half hour on the elliptical, then I jog for another half hour on the treadmill.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    man, i wish i had school teacher hours. what are they, 8-3? nothing would be able to stop me.

    The NY teachers contract changed this year. In the new contract most schools are in session from 8:00-2:30 on most days a week. The only thing that I'm worried about is how my body is going to react to working out less. I'm planning on working out 4 days a week for one hour each day instead of 5 days a week and two hours each day.

    I think you're kind of missing the point. I work out 3 days a week, 45 minutes each session. Then I fill in whatever spare time I come up with during the week with walking. That's it.

    I'll echo what BinaryPulsar said. You can find a much more efficient workout for you. You can probably spend less time working out and burn the same amount of calories. What kind of workouts are you doing anyway?

    I'm doing a lot of cardio. I do an hour on the stair master, a half hour on the elliptical, then I jog for another half hour on the treadmill.

    i'm a triathlete... i know what "a lot of cardio" is.
  • cookieinbk82
    cookieinbk82 Posts: 320 Member
    man, i wish i had school teacher hours. what are they, 8-3? nothing would be able to stop me.

    The NY teachers contract changed this year. In the new contract most schools are in session from 8:00-2:30 on most days a week. The only thing that I'm worried about is how my body is going to react to working out less. I'm planning on working out 4 days a week for one hour each day instead of 5 days a week and two hours each day.

    first, instead of working out for two hours, putzing around aimlessly, you do an good and effective 60 minute work out. challenge your body. and if you want a second work out, guess what, you're out at 2:30!! even if you have a 60 minute commute both ways, you still have tons of time to work out!! and then you have your weekends to get in your long work out.

    First of all, I want to thank you so much for using a Yiddish word (putzing) second of all I don't really putz around.
  • cookieinbk82
    cookieinbk82 Posts: 320 Member
    man, i wish i had school teacher hours. what are they, 8-3? nothing would be able to stop me.

    The NY teachers contract changed this year. In the new contract most schools are in session from 8:00-2:30 on most days a week. The only thing that I'm worried about is how my body is going to react to working out less. I'm planning on working out 4 days a week for one hour each day instead of 5 days a week and two hours each day.

    I think you're kind of missing the point. I work out 3 days a week, 45 minutes each session. Then I fill in whatever spare time I come up with during the week with walking. That's it.

    I'll echo what BinaryPulsar said. You can find a much more efficient workout for you. You can probably spend less time working out and burn the same amount of calories. What kind of workouts are you doing anyway?

    I'm doing a lot of cardio. I do an hour on the stair master, a half hour on the elliptical, then I jog for another half hour on the treadmill.

    i'm a triathlete... i know what "a lot of cardio" is.

    I'm doing a lot of cardio for a non triathlete.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    man, i wish i had school teacher hours. what are they, 8-3? nothing would be able to stop me.

    The NY teachers contract changed this year. In the new contract most schools are in session from 8:00-2:30 on most days a week. The only thing that I'm worried about is how my body is going to react to working out less. I'm planning on working out 4 days a week for one hour each day instead of 5 days a week and two hours each day.

    I think you're kind of missing the point. I work out 3 days a week, 45 minutes each session. Then I fill in whatever spare time I come up with during the week with walking. That's it.

    I'll echo what BinaryPulsar said. You can find a much more efficient workout for you. You can probably spend less time working out and burn the same amount of calories. What kind of workouts are you doing anyway?

    I'm doing a lot of cardio. I do an hour on the stair master, a half hour on the elliptical, then I jog for another half hour on the treadmill.

    May I ask why? Are you doing it so you can eat the exercise calories? Are you training for something specific? Is this an example of a workout, or is this what you do every time? I only ask because it seems like you're neglecting your upper body.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    man, i wish i had school teacher hours. what are they, 8-3? nothing would be able to stop me.

    The NY teachers contract changed this year. In the new contract most schools are in session from 8:00-2:30 on most days a week. The only thing that I'm worried about is how my body is going to react to working out less. I'm planning on working out 4 days a week for one hour each day instead of 5 days a week and two hours each day.

    first, instead of working out for two hours, putzing around aimlessly, you do an good and effective 60 minute work out. challenge your body. and if you want a second work out, guess what, you're out at 2:30!! even if you have a 60 minute commute both ways, you still have tons of time to work out!! and then you have your weekends to get in your long work out.

    First of all, I want to thank you so much for using a Yiddish word (putzing) second of all I don't really putz around.

    i grew up in queens. yiddish it out, and you take it.
  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    man, i wish i had school teacher hours. what are they, 8-3?

    Those would be just the classroom hours. Then you have papers to grade or essays to read, class planning and scheduling, parent teacher meetings, depending on grade taught term papers to read, outlines to approve, term paper rough drafts to review.....the list goes on. Most teachers I have known don't get a chance to get home before dinner because of the many extra curricular activities at their school.
  • cookieinbk82
    cookieinbk82 Posts: 320 Member
    man, i wish i had school teacher hours. what are they, 8-3? nothing would be able to stop me.

    The NY teachers contract changed this year. In the new contract most schools are in session from 8:00-2:30 on most days a week. The only thing that I'm worried about is how my body is going to react to working out less. I'm planning on working out 4 days a week for one hour each day instead of 5 days a week and two hours each day.

    I think you're kind of missing the point. I work out 3 days a week, 45 minutes each session. Then I fill in whatever spare time I come up with during the week with walking. That's it.

    I'll echo what BinaryPulsar said. You can find a much more efficient workout for you. You can probably spend less time working out and burn the same amount of calories. What kind of workouts are you doing anyway?

    I'm doing a lot of cardio. I do an hour on the stair master, a half hour on the elliptical, then I jog for another half hour on the treadmill.

    May I ask why? Are you doing it so you can eat the exercise calories? Are you training for something specific? Is this an example of a workout, or is this what you do every time? I only ask because it seems like you're neglecting your upper body.

    I am neglecting my upper body. I want to change that. I don't eat the calories back because I don't trust MFPs estimate of my calories burned. I got into the habit of working out that much when I was trying to lose 40 pounds. Now that I only have 7 more pounds to lose to reach that goal I haven't changed my routine.
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    man, i wish i had school teacher hours. what are they, 8-3? nothing would be able to stop me.

    school teachers hours are not even close to 8-3, you couldn't handle working their hours.
    They get to school by 6am most days, stay till late in the evening doing afterschool with students and having meetings,
    they don't get home till almost 6pm, then have to correct papers, make lesson plans, go to stores to purchase out of their own pay supplies for their students, schools do not pay for this, how many other professionals pay for work supplies out of their pocket , not many... yet parents complain teachers do nothing for their kids, they do more than the parents most times sorry... parents need to step up and support their local schools and teachers, then after all that work... over 14 plus hours of work a day... they might perhaps get to shovel err eat dinner, do bare minimum any house chores, say hi to their own spouses or kids for 5 minutes before having to complete professional development lessons for themselves aka teacher home work, if they get into bed by 11pm or midnight each night they are lucky then must get up at 430-5am again and be their for kids, but teachers don't work... try teachers don't get paid enough to deal with the crap they have to, and tenure isn't a bad thing just it needs to be revised to be able to let go of teachers who are.
  • fitgirlandfoodie
    fitgirlandfoodie Posts: 1,014 Member
    hm I'm feeling depressed. Another year starting as a substitute teacher with a 2:1 degree and a M.Ed, and no sign of any job in the near future. I guess the extra time will be good for working out but I'd rather be working full time. It's frustrating.
    I know how you feel. I was a sub for two years and was promised full time jobs from principals which turned out to not be fulfilled. Good luck this year. I hope you get something full time.

    Thanks hun. It's my 3rd year out from my degree at this point..it just is beginning to appear futile. Schools starting back here next Monday so back out with the CVs :)

    Move somewhere that is growing. The Austin metro area can't build schools and hire teachers fast enough.

    I'm in Ireland....

    there are no kids in ireland? there are no schools? you live in the european union. move to italy/spain/france and teach english.

    i read somewhere once that if you don't have a job within a year or two of getting your degrees, the job market considers you unhirable.

    There are kids. In case you didn't realize, Germany has our government by the balls and there is an embargo on public sector employment. I don't want to teach just English, that isn't the degree I slaved for for 3 years, if fact, you don't need a degree to teach English abroad. I don't mind teaching substitute as long as it's what I've trained for. On a side note, if I ever meet a teacher who clocks off at 3 I'll eat my hat. Maybe it's different in the States but I doubt it.
  • cookieinbk82
    cookieinbk82 Posts: 320 Member
    man, i wish i had school teacher hours. what are they, 8-3? nothing would be able to stop me.

    The NY teachers contract changed this year. In the new contract most schools are in session from 8:00-2:30 on most days a week. The only thing that I'm worried about is how my body is going to react to working out less. I'm planning on working out 4 days a week for one hour each day instead of 5 days a week and two hours each day.

    first, instead of working out for two hours, putzing around aimlessly, you do an good and effective 60 minute work out. challenge your body. and if you want a second work out, guess what, you're out at 2:30!! even if you have a 60 minute commute both ways, you still have tons of time to work out!! and then you have your weekends to get in your long work out.

    First of all, I want to thank you so much for using a Yiddish word (putzing) second of all I don't really putz around.

    i grew up in queens. yiddish it out, and you take it.

    I grew up in Brooklyn with a Yiddish speaking mother so I could Yiddish it out like you wouldn't believe.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    man, i wish i had school teacher hours. what are they, 8-3?

    Those would be just the classroom hours. Then you have papers to grade or essays to read, class planning and scheduling, parent teacher meetings, depending on grade taught term papers to read, outlines to approve, term paper rough drafts to review.....the list goes on. Most teachers I have known don't get a chance to get home before dinner because of the many extra curricular activities at their school.

    so like a normal person?

    i work at a power plant, 12 hour shifts, rotating schedule, nights and weekends. i start at 5:30, and leave at 5:30.

    we could sit here and compare schedules all day, but the fact of the matter is that everyone has an equal amount of time given to them everyday. it's your own individual choice on what to do with those hours.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    man, i wish i had school teacher hours. what are they, 8-3? nothing would be able to stop me.

    The NY teachers contract changed this year. In the new contract most schools are in session from 8:00-2:30 on most days a week. The only thing that I'm worried about is how my body is going to react to working out less. I'm planning on working out 4 days a week for one hour each day instead of 5 days a week and two hours each day.

    first, instead of working out for two hours, putzing around aimlessly, you do an good and effective 60 minute work out. challenge your body. and if you want a second work out, guess what, you're out at 2:30!! even if you have a 60 minute commute both ways, you still have tons of time to work out!! and then you have your weekends to get in your long work out.

    First of all, I want to thank you so much for using a Yiddish word (putzing) second of all I don't really putz around.

    i grew up in queens. yiddish it out, and you take it.

    I grew up in Brooklyn with a Yiddish speaking mother so I could Yiddish it out like you wouldn't believe.

    just be Gentile on me.
  • SerendipitySkye
    SerendipitySkye Posts: 202 Member
    I homeschool my four children. I have not had the urge to hide under my bed yet, so I say it is going pretty well. :happy:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    man, i wish i had school teacher hours. what are they, 8-3? nothing would be able to stop me.

    school teachers hours are not even close to 8-3, you couldn't handle working their hours.
    They get to school by 6am most days, stay till late in the evening doing afterschool with students and having meetings,
    they don't get home till almost 6pm, then have to correct papers, make lesson plans, go to stores to purchase out of their own pay supplies for their students, schools do not pay for this, how many other professionals pay for work supplies out of their pocket , not many... yet parents complain teachers do nothing for their kids, they do more than the parents most times sorry... parents need to step up and support their local schools and teachers, then after all that work... over 14 plus hours of work a day... they might perhaps get to shovel err eat dinner, do bare minimum any house chores, say hi to their own spouses or kids for 5 minutes before having to complete professional development lessons for themselves aka teacher home work, if they get into bed by 11pm or midnight each night they are lucky then must get up at 430-5am again and be their for kids, but teachers don't work... try teachers don't get paid enough to deal with the crap they have to, and tenure isn't a bad thing just it needs to be revised to be able to let go of teachers who are.

    my mother is a teacher. i know what the schedule is like. she went to night school 2-3 nights a week to get her masters, and still made dinner and found time to exercise and spend time with her family without having to nail herself on some cross.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    man, i wish i had school teacher hours. what are they, 8-3? nothing would be able to stop me.

    school teachers hours are not even close to 8-3, you couldn't handle working their hours.
    They get to school by 6am most days, stay till late in the evening doing afterschool with students and having meetings,
    they don't get home till almost 6pm, then have to correct papers, make lesson plans, go to stores to purchase out of their own pay supplies for their students, schools do not pay for this, how many other professionals pay for work supplies out of their pocket , not many... yet parents complain teachers do nothing for their kids, they do more than the parents most times sorry... parents need to step up and support their local schools and teachers, then after all that work... over 14 plus hours of work a day... they might perhaps get to shovel err eat dinner, do bare minimum any house chores, say hi to their own spouses or kids for 5 minutes before having to complete professional development lessons for themselves aka teacher home work, if they get into bed by 11pm or midnight each night they are lucky then must get up at 430-5am again and be their for kids, but teachers don't work... try teachers don't get paid enough to deal with the crap they have to, and tenure isn't a bad thing just it needs to be revised to be able to let go of teachers who are.

    Neither do nurses, but let's not turn this thread into a pissing contest. Everyone chooses their careers for one reason or another. If teachers (or anyone really) are that disgruntled, find something else.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    man, i wish i had school teacher hours. what are they, 8-3? nothing would be able to stop me.

    school teachers hours are not even close to 8-3, you couldn't handle working their hours.
    They get to school by 6am most days, stay till late in the evening doing afterschool with students and having meetings,
    they don't get home till almost 6pm, then have to correct papers, make lesson plans, go to stores to purchase out of their own pay supplies for their students, schools do not pay for this, how many other professionals pay for work supplies out of their pocket , not many... yet parents complain teachers do nothing for their kids, they do more than the parents most times sorry... parents need to step up and support their local schools and teachers, then after all that work... over 14 plus hours of work a day... they might perhaps get to shovel err eat dinner, do bare minimum any house chores, say hi to their own spouses or kids for 5 minutes before having to complete professional development lessons for themselves aka teacher home work, if they get into bed by 11pm or midnight each night they are lucky then must get up at 430-5am again and be their for kids, but teachers don't work... try teachers don't get paid enough to deal with the crap they have to, and tenure isn't a bad thing just it needs to be revised to be able to let go of teachers who are.

    Neither do nurses, but let's not turn this thread into a pissing contest. Everyone chooses their careers for one reason or another. If teachers (or anyone really) are that disgruntled, find something else.

    seriously. nurses have to deal with dying people... and the dying persons family.