The "NEVER been thin/ in-shape" Club



  • kbefit
    kbefit Posts: 116
    OK I'm back!!! Anyway....can't wait to get to know everyone. Friend me if you like!

    I too have always been overweight. I think that there have been 4 periods in my life where I have lost weight and been thin, but it was for such a short time and of course I gained it back. The first time I was only 11 years doctor put me on diet pills and I remember losing 26 pounds which is a lot for an 11 year old. Sadly at that young age, I didn't understand lifestyle and of course children aren't controlling their own meals. Now, believe it or not, I eat pretty healthfully. The problem is, after all of these years I've really screwed up my metabolism and it just doesn't come off easily. The pic of me is one of my "thin times"....I put it up to remind myself how I want to look. Years ago, I was able to quit smoking with an online support group...I'm hoping I can do the same for weight loss.


    My start weight was 231
    I am now 222
    For now I am aiming for 180
    Possibly one day 165
  • I have struggled with my weight all my life. Food was always given to me for comfort, so that is what I learned, and did all my life.
    I have never been "skinny". I was always the tallest and biggest kid in class. I stood out like a sore thumb, and I think that my self esteem suffered for that. I was in women's clothes in the 6th grade, and have never been able to shop at a "regular" size store. This feeling of self loathing and worthlessness is why I think I turned to food when I was happy, sad, mad, etc. It developed into a real addiction to the point where I would order a large pizza, and eat the entire thing. Or eat dinner at home and then ride around and hit every fast food place on the street, feeling ashamed, and disgusting. I would think about food from the time I woke up to the time I went to bed..."what will I eat next" was always on my mind. My skin would literally crawl, and I would obsess and get anxious about the food. One of my friends told me that "she never sees me eat" and that is because I always did it in secret, and threw away any evidence.

    I have tried ever so called diet out there. Nothing would work for me, because I wouldn't let it. I would get frustrated when I wouldn't lose, or if I would gain one week. Or I would say, I can cheat this day, and it would snowball from there because my food addiction would get a hold of me.

    I recently came across a picture of myself from many years ago when I thought I was "fat". It is probably the best picture of me ever. I keep it posted on my fridge. At that time I was a size 18/20 and weighed probably a little over 200lbs. I am tall, and my weight distributes well, and that weight for me was perfect, but didn't see it that way at the time.

    Now getting in and out of the car is a struggle. Walking up stairs is down right painful and embarassing. Getting on and off chairs and sofas makes me want to hide in a corner, and I try to plan it around when no one is looking. I'm tired of being tired and in pain constantly. So.....

    I feel like I have finally come to grips with my eating habits, and this site has helped me by holding me accountable by logging my calories each day. I do it no matter what I eat. If I fall off the wagon, and hit up Wendy's, I log it. It helps me to put things into perspective each day, and helps me plan out my meals better. I have small short term goals, and medium term goals to help me not feel overwhelmed by looking at the big picture of how much weight I have to lose.

    So, my goals are:

    SW 365 - CW 355 - GW 200

    Good luck everyone, and I will come back often to check in and for the support. To be supportive and for support for myself. Lord knows I need it.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I've never been thin and/or healthy at all. Ever. I was picked on in elementary school, snickered at in high school and now I'm in college and I'm sick of it. Time to get healthy!!!
    ibelieveicandoit... College is a great place and time to get healthy! See if you have free access to the gym on campus! I was at college last year, and didn't AT ALL take advantage of the free gym membership. :cry: (PS - You can post your progress bar in your signature, but going to "Signature" at the top of this page, and pasting the URL for it in the signature box. :wink: )

    Goodluck littlepoopa... Your story speaks to me. You can do this! :flowerforyou:
  • willowma
    willowma Posts: 35 Member
    I totally belong here!! I have been heavy my whole life and would love to know what thin feels like. At 190 I felt great and feeling good allowed me to slip up and gain some back.
    Right now I'm so embarassed and ashamed of myself that I let this happen. I don't want to go places where I will see people who haven't seen me in a while, afraid they will say "Wow,she has really gained weight". Really going out in public at all is not something I want to do. I try not to look in mirrors from the neck down, and end up wearing the same couple of outfits that actually fit on my body, knowing they look horrible. I am so uncomfortable in my own skin right now. I have friends who say, "you carry your weight well," but I definitely don't think I do! I have 33lbs to lose to get back to where I was and then to no mans land!
    Thanks for posting this, glad to know there are so many others out there!
    HW; 300+
    LW: 190
    GW: 170 (and will see how I feel there and move on from there)
  • willowma
    willowma Posts: 35 Member
    I have struggled with my weight all my life. Food was always given to me for comfort, so that is what I learned, and did all my life.
    I have never been "skinny". I was always the tallest and biggest kid in class. I stood out like a sore thumb, and I think that my self esteem suffered for that. I was in women's clothes in the 6th grade, and have never been able to shop at a "regular" size store. This feeling of self loathing and worthlessness is why I think I turned to food when I was happy, sad, mad, etc. It developed into a real addiction to the point where I would order a large pizza, and eat the entire thing. Or eat dinner at home and then ride around and hit every fast food place on the street, feeling ashamed, and disgusting. I would think about food from the time I woke up to the time I went to bed..."what will I eat next" was always on my mind. My skin would literally crawl, and I would obsess and get anxious about the food. One of my friends told me that "she never sees me eat" and that is because I always did it in secret, and threw away any evidence.

    I have tried ever so called diet out there. Nothing would work for me, because I wouldn't let it. I would get frustrated when I wouldn't lose, or if I would gain one week. Or I would say, I can cheat this day, and it would snowball from there because my food addiction would get a hold of me.

    I recently came across a picture of myself from many years ago when I thought I was "fat". It is probably the best picture of me ever. I keep it posted on my fridge. At that time I was a size 18/20 and weighed probably a little over 200lbs. I am tall, and my weight distributes well, and that weight for me was perfect, but didn't see it that way at the time.

    Now getting in and out of the car is a struggle. Walking up stairs is down right painful and embarassing. Getting on and off chairs and sofas makes me want to hide in a corner, and I try to plan it around when no one is looking. I'm tired of being tired and in pain constantly. So.....

    I feel like I have finally come to grips with my eating habits, and this site has helped me by holding me accountable by logging my calories each day. I do it no matter what I eat. If I fall off the wagon, and hit up Wendy's, I log it. It helps me to put things into perspective each day, and helps me plan out my meals better. I have small short term goals, and medium term goals to help me not feel overwhelmed by looking at the big picture of how much weight I have to lose.

    So, my goals are:

    SW 365 - CW 355 - GW 200

    Good luck everyone, and I will come back often to check in and for the support. To be supportive and for support for myself. Lord knows I need it.

    Wow littlepoopa, I feel like i was reading my own story in yours. I wish you the best of luck! Great job so far! You can do it!
  • @sweetie89207
    Just letting you know I changed my name from KMayeske to 90poundsoflard. I lost 2lbs (finally) so I guess its 88 lbs of lard left. :laugh:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000

    Although I did have a short visit to 188 lbs on this past Monday (should never have stepped on the scale to check) it was quite short lived. I understand weigh in day for this thread is on Saturdays so I've gained 0.5 lbs since last Saturday. I have to say that I'm quite relieved that it isn't more after this week ... sick ... pms .... and now TOM. Hopefully this week will be better

    LW = 199.0 lbs
    CW = 199.5 lbs
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Just thought I would post my new weight on this lovely winter morning (it's -7 C outside... better than the -22 C it was last week I guess.)

    SW: 189 (I have no idea what day that was... Jan something)
    1/21 - 186
    1/28 - 184.5

    5% Goal = 9.5 pounds = 179.5

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • thanks everyone for remembering the saturday weigh-in date-- you guys are awesome!!!!

    and all you newbies- i'll get to ya'll a little later after i get back from work...have to give you the traditional welcome LOL...

    thanks all for being amazing!
  • @sweetie89207
    Just letting you know I changed my name from KMayeske to 90poundsoflard. I lost 2lbs (finally) so I guess its 88 lbs of lard left. :laugh:

    oh ok i'll change u on over
  • Just wanted to check in:

    CW: 260
    SW: 270
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    sw: 177
    CW: 177

    Exercise goals this week:

    -WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS
    -DRINK @ LEAST 64 OZ H20
    -STAY WITHIN 1200 - 1500 CALORIES

    -WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS
    -DRINK @ LEAST 64 OZ H20
    -STAY WITHIN 1200 - 1500 CALORIES

    -WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS
    -DRINK @ LEAST 64 OZ H20
    -STAY WITHIN 1200 - 1500 CALORIES

    -WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS
    -DRINK @ LEAST 64 OZ H20
    -STAY WITHIN 1200 - 1500 CALORIES

    -WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS
    -DRINK @ LEAST 64 OZ H20
    -STAY WITHIN 1200 - 1500 CALORIES

    -WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS
    -DRINK @ LEAST 64 OZ H20
    -STAY WITHIN 1200 - 1500 CALORIES

    -WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS
    -DRINK @ LEAST 64 OZ H20
    -STAY WITHIN 1200 - 1500 CALORIES

    -Log all food every day.

    -Drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday.

    -Stay between 1200 - 1500 calories everyday
  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    hi :) my start weight was 12st 5lb and im assuming im meant to be 10st or 140lbs :S im only sayn that cos i vaugley remeber my dr tellin me that was the ideal weight for my height and build so thats why im puttin 140lbs as my goal, and when i reach there i guess i can re-assess :)

    Kirstie x
  • blueymo
    blueymo Posts: 91 Member
    Wow! Wish I had found this site AGES ago! I've been on my own weight loss journey since October 1st (and I went ahead and put that weight in as my "starting weight" even though I actually lost 25 pounds before joining MFP--it helps me track my "real" progress)! My story sounds very similar. I'm from a very large family (12 kids) and I was always the largest. I didn't eat more than any one else, I didn't eat more often than anyone else. I just didn't stay the same size as everyone else. Looking back I don't think I was a fat kid, but I went to a small, private school and the only other girls my age were stick-thin. So, I felt fat, overweight, and ugly! As I size up pictures I was mostly a very large-boned child that just had extra weight--not unhealthy, just heavy! In fact, people use to joke that I was made of lead because even as young as 3 or 4 my parents wouldn't hold me anymore because of how heavy I felt--although I looked normal! LOL!
    I loved sports growing up and loved running, but was diagnosed with asthma and never took the time to work through it gradually. I just gave up running. Still did some sports, but never anything great. Weighed about 130 by 13 and 160 by 16. I know those aren't grossly huge, but again, being around stick-thin chics made me seem humongous! I left high school and put on weight of course (out of gymn class). I went overseas (spent two years in Australia) working hard outside and eating healthier food (because other countries are MUCH more healthy than the USA)! I was down to my lightest adult weight when I got home and that was still 180(ish) pounds and size 16! I do carry my weight well (I know I do) but I also know I shouldn't have to carry around any of this extra weight! I came back from overseas and promptly (within 6 months) put on 40 pounds! Now, I'm through with getting my Bachelor's degree and I LONG to be healthy again so I can fully enjoy riding horses and training like I want!
    My heaviest was 256--Oct. 2010
    My starting weight on MFP in December 2010--232
    My current weight is 217
    My "goal" is to be 180 again! My BMI says I "should" be 160 at the highest, but I just don't see that looking good. But, I joke with people and say, let me get to 180 and I'll see what I say then.
    My mini goal is 70 pounds lost between Oc. 2010 and May 2011! (I work at a summer camp and would love to shock people when they seem me again at the next year!)
    I really hope I'm able to encourage some of you as much as reading your stories and testimonies has encouraged me already! Thanks for being such awesome people!
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    I want to join too! I have never been thin. My Mom was always thin growing up, as was other members of my family. I was always the one that was told I had such "pretty hair" and the compliments ended there. No one was ever mean to me about being overweight, but I just never felt beautiful.
    I hit 220 after the birth of my second child and I was seriously in need of a change, a real one.
    Now @ 153ish, all I see is the fat me in the mirror. I know logically I have lost all this weight, and I see the tags on my clothes saying 8/medium, but when I look at my reflection all I see are rolls and bumps, and that awful AWFUL flabby skin from my whole life of being overweight and then having 2 kids 15 mos apart.
    I have had people ask me what my goal weight is or what size I want to be, and all I knew was what the BMI charts say, but it seems to daunting to think I have 20 more pounds to lose, especially since the only place I seem to be losing it now is my boobs. :cry: All these years having big boobs was an embarrassment, now I wish I had a little bit of those still. LOL

    Anyway, its nice to know there are others out there who have never been "thin" before. I watch infomercials a lot for workout DVDs I already own (its like an obsession for me late at night, don't ask) and I see these women say they get "washboard abs" in 6 weeks or whatever. I eat 1400 calories a day and workout 6 days a week and still don't have washboard abs - 2 years after beginning this journey. Grrr. Whatever.

    My name is Trina. :)
  • Count me in too! I hit puberty and seemed to double in size over the course of the following year. I was always the overweight one in whatever group I hung out with.

    Heaviest weight: 265
    MFP starting weight: 242
    Current weight: 219
    Goal weight: 185 (size 8-12)

    Reason for losing weight: I am doing it for me and for my mom. I know she would want me to be healthier so I don't end up like she did. That and I want to be able to shop at the mall. Not that I want to pay mall prices, I just want to be able too. :)
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi everyone: It's a new day. Everyone got some great plans for this week? I've had a good weekend. Had a date night with my hubby on Saturday, had a nice little visit with my sister and her family yesterday, and finally went to the doctor about my sinus problems. Nothing like a couple of embarrassing nose bleeds to make you take action. I'm on a strong antibiotic now which I take once a day for 15 days. Hoping that will work so I can get back to the gym. My week of eating and such really wasn't as controlled as it should have been but I did make a point of doing at least 20 minutes of some kind of exercise every day (which really was strenuous with the sinus thing going on) and it seems to have helped. Stepped on the scale this morning and I'm down a bit.

    Well I'm off to get things tidied up here, I've got a guy coming over to install some contraption so I will now have high speed wireless internet ... unlimited ... woo hoo!! I'll pop back on later.

  • thelima
    thelima Posts: 234
    @Sweetie - sorry I missed Saturday weigh in!! Bad BAD weather in DC area since last Weds night and I lost power that night, didn't get it back until Friday night so I'm way way behind on pretty much everything.

    I'm 2 lbs down (yay!).

    I haven't caught up to everyone's posts, but plan to do so today.

    Wishing you all a great week ahead!
  • I'm checking in for the week.

    I love 2 lbs, down to 256.

    I'll be honest though. I'm not sure how I lost the two pounds. Life's gotten really stressful the last couple of weeks and I haven't been tracking or eating well. Maybe it's just the stress? I don't know, but I know at some point this is going to come to a stanstill. Hopefully I can drop a few more pounds first though. ;)
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Checking in :) I weigh in on Mondays. I gained about pound this week which puts be at 213. I'm not super shocked, I lost 3lbs then 2lbs in back to back weeks. My body has NEVER allowed that to happen before :laugh: so I think it's in shock. Another reason is I'll be getting my TOM later this week and into the weigh in next week. My TOMs seem to take up 2 weigh ins a month. But I'm not depressed, just chugging along. I've lost 18 glorious pounds so far. :smile: There is no stopping me. This journey is going to be a long one, whats one more week :wink:
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