The "NEVER been thin/ in-shape" Club



  • MdP1308
    Please let me in the club, please, please, please. I am a Weight Watchers dropout. I tried it a couple of years ago and hated it. I lost close to 20 pounds in 3 months with their system and walking everyday, but I felt I spent too much time obsessing over points and I never felt satisfied. Not enough meat, not enough protein. I have regained about three quarters of the weight I lost with them. . .most of them in the last couple of months from stress eating and no exercise.

    My daughter, a current member of WW for the 3rd time, found MFP on her phone. She played around with it and was impressed since it is much easier to use and more complete than the WW database. She showed it to me and here I am. I have shown it to two others and they too are using it.

    Now for some questions: What is the recommended percentages for carbs, fats, and protein (not necessaryily the default setting)? Is it recommended to use the extra calories alotted when exercising? How do YOU keep yourself motivated after the newness has worn off? What type of intermediate or short-term goals do YOU use to help keep on track?

    I'd love to see this club take off and provide each of us with the support and friendship a community can provide.
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Hi to both Piratess and MdP :)

    I joined this site in September and its been a life saver. I've tried WW and other diets that consisted of calorie counting but when I started using this site it really stuck for me. This weight loss is the most successful I've ever been. My mom (who has battled weight her whole life as well, acutally reaching her goal weight and then gaining it all back) said to me, "wow, you're doing fantastic, I'm so proud of you - it doesn't appear that you're going to quit anytime soon! You're so motivated". The fact that she recognized that I wasn't quiting to going back to old habits really stuck with me. I've quit loads of programs before but the idea of "quiting' hasn't crossed my mind at ALL since I joined in September. Why would I quit - there really isn't anything to quit. I'm not depriving myself of anything - just watching my portions and making more informed choices about what I'm putting into my body. I'm also exercising more. I love adding in my exercise to MFP it makes me feel good and its also awesome to see calories burned. The people here are great. Always there to give me congrats and also to pick me up when I'm feeling low.

    As far as your questions - my percentages were set for me by my nutritionist so I'm not sure. Everyone had different views about eating back calories. Personally I do not. BUT my nutritionist had set my calorie level a bit higher. So I eat a bit more each day and the days I exercise I do NOT eat them back. It has worked for me so far. I also know people on here that DO eat back their calories and they are still loosing weight. Its all a matter of preference. As far as newness wearing off - I guess it did at one point but I haven't lost any motivation. I'm very active with my friends on here - I reply to their status, they reply to mine. I've found several forums on here that I write on quite a bit - I think that what has kept me going. I care about the friends I've made on here and i feel like I need to be on here for them as much as I need them to be on here for me. I don't normally do short term goals. I joined my first "challenge" a few weeks ago and I dont' think I'll do another - I haven't been super successful lately and its depressing to see that the scale isn't moving as fast as I'd like it to. Being in a challenge has only made that more obvious to me. They work for some people, but not so much for me.

    Well, hope that helps! I have a lot of down time at work today so you get all my opinions on things hahah :)

    Oh - other words of wisdom from my Mother - "Think of it is weight "shed" instead of weight "loss" -- because lord knows I don't want to find the pounds I loose".

  • melkneec
    melkneec Posts: 309 Member
    melkneec... Excellent job! That's awesome that you could achieve that without a class. (I'm not at all suggesting that one needs a class to achieve results, just that it's awesome that you are so motivated on your own!) I hope you get to experience a Zumba class one day anyway though. It's exciting working out/dancing in a group. My first class was with a friend, or else I probably wouldn't have tried it on my own either. :smile:

    Oh.. :) I wasn't saying anything bad about classes. I just love the game. lol. I hope one day to make it to a class too. I keep telling myself that once I get good at the game I'll go. lol. Sorry if my posted sounded bad. :)
  • bekkyhughes
    Heaviest - 196lbs (when I was 14)
    Current - 178lbs
    Least since getting to heaviest - 160lbs

    Was always bullied in school about my weight. Got to 196lbs when I was 14, lost it the wrong way (i.e. not eating until I was fainting in class). I got down to around 175 for my school prom. Lost 15lbs through healthy eating and exercise at the beginning of 2009, fell off the wagon when on holiday and only just managed to clamber back on a year and a half later.

    Goal - 119lbs.
    Celeb Icon - Kelly Osbourne.
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
  • Evermyre
    Good morning everybody! Just wondering how it's going for everyone. I had kind of a bad day yesterday food wise. I was reading a post on here about Chinese food and just started CRAVING it! And then rather than eating the lunch that I had all planned out and had brought to work with me I went to a Chinese buffet. :( Fail. But something good did actually come out of it. 1) I discovered the food did not taste as good as my mind had thought it was going to be. 2) It was kind of cold so I didn't really enjoy it. 3) In full buffet style I ate way too much, but then felt just nauseous afterwards. 4) I will never go again!! After the afore mentioned things that just were not so good, I think I'm going to be cured of going out for Chinese food for a while. It just wasn't as satisfying as I imagined it would be. So even though I know I WAY overate my calories yesterday (despite the fact that I was still full in the evening and didn't eat any supper) it was a good day overall because I learned something that I think will help me on this life changing journey.

    How about you? Any big revelations for anyone recently?
  • jsnyder7087
    Im in Ive never been thin not that I can remember anyway...

  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    1) I discovered the food did not taste as good as my mind had thought it was going to be. 2) It was kind of cold so I didn't really enjoy it. 3) In full buffet style I ate way too much, but then felt just nauseous afterwards. 4) I will never go again!!
    How about you? Any big revelations for anyone recently?

    Those are words to live by pretty much. I've done that so many times over the years, had a craving for something I used to love, decided to give in and just eat it all, then found out exactly what you stated above. Now if I'm craving Chinese food I look up a healthier recipe for something I used to love and make it. I actually like the lighter versions of most foods anymore. Plus I find I'm super sensitive to sodium now so actual take-out Chinese food would make me bloated for DAYS. :laugh:
  • thelima
    thelima Posts: 234
    Morning, all!

    Revelations: yup, pretty much that. Realizing that eating the way I used to only led to me feeling poorly and that it wasn't what it was all cracked up to be.

    The good thing is that I've really absorbed portion size/food choices and find myself automatically calculating whether or not something will fit into the day's plan. I don't deny myself foods as a whole, because that would lead back into the feeling of deprivation and despair. Instead, I plan. Yesterday, a vendor brought over a box of Ferrero Rocher choccies. Normally, I would have grabbed as many as I could then passed the rest around. Instead, I took one (72 cals!) and never went back for more. I savored it, enjoying the chocolatey goodness and honestly didn't feel the need to go grab another. A definite win in my book!
  • TheBun
    TheBun Posts: 5
    Hi !

    I'd like to join too !
    Since I was 8, I have always been overweight. I have been on a diet hundreds of times, and I never really succeeded.
    I KNOW what I should do, but I think I can't do it alone. In fact, it's always easy to lose the first pounds, but it's very difficult not to give up one or two months later.

    SW : 200 lbs / 91kg (01/03)
    CW : 196 lbs / 89 kg
    GW : 150 lbs / 68 kg (normal BMI)

    This will be a loooooong journey.
  • Evermyre
    I totally hear you. Been on all kinds of "diets", but never changed. The thing that's helped me is slow change. If I try to do too much at once I ger overwhelmed and give up. Just know there's lots of people around here to help you on your journey!!!
  • TheBun
    TheBun Posts: 5
    Thank you evermyre ! It's important to hear (hum ... read) that you're not alone.
  • denee05
    denee05 Posts: 15 Member
    The only time in my life that I was skinny was probably when I was about 6 or 7. I've been chunky, chubby, fat, then obese ever since. Even when I was smaller during middle school, my huge boobs caused me to wear huge shirts. I've tried to just accept this body and my lack of activity, but I'm sick of it now. I just want to be able to shop in regular sized clothes. I want to look in my closet and choose an outfit to wear because I want to wear it and it's cute, not because fits okay for that day.

    I've tried a lot of diets, and I never saw any results, so I would just get depressed and binge. The last diet I tried was one where I counted my calories, exercised everyday, and made sure to walk at least 10,000 steps a day. I did this for about 2 months and my body didn't change. And I started feeling hungry all of the time, and I couldn't control my moods. My clothes didn't feel any looser and I just didn't look different. That's when I gave up. But I never lost my need to count my calories, even if I did go over. I know that had I continued I wouldn't be so miserable now, but I think I wasn't eating enough and that's why I couldn't lose anything. I just always assumed that barely eating would equal results.

    I'm now going to start over again. I still don't have any motivation to exercise, even though I feel great while doing it. It's weird. I just don't understand myself. But I do see that this 1200 calorie thing was a lot more than what I was allowing myself to eat before, so perhaps I'll have better luck this time. I just have to commit to this lifestyle change.

    What's weird about this time, is that even though I'm not exercising yet, and I've only been using this system for a little while, I just...feel better. Like I'm okay. I have way less stomach aches because I've avoiding the high calorie foods, and I'm so anal about making sure that I track EVERYTHING I eat. I think I used to cheat a lot and ate a lot more than what I thought.

    Sorry for the rant. I'll stop. Lol.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    LW: 187
    CW: 186.5

    Little by little, sorry I haven't been on much. I have a back injury, and I'm back in school. So... lacking in time.
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    1) I discovered the food did not taste as good as my mind had thought it was going to be. 2) It was kind of cold so I didn't really enjoy it. 3) In full buffet style I ate way too much, but then felt just nauseous afterwards. 4) I will never go again!!
    How about you? Any big revelations for anyone recently?

    Those are words to live by pretty much. I've done that so many times over the years, had a craving for something I used to love, decided to give in and just eat it all, then found out exactly what you stated above. Now if I'm craving Chinese food I look up a healthier recipe for something I used to love and make it. I actually like the lighter versions of most foods anymore. Plus I find I'm super sensitive to sodium now so actual take-out Chinese food would make me bloated for DAYS. :laugh:

    Yeah a WHOLE lotta ditto on this! I have been laying off eating fast food since september. I only eat it about once a month. I went about 3 months without eating mcdonalds at all. This was a huge struggle for me! I work 3rd shift so on my way home from work at 7am in the morning it takes a LOT for me not to stop there. I use to get 2 bacon egg and cheese sandwiches on biscuits. I stopped last month and got one in a moment of weakness. The moment I put it to my lips I could taste the obsurd amount of salt on the biscuit. Overal it tasted good, don't get me wrong, but it wasn't filling and I felt SO bad after I ate it. Before I started logging food on a regular basis I had no idea what a normal amount of fat or calories were in a meal... Now that I know - I'm horrified by what is in some foods! I haven't been back to mcdonalds since. Some days I'm able to drive right by without noticing its there - and other days it takes all I have in me not to say, "screw it" and pull in.
  • debruhf
    debruhf Posts: 196 Member
    I belong here! I'm Deb....feel free to add me as your friend!!

  • jojoof4
    jojoof4 Posts: 120
    I wanna join! I've been considered "obese" for most of my adult life. According to "them", I need to be under 160 lbs to be considered a normal weight. I honestly can't remember the last time I saw that number. I'm currently 238 lbs and would love to be any number in onederland, probably around 175 or less. Trying my hardest to stick with it this time around, but so frustrated at how slowly the weight comes off. Jumps right back on in a heartbeat though! Can't wait to meet some others in my situation. Thanks for starting this club!
  • weslfuss
    Same here. The last time I remember being under 200 was middle school. I asked my doctor, and checked a few online BMI calculators, and that's how I came up with my Final goal weight of 170.
    I'm currently 232lbs.
    Ugh... this is gonna take a while. xD
  • melkneec
    melkneec Posts: 309 Member
    I have lost for 2 weeks in a row!! Thats unusual for me! From 233.8 - 227.0 !
    6.8 lbs down!! Maybe it can be done! :)
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Same here. The last time I remember being under 200 was middle school. I asked my doctor, and checked a few online BMI calculators, and that's how I came up with my Final goal weight of 170.
    I'm currently 232lbs.
    Ugh... this is gonna take a while. xD

    My starting weight was 231 on September 19th. As of Monday I was 217... I worked my booty off this week exercising and sticking to my calories and a preliminary weigh in shows me at 213. This could be my biggest loss in one week yet and it would put me at 18lbs lost!!!! So, yes it take a while to get started but I've been loosing about a pound a week now on average. I had a whole month (november) where I just gained and lost the same stupid pound but I'm SO thankful I found it in myself to stick with it. :) Trust me, if I can do this YOU can do this. Back in September I was most upset by only seeing one pound - now I realize that 1lb is great. Slow and steady. I hope you see that too one day!!! :) Its the hardest part.