The "NEVER been thin/ in-shape" Club



  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Happy March everyone!! Official weigh-in day tomorrow! Post progress!!
  • 90poundsoflard
    Well, I'm down 1 lb this week. After losing so much the last 2 weeks, 1 lb is kinda disappointing :ohwell: - but I know it's not good to lose too fast. I'm just glad the numbers are going down instead of up. :happy:
  • rainbobrite929
    Just found this topic ... I'm so in on this group.

    I was the fat kid all through school. Always AT LEAST 50 lbs heavier than my peers. Now at 340's I want to do this for my neice ... I want to be there when she grows up and I want to be able to keep up with her ... and maybe, finally, be worthy of someone to love me and maybe, one day, give her some cousins to babysit!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    CW: 182.5

    I think that's up a little from before. I was at 180.5 a little while back, but then had Birthday celebrations. Now I'm getting back on track again!
  • ThePartyGoblin
    I am totally in this club. My family is a bit heavier, and being 5'0" any weight shows! I'm 22 and WAY too young to not be hot! My heaviest was 200lbs (I looked like a bowling ball with legs) and I'm currently at 180.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    This was my post on January 18th when I came to this group:
    CW: 189 (great... I went up from New Year's celebrations)
    5% Goal = 9.5 pounds = 179.5 (which is ironically, the exact weight I was trying to reach by New Year's)
    CW: 177.5

    YAY! I'm officially lighter than I've been in my life!!! New goal = another 5% down (168.5)

    How is everyone else doing??
  • redruthie
    redruthie Posts: 77
    Sorry that I've been MIA, school is time consuming as well as more stress than normal at work.
    Check in time:

    CW: 254.5 for a loss of 15.5 lbs total!
  • 90poundsoflard
    This was a bad week for me - didn't lose anything, but at least I didn't gain:ohwell: I now know I have to log what I eat immediately or I don't pay much attention to what I'm eating :grumble: My internet was down most of the week, so by the time I got into town to log I was way over or had forgotten some things. That plus not getting in any strenuous exercise seemed to slow down the weight loss. I'll put this week down as a learning experience and make sure I get in some good workouts this next week.
  • sweetie89207
    i've been so extremely busy and school is kicking my i hope that everyone will still come weekly and tell us their successes or any issues they have been having but i wont be able to keep up with everyones weights and the chart anymore...i'll still be checking in and seeing how everyone is but i just dont have the time to keep up with it all anymore...i hope everyone is doing well...

    i lost 1.4 pounds this week...super up to 27 lbs lost! yeahhh

    hope everyone is good
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Bah this last month has NOT been good for me. I'm totally addicted to weighing myself daily, and sometimes multiple times a day. So I found a challenge one of my MFP friends started, giving up the scale until Easter. EEK! So far so good - I'll share with you the same thing I just posted on there:

    I feel totally refocused. Just these last 5 days not weighing in has made a big impact on my thought process. I'm only a day or so away from logging my food for 180 days straight on MFP. About a month ago I got to a place where I was too comfortable. I'd lost 21lbs, my clothes were feeling more loose, and I was starting to get compliments. So, what did I do? I started slacking off. Then I hit my plateau. The combination of those two things left me staring at the same weight for over a month!

    The last 5 days have been like a slap in the face - and I needed it!. I'm paying strict attention to my diary and what I'm eating. I'm logging EVERYTHING that touches my lips and I've decided to up my excersize.

    Just thought I'd share some positives. Yes, I still want to climb the latter to the loft and risk landing flat on my chubby butt getting that scale down from where my hubby hid it, but I'm going to refrain because I think I'm learning something really valuable not living by the numbers on the scale.

    If anyone is interested in joining, we just started this week :) Search "Lenten scale diet" and it should come up!
  • Tina1128
    Tina1128 Posts: 37
    Hey I started the scale thing too for Lent-- yay now I can have a group! Lost 26 so far but not a thing in Feb. So for Lent I gave up my three addictions -- coffee, sugar and the scale. I think the scale is going to be the toughest in the long run. :tongue:
  • lv1105
    lv1105 Posts: 3
    I am right there with everyone. Right now I'm at 250lbs but I've probably been obese since I was five. I was surprisingly never teased much but that didn't make it any easier. I've set my goal at 170 because if I set it for my "ideal" weight I'm gonna go crazy waiting. Plus I'm not sure what I'll look like under 200! I think the first time I actuLly paid attention to weight was in middle school and by 12 I was over 200, sad but true. Right before I became pregnant I lost alot of weight and was around 210 and immediately after giving birth I was 216. But of course in the five years since I've gained instead of losing.

    I did lose 17lbs last July but I've gained back all but 4lbs and I'm so peeved at myself because just think of where I could be by now. But! Positive thoughts and im excited to be here and excited to find friends so that we can help each other. Good lck everyone :)

    Ps I love this giving up the scale thing since I'm constantly trying to forget it exists. I'd love see where I am a month from now instead of agonizing over my weight for the next 5 weeks!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    CW: 254.5 for a loss of 15.5 lbs total!
    Awesome job redruthie!!

    90poundsoflard... Sometimes I forget what I ate too. I've started writing it down if I eat away from home. Get those workouts in! Make it a habit! I've been going pretty strong since Feb 6th. You can do it too!
    i lost 1.4 pounds this week...super up to 27 lbs lost! yeahhh
    Great going sweetie!!

    MegJo... Good for you! Break that habit!! :bigsmile: I wanted to join the toss-the-scale group too, but I'm involved in another challenge, so I can't. I think I might do it AFTER Easter though... :wink: That's great that you can spend more time focusing on other things now!

    Tina1128... Congrats on giving up 3 things!! That's awesome! I didn't spend much time thinking about what to give up, so I haven't given up anything... Huh...

    lv1105... Another scale-tosser!! Way to go! :happy:
  • sweetie89207
    Hey I started the scale thing too for Lent-- yay now I can have a group! Lost 26 so far but not a thing in Feb. So for Lent I gave up my three addictions -- coffee, sugar and the scale. I think the scale is going to be the toughest in the long run. :tongue:

    im sure you will do just fine...i have confidence n you!
  • sweetie89207
    This was a bad week for me - didn't lose anything, but at least I didn't gain:ohwell: I now know I have to log what I eat immediately or I don't pay much attention to what I'm eating :grumble: My internet was down most of the week, so by the time I got into town to log I was way over or had forgotten some things. That plus not getting in any strenuous exercise seemed to slow down the weight loss. I'll put this week down as a learning experience and make sure I get in some good workouts this next week.

    its happens to the best of us...but u are very right- no gain is a GREAT thing!!!'ll hit it hard next week!
  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    Jumping on board a bit late, but just found this. I should be in the 'club' - I have no idea what I would look or feel like at a normal weight. I've just hit a weight that I last was 8 years ago, and as I still had a lot of clothes from then, I knew what it would be like getting to this weight again. From now though, it's unknown ground, as I have no idea what it will be like weighing less than I do right now. Must have weighed less than this at some point in my life, but certainly can't remember it! Great to be joining you all for the ride of our lives!! :)
  • Cassienz
    Cassienz Posts: 75
    I want to join this group too! Last time I was ever thin was as a baby - my mother dealt with all life's issues with food and so she'd just keep feeding me junk. Getting older I dealt with everything that way too.

    I had lost a lot of weight but this morning the scales tell me I've gained weight. :( So trying not to panic and assume it's muscle going on instead. This is the first time in my life I've ever worked out every day and I've been under my calorie limit every day except one (and that was only 20 over) so I figure it has to be muscle. Frustrating though. Telling myself to NOT give up, something must be working! (Also telling myself to throw out the scales for a couple of weeks lol)
  • stephstrege
    stephstrege Posts: 62 Member
    Would like in this club for sure. Can't say I am the poster child for this, but then again maybe. For me it's ALWAYS been an up and down thing. I was a very small baby, turned into a chunky toddler, a just right pre-schooler and into about 4th grade was "fine". Got into middle school and 5th grade came along w/ my first period. And the weight gain began!! Was pretty much the "fat girl" until 9th grade when I started starving myself, eating only lettuce for days into weeks sometimes, ended up in the ER a couple times for low iron and hemoglobin. Makes me sad to think about it, got down to about 120 and everyone told me you look "sickly", the same people that sad I was to fat. So I started eating again, met my current husband, started dating him, was a healthy but not toned 140, got married and had two kids and been on the up up and up ever since!! Got down to 185 lbs last August, was feeling really good. Ended up getting very depressed over the winter, Dr.'s say SAD (especially worse living in MN) and I started on St. John's Wort and now I am at a place mentally where now I HAVE to change, I WANT to change, I NEED to change and I am ready to CHANGE!! I don't want to be a super model. I want to be a good role-model for my girls, that is the NUMBER 1 thing in it for me.
  • 90poundsoflard
    Guess I'm stuck :grumble: I tried eating less - tried eating more - did some different exercises - nothing is making the scale budge:mad: I'm not giving up - eventually it will move, but it sure is discouraging.
  • greenfairymarie
    heavest - 265
    current - 227
    goal - 160 to 180

    Hello all, i have been a size 18 for WAY too long, i am currently 31 yrs old and now i am at my high school weight and size. Happy to say that this is the thinnest i have been my adult life. i refused to be on a diet for years because my mother dragged me to them with her. She was on WW, nutrisystem (when they had actual stores in towns), Jenny Craig, Over eaters... etc, i did not want to fall into that pit that she was in, losing 20 and gaining 40 afterward. she was eventually around 320 and got the stomach surgery. During these years i had a child, who is now 11yrs old, got a divorce and living in Sedona AZ. My mother and i now wear the same size clothes (this is strange). All i want is to be healthy, and wear a conservitive (due to strech marks) swimsuit and feel damn proud. i am lucky to be so tall (5' 8") so i can weigh more than a 5' person (sorry). When its all said and done i have come a long way, and most of it was without dieting, just moving my body alot (thank you retail work). Now that I am at that HS weight this last year has been hard... i got down to 215 in Aug, but then i quit smoking on the 17th (the day after my birthday). I knew some weight could be gained, got up to 232. I am not too worried, i just know i needed a little bit more help to get this last 30 lbs off... it could be more, i am just going with how i feel.

    also... We all are beautiful.... Say something about yourself to yourself that is your best feature. There is nothing better than positve reinforcement to keep yourself on your goals.