The "NEVER been thin/ in-shape" Club



  • vsomsouk
    vsomsouk Posts: 8
    Hey everyone,

    My name is Vanida, I just wanted to comment that I would really like to join the "never been thin/in-shape" club.

    I just wanted to say I have never been what was considered thin. Throughout my life, I was the fat kid in the family in an Asian community. For those who can relate, I'd say 85% of Asian people are naturally thin, and weight has never been an issue. Shoot, everyone was all about trying to gain weight. My nickname throughout my childhood was "thoui" in Laotian meaning fat or chubby. I was always called out about my weight with everyone in my family to the point that I was made fun of or just having my weight mentioned kind of phased out in my mind. So, I kind of made myself living in denial about how big I was. With being that, I didn't really know my actual weight was until I was 14.and I was 175. . I gradually got bigger, and my weight eventually hit 235 when I was a senior in high school. Depression crept into my life also became an issue where I used my emotional eating to cope with being down.Then I went to college, and I lost 20lbs where I was 215. The year after I got diagnosed with lupus and had a flare up that caused me to lose weight to 205. The following year, I regained my weight to 230. Ever since I started myfitnesspal, my weight is 222..

    GW: 150
  • AnneMK5
    AnneMK5 Posts: 110
    Please add me. I think the last time I was at a weight I should be was when I was 8 or 9 years old. I've always been a chunk and always yo-yo'd. The biggest help for me this time around has been learning and researching about compulsive overeating and the effects that sugars and other food have on our brains. Did you know that for a lot of people sugar does the same thing to your brain that alcohol and other drugs do... ADDICTION! I've also started going to Overeaters Anonymous meeting. What a great support group!
    I don't know that I'll ever get down to what the BMI and all those things say but I will get to a place where I'm happy with myself.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Welcome new members!! Our current goal is to lose 5% of your weight.

    This mount will be included on the new chart (you'll see).

    A new chart will be posted this Saturday.

    AnneMK5... Please let us know your highest weight, current weight, and goal weight. Thanks!
  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    That's 11 1/2 lbs for me - that's some challenge! :ohwell:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Please keep posting current weights and referring to the charts please! I think a lot of people have stopped checking here.

    katdanash... Welcome! I've got you on the list! You've made great progress so far!! Do you have a goal weight in mind?

    vsomsouk... Welcome! You're on the list! Thanks for sharing your story with us.

    Davali... You can do it! :drinker: I've already passed it once! Now I'm working on my second 5% body weight loss goal.
    However, plans have changed a bit - I had some health complications last wednesday which landed me in the hospital. So I have to keep my heart rate down for the next week, and then be really cautious and work slowly back up to the intensity I was going at before. I've never been sucessful at losing weight without working out so I'm really nervous!
    I'm trying to stay optimistic and continue to work hard. I'm proud of all of you and I love reading everyones stories! :)
    MegJo... Looking forward to your eventual weigh in and seeing how you're doing! Hope your "complications" were minor!! Take care of yourself. And just focus on your healthy eating. That's how I lost my first 55 lbs!!
    I haven't budged on the scale :( It seems like I've hit the dreaded plateau... NOOOOO!
    I've gotta push past this! I can do this!!!
    redruthie... You can do it! Keep logging and tracking your food and workouts!
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    sorry I missed the goal weight
    Its 170 lb Dont remember how that feels but I cant wait to feel it. :)

  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    I belong here!

    Heighest weight was 320 when I was 16.
    Lowest weight was 160 about 5 years ago, age 22-23. I still felt really fat at 160- though on BMI it puts me JUST into the normal range.
    Since then I put back on 20.
    Started MFP at 180.
    Currently 173.

    Picking a "goal" weight has always been hard for me because I don't know my body anyway but heavy. The last time I had been 160 before losing weight in college was the summer before 7th grade!

    So I say my goal range is 130-150. Based on the BMI charts. I'll just see where I'm happy when I get there :)
  • CurlyVonda
    CurlyVonda Posts: 59 Member
    Yes....I need to join this group. I have always been the fat girl in the group. When I started this weight loss journey I weighed 266.8.....currently I weigh 197.6. I have set a goal, but like you said.....I have no idea what I should weigh. When I tell people that I want to weigh 150 they look at me like I am crazy. They can't seem to picture me losing around 50 more pounds.....they haven't seen me with my clothes off....LOL! I have decided that I just want to be out of the over weight range, and I am thinking that is around 165....I guess. So, count me in.
  • ajax03
    ajax03 Posts: 96
    Someone please queue the angelic music~~~~

    AT LAST! A board where I BELONG!!!!!

    Always had "extra" to share. I'll turn 30 this year (woo-hoo!) and am really, I'm mean seriously, focused and motivated to do something about my weight.

    SW: 256lbs.
    CW: 238 lbs.
    (Several MGW): every 10 pounds/month until......(queue drum roll)
    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT (for me): 180 pounds.

    I'm doing my weight loss reprogram in stages. I'm reducing my caloric intake first w/ light exercise (and a host of other "mental battles" to help establish a lifestyle change); then kicking it up a notch in Feb. My motto this month: Consistency, consistency, consistency!

    Just checkin' in....As of 3/31/2011
    CW: 214lbs. :-)
  • stang_girl88
    stang_girl88 Posts: 234 Member
    Hi All!! I was glad to see this post! I have been fat since grade 1, when I broke my leg over summer break and everybody gave me candy lol. I am barely 5'2" and my heaviest a few years back was close to 230 lbs and I am currently 204 lbs. I have lost weight, gained it, lost it and gained so many times. Just sick of being the fattest person in the room and having to buy clothes that fit, not clothes I like. I am also sick of feeling like the Michelin woman, with all those spare tires!! So, anyway, you can friend me if you like!!
  • allimax2002
    allimax2002 Posts: 83 Member
    This is the group I belong in as well! I'm new to the site but loving it so far. I'm 26 years old. Starting out at 248. Could not believe I've gotten up that high! Although, I've always been chubby and even at my thinnest I was a size 14. I'd like to lose about 100 lbs. Per the BMI thing that would put me in the healthy range. I'm pretty happy with me and just being me. I have a loving (chubby) family and sweet (also a little overweight) husband. What really got me started on this health kick is that the Doc told me it would be hard to me to get preggers and then if I did at my weight it would be more difficult to carry the baby to term. Well, I wanna baby darn it! And when he or she comes (cause I'm trusting God on this one) I want be a healthy mom that will teach her kid good habits from the beginning and I want to be around a good long time for said future baby (and their babies!)
  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    This is my club, I have always been the biggest girl in my group of friends, my mom being 130 a size 8 forever hounded me on my eating (your not eating right you need to need you need you need) Love ya mom but sometimes that doesnt cut it. Since age 8 when the hormones kicked in I been over weight. I am hormone sensitive. (my drs cant find out what is wrong with me even after all the tests). So here I start at 200 lbs my heaviest being 230 and age of 27.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Welcome all you newcomers!

    Meganne1982... You are making amazing progress since your highest weight!
    When I tell people that I want to weigh 150 they look at me like I am crazy. They can't seem to picture me losing around 50 more pounds.....
    You're going great! I've already lost 65+ lbs, and have 40+ ish more to go. 50 can sound like a lot, but I think a lot of people just can't see what that really will look like. Just like a lot of us here can't imagine what we'll look like when we reach our goals.

    ajax03... Amazing work!! :drinker: I've adjusted your stats. You've far surpassed that lose 5% of your body weight goal!!

    stang_girl88... You are also moving along! Keep it going!

    allimax2002... Great motivation! Best of luck on this journey, and with starting a family!

    mericksmom... Dealing with doctors can be such a pain. Mine thought I was on drugs because I was having symptoms that were related to food sensitivities... Have you tried seeing a naturopathic doctor?
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Here are the charts for this week!! A big congrats go to: 90poundsoflard, ajax03, Redruthie, Steph_135 for reaching that 5% body weight loss!! :bigsmile:

    Remember to keep posting your current weights on whatever day you normally weigh in. Just make sure you post by Friday night so that I have your information in the charts when I post on Saturday!

    Keep up the great work everyone!!



  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Keep on pushing through everyone!! :drinker:

    I wanna see some more updates from those of you who haven't posted since the beginning of this group!
  • redruthie
    redruthie Posts: 77
    Hi all! I hope everyone is trying their best to stay on track.

    Time to check in....
    CW: 252

    Have a great week ladies! Make good decisions :)
  • Tina1128
    Tina1128 Posts: 37
    Total loss 31 lbs -- current weight 231
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Oh yea, this is me. I've been chubby ever since I started puberty. My heaviest was last summer at 236. I'm not quite yet under 200, but I'm close! And then I never want my weight to start with a "2" again! My goal weight is 160. I came close once a few years ago. I got down to 170, so I'm pretty sure I can be happy at 160. As long as I'm in a "normal" weight range, I'll be happy. I've always been in the overweight or obese ranges.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Thanks for the updates! Remember, we're pushing for that 5% body weight loss! If anyone else wants their current weights to be on the chart tomorrow, please post them today. :happy:
  • 90poundsoflard
    Down one pound this week. I didn't lose any last week, and I'm trying to decide why not. I started eating back my exercise calories - so that might be a big part of it. I've also started running and doing yard work (heavy-duty yard work LOL) so that might be part of it also. I ate Chinese food on Wednesday, and my eyelids were so puffy the next day, it looked like I had been crying LOL. I drank 21 glasses of water yesterday (yes, you read that right!) and today I only have the bags under my eyes, but I'm sure that's part of the reason I didn't lose much. I know I have a problem with sodium, and I cook most of my food without salt, but my friends use lots in their cooking - so I can't always avoid it. I'm losing inches, though, so I'm not discouraged.