Sneaky Protein Ideas



  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    nutritional yeast flakes!!

    they are full of protein and other good vitamin stuff, and they are SO delicious! (the flavor is kind of hard to explain, kind of nutty, super savory).... you can sprinkle them on/into anything.... popcorn, stirfrys, pasta/sauces, salads, really anything savory.. mmm
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    nutritional yeast flakes!!

    they are full of protein and other good vitamin stuff, and they are SO delicious! (the flavor is kind of hard to explain, kind of nutty, super savory).... you can sprinkle them on/into anything.... popcorn, stirfrys, pasta/sauces, salads, really anything savory.. mmm

    This sounds fabulous! Would Whole Foods have this or is this a specialty shop purchase?
  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    This sounds fabulous! Would Whole Foods have this or is this a specialty shop purchase?


    i believe so. i dont live in the USA anymore, so i'm not sure... generally you can buy them by the pound from the bulk section of places like whole foods, kroger, and co-ops. they're more common than you'd think, if you know to look for them.

  • kmash32
    kmash32 Posts: 275 Member
    Tag for later
  • Shesalovebug
    Shesalovebug Posts: 180 Member
    Love these.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    nutritional yeast flakes!!

    they are full of protein and other good vitamin stuff, and they are SO delicious! (the flavor is kind of hard to explain, kind of nutty, super savory).... you can sprinkle them on/into anything.... popcorn, stirfrys, pasta/sauces, salads, really anything savory.. mmm

    This sounds fabulous! Would Whole Foods have this or is this a specialty shop purchase?

    I'm pretty sure I've seen nutritional yeast both in the bulk food section and packaged with the specialty baking goods (e.g., oat bran, wheat flakes, nut meals, etc.) at WF.
  • chloeelizabethm
    chloeelizabethm Posts: 184 Member
    Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, more cheese in general, peanut butter, red meats and fish, edamame (11g protein for 100g!!!) and other beans/legumes... I think that's about it for things I would eat. But I also do use protein powder, and honestly I think it's something worth considering if you have a hard time getting in protein from food alone. If you make smoothies regularly or even just from time to time, add a scoop. Or I like to make baked goods with protein powder (usually just Google for recipes) - most of the time you can't even tell the difference unless the recipe just came out bad.

    ETA: cottage cheese on fish is awesome. OH and greek yogurt in a fajita?! Yum.

    Who knew edamame beans had that much protein :) Need to get some of these for desk snacking!
  • bunnylion
    bunnylion Posts: 265 Member
    In for great ideas
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    Someone sent me a link to black bean spaghetti. 25g of protein per serving, plus impressive iron and fiber content.

  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    Bump to look for some additional ideas.

    Thanks in advance!
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    One cup of uncooked quinoa has 24g of protein.
  • SaltedEverything
    SaltedEverything Posts: 16 Member
    I like eating 4 oz of chicken with a little hummus in my pita bread.
    It sounds odd, but try throwing a couple of boiled egg whites and some hummus into a blender. You end up with high-protein hummus. Egg whites are pretty flavourless and, once blended, more or less hummus-textured. Might want to add some paprika etc. for flavour.

    Works with pretty much any dip, or just throw some herbs and mustard in with the egg.
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
    Good post and great ideas; I was just thinking this morning I need to add more high protein foods - thanks all for the great ideas
  • Ludka13
    Ludka13 Posts: 136 Member
    So I know there are a ridiculous number of posts on here regarding protein ideas that go beyond chicken and eggs.

    Thing is, I like my food! I like eating 4 oz of chicken with a little hummus in my pita bread. I don't want to start adding protein powder or doubling up on chicken to increase my protein because I know that's not sustainable long term for me. It could be for someone else, just not me.

    What I'm looking for are ideas on how to sneak in protein. For example:
    Finding a pasta brand that has 10g of protein per serving
    Use cous cous instead of rice in paella to up the protein factor (and deliciousness)!
    Adding nuts, chia seeds and granola to yogurt.

    I'm hoping by making small changes I'm more apt to embrace the shift in my eating habits. What substitutions, food brands, or other ways have you found to sneak in protein?

    If you eat hot cereal you can add a tablespoon or two of soy grits for a protein boost. You can add soy grits or soy flour to other things as well. Protein powders are good to add to smoothies. Also PB2 (peanut butter 2) is defatted peanut butter powder. Also good to add to cereals and smoothies. Any of these could be mixed into yogurt. Some of it could be added to soup. Some people use nutritional yeast to pump up protein. (Not baker's yeast!)

    Black soybeans have more protein than regular beans, so you can use them in recipes that use beans. Also use beans as a starchy side instead of grains. Among the grains quinoa has the most protein.

    Although it is very dated at this point, "Diet For a Small Planet" has a lot of ideas for increasing protein content of vegetarian dishes.
  • Have skim milk powder handy all the time. Add it to
    Macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, any baking, pancakes, creamy soups and gravies.

    I love to sprinkle nutritional yeast flakes on rice, quinoa and popcorn. Really, when I have popcorn, I'm licking my fingers and scraping all the extra nutritional yeast flakes off the bottom of the bowl like i can't get enough. Where I love I have to buy them at the health food store.
  • baxterroxy
    baxterroxy Posts: 43 Member
    I just ordered the sample packs from this site today. Pretty low in calorie and high in protein.

    I found that wild black rice has as much protein as quinoa does. Protein shake with some greek yogurt will get you 30-40 grams
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    I just ordered the sample packs from this site today. Pretty low in calorie and high in protein.

    I found that wild black rice has as much protein as quinoa does. Protein shake with some greek yogurt will get you 30-40 grams

    I love black rice! There was a sushi place by my old place that used to offer it.

    Thank you everyone for the great ideas!

    My shopping list is changing for the coming week. :)
  • MargReese
    MargReese Posts: 1 Member
    I love these ideas! I always balance the macros in my morning fruit smoothies with nuts and protein powder. Try mixing cottage cheese with hot oatmeal, YUM. Also cottage cheese with fruit and nuts is a wonderful snack and perfectly filling!
  • Explore Asian Mung Bean or Black Bean pasta has about 25g of protein per serving and is low in net carbs. It is very filling and really good. Add a sauce and it tastes like pasta
  • Someone sent me a link to black bean spaghetti. 25g of protein per serving, plus impressive iron and fiber content.


    Totally recommend this, I love it