So... I just humiliated myself at the gym



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I did what was probably the stupidest thing I've ever done in a gym other day. Distracted by conversation I mistakenly doubled one of the weights on one side of an Olympic bar on an inclined bench and couldn't lift it off my chest. I was solo and had to call for a spot. Was I embarrassed? A little until I reminded myself I was human and I was there.

    how did you not realize 2X the weight on the one side when you first unracked the bar?

    You would think… But it's just a moment getting it off the rack, I figured I was pushing harder on one side and it was my first sent so I wasn't loose and attributed the heaviness to that. It was an extra 10 pound plate on what should have been 175 pounds of weight. You would also think I could have just pushed through it but the extra weight plus lop sidedness made it feel imovable to me.

    when I lift in the AM on Saturday's I usually am early enough I take my coffee- and it's so bad- I have put on 1 quarter to start a warm up... but not the other side- bar goes straight up in the air.

    I feel so effing stupid.

    Mistakes like that only happen when the routine is engrained enough to be mindless.

    Which you know, but it never feels good when everybody is staring at the chick standing in a mess of clattering weights.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Fortunately- I have yet to dump all the weights- and double fortunately- there are only 3 people in there and they usually never pay attention- but yeah- seriously- it's a thing.

    LOL- MOAR coffee- AM lifting is NOT my thing.